Viewing profile - Emerile Oddman

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Emerile Oddman
March 11th
Gender Identity:
Character Picture:
Personal Emblem Image:
130 lbs
Eye Color:
Violet - Red
Aura Color:
Emerald Green
Physical Description:

Emerile carries herself with a graceful strength, her slender yet solid physique a testament to the rigorous training she underwent under her families guidance. Her hair cascades down in waves, exuding a vibrant emerald green color.

Each strand seems to dance with its own energy, framing her face with an otherworldly beauty, catching the light with a mesmerizing allure. But it's her eyes that truly captivate those who meet her gaze. A striking violet red, that seems to hold a depth of knowledge and intensity that belies her youthful appearance. They shimmer with a fierce determination, revealing a glimpse of the strength and resolve that lies within.

Her skin boasts a rich honey brown complexion. Smooth but scarred from the trifles of her past, it adds to her an aura of mystery and allure.
Outfit Description:

Emerile's school outfit is a blend of practicality and style, reflecting her adventurous spirit and determination. She wears a fitted maroon jacket with gold trim, adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of swirling winds. The jacket is your standard Beacon attire, designed for mobility, allowing her to move freely during combat training sessions.

Beneath the jacket, she dons a green tie that compliments the rich hue of her hair, its fabric lightweight and breathable for comfort during long days of classes and training. Paired with this is a pair of sleek black combat tights, tailored for flexibility and durability, ensuring she moves with ease and confidence throughout her busy schedule.

On her feet, Emerile wears sturdy black combat boots with silver buckles. Completing her ensemble are fingerless gloves, allowing her hands to remain nimble and agile during combat exercises, while also adding a touch of edgy style to her look.


1) Armour: Emerile's black combat armor is a formidable sight to behold on the battlefield. This meticulously crafted ensemble is reserved for times of conflict, serving as both a symbol of her strength and a shield against impending danger. The centerpiece of her armor is a sleek black plate that encases her chest and abdomen, adorned with crimson red accents that echo the color of her striking eyes; it provides vital protection without compromising mobility.

2) Gauntlets: Complementing the imposing chest piece are her black gauntlets, each meticulously designed to offer both dexterity and defense in equal measure. Crafted with precision and care, these gauntlets serve as an extension of her will, allowing her to wield her weapons with unparalleled skill and finesse.


During training or when preparing for minor combat, Emerile adorns a striking red cloak that holds a unique origin. As it cascades over her shoulders, enveloping her back, chest, and abdomen, the cloak exudes an aura of protection reminiscent of chainmail, yet devoid of any visible metal components. The material appears fluid in nature, offering a supple, leathery texture to the touch.

A bold green pattern adorns the center of the cloak, drawing the eye with its intricate design. V-shaped motifs cascade down the middle, adding a touch of elegance to the garment. Additionally, black threads intricately wrap around her abdomen and shoulders, enhancing both the aesthetic appeal and the protective capabilities of the cloak.


Emerile embraces comfort and casual style in her everyday attire, opting for cozy sweatpants and a relaxed t-shirt as her go-to ensemble for lounging at home. She values the freedom to wear whatever she pleases in the comfort of her own space, allowing her personal style to shine through in her daily wardrobe choices.

Notable/Unique Details:
- Emerile has a scar on her right eye.
Personality Description:

PERSONALITY: Emerile's persona weaves a complex tapestry, shaped by the unforgiving landscape of the outskirts of Vale. Rooted in unwavering honesty, pride, and a demeanor honed by her environment, she exudes a multifaceted nature that belies her seemingly simple exterior.

Like the persistent flow of the wind, Emerile's demeanor often appears detached, gracefully navigating life's challenges with a patient resolve. Yet, beneath this tranquil surface lies a fierce resilience, forged in the fires of adversity.

Her decision-making process is a reflection of her intricate personality. Guided by unwavering honesty and a strong sense of pride, she remains true to her values, even in the face of hardship. Though her approach may seem ruthless at times, she understands the necessity of tough choices in a world where survival is paramount. Despite her reluctance to form strong attachments, each decision is made with careful consideration, drawing upon her experiences to guide her path.

In interactions with others, Emerile exudes an enigmatic charm that draws people to her. Despite her commanding presence, she possesses a playful spirit that adds depth to her character. Though occasionally forgetful, she compensates with a genuine warmth and empathy that fosters deep connections based on mutual respect and trust. While prideful, she values honesty and loyalty above all else, inspiring those around her to strive for greatness.

As a natural leader, Emerile guides with a steady hand, offering support and guidance to those who stand by her side. Through her actions, she cultivates enduring relationships built on a foundation of unwavering resolve and a fierce determination to protect what she holds dear. Though she may appear simple on the surface, she is a complex individual shaped by her past, driven by her principles, and fueled by her unwavering commitment to make a difference in the world around her.
Backstory Highlights:
Emerile's upbringing was far from ordinary, shaped by the harsh realities of life on the outskirts of Vale. Growing up amidst the constant threat of Grimm, she learned from a young age the importance of vigilance and survival. Her family, wanderers by nature, were not ordinary merchants; they were hunters, tasked with seeking out and confronting the most dangerous Grimm that threatened the safety of the kingdom.

Trained in the art of combat and survival from a young age, Emerile accompanied her family on their perilous journeys across the vast expanse of Vale. Their quests often took them deep into untamed wilderness, where they faced ancient creatures of profound power and size. These were not mere Grimm, but beings of legendary status, their very presence striking fear into the hearts of those who dared to challenge them.

Despite the dangers they faced, Emerile's family persevered, driven by a deep-seated sense of duty to protect the people of Vale from the threat of Grimm. Each hunt was not just a test of strength and skill but also a quest for knowledge, as they sought to uncover the secrets of these ancient creatures and harness their power for the greater good.

But as Emerile grew older, she began to feel a restless yearning for something more. While she respected her family's traditions and admired their bravery, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was a larger purpose waiting for her beyond the confines of their wandering lifestyle. The desire to make a difference on a broader scale burned within her, driving her to seek out new challenges and opportunities for growth.

It was this longing for adventure and purpose that ultimately led Emerile to Beacon Academy. Enrolling in the prestigious school for Huntsmen and Huntresses, she saw an opportunity to hone her skills, forge new alliances, and embark on a journey to become the best warrior she could be. For Emerile, Beacon represented not just a path to personal glory, but a chance to fulfill her destiny and protect the kingdom of Vale from the ever-present threat of Grimm.
Beacon Academy Student
Emerile learned her combat skills primarily from her family while growing up on the outskirts of Vale. As wanderers and hunters, her family's livelihood depended on their ability to defend themselves against the constant threat of Grimm. They passed down their knowledge and expertise to Emerile through rigorous training sessions and real-world experience, teaching her the essential skills necessary for survival in their dangerous line of work. Additionally, she likely sought out supplementary training from other experienced hunters and huntresses, further honing her abilities and expanding her combat repertoire.
Semblance Name:
Q - Authority
Semblance Description:
"Q. Authority" is a formidable semblance endowed with unique power. Those who wield it possess the remarkable ability to command a personal domain through their physical senses, particularly sight and touch.

Upon activation, the user envelops their hands and right eye in a vivid green aura, imbuing them with the essence of their personal domain. These empowered limbs serve as conduits for their will, allowing for a degree of control over nearby surroundings. With careful manipulation, they can alter the shape and structure of objects they touch or reshape landscapes within their immediate vicinity. Additionally, they possess a limited ability to influence or otherwise assume control over the movement of objects through the focused gaze of their right eye. Though potent, this semblance is not without its limitations and requires precision and active concentration to wield effectively.

Weaknesses.: As such, when utilizing her Semblance, Emerile must maintain continuous focus and physical contact with her target using her right eye or hands. If she breaks eye contact or loses touch with the target, the effect of her Semblance becomes inactive, and any alterations or manipulations she has made revert back to their original shape or form.

It's important to note that this weakness does not apply to elemental effects infused by Dust as they originate from dust and not her semblance.
Weapon Name:
Creo Link
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
(Emerile has yet to build her hunter weapon.)

1) Creo Link.: The Creo Link is a sophisticated and versatile weapon designed to harness the elemental forces of nature in harmony with Emerile's formidable Semblance, "Q. Authority." Crafted as a sleek bracelet, it currently houses four compartments, each containing a different type of core Dust representing the elements of fire, water, electricity, and wind.

Upon activation, the Creo Link seamlessly integrates with Emerile's Semblance, enhancing her ability to manipulate her personal domain through her physical sense of touch. When activated, the Creo Link allows Emerile to infuse her creations with the elemental essence of the Dust stored within. With a simple spin of the bracelet, she can synergize the elements with her semblance, allowing her to imbue her creations with even greater power and versatility. Through a complex fusion of Dust and aura manipulation, she can channel her Semblance through the Creo Link to influence the elemental properties of her constructs, enhancing their strength, resilience, and effectiveness in combat.
Other Gear:

1) Gauntlets - Black gauntlets, each meticulously designed to offer both dexterity and defense in equal measure.

2) Steel Short Sword - Basic Combat Sword

Miscellaneous Item(s):
- Burn Dust Crystal
- Water Dust Crystal

- School Uniform

- none
Fighting Style:
(Emerile has yet to fully develop her fighting style.)

Aera Contego.: Emerile's fighting style, known as Aera Contego, revolves around fluidity and adaptability, akin to the winds that sweep across the plains of Vale. Aera Contego focuses on anticipating and intercepting opponents' attacks while simultaneously exploiting openings to deliver precise and decisive strikes. Aera Contego emphasizes understanding the opponent's movements, allowing Emerile to anticipate and counter their attacks effectively. With each graceful motion, she maneuvers to cover her blind spots, ensuring she remains in control of the battlefield.

Using her keen perception and agility, Emerile deflects incoming strikes with calculated precision, turning her opponents' momentum against them. In the same fluid motion, she seizes the opportunity to strike back, targeting vital areas with lethal accuracy. Aera Contego grants Emerile the ability to dictate the flow of combat, manipulating her opponents' movements to her advantage. Through a combination of strategy and finesse, she maintains control over the fight, guiding it towards her desired outcome.

Despite her mastery of Aera Contego and her formidable skills, Emerile's dedication to her craft is such that she has yet to defeat her father in a sparring match, a testament to both his skill and her determination to continue improving.


Combat Examination
In combat, Emerile utilizes her Semblance, "Q. Authority," with strategic precision and adaptability to gain the upper hand against her opponents.

With her empowered limbs serving as conduits for her will, Emerile seamlessly integrates her Semblance into her fighting style. She begins by assessing the battlefield, using her heightened senses to perceive potential threats and opportunities for manipulation.

Drawing upon her Semblance, Emerile manipulates the terrain to her advantage, altering the landscape to create barriers, traps, or advantageous positions.

In close-quarters combat, Emerile's Semblance allows her to augment her strikes with elemental effects, infusing her attacks with the power of Dust. With a touch, she can ignite her opponents with flames from Fire Dust or freeze them in place with the chilling effects of Ice Dust, exploiting their weaknesses and gaining the upper hand.

Furthermore, Emerile's ability to influence the movement of objects through her focused gaze adds another layer of complexity to her combat strategy. She may manipulate debris or weapons in the environment, hurling them at her opponents with deadly accuracy or using them to create distractions and disorient her foes.

Combat Examination
With application of Dust Emerile can manipulate the properties and imbue her creations with elemental effects. For example, if her domain contained Fire Dust, she could ignite objects or create flames with a mere touch, controlling the intensity and spread of the fire with precision. Similarly, if her domain contained Ice Dust, she could freeze surfaces or create icy barriers to hinder her opponents.

Additionally, Emerile could utilize Dust-infused constructs to enhance her offensive and defensive capabilities in combat. She could shape Dust-infused barriers or weapons to shield herself and her allies from attacks or launch devastating elemental assaults against her foes.

Moreover, by harnessing the power of Dust within her domain, Emerile could augment the effectiveness of her Semblance's manipulation of objects and landscapes. She could reshape terrain with elemental forces, creating obstacles or pathways to her advantage.

With her Semblance, "Q. Authority," and the application of Dust, Emerile could enhance her swordplay and combat in various ways:

By infusing her sword with Dust, Emerile can imbue her strikes with elemental effects, adding additional damage and versatility to her attacks. For example, she could coat her blade in Fire Dust to create fiery slashes that burn her opponents, or infuse it with Ice Dust to freeze targets upon contact, immobilizing them for follow-up attacks.

With the ability to reshape objects within her domain, Emerile could mold Dust-infused constructs into projectiles, launching them at her opponents with deadly accuracy. These projectiles could be imbued with elemental effects, such as explosive Fire Dust or piercing Wind Dust, to maximize their effectiveness in combat.

Emerile could use her Semblance to create protective barriers or shields infused with Dust energy, providing herself and her allies with added defense against incoming attacks. These shields could be tailored to resist specific types of damage, such as Fire Dust-infused shields for heat-based attacks or Ice Dust-infused shields for cold-based attacks.

By channeling her aura through her hands, she can imbue her weapons with the essence of her personal domain, effectively integrating them into her sphere of influence. This infusion allows her to establish a connection between herself and the Dust elements applied to her weapons.

With this connection established, Emerile gains a heightened resistance to the effects of the Dust elements, mitigating their adverse impacts on her. The vivid green aura surrounding her hands acts as a barrier, shielding her from the harmful consequences of elemental exposure. In essence, Emerile's Semblance grants her a unique form of resistance to Dust elements applied to her weapons, allowing her to harness their power without succumbing to their potential drawbacks without being overwhelmed by its inherent properties, enabling her to wield Dust-infused weaponry with precision and control in combat situations.

Unlike inanimate objects or landscapes, individuals protected by their aura activation or not remain unaffected by Emerile's semblance. This limitation arises due to the nature of aura, which acts as a shield that defends against external influence. Emerile's semblance, reliant on physical contact and visual focus, finds itself unable to breach this protective barrier. Yet when interacting with equipment or objects not shielded by aura or that have been separated from the target or outside the range of the effects of the targets aura, her semblance is able to take full effect through either physical contact or visual focus.

However If Emerile were to lose focus and control of her Semblance while using Dust-imbued weapons in combat, the consequences could be dire.

Without her active concentration and precision, the connection between Emerile and the Dust elements applied to her weapons would falter. This loss of control could lead to a disruption in the balance between her Semblance and the Dust, resulting in a sudden surge of elemental power that she is unable to contain.

As a result, the vivid green aura surrounding her hands, which acts as a barrier to shield her from the harmful effects of the Dust, would dissipate, leaving Emerile vulnerable to the elemental energies coursing through her weapons. Without the protective barrier provided by her Semblance, Emerile could be exposed to the full force of the Dust's adverse impacts, potentially causing physical harm or incapacitation.

Emerile's unwavering honesty and genuine nature make her a trustworthy friend and ally. People are drawn to her authenticity, knowing they can rely on her to speak her mind and offer sincere advice.

Her playful spirit adds warmth and approachability to her personality, making her easy to connect with. Despite her commanding presence, she knows how to lighten the mood and make others feel at ease, fostering deeper connections.

Emerile's genuine warmth and empathy enable her to build deep and meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and trust. Despite occasional forgetfulness, people appreciate her sincere efforts to understand and support them.

As a natural leader, Emerile inspires others to greatness through her actions and words. She offers guidance and support to those who stand by her side, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity.

Physical Strengths.:
As a human in the world of Remnant, Emerile possesses the physical capabilities typical of her race. She has average to above-average strength, agility, and endurance, allowing her to hold her own in combat situations.

Her human physiology grants her versatility and adaptability, enabling her to excel in a variety of physical tasks and activities. With training and experience, she can enhance her physical abilities to become a formidable warrior.

Emerile's reluctance to form strong attachments may sometimes create distance in her relationships. While she values honesty and loyalty, she may struggle to fully open up to others, keeping a part of herself guarded.

Her prideful nature could lead to conflicts or misunderstandings if not kept in check. While she values honesty, her pride may sometimes cloud her judgment or cause her to be overly defensive.

Occasional forgetfulness could cause misunderstandings or frustrations in social situations. While she compensates with warmth and empathy, her forgetfulness may sometimes hinder effective communication or follow-through on commitments.

Physical Weaknesses.:
Like all humans in Remnant, Emerile lacks the innate supernatural abilities possessed by the Faunus and certain other beings. While she may compensate with skill and determination, she does not have access to the enhanced senses or abilities of other races.

Emerile's physical strength and endurance may not match those of larger or more robust beings, requiring her to rely on strategy, agility, and technique to overcome stronger opponents. She must be mindful of her limitations and use her strengths to her advantage in combat situations.

Emerile harbors a deep-seated fear of failure, stemming from a sense of responsibility to protect those she cares about. The thought of not being able to fulfil her duty and safeguarding her loved ones from harm weighs heavily on her mind, driving her to constantly strive for perfection in her endeavors.

1. Nature: Emerile finds solace and inspiration in the beauty of nature, enjoying moments of tranquility amidst the wilderness.

2. Honesty: She values honesty above all else, appreciating straightforwardness and sincerity in her interactions with others.

3. Challenges: Emerile thrives on challenges that test her limits, whether it's combat training or solving complex problems.

4. Playfulness: Despite her serious demeanor at times, she enjoys moments of lightheartedness and playfulness, relishing in laughter and fun with friends.

5. Independence: She cherishes her independence and autonomy, valuing the freedom to make her own choices and forge her own path.

6. Exploration: Emerile has a curious spirit and enjoys exploring new places, uncovering hidden secrets and treasures along the way.

1. Dishonesty: Emerile has little tolerance for deceit or betrayal, feeling deeply disappointed when trust is broken.

2. Arrogance: She dislikes arrogance or egotism in others, preferring humility and modesty in demeanor.

3. Injustice: Emerile has a strong sense of justice and dislikes witnessing unfairness or cruelty, often feeling compelled to intervene.
4. Close-mindedness: She finds narrow-mindedness and intolerance frustrating, valuing open-mindedness and acceptance of diverse perspectives.

5. Lack of Integrity: Emerile dislikes individuals who lack integrity or principles, finding it difficult to respect those who compromise their values.

6. Confinement: She dislikes feeling trapped or confined, preferring the freedom of movement and exploration.
Fun Facts:
| MISC |

Voice claim.: Erika Harlacher


Introduction theme.: Cover Stories -

Main fighting theme.: Chivalry Spirits -

Alternate fighting theme.: Advances -

Death themes if needed.: Prayer for Love -


1. Combat Training: Emerile dedicates time to honing her combat skills, engaging in rigorous training sessions to improve her abilities.

2. Reading: She enjoys losing herself in books, exploring worlds of fantasy and adventure to escape from reality for a while.

3. Nature Walks: Emerile finds peace and inspiration in nature walks, often venturing into the wilderness to clear her mind and recharge her spirit.

4. Sketching:*She has a creative side and enjoys sketching landscapes or creatures she encounters during her travels.

5. Exploration: Whether it's exploring new areas of Vale or uncovering ancient ruins, Emerile loves the thrill of discovery and adventure.

6. Stargazing: On clear nights, she enjoys stargazing, finding beauty and wonder in the vastness of the night sky.
Recent Events:
none at the moment...
Alternate Characters:

Contact Emerile Oddman

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