I met Castor and Forrest tonight. Castor is... chaos given physical form. Shall reserve full judgment until we do something that doesn't tiptoe right on the boundary of law.
Forrest was nice. Of the three of us, he kept a level head and got us out of a bit of a 'situation'. Was it more than a situation? What in the fuck happened tonight? I need to pick a different roof to stargaze on."
A Conundrum in Cardiology.
"I have literally 20 minutes to write this! Where to start? School was bleh, as usual, and the gym was pretty horrible too. Turns out that doing no training over the Summer was a bad idea. Whodafunkit.
But. There's hope. Sean McCabe, I can't remember his middle name, is going to help me with an exercise plan. Oh, we're also going on a date. Like right now. I should absolutely not be wasting time by writing this.
He's funny, weirdly charming, and is literally the most in-shape guy I've ever met. We'll see how it goes."
Sunbathers and Stargazers.
"History class is always something. One of the Professors' infamous class exercises was actually interesting for once? Crazy, I know.
So I met Bastion today. Coolest cucumber I've ever met. And he's from Vacuo which makes that weirder. Can I say that? I always thought Vacuoans were like, shady or mysterious or super cold? Gotta be less presumptuous.
Anyway, Bastion is great. New stargazing friend? Also, we don't like that Professor now. Or he doesn't like us. Or both."