Holidate (Private w/ Vera)

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Occupation: Professor of Dust and Semblance Usage, Beacon
Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Copperfield's heart was pounding, thudding in his ears and throat. That was kind of the idea. He wore a weighted vest and was jogging through the gardens. He hadn't been in the best of shapes for a couple of years now, and it was high time he got back into it. But there was also another reason for this. It was cold as the winter wind came on strong, and he enjoyed the coolness on his skin tremendously. He wore a short-sleeved workout shirt with long shorts, going over his knees. Though in order to fit his long legs they could be considered pants for some of the shorter students.

He had been going in long loops but after checking his watch he diverted from his usual path. And right on que, like he had planned and timed, out came Vera from the school. As a fellow teacher he knew her schedule and usually could tell when she was going to leave through these doors.

He slowed to a stop on the path, breathing deeply from the exercise. And this was the other reason he had been working out like this, to get his heart rate up. He was an idiot when it came to asking women out. His heart started pounding and he thought too hard on what to say and he got a little flustered. It just wasn't his bag to play it coy and smooth. The direct approach was his standard, and he could take one distration out of the equation by making his heart beat hard before the act. Now, he just needed to say words before his brain tried to pull the reins. "Hey there, Vera." He said, breath lightening but still heavy. He put his hands on his hips. "You want to go to dinner tomorrow?"
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Vera Noire
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Race: Faunus: Cat (ears and tail)
Aura Color: Black
Occupation: Teacher, Beacon
Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Class had finally ended and Véra was free to return to her office. She had a spring in her step as she walked, thinking about a fascinating book she had been reading recently and was excited to get back to once she got to her office.... on the other side of campus. Grimm Anatomy was considered both a science class and a combat theory class, so it was in the science department, whereas her office was located in the history department and up several flights of stairs because, as one of Beacon's newer teachers, she had the lowest priority when it came to being assigned office space. In fact she was lucky to get her own office at all! If it weren't for her intimate knowledge of the history and mythology of Anima and her stupidly specific knowledge on the topic of Faunus history, she might have lost out and had to use the community office space for the history department.

Véra was wrapped up in her thoughts as she walked that she almost failed to notice Professor Copperfield approaching her until he spoke up. Her ears twitched and swiveled in the direction she heard her name from. "Oh, Copper, good afternoon," she said politely with a smile. She had been expecting a sudden, light conversation with a friend before bidding farewell to resume her march to the safety and comfort of her office to read her book. Instead what she got was a proposal that made her face go blank and her eyes blink rapidly as she tried to process the words she'd just heard. Her ears twitched once, then twice, then a third time before finally her brain seemed to reboot and she was able to understand what had been asked. "Y-you mean.... like.... a date?!" she asked, her cheeks turning red.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

He watched her process what he said. It was adorable. "Yes," He was still panting and his heart thudded hard again when it realized what he was doing, "Like a date. I found a new Mystral noodle place in town, extra meat for only a few Lien. Pick you up at seven?" He needed to get back to jogging, to get away. The longer he stuck around the bigger the chance he had to say something dumb and make her change her mind. That is, if she said yes in the first place. If she didn't, even bigger reason to leave quickly.
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Vera Noire
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Race: Faunus: Cat (ears and tail)
Aura Color: Black
Occupation: Teacher, Beacon
Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Véra continued blushing and she twirled a lock of hair around her finger and looking at her feet, her tail twitching as she thought it over for a few moments. "O-okay.... Yeah that would be nice actually. Tomorrow night at seven? I'll be ready and I guess we can meet at the airship docks?" She looked up at him without tilting her head back up, trying to hide her very obvious blush. Her dual-colored eyes seemed to hold a mix of excitement and nervousness.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Copperfield wasn't used to being the one making the woman blush. It was satisfying and exhilirating and made him proud to do so. The back of his mind went from panicing to sudden astonishment that she agreed to it, but Copperfield kept his small smile up. Infact he couldn't not keep it up, he was smiling so wide. He glanced at the ground too, then back at her. "Airship docks, seven. See you then." He might be a little red in the face himself.

He stood around for just a second too long before he kicked himself into gear and went off jogging once more. And despite the weighted vest, he felt like he was floating.


It felt a little strange to go out without his leather duster. It was threaded with Dust, huge pockets for his Dust and tools and other nik naks he usually kept on him, and it's weight on him was comforting. So he didn't. This was somewhat casual, right? Just dinner at a noodle place. Should he have gotten something more formal? She was from Mystral, with high arts but there were also some shady parts of that country. Her son seemed far more casual but... well that was the purpose of the date, wasn't it? To talk and get to know one another more? RIght, of course. But maybe he should have worn a tie...

His Copperfield fiddled with the second-to-top button on his white shirt, wondering to keep it on or off. If it was off it showed a bit more of his chest and Vee, her son, seemed into sailing. Sailors kepts the shirts open, right? Would that be appealing? Or should he keep it done up and be nice but casual, conservative with how he looked? Well, he still wore his big duster so he could only look so nice. But he got the old stains out, the duster was cleaned and prepped and looking sharp. He hoped.
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Vera Noire
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Race: Faunus: Cat (ears and tail)
Aura Color: Black
Occupation: Teacher, Beacon
Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

The seventh hour of the evening had arrived. Véra felt her heart thumping as she walked to the airship docks, nervous after being single for so many long years while she raised Vee all by herself. Between being a single mother and the work of a huntress slash teacher, she hadn't had much time for dating. Now that Vee was all grown up and able to take care of himself, and she actually had someone interested in her romantically, she didn't quite know what to do with herself! The sound of her metal cane tapping against the stone walkway leading to the airships in the cold night air gave her presence away well before she became visible.

Véra wore a simple black dress that came down to her knees, a pair of black tights and her usual black leather boots, and a black fur-lined coat to keep her warm. As per usual, she was walking with her usual limp and using her cane for support. It was common knowledge among the staff of Beacon that her limp was psychosomatic but no one ever said anything to her about it as she never seemed to notice when it stopped and it never caused any problems. Still it meant even on a night like this, when she was going on her first date in well over a decade, she was bringing a weapon meant for killing Grimm. You can take the huntress out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of the huntress.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Occupation: Professor of Dust and Semblance Usage, Beacon
Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Copperfield heard her cane tapping before he saw her. He scrambled a bit and decided to keep only one button undone. Realizing that he hadn't practiced in front of a mirror, he hastily practiced a smile while imagining what it must look like. And then she came around the corner. He cleared his throat and kicked himself mentally. He was freaking out this far more than he should have been. He just hadn't dated in years, not since... well in any case, he wasn't sure if Vera had either, so maybe she was nervous too.

And only after she was in view for a while, walking closer to him did he actually take a look at her. Black everything, like normal but he could appreciate a woman with her own sense of style. Vera had normally worn pants, practical clothing like she was on her way to duel. This time she wore a dress and... she wore it well. Really well. Like Vera was cute but her in a dress she was... wow.

At somepoint he made sure to pick his jaw off the floor and cleared his throat again. "Evening, Vera. You look lovely. More than normal, I mean."
Last edited by Professor W B Copperfield on Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Vera Noire
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Age: 36
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Race: Faunus: Cat (ears and tail)
Aura Color: Black
Occupation: Teacher, Beacon
Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Véra blushed at his reaction and smiled. "Thank you," she said. "You look quite handsome as well." "Last call for Vale! Last call for Vale at dock three," an announcement said over the intercom. "That's us, we should hurry," Véra said as she started walking towards dock 3 to board the airship.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Occupation: Professor of Dust and Semblance Usage, Beacon
Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Copperfield felt his face heat up. He missed the announcement, only catching that Vera was on the move. "What?" He said as he looked around and saw a sign urging anyone yet to board to now do so. "Oh, yeah, right." He caught up to her quickly, his long legs giving him an enourmous stride. He'd walk beside her to dock 3, board the airship and enjoy the short ride down.

They stood by a large window, showing Vale in it's night setting, lightposts and windows and cars all providing light to banish the darkness that fought for a place. "You know, I don't get into the city all that often. Just for Dust runs or when I don't want to cook. What about you?"
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

"I come to the city every weekend," Véra answered. "Sometimes with my son, or to visit friends. Patch is nice, but the city feels much more alive and interesting. Reminds me of Kuo Koana."
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

"Kuo Koana? Is that where you grew up?" He asked, leaning against the window but making sure to look at her. No woman got dressed up and didn't want to get looked at, right? It would be rude to look away.
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

"No, I grew up in Argus, actually," Véra told him. "My mother was from Kuo Koana, so when I adopted Vee I retired there to raise him. It's a nice city, very crowded and dense but it has an incredible sense of community and beautiful vistas. Some days I miss seeing the ocean from the open air market in the bay. The chieftain's mansion at the center of the city. The sound of wind gently blowing through palm fronds...." She seemed almost wistful, as if she were homesick for the land she left behind to pursue a life as a teacher. Her son Vee had been known to speak just as fondly of his childhood in Menagerie, so despite his status as her adopted son, the resemblance was almost uncanny in their personalities.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Right, adopted. He knew that she adopted her son, but they looked enough alike and they were close enough to forget that part of their relationship. "You know, I've been to a lot of places in the world but I have never been to Kuo Koana. Sounds like a great place. Peaceful." He had a flirtatious line, right on the tip of his tongue. Just had to form the words.

"You know, I have heard... one thing about Kuo Koana, prior to now, I mean."
Last edited by Professor W B Copperfield on Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Véra's ears perked up curiously at that last part. "And what would that be?" she asked curiously, leaning on her cane as she waited for his response. She was half-expecting it to be some deranged stereotype passed around as fact, but she knew Copperfield was better than that.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

He tried his best to look at her and look handsome, not something he had practice in. "That all the women from there are beautiful. I can see that you are no exception." He almost paused in the middle of that, almost hesitated but he pushed through, trying his best to infuse the statement with confidence.
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Vera Noire
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Race: Faunus: Cat (ears and tail)
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Véra giggled at that but was visibly blushing. "God you're so cheesy," she said with a smile. "You're not wrong though." She winked at him and swished her tail. "And lucky you, you managed to ask out one from Argus instead."
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Professor W B Copperfield
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He raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Oh? What bonus comes from Argus?" He asked, scooting a little closer to her in curiosity.
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

"Business sense," Véra said with a playful wink. She blushed as he got closer to her.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

"A beauty with business sense, huh? Quite the winner." Was that the right word to use here? Winner?

At the restaurant, Copperfield drank in the scent of warm cooked food. The place was a decent looking restaurant but nothing extremely fancy, something you'd take your family to to have lunch or to grab dinner on the way home. Only now did Copperfield wonder if he should have taken her somewhere much nicer and higher class. Maybe somewhere with a dessert menu longer than two items. Was she even going to like this place? Or think less of him and his choice of date spots? He was more excited to have her try the food, he hadn't thought about how humble the place looked. Everything was clean and new but it could use more decorations to be sure.

He had gotten them a booth and were waiting on the food they ordered. Copperfield had ordered a large bowl with extra meat. He had been too nervous about tonight that he hadn't eaten anything all day. "So..." He searched for a conversation topic. "How's Vee doing?"
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

When they approached the restaurant there was an instant look of recognition that crossed Véra's face. "I love this place, how did you know?" She asked as they came in. She sat down in the booth opposite to him and ordered a bowl of udon.

"Vee? From what I understand he's doing well, but I'm more curious how he is doing in your class. I know he's interested in the use of Dust for combat. Something he learned from me, I guess."
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

She... loved this place? He thought that this was new. He loved this place. Well, maybe he found their new go-to place. Assuming he did well enough with this to warrent a second date, anyhow. But he felt like everything was going well so far.

"He's doing..." How to put this... "He's doing well. Too well, actually. Dust, as you know, is highly volatile. He... he does his homework. He knows more than other kids in the class and I fear that he's going to get bored and experiment and make something to big to snuff out quickly." He beamed at her. "Vee's a bright kid. Curious and a bit reckless at times. So I just keep him away from the valuable stuff."
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Véra grinned as she listened to him praising her son. "Well then it sounds like I've more or less raised him right," she boasted. "As part of his training before Signal, I taught him about Dust and how to use it. He actually makes his own Dust bullets! Definitely a good idea keeping him away from the valuable materials, though, he's not exactly a kleptomaniac but he definitely has sticky fingers. I cannot count the number of times I've had to scold him for stealing things growing up."
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

He had to chuckle at Vee's description. "I'm impressed you taught him so much. Seem like an excelent mother. Though with all the tech and dangerous things I have..." He hummed. "Maybe I should move stuff out of my classroom closet. I thought moving some of my tools there would make things easier for teaching and working but, yeah, too close to curious and smart students. Going to realy clutter my apartment. Still, you did raise him well. I mean he made it into Beacon on his own merit, that's a huge accomplishment."
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Véra beamed from all the praise for what a great mother she was. "Thank you, it means a lot to hear that," she said with a slight blush.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Watching her beam and blush made him smile, happy he was doing so well and making her happy. Eventually their food arrived and Copperfield didn't hesitate digging into it. Delicious, delicious ramen. "How's Ela and Lin in your class?" He asked once he swallowed. "Not my kids but I did recommend them for Beacon."
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Véra's eyes seemed to shine for a moment. "Ela is actually one of my star pupils," she said, tail swishing excitedly. "She's absolutely brilliant in both of my upper level classes. I think she'll have a promising future as an archeologist if she keeps up her studies. Lin, on the other hand.... she's a talented fighter, I'll give her that, but she acts like she's just not interested in my lectures at all. I honestly wonder if she actually wants to be a Huntress with how little she cares about learning things that could one day save her life or the lives of others. She needs to pay more attention in class! I swear some times it's hard to tell that they're sisters."
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Copperfield nodded as she spoke and he chewed. Her food had also been delivered. And man this was good. But he made sure to pay attention to her as well.

"Archeologist, huh? Is that just because of her smarts or what? She hasn't mentioned that to me at all. And Lin, yeah... Maybe I should talk to her, she does need to listen to me when I talk-" His mouth on autopilot, his brain not listening to his current surroundings. He was somewhere else.

"You want to go back to being a cop, Hemera? After what she pulled?"
"It's not exactly the captain's fault, White. And she doesn't need to always listen to waht you say, you didn't have authority."
"Not their fault? Your captain, jeez, she does need to listen to me when I talk to her! When I tell her what those guys are up against, not shrug it off and then fire you for the damages! I just don't get why you would want to go back working for someone like her! You're better than all of them! You...You're smiling. Why are you smiling like that?"
"Because I like when you get all fired up."

And then he felt her lips on his.

And then he was back in the resteraunt, her lips but a fading phantom. "talk-... uh, wait, um..." His eyes went back down to his noodles for a moment, his entire mood shot in the head with one memory. He shoved some more noodles in his mouth, not looking at Vera.
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Vera Noire
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Semblance Name: Heure De Noire
Weapon Name: Canne de Carabasa and Eclair Noire

Véra began to eat her food as she listened to him talk, but he seemed.... distracted. She noticed a distant look in his eyes and his words seemed to slow as if he had something on his mind. She frowned and her ears lowered slightly, worried about his expression. "Was it something I said?" she asked worriedly once he seemed to snap back to attention.
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Professor W B Copperfield
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Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Copperfield had a mouth full of noodles when she spoke. He tried to figure out what to say. He munched on his food. He swallowed. His gaze stayed down low. He grit his teeth and shook his head, forcing himself to speak.

"No, it wasn't something you said. Just a... a memory that came up. Sorry." He turned more or less back to her but kept his eyes on the table and on her dress. It was really pretty, she rocked that outfit. She dressed up all nice and pretty for this date and... And here he was being an idiot.
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Victor Valbrand
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Véra sighed, her ears flat against her skull now. "So it was something I said. Sorry if I triggered an unpleasant memory. I just wanted to have a nice date and I've messed it up already," she moped, very clearly needing reassurance.
"It's the dishonest man you can trust, because you can expect the dishonest man to be dishonest. It's the honest man whom you can never predict when he'll do something stupid."

External Dialogue: #C0C0C0
Internal Monologue: #FFD700
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