Webs and Misunderstandings (Private w/ Auric Kwaku)

Where the bulk of Vale's population lives, plus the Mall and street markets!
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Rosé Carmine
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Aura Color: Deep Red
Occupation: Wandering Immortal
Semblance Name: Eternal Heart
Weapon Name: Klinge des Königs

Rosé was in foul mood. She had planned to play her violin in the park, only to get rained on. She had waited for the bus, only for it to be delayed by thirty minutes. And right now, she was lost. She glared at the surrounding streets, as if blaming them for her misfortunes thus far. She knew it was silly to be angry at a inanimate thing, but angry she was none the less. Everyone she came across steered clear of her, her face betraying her clear frustration at the day. She looked ahead to the next corner... wait? Did she recognise that street corner? Maybe? She hurried forth, keen to get back to familiar surroundings.

She rounded the corner to find... more unfamiliar streets. Rosé let out a shriek of frustration, it all finally getting to her, turned and punched the nearby wall, leaving a small crater and spider webbing cracks. Her shriek had startled and alarmed the few people nearby on the streets, as she breathed heavily, finding herself suddenly drained as her frustrations were left behind in that small crater in the wall.
Rosé speaks in #BF0000
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Auric Kwaku
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Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Auric was spening another weekend with his aunt, walking alongside his younger and more immature brother, Columbus. As they walked, Columbus aimed his water gun at random things. Auric (now dressed in a red t-shirt, golden hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.) chuckled by his brother's antics and could not help but playfully noogied Columbus's head, which earned a playful shriek of protest.

"Alright, calm down, Columbus," Auric teased, ruffling his brother's hair. "Let's save the water gun for the park later. And please, for the love of all that is holy, don't boil the water again. Or put acid in it... practically don't do anything to it." He pleaded, remembering the numerous complaints and cries of pain from the neighbourhood children last time Columbus got a bit carried away with his water gun experiments.

The boy laughed to himself and nodded, fully aware that he would likely forget the warning and attempt the forbidden action. Upon arriving at the park, Auric bid farewell to his brother and settled on a nearby bench to unwind and play a game on his scroll. Meanwhile, Columbus dashed towards the nearest playground equipment, excited to try out his modified water gun on any unsuspecting children.
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Rosé Carmine
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Aura Color: Deep Red
Occupation: Wandering Immortal
Semblance Name: Eternal Heart
Weapon Name: Klinge des Königs

Rosé had continued to wander and now found herself approaching a park, a different park to the one she had tried playing her violin at earlier before getting rained on. She gave a soft sigh; well at least with the clear weather, she should be able to play her violin now. She watch a child scurrying across the park with a water gun for a few moments as she made her way to an empty bench. After centring herself for a few moments, she placed the violin on her shoulder, rested her chin upon it and brought the bow to the strings .Seconds passed followed by notes, and then music filling the air. As she played the world around her fell away so that, to her at least, it was just her sat upon a bench with no one else to cause interruptions.

As Rosé played, she could occasionally hear the shrieks of children getting closer. She continued to play even as she could hear them rushing around near her, content to believe that they would steer clear of her since she was playing an instrument. A crawling sense of unease crept up her back, though she couldn't place why. She halted her playing, looking around. The children had gone silent. She was suddenly blasted in the back of the head by a jet of ice cold water. Rosé whirled around looking for who was responsible. She fixed the child with the water gun a glare that could kill lesser Grimm and growled out. "What. The. Hell. Kid?!"
Rosé speaks in #BF0000
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Columbus was taken aback as he watched the woman glare at him. His heart thudded in his chest as he considered his options. His brother, Auric, was oblivious to the situation and was engrossed in something on his scroll.

Without wasting any time, Columbus turned around and, with an evil grin, blasted the woman again, with freezing water, hitting her right in the face. He then blew raspberries and ran off to hide from the woman, giggling mischievously. He continued his spree, targeting other people with water blasts and cackling like a witch.

Auric suddenly looked up from his scroll, hearing a sound that resembled a violin being played with unmatched skill. He scanned his surroundings, trying to locate the source of the sound, but all he saw was his brother already running away from the woman he had just drenched with water. Auric chuckled at his brother's antics and the trouble he had gotten himself into, before beginning to watch something on his scroll.
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Rosé Carmine
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Aura Color: Deep Red
Occupation: Wandering Immortal
Semblance Name: Eternal Heart
Weapon Name: Klinge des Königs

Rosé spluttered as she received a face full of ice cold water. She took a few moments to look for the child, as he scarpered whilst she had been blinded by the water. She spotted him squirting several other park goers and set off after him. Rosé moved with surprising speed, her legs eating up the distance between herself and her target, trying to head him off. As she closed, he looked back over his shoulder at her, alarm visible in his eyes. "Get back here you little rat!" She growled, her arm extended out as she closed, grasping for the back of his shirt; within the space of several steps brought both herself and the child to a stop, removing his water gun with her free hand.

"Do you think it's funny to run around and involve other people in your silly little games?!" Rosé practically hissed the word silly, her temper running hot. She looked at the water gun and considered for a moment whether to crush the water gun or not before realising that would be going too far. She could feel the child struggling in her hold causing her to look back at him. "Quit struggling, you aren't getting away from me unless I let you." She looked at him for a few moments before softly sighing. She was feeling pretty tired now and really wanted to head back 'home'. "I'm going to let you go. So long as you bugger off, I'll let this go." Rosé returned the water gun to the kid, then released her grip whilst giving him a flat stare.
Rosé speaks in #BF0000
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Colombus looked back as he scampered away for a bit, his face metamorphizing into a painting showing a mixture of fear of the girl, rage from her intervention in his fun, and confusion as to how she even found and caught up to him in the first place and why she just gave him back his water gun. These ran wild through his mind as he ran, unsure of whether to continue with his prank. He didn't even register one of the branches of a tree knocking against his hand, releasing his grip on the toy as it fell, nestling itself comfortably in the underbrush below.

There, he spotted him. His brother, still sitting on the bench under the shade of a tree, playing on his scroll, completely unaware of the little chaos his brother had caused. Taking a deep breath, he approached him, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket.

"Auric," he called softly, trying to get his brother's attention. Auric looked up from his scroll with a curious expression on his face. His brother hesitated for a moment, wrestling with his confusion and fear, before mustering up the courage to confess.

"I'm sorry, I was playing around when this girl I shot at just grabbed the back of my shirt and started yelling at me, and…and.. " he looked around for his water gun on his person, "She stole my toy!"

Auric looked at him with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. "The same girl from that bench? Are you serious?" he asked, trying to stifle a laugh. Columbus nodded sheepishly, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him.

"And that's the thing, I was so far, I swear. How could she catch up to me like that!?" Columbus shouted with a combination of frustration and admiration as he rubbed his throat, feeling the pain of the fabric from when he was grabbed. "She's like a ninja, or a Huntsperson or something,"

"Well, I don't know. but we need to get it back before our aunt yells at us about it!" Auric replied, his eyes widening in sudden realization. Columbus nodded in agreement, knowing that their aunt would not be happy to hear that they had lost the water gun, especially when she warned Columbus many times about this. They quickly head out, with Coumbus leading the way into the park where he last saw the mysterious girl. They found her, walking along the path faraway, with a mysterious aura around her. Upon seeing her, Columbus cowered behind his brother, who took a deep breath and called out to her.

"Excuse me, miss! Did you happen to, you know, steal a water gun around here?"
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Rosé Carmine
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Aura Color: Deep Red
Occupation: Wandering Immortal
Semblance Name: Eternal Heart
Weapon Name: Klinge des Königs

Rosé walked back towards the bench she had been sat at, wiping more water from her face. She could see the bench come back into view with her violin still resting upon the seat, when a voice called out. Rosé sighed and turned, searching for the source of the voice. She found herself looking at a young man with an air of self-assuredness, at least that was the impression she got. Rosé frowned slightly as she spotted the kid from earlier hiding behind the young man. Brothers perhaps?

It took Rosé a few moments to realise that she had been accused of stealing a water gun. "Excuse me?!" Her voice incredulous at the accusation as she raised a hand to point at the younger brother. "I gave you back your water gun and you have the audacity to accuse me of stealing?!" Rosé didn't notice herself raising her voice or advancing several paces as she spoke.

Her attention shifted to the older brother. "And you?! Does it not occur to you that maybe your brother shouldn't go around squirting people in the face with a water gun when they're trying to relax?!" By now Rosé had advanced right up to Auric, glaring up at him as if daring him to dispute her words. Her raised finger now forcefully poked into Auric's chest. Rosé almost wanted the older brother to take a swing at her so she could let off some steam. Almost.
Rosé speaks in #BF0000
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

As the woman approached Auric and Columbus, Auric began to notice something peculiar. The woman was much shorter than he had initially thought, as she barely came up to his chest. Despite the oddity of the situation, Auric couldn't help but chuckle at the woman's height. His chuckle eventually turned into a boisterous laugh, leaving Columbus confused and slightly concerned.
However, the laughter was short-lived, as the woman suddenly started yelling at Columbus with her finger pointing at him. Auric quickly composed himself and turned to face her, his laughter dying down as he saw the anger in her eyes.

"Hey, c'mon, he's just a kid," Auric said, trying to diffuse the situation. "No need to get so worked up; it's a hot day, and we're all just trying to enjoy ourselves here," he said with a sneer, defending his younger brother.
In response to her planting her finger on his chest, Auric squatted down to her height, ruffling her hair. This made Columbus chuckle, breaking the tension in the air.

"See, we're all just having fun here," Auric said with a smile, hoping to lighten the mood.
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Rosé Carmine
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Aura Color: Deep Red
Occupation: Wandering Immortal
Semblance Name: Eternal Heart
Weapon Name: Klinge des Königs

Rosé listened to the young man's answer, her gaze flicking to the younger brother and then back to the young man. She was about to retort when the young man crouched slightly and reached out to ruffle her hair. She felt her heart seize as an old trauma, so old she had forgotten it's origin, surfaced; pushing her to react, to get rid of the offending input. Her hand pointing into the young man's chest curled into a fist, grabbing the front of the young man's shirt as the other hand came up from her side to grab a hold of the young man's outstretched forearm. She dropped slightly, bending her knees as she twisted her hips, pulling him towards herself by his forearm as she pushed up on the young man with her hand holding onto his shirt, sending him airborne over her head.

Rosé released the young man as he passed over the top of her head, letting him sail through the air as she brought her fists back to herself, keeping them raised to protect herself as she turned to face the young man. "D- don't touch me!" Spluttered Rosé, fear still gripping her heart in it's vice-like grip. Her world had now shrunk down to just herself and the young man; her aura flickering momentarily into view as she wrestled with her instinct to attack the source of her fear, her heart hammering away in her chest.
Rosé speaks in #BF0000
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Auric Kwaku
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Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Auric flies into the air and crashes into a street lamp post, causing the metal pole to bend and buckle from the force of the collision, sending sparks flying in all directions. He hit the ground hard, and the wind momentarily knocked him out. He lay there for a second, blinking in stunned disbelief, before pushing himself up on his elbows.
Columbus stared at his brother on the ground, frozen into place, his heart pounding with panic. Quickly turning to the perpetrator, he blindly threw a punch at her with all his strength, hitting her square in the jaw.

"YOU LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" he shouted, his voice filled with rage as he rushed to his brother's side, helping him to his feet and checking for any serious injuries. Auric groaned as he managed to stand, fixing a glare at the woman.

"Look, I don't know what crawled up your ass and died, but that was completely uncalled for. We just wanted to ask about a stupid water gun."

"Awesome water gun."
"Yeah, yeah, awesome water gun; also stay behind me."

Columbus stayed close to his brother, cautiously keeping their guard up from the woman.
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Rosé Carmine
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Aura Color: Deep Red
Occupation: Wandering Immortal
Semblance Name: Eternal Heart
Weapon Name: Klinge des Königs

Rosé staggered as her world spun for a moment. She brought a hand to her face where she had been hit, the shock enough to break her out of her trauma spiral. "I-" Her gaze refocused on the two before her, taking in the scene. "I-" Rosé swallowed thickly, her mouth dry. "I didn't mean to..." Her senses fully returned to her, colour returning to her world, alongside sound as well. "I'm sorry. I didn't cause too much harm did I? I have-." She shook her head. "No, I'm just trying to make excuses for my behaviour. And I definitely deserved that... punch?" She rubbed her jaw, a slight chuckle as she spoke. "You've got a good arm kid."

"Again, I didn't steal your... brother's? His water gun, I didn't steal it." Why were they so fixated on this plastic toy? "How about this? As a sign of good will, I'll help you look for it? And if we don't find it..." Rosé felt she might regret saying what was about to come next. "I'll cover the cost for a new one." She looked back towards where she had originally accosted the younger boy. Perhaps the water gun is over there still?
Rosé speaks in #BF0000
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

The two brothers were glad, to say the least, with Auric clasping his hands together in excitement while Colmbus literally jumped for joy. Another fuck-up they did and it's fixed, another day where they are saved from their aunt's wrath. Their relief was palpable as they shared a knowing glance, grateful for yet another close call narrowly avoided.

"Damn right, you deserved that," Auric muttered, though the edge had left his voice, replaced by an amusing tone. "Nearly gave me whiplash back there. You're also paying for my insurance."

Lips quirking into a half-smirk, he jerked his chin towards the younger boy. "Gotta say, you pack one hell of a punch too. Kiddo here won't be messing with you again anytime soon, that's for sure."

"That's for sure," replied the younger boy, still shaking slightly from the adrenaline of the moment.

As the girl looked away, Columbus pulled his brother away to talk in private.

"Ok, that was crazy, how the hell did that kid throw you away like that?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out, but all I know, that is no ordinary person."


"Maybe…though I've never seen her for sure, so maybe from another acadamy."

"There's more?"


"Wow…also, that was a nice compliment, about the punch."

"Yep, that's why you need to eat your vegetables," Auric was cracking up in laughter as he patted his brother on the back. "So that when any girl steals your shit, you can just go-." At this point, Auric was bawling with laughter, unable to finish his sentence.

"God, I am such a terrible influence on you."

"Ehh, half-half."
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Rosé Carmine
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Aura Color: Deep Red
Occupation: Wandering Immortal
Semblance Name: Eternal Heart
Weapon Name: Klinge des Königs

Rosé had made her way back over to where she had accosted the younger boy. She stopped, casting her gaze around trying to recall which way the kid had run off when she'd let him go. "Was is that way? Or...?" She murmured to herself, unaware of the whispered conversation the two were having. It didn't take her long to spot the brightly coloured plastic water gun, resting in the nook of a low lying bush. Picking it up, she noticed it was heavy than it looked in no small part thanks to the water it held.

She squeezed the trigger experimentally, causing a trickle of water to be expelled from the end. She noticed what appeared to be a pump which she pumped a few times before squeezing the trigger once more, this time the water leaving with more force from the water gun. "Huh, I see." She said, more to herself than anything as she turned back towards the two brothers.

Rosé considered using the water gun on the younger brother, finally deciding against doing so and instead holding it out for him to take. "Here, I believe this is yours. Don't drop it next time, yeah?"
Rosé speaks in #BF0000
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Auric Kwaku
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Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

As she started to walk away, Auric nudged Columbus with his elbow, an impish grin plastered on his face.

"Hey, think she'd go for a surprise water attack from behind?" he whispered conspiratorially. "Could be a chance to get her back for that little judo flip earlier."

Columbus gazed at his brother, a mix of amusement and disbelief in his eyes as he processed his brother's nonsensical remark.

"The same person who just threw you into a light pole. The same girl?" He asked.

Auric just chuckled mischievously, "Hey, no risk, no reward, right?" Columbus shook his head in disbelief.

"Your funeral."

"I know."

As the girl gave back the water, Auric resisted the urge to make a snarky comment. He simply nodded at Columbus. "Well, go on then. Thank the nice and short lady for finding your stuff."

Columbus stepped forward cautiously to take the water gun. "Uh...thanks, I guess?" He looked back at Auric uncertainly, who just gave him a reassuring smile before turning to the woman.

"Yeah, thanks again, miss...? Girl..? Idk."

As the two brothers headed off, passing by her with a mix of relief and confusion, Columbus discreetly handed Auric the water gun. In one smooth motion, Auric brought the gun up and gave it an experimental pump, the playful glint in his eye promising trouble as they walked away.

"Let me show you what I learned at Beacon, baby bro."

He threw the water gun into the air, catching it effortlessly before pointing it at the girl's back without even looking as he squeezed the trigger, sending a stream of water towards her, hitting her square in the back. With that done, he grabbed his amazed brother by the arm and pulled him away, laughing mischievously as they ran off down the street.
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Rosé Carmine
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Occupation: Wandering Immortal
Semblance Name: Eternal Heart
Weapon Name: Klinge des Königs

As Rosé turned to walk away, she overheard a small piece of the conversation. "Beacon...?" She let out a yelp as a stream of water hit her in the back, whirling round to spot the pair running down the street laughing. Rosé was about to take off after the retreating pair when her Scroll buzzed, prompting her to take it out and check the screen. A reminder...

She gave a heavy sigh, moving to pocket her Scroll when a thought crossed her mind. "Beacon? Maybe I should..." She looked back at the screen, and after a bit of searching found what she was looking for. Contact details for various personnel at Beacon Academy were displayed on her Scroll, a growing grin on her face. She looked up in the direction that the pair had taken. "A prank huh? I'd love to see the look on your face when I show up at Beacon to teach a class or two." She sent a short message to several of the contacts, tucking her Scroll away once she had completed that and headed back to where she had left her violin, picking it up once more and playing some music.
Rosé speaks in #BF0000
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