Grey tower and Golden spider

A woodland frozen in perpetual Autumn. Plenty of Grimm to be found here, beware!
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Grise Heldar
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Weapon Name: Nyctophobia [and side knife]

"I'm not Jack, you know. The fire was unecessary. Still, good work."
*Her weapon opened with a menacing whirr, revealing inside a row of spikes as well as sawblades rotating a great speed. She aimes her weapon, and the spikes where shot like harpoons, piercing through the Grimms and killing them. Iron cables retracted the harpoons at great speed before she shot them again, and again, until all the Wulves were killed. This was not a fight but an execution.*
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Auric Kwaku
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"...I'm not a Grimm biologist or therapist or anything, but that was like, pretty fucking unessecary brutal, like, I know their creatures of darkness or whatever, but still."

Auric judged, his smile faltering into a concerned look as he processed the violent scene before him.
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Grise Heldar
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"You set them on fire. My weapon killed them almost instantly. If anything, I was the kind one here. Though I'm unsure they can even feel pain."
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Auric Kwaku
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"Questions we may never know...Anyways, Is the Grimm killing thing like an assignment you guys got?"
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Grise Heldar
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"No, it is part of my training. I don't like hologramms because they don't register my Semblance and I wish to train it. Furthermore, it helps me assessing the Grimm population, and detects any changes."
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Auric Kwaku
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Grise Heldar
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Weapon Name: Nyctophobia [and side knife]

"You don't sound interested.
There is no need to lie to me, you know. I won't be offended if you're not into what I do, it doesn't change a thing for me."
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Auric Kwaku
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"No, I meant that, like, you're intesting in a unique way. You're the blunt, rational voice of reason in your group, and that's good to have around… People may not always appreciate your honesty, but they know they can count on you to give them the hard truths when they need them."
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Grise Heldar
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".... It's... Weird, this is the reason that the director gave when he appointed me as leader of the team. I doubted him then, but I suppose there must've been some truth to his words if you appraised the same thing from our recent interactions. Maybe you will be be appointed as leader too if you ever join a team, you seem gifted to understand people."
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Auric Kwaku
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"Oh me? Nah, I'm not the leader guy, more like the laid-back supporter who's always there to lend a hand and simultaneously bully you when you f'ed up."

Auric said as he started to collect the sap jars, closing their lids tightly to prevent any spills.

"And besides, I'm my own leader, marching to the beat of my own drum. I don't want anyone to tell me what and what not to do, especially teachers." He added with a mischievous grin.
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Grise Heldar
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"As weird as it might sound, the best leaders are the ones who believes they're not the leader type.
I was told that you sparred with Jack, so tell me, what do you think about him ? And if you do ever meet my other teammates, I'll ask the same question about them."
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Auric Kwaku
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"I mean, he's alright, just like the regular joe, nothing too special. But he's always reliable and easy to get along with, so I can't complain."
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Grise Heldar
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"That's all ? I'm a bit disappointed... But it seems like I know him better than you do, at the end of the day. I'm better friend with him than you are."
*She seemed weirdly prideful about this.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Auric notices this but decided it's no big deal

"To be fair, my guy ruined my fit by beating my ass, but yeah...Also, he hate cheese, did you know this?"
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Grise Heldar
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"He is pretty good at fighting. I believe he has won about 47% of our sparring matches. And yes, I already knew, it's one of the first thing you learn when eating with him. In fact, he dislikes quite a lot of different foods. Rick and him often butt heads about that."
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Auric Kwaku
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"What a weird guy."
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Grise Heldar
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"I don't know. I'm not familiar enough with how people like him should act to know wether he's weird or not. I'm sure he'd say the same about you."
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Auric Kwaku
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"Of course not…maybe, we don't know for sure...So you like being Jack's friend?"
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Grise Heldar
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"Of course. He is loyal and true to what he believes. And a bit too lacking in self-confidence, but that's ok."
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Auric Kwaku
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"I see, I see. Well, keep up whatever you doing, I guess."
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Grise Heldar
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"I am training, I told you. Do you still want to accompany me, or should I go alone ?
Although I did promised them to not go off on my own... Please stay just a bit longer. I'd like to fight a bigger Grimm."
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Auric Kwaku
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"Umm.. yeah sure, I'll join you, for a price."
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Grise Heldar
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"I don't have a lot of money on me. Unless you mean to ask me a favor, in which case I will oblige. But any monetary transaction is out of the picture, understood ?"
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Auric Kwaku
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"What? No...I would have just scam someone out for it." He whispered underneath his breath

"I was thinking, I don't knoe, maybe some praise, tatics, info on anyone, a kiss, anything honestly."
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Grise Heldar
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"Praise ?"
*She seemed amused.*
"I already did praise you, didn't I ? As for tactics, I believe our fighting style are a bit too differents for me to help you. But I suppose I could try to provide some informations."
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Auric Kwaku
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"Yeah, sure, information, tell me about yourself."
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Grise Heldar
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"I was born in Mistral and used to study there before being sent here as part of a student exchange programm, with my team. I'm 1m82 for 78 kilos, my aura colour is Grey, I like sweets and mint tea, and my weapon's name is Nyctophobia."
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Auric Kwaku
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"Wow, that's...nice to hear, glad you like to speak about yourself."
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Grise Heldar
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"I don't really like or dislike it. You asked me to, is all. Is there anything else you'd like to know ?"
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Auric Kwaku
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"No thanks...anything you want to know about little old me?" Auric inquires.
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