The nature of her situation hadn't really sunk in on Kiera yet, nor had it in the last few weeks. As she stood in the halls of Beacon's dormitories, bag of any last-minute keepsakes Faye insisted she bring at her side, it all finally began to dawn on her - she had (miraculously to some, she was sure) passed her entrance exams into the school she'd been pining after for the last 3 years, the first time. No retakes, or anything. All the info she had stored in her brain during her last minute cram sessions began to melt away as an unnaturally wide smile bloomed on her face.
She did it. She was a huntress! Or, well, to-be. Now she was finally on a streamlined path to... "Granting wishes!" She squeaked, squeezing her bag to her chest and giving a few excited hops across the hallway. Not only could she help people back at home soon, but she could help them here, and meet so many new people, and thinking about all the events she expected to be able to attend made her scaly tail wag even faster than it had before. Speaking of, now that she was here, she had to take off running! The next few people she would meet in these halls would have to be the first victims of her friend-ing spree. And if they had problems, there was no escaping her help.
[open to whoever wants to respond! multiple are welcome ]
Al had been relatively and surprisingly alone for her first day at Beacon. She guessed there would be some big gathering later.
Al wasn't sure, guessing she had missed something.
Then, her fuzzy brown ears perked up as she heard someone around the corner, say something about granting wishes?!
She was aware that people went to Beacon to fulfill their wish of becoming huntsmen, but was there someone or something here that could literally grant wishes?!
Al had to know!
With a roar of her flame, Al raced towards the sound, flying through the hallway, as she shot past the source of the voice, she took a look at her, a fish faunus, dressed in a very cute manner, bright and colorful, but not very wish-granty...
Al still pushed the first impression aside as she touched down in front of the fish. "You can grant wishes?"[color]
Al asked, as she leaned in, her voice full of blind excitement.
Last edited by Al Ciendra on Mon Nov 13, 2023 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
She could hear and feel the person coming towards her before she could see them, and excitement jolted through Kiera. Someone to meet! And-- huh, they weren't walking. Interesting! She turned to face the direction whoever it was was coming from.
Target: locked on. Friendship: imminent. It seemed they were just as eager to meet her as she was them, because the hooded figure immediately spun into a question about what she'd just said. "Yes!" She replied excitedly, before pausing. A slightly-sheepish tone crept into her voice. "Well, I definitely try my hardest to! It's kind of my greatest goal in life - if someone's gotta problem, I'll try my hardest to fix it. If there's something they want, I'll try my hardest to give it to 'em. But there's only so much a human can do."
She paused again. "A faunus can do."
"Hope I didn't get your hopes up too high. Still, if ya need help with anything, I'm happy to give it!" She reached for her compatriot's hand with both of hers' to give it an enthusiastic shake. Her tricolored tail was still wagging up a storm. "Kiera Ambers, at your service! I'm from Mistral. It's really, really, really really really nice to meet you...!!!"
Kailyn heard a very bubbly voice from just around the corner and immediately cancelled her internal plan of spending the afternoon planning a prank - this new source of bubbles must be investigated immediately.
Whooshing around the corner, she spied a fish Faunus (lmao, bubbles) and Al in what looked like the introductory stages of a conversation. She caught the tail end of Kiera's introduction as she approached. "Hey, there!" she called out as she came to a stop next to the pair before realizing that she was floating upside down. She took a few seconds to right herself before touching down to stand on the floor and giving a beaming smile.
Al sighed, excitement fading a little, she knew actual wish granting was too good to be true, but, seeing Kiera, who had introduced herself now, this excited and happy to help was a pretty good trade-off. It was actually a little scary, not because Al minded the contact, but because of the instant self reflection that hit Al, was this how she looked in other people's eyes?
Al, busy with her epiphany, simply stared for a bit. "Hey no worries, my disappointment is pretty easy to manage, all that positive energy you're exuding just washes it all away."
Al looked behind Kiera, at her still wagging tail, which was truly adorable.
Which let her spot...Kailyn?
Al had never really talked to her, but knew of the floating red head from plenty of people, and it seemed she came around well considering how many close friends praised Kailyn for her positivity and helpfulness.
Al just raised her hand, in a quick wave, very sure the floating, new arrival would soon be busy, due to Kiera's very energetic greetings.
Did nobody in this school walk normally?! She was starting to feel a little left out (but also it was super cool. Note to self: manifest her semblance into being flight.) "Your guys' semblances are so cool....!!!" She spun eagerly to face Kailyn, taking one of her hands to shake the other girl's hand. She had two of them, after all. Dual handshake wielding.
"It's nice to meet you both, now! What year are you two in?! I uh, just came in, if you couldn't tell." She poked the side of her bag gently with a foot. "I've seen a lot of places, but nothing could ever match up to Vale. Where are you guys from? Oh, I can't wait to meet people from all over...!" She was sure the way she was shaking like a little white crusty dog in excitement was apparent, but when had she ever cared about that?! She hadn't had much of a chance to hear what Atlas and Vacuo were about from its' residents.
"I hope we can all be friends. Ohhhh, can we all be friends, please? Pleaseeee?" From the pleading tone of her voice, it seemed these two may not have had much of a choice in this situation. She didn't know their names yet, but no matter! That could be learned later.
This girl had bubbles enough to carbonate the ocean and Kailyn was here for it.
”I’m Kailyn, I’m from Mistral, I’m a pit viper Faunus, my Semblance is gravity control, I’m a first-year, and we are absolutely friends.” Might as well get all that out of the way right away. ”Also, you are adorable and I am taking you to dinner to celebrate being at Beacon. You’re welcome to join us, Al,” she turned to Al. ”It is Al, right?” She hadn’t actually formally met the wolf Faunus yet, though she’d heard about her from Erin.
This was a bit too much for Al, usually she is the one to bring the energy to a conversation, but now that Kiera was doing that and Kailyn was the one taking the reins in a calm, confident and somewhat flirty manner, Al found herself taking a backseat.
Not that she minded, observing her fellow students was a delight in and of itself.
As Kailyn and Kiera gave proper introductions, with Kailyn verifying whether she got the right pyromancer or not.
Al took her turn to join. "Yep! Al's the name and fires my game!"
Freeing her hand from Kiera's, before doing a flaming spin with her hands outstretched, flames trailing after her fingertips, spelling out "The greatest Pyromancer" in flaming letters, before fading into glittery embers and then disappearing, Al was brimming with confidence, pointing at herself with her thumb "If there's something fire related you can think of, I can (probably) pull it off!"
She stood there, still in the same confident pose, waiting for a reaction to her over-the-top intro.
Friendship quest: COMPLETE!!! She didn't expect to meet so many people so similar to her already, but here they were! The part about Kailyn's faunus heritage surprised her a little, though, and she took a moment to circle around the redhead.
"...You really are like me!" She stated what she was thinking aloud. Well -- not exactly, but for the first 16 or so years of her life her scales were just... scales, not anything deeper, so having the chance to meet someone who presumably shared a more hidden trait was pretty sick. Before she could ask any more about it, though, she was interrupted by Kailyn's invitation.
"Yes, yes please!!!" Kiera accepted, hopping up and down excitedly - you could practically hear a cartoonish 'boing' sound with every jump. "And more the merrier! Al, you've gotta come with us, I can't wait to learn more about you two and everyone here at Beaco--"
Ooooooh. Shiny. The goldfish's eyes glittered as she caught sight of Al's flames, a little entranced by the other girl's semblance. In fact, she would have probably reached out to grab it without a second thought had they not burnt out before she could.
Everyone here was so. Cool. She'd have felt a little small in comparison if she wasn't so starstruck. "You guys have gotta tell me how I unlock a semblance like that...!"
Kailyn could only shake her head with a smile as Kiera bounced around her just like, well, a goldfish.
Al's Semblance really was something. She could even spell with it? That was awesome.
"Great, let's find a time tha' works f'all'v'us and grab some chow! 'Less y'all both free right now?" she asked, looking between Kiera and Al questioningly before throwing a thumb over her shoulder toward the airship docks. "'Cuz I could totally go for food r'now." As if to emphasize her point, her stomach rumbled. "Correction: I'm going for food r'now, whether y'all're comin' r'not."
Well, this conversation was moving very fast!
And very loud, she rubbed her ears a little, revealing her own faunus heritage as she pulled down her hood.
Al did very much appreciate the compliments she was getting, her chest puffed out further with pride, hell yeah, her semblance was awesome!
But, the question from Kiera regarding it was a bit concerning, she really wouldn't recommend her method of unlocking it.
Kiera had a very cute face, and she'd hate for it to end up like her own. "Just...train hard, I guess!"
Al tried her best to sound convincing, but she failed miserably, it was obvious she was hiding something.
But, yes, food did sound nice.
Especially with two new friends around. "Wouldn't dare miss it!"
Al followed Kailyn, closing her cloak around herself, the school uniform she wore underneath was warm enough, but nothing beat her cloak, in the same string of motion Al also pulled her hood back up.
It didn't take a genius to sense the lapse in Al's encouragement, and genius she was not - Kiera's head cocked to the side inquisitively, but before she could inquire any further about her semblance, Kailyn's offer grabbed her attention.
Packing be damned! Spending time with her friends would always be more important! That's what she was always taught as a kid, at least! She grabbed her remaining bag and bobbed eagerly after the other two. "If you guys don't, I think I remember a couple good places around Vale - I've been here for the Vytal Festival a couple times. Ooh, ooh, have you guys ever been?! I can't wait until it rolls around again...!"
It would seem that Al's own Semblance story was similar in tone to her own - Kailyn made a mental note not to ask and nodded when Al mentioned training. "Don't try 'n' force it," she added. "Yer Semblance is'n expression of who y'are - train yer Aura 'n' find yer center. Ya won' find out wha' yer Semblance is 'till ya fin' out who y'are first." This was, of course, an observation based on personal experience, but it was also what her father had told her and Arden when they were young, so it couldn't be total nonsense.
"This year'll be my first Vytal Festival," she admitted when Kiera asked. "I've been on a mission t'find a new favorite restaurant in Vale since I got here, though, an' I've found a few places that might make it through the firs' round."
Hmm, a wolf, a snake, and a goldfish walk into a bar... Nope. No ideas. "What kinda food r'we feelin'?" she asked her new friends.
Al was glad that both Kiera and Kailyn seemed to get her hint, that she was very uncomfortable talking about it, Kailyn seemed to understand in a manner that made Al think she had a similar story and while Kiera did look curious she was either distracted or just polite enough not to pry.
The Vytal festival, Al had never been to it and due to the lack of a TV back in Azmarine she had never seen one either, it did sound pretty fun. "I'm with you Kailyn, I just know of the festival from what the people traveling through my home town had told, never seen it myself, not even on TV, so I'm really looking forward to getting to see my first one!"
Al cheered, a fist thrust in the air, it was obvious how giddy she was.
Giddiness that was propelled even further at the question of food. "MEAT!
Al shouted, clamping her hands over where a mouth would be on her mask. "Sorry, I'm just really craving some steak...or ribs, my trait makes it hard to eat anything that isn't meat."
Al said, pausing, as it was much easier to show than to explain. "Here, see!
Al pulled up her mask a little, just to expose her mouth, Al flashing the two other girls a grin revealing that all her teeth were razor sharp including two pairs of large fangs.
She pulled her mask back down afterward, not wanting to expose part of her face for too long.
"You two've never been?!" That was crazy. They didn't have their lives changed like hers had been, yet!!! "It's official, I'm dragging you two there when it finally comes around. Clear your calendars!!! Not like most people had anything going on while it was happening, but just in case. Everyone needed to see it, at least once, in her incredibly unchangeable opinion.
Speaking of opinions, seemed like the people had equally strong opinions on what to eat. No problem to her though. She shot a smile to Al, taking a look at her wolf fangs. There were some pretty awesome faunus traits out there! "I'll eat anything, so that's good with me!" Literally anything. She'd nearly choked several times as a child putting anything she could into her mouth. It was all character development for her, though! "I'm happy to help on your restraunt-rating quest!"
Not that she was a very good judge. Again, she liked everything.
Meat and no preference, huh? She could work with that. "There's a barbecue place on my list; let's go there," she decided. The place in question focused on smoked and long-cooked foods, like briskets, fish, and cheese, and had its own attached brewery to boot. It was exactly the kind of place she imagined her family going to on special occasions (like the Vytal Festival - they'd be coming to Vale for that), so trying it beforehand to make sure it was actually good was a great idea.
She set off toward the airship docks by casually floating backwards so she could continue to talk to the others. "S'what made y'all come t'Beacon?" she asked.
Al pumped her fist as Kaitlyn suggested a barbecue place, that sounded perfect, she was looking forward to sinking her fangs into a good piece of meat, only a little bit of patience was needed now for the airship ride.
She saw Kailyn float, casually backwards and was halfway tempted to try and float herself, but, she knew her semblance was to volatile, she didn't have any fine control to speak of, sure she could rocket off and probably match Kailyn in speed...for a little while, but not float casually, maybe she could ask the read head to teach her.
But that was for later, Kailyn just posed a common, but still good question, a conversation starter she had heard a few times now and her answer would remain the same. "I don't have a profound reason for coming to Beacon, I spent the last 8 years learning everything my mentor could teach me, and now I'm just here to refine what I already know, to get better at what I love doing and make a pretty penny of it, that being fighting and murdering Grimm. Looking at my record so far, I still got a lot to learn, Beacon's students are a whole lot tougher than the Grimm I'm used to fighting."
She rubbed her jaw a little with a sheepish chuckle, remembering her previous bouts with some of her fellow students, especially the one with Vlithra, she could practically still feel the tiger's fist on her face.
Oooh, oooh, she had an answer to this one! "Well, Beacon is the first academy I got to see with my own two eyes, n' my training really started getting serious - I was super clumsy before--" She held up her right hand to make the point, half-ring-finger wiggling. "-- It was a whole mess, but I learned a lot from my first visit here. Holds a buncha' good memories. Couldn't even look at any other schools after that!"
After she regaled the other two girls with her tale, she let out a whistle of agreement with Al's words. "People are a whole different beast. I'm pretty sure there're some people here who could make me explode into little bits just by taking a look at me." Seeing some of her to-be classmates during the same entrance exams that she was still pretty sure she failed her way through had definitely been intimidating, though she did try her hardest not to judge a book by its' cover. Next time she saw those students, she'd be sure to say hi, even if they did explode her! "Haven't had the chance to spar with anyone here, though. What about you, Kailyn?
It seems the three girls shared a sentiment when it came to Hunting - fun and profit. "I'm'n adrenaline junkie, an' figh'in' Grimm's just plain fun most o' the time. Dad always said I sh'do what I love or do some'in' else, so here I am."
As to sparring with her classmates... "M'first round in the tourn'ment was 'gainst Bartok, and it. was. HYSTERICAL." She gestured with both arms alongside the last three words for emphasis, smile going even wider at the memory. "We'd been going for, like, ten seconds, right? And the entire arena just up and exploded. It was nuts. We're doing a lights-off, no-weapons, no-Semblance rematch later to settle it," she concluded with a megawatt smile.
"Other than that, though, I haven't done much sparring here. I did an impairment training obstacle course run with 'Ri and Barty, though, that was cool."
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Al listened to what the other two had to say, though she was concentrating on the road and looking at that, unlike a certain someone she couldn't float and still had to watch her steps, yet two bumps on Al's head, pointing either to Kiera or Kailyn would make it very obvious that Al was listening very intently, especially when Kailyn mentioned her match against Bartok and her rematch?!
Lights of?
No weapons?
Al was left just staring at Kailyn for a solid minute before she shook her head, getting those thoughts out of her head, it was just a rematch, a very oddly specific rematch, Al would make a mental note to ask Bartok about it and also be present, just to make sure, both Bartok and Kailyn were devious flirts after all.
She then faced back forward, continuing the conversation after a bit of an awkward pause on her end. "Yeah Beacons really been great for training, mostly the facilities, the trainings room great I actually improve a bit with my strength since I actually got the weights to push myself further now, really wish the hologram Grimm were a bit more lifelike though."
Al sighed a little, after the many times she had visited the training room she had gotten more than used to the Grimm she was allowed to summon.
She looked to Kailyn, giving her a chuckle. "That explosion must have been a real surprise, huh, Kailyn? Wonder what or rather who could have caused it, cuz I know for a fact Bartok wouldn't use combustion dust at close range."
She said, leaning into Kailyn, knowing full well what happened, she had seen the fight from the spectator stand and was watching her boyfriends first duel in the bracket with rapt attention.
But she wouldn't press any further, her own fights weren't any less crazy.
"Speaking of blowing people up with a glance though, that's kinda what I do in fights, first round against Nocte was a struggle, the girls got an actual god-damn machine gun, dancing around those bullets wasn't fun, but I managed to corner her, and then she wasn't nearly as scary at close range."
Al did a few punching motions as she thought back on some of her other fights, the most recent having her sigh. "And then I...I lost the second round against Forest, I was blowing up his wood constructs left and right, blew him up too, but he pulled a fast one on me, pretended to load fire dust into his gun, but he switched it with electric dust and shot my mask, I still almost got him but didn't have enough aura to power through the shocks since I spent it all on my own attacks."
Al's shoulders slumped a little, she really did not feel good about being sent to the losers bracket like this, she'd rather have Vlithra gut punch her into the ceiling three more times.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Kailyn lied transparently, beaming a smile over at Al.
So Forrest beat Al, huh? "Tree boy's got the goods, huh? I might have to see about getting him to help me do more than prank my dorm..."
Speaking of fights: "I need to get better at fighting from range. I can dodge nearly anything if I see it coming, but I don't have a lot of attack options beyond getting up close and personal with people. I'm a proper menace in the dark, though. Just ask 'Ri, she'll tell you all about the obstacle course we ran with your boy Barty," she added, grin turning playful as she threw an arm around Al's shoulders. "Come on, sister, let's go get us some barbecue!" she said as they made their way toward the airship docks.
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
From within a room comes the sound of button mashing and sporadic yells of exasperation. While battling another accomplished online player in his preferred fighting game, Pixel Beatdown 3D, Auric is occupied performing intricate combos and precise special moves with lightning-fast finger movements across the controller. Unfortunately, he loses the match due to a minor mistake, thudding loudly as he smacks his controller down on the ground in exasperation. In an attempt to relax and tell himself that it's all just a game, he inhales deeply.
Anyway, what time is it? 9? 10?
Auric stands up and stretches, taking a look around his dorm. The room is a mess, with his clothes lying here and there and empty snack wrappers scattered all over the place. He sighs to himself, making a mental note to clean it up later. He quietly leaves his dorm in a gray pajama set with his headphones hanging around his neck. As he sneaks to a nearby vending machine, he inserts a few coins, hoping to find a late-night snack to satisfy his hunger. As he scans the options, his eyes land on a bag of his favorite chips. However, he hesitates, knowing that he should probably choose something healthier. After a moment of contemplation, he decides to go for a granola bar instead, eating it silently in the hallway and listening to music from his headphones.
Al thought for just a second as she remembers her match against Forest, she of course feels bad about losing, but she had to admit it was because Forest beat her fair and square, he did have a lot of skill, no wonder, he is a beacon student after all. "He's pretty tricky, had some defensive answer for all of my attacks and pulled some sleight of hand bs to beat was infuriating to be honest, I wish I was as fast as you since everyone seems to want to just run away from me."
Al sighed, her shoulder slumping, even if Kailyn may not be the right person to talk about this, it felt good to just talk to someone about it. "And really, I thought you were pretty good at throwing those knife of yours?"
She looks just a tad confused, but then picks up on something else. "Wait, menace in the dark? Does your semblance let you like...feel the shifts in the air?"
She continues to ask, yet nodding in excitement at the mention of food.
"Girl, I'd run from you if you came at me guns blazing, too. Have you seen yourself?" Kailyn asked rhetorically. She'd never seen Al fight anything, but she'd heard accounts of the fire blasts from several classmates and it sounded very intimidating.
"I definitely need to practice more with my knives," she lamented at Al's comment. "I lose a lot of accuracy in the heat of the moment."
Oh good, a change of topic. "Nah. My Faunus thing isn't fangs like yours," she said, tapping her temples. "I got the heat vision pits that vipers have - I don't need to see you to see you. It's not foolproof, especially against people like you, but against anyone who can't throw fire around the way I can throw myself around, it's pretty useful. That's why my head's, like, CONSTANTLY tilted: since I can't turn the heat vision off, it causes problems with my regular vision if I don't tilt the axis enough that my brain interprets the signal differently."
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wait, she wasn't that scary, was she?
She only spewed flames, laughed very enthusiastically, wore a metal mask, was really aggressive when fighting...
Maybe she was a little scary, or maybe everyone was just a bunch of scaredy-cats!
She crossed her arms, sighing a little bit. "If we ever fight, I'll try and be less 'scary'...I can be nice too, you know!"
She sighed, as she ended her little rant, instead just listening to Kailyn, then looking just a little stunned as Kailyn revealed something important.
Al's ears poked up under her hood, as she tilted her head. "You're...a faunus?"
With a little as an expression as she could make with her face hidden, she looked surprised and definitely sounded surprise.
She was silent for a little, as she seemed to look Kailyn up and down, she couldn't see anything that may look like a faunus trait about Kailyn. "Heat vision, that's pretty cool though! I only got night vision, for what it's worth."
She said, now seeming excited, Al didn't care much what race her friends were, but she did love hearing about others faunus traits. "How do I look to you? Am I like...a way different color than other people?"
Al leaned in, looking at her with raised interest.
"Yeah," Kailyn laughed as Al was surprised to learn she was a Faunus. "My little brother's got antlers and everything," she added as she fished out her scroll to find a picture of her family they took last year at her graduation from Signal to show it to Al. Next to her parents and brother, she'd look like she was adopted were it not for the obvious facial resemblance.
How did Al look to her heat vision? "Hmm... At first glance you look just like everyone else, but brighter." She squinted a little as her head tilted in the other direction. "The more I look atcha, though, the more it looks like the source of the heat is your bloodstream rather than your musculature, which is kinda weird since that's not how other people look. Looks super rad, though. I should paint your heatmap sometime," she mused.
The sound of her stomach growling again pulled her out of her contemplation of Al's firey visage. "Okay, no dawdling, let's go find us a barbecue joint!"
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Huh, her family did look a little similar to her own, sides that her dad was a bear faunus and her mom and big brother were human, maybe she could find a photo somewhere...
The main source of heat in her body was her blood, yeah...was that really all that weird?, thinking back to that day it did feel as if her blood was boiling with adrenaline, guess that does make her weird, well, weirder.
She yet dismissed her thoughts and nodded to Kailyn as it seemed her pal wanted to get a move on. "Yeah, lets go!"
Soon enough, the two of them had arrived at the barbecue place Kailyn had mentioned before.
It was a nice and quaint little place, tucked away in the corner of one of the marketplaces, a big window let the guests inside still look outside on to the marketplace, Al picked a nice place in the corner of the restaurant and was already eagerly studying the menu, she had ignored the looks her appearance had earned her, being used to it by now.
As she was reading she was of course excited but...there was so much choice and no way she could buy all of it, not with her allowance. "So, what do you plan on getting? Personally, I'm having a lot of trouble making a choice."
Al said, somehow being able to still form a sentence despite drooling under her mask.
They'd been here for barely five minutes and Kailyn was already quietly enamored with the vibe of the place. Neat views, friendly staff, and the patrons had only cast one or two sidelong glances each at Al and her mask.
Whipping out her scroll, she snapped a picture of Al as the wolf Faunus stared at the menu.
To: 'Ri
brb stealing Barty's gf
[Attachment: image]
What would she order? "When in doubt, there's usually a sampler platter or something similar that lets you try a little of everything so you can find your favorite," she said as she checked the menu. Sure enough, there it was: 'Barbecue Pit, Hold the Charcoal'.
Hard to go wrong with ribs, though," she added as she skimmed the rest of the menu. "Should I just get both?" she asked herself. When her stomach immediately growled in response, she laughed. "Yeah, okay, I'm getting both."
Al nodded at Kailyn's response, true, a sample platter would make the choice easy on repeat visits...but...did she want to revisit?
The place was nice, very nice even, but there were so many restaurants in Vale and Al had explored only a few of them.
Then, out of the corner of her eyes, saw something that had her already hungry mind go into overdrive.
Al pushed up her mask just a little, to wipe her mouth before she spoke, not wanting to drool on the table. "Honey glazed roast!"
Al said, as she smiled at Kailyn, then looking back to the menu. "And some whiskey cola...think that's all for me?"
She said more to herself, not sure if Kailyn was ready to order yet.
"Sounds like a plan," Kailyn smiled as their waitress approached. "We'll get a honey glazed roast, a full rack of ribs, and the sampler platter," she rattled off. One look at Kailyn's wide grin convinced the waitress that they'd have no problem finishing it.
"And to drink?" she asked.
"Whiskey cola and ginger ale," Kailyn supplied immediately, and the woman nodded.
"I'll have that sampler right out for ya," she said as she tapped a few buttons on her scroll and walked off. About a minute later, she returned with a large platter heaping with all manner of meats and cheeses, a stack of napkins, two glasses, and pitcher each of both their drinks. "Should be about twenty minutes for the rest of it. My name's Cindy, just holler for me if ya need anything." After depositing their food, she left the two students to it.
"Dig in, girlie," Kailyn said with a grin as she snapped a napkin open and reached for one of the legs.