Claire Buíocán

A collection of the previously approved/denied character's applications complete with feedback posts for future reference.

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Total votes: 2
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Claire Buíocán
Posts: 27
Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:50 am
Age: 35
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Human
Aura Color: translucent - see Semblance
Occupation: Vigilante
Semblance Name: Mythmaker
Weapon Name: Síofra

Lookout, it's me again.

Claire's an Antagonist character, though she is decidedly not villainous.
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Professor W B Copperfield
Posts: 218
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:58 am
Age: 42
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Transparent light blue
Occupation: Professor of Dust and Semblance Usage, Beacon
Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

A powerful and tricky Semblance for an Antagonist, and I also like how you added(from the last time I looked) Aura costs for the basic uses, like a greater cost for the larger the physical exertion. This allows her to do some fairly great things, but always with some limit down the road.

Also looks like she fills the Antagonist criteria to me by all aspects.

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Forrest Waldstein
Posts: 245
Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:51 pm
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Green
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

Claire is an incredibly fascinating character. She has a really interesting Semblance that is fueled by the minds of other people for better or worse. I cannot wait to see what she'll get up to.

So, it's no surprise that I can only give Claire an emphatic, resounding yes.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

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Al Ciendra
Posts: 428
Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:13 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Claire is a great character, a matron to the lost and someone working to establish equality for all is surely someone to be admired.
I don't really get whats antagonistic about her?
I guess she pulls some shady underground deals?
No idea.
Regardless, it's fine as is, just s bit confused.

On the topic of her semblance, I really likethe idea, the power to turn your opponents worries into reality is great and opens up some fun rp.
And while it makes perfect sense for her to draw on her semblance to give her some passive buffs by spreading rumors.
I think her semblance should be toned down, especially the bit about her temporarily disabling someones semblance, it's cool to have a swiss army knife, but you brought a swiss army armory.

Perhaps limit her to being able to draw on a few effects at once, give them a timelimit after which they need to be refreshed or increase the amount of aura this powerful of semblance would cost.

Right now I'm going to abstain from voting because of this.
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Professor Honeydew Monarch
Posts: 46
Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2019 4:14 am
Age: 32
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Human
Aura Color: Seafoam Green
Occupation: Professor of History and Tactics, Beacon Academy
Semblance Name: Omnipresence
Weapon Name: The Kingkiller

Sorry for any wait you've had to deal with! J'approved. Happy Hunting.
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And this is how it moves / Faster and faster now it goes
It might stop when we're finally dead

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