Double Date [Private w/ Erin, Al, Pyry & Bartok]

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Erin Cherrywood
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She smiled back at Bartok. She'd done a lot of revenging in her day, but few had any proof or confirmation that it was her. It was their little secret.

Al followed up Pyry's story with a suggestion that he show off his skills and Erin couldn't help but laugh at Bartok's request that he touch his nose to his toes, though she imagined heels were more likely if he were going backwards.

She couldn't recall Pyry ever showing any extraordinary flexibility around her so she was curious about it too. "Yeah, show us what you got."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Pyry Ward
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His eyes shifted back and forth between Erin and Bartok as they shared a secret moment. Instinctively, he pressed closer to her. Even if he had a girlfriend Bartok was still the biggest competition he had.

He nodded at Bartok's question. "Yeah, not exactly the place you'd want to live though. It's basically a huge labyrinth of dark, twisting, streets and the home of basically every pirate, brigand, assassin, thief, vagabond, and evil-doer on the continent." Shrugging he gave a half smile. "But it's home nonetheless."

Laughing, he kissed the top of Erin's head and jumped up. Taking a few steps off the blanket, so he wasn't in danger of stepping on the food, he smiled at everyone; he had no problems showing off. Grabbing one of his legs he started stretching out. "Alright. Just give me a second to warm up, don't want to go pulling a muscle on my first date at Beacon."

After a minute or so of stretching he started arching his back with his hands on his lower back as he considered Bartok's suggestion seriously. "Hmm... I don't know about that..." He admitted with a frown. "But let's give it the old college try." Putting his hands out he leaned back into a full backbend with both hands and feet on the ground. Taking a slow breath he started walking his hands towards his heels. Clenching his teeth, he lifted his hands off the ground and continued to bend until his head almost touched his butt. "I... Think this is as far as I can bend with my legs straight. If I bend my leg though I am pretty sure I can touch my nose." Not one to disappoint, he slowly lifted his right leg. Straightening his foot, he lifted his chin until his toes just barely brushed his nose. "Ta-da~"
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
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Al Ciendra
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Al was quite amazed to see this happen, she was flexible, sure, but this beat anything she could put on the table!
She found herself just staring at the somewhat strange yet still amazing display that Pyry put up in front her.
"Wow that's awesome! You weren't lying about it being funny to see a bulky guy like you contorting like this!"
She leaned forward a little bit, while it was close he did manage to touch his nose with his toes.
"You sure that does not hurt ?"
Al asked a little worried as she began to check if she had an ice pack or something of the like packed.
Nope, if Pyry was gonna suffer from backpain she would not be able to help him.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Bartok couldn't see any of this, obviously, but he could hear the effort in Pyry's voice. The straining of his muscles, the sharp breaths, the gritting teeth. When he announced with a 'Ta-da' that he had completed the task, Bartok clicked his tongue and was amazed at the strange shape Pyry had taken. A few more clicks were made just for clarification, the way some people would blink several times at an astonishing sight.

"Wow! Make sure you don't get stuck like that, I believe you brought some games to play or something." He chuckled. "Remind me not to get into any sort of gymnastics competition against you."
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Erin Cherrywood
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Erin swatted at Pyry but he was already out of reach. Squinting at him angrily she held her hands on top of her head where he planted the kiss. She really didn't want him kissing her all willy-nilly but it wasn't entirely awful either.

Watching him carefully she tried to guess at how far he'd actually get. He was pretty bulky so she didn't expect too much. The backbend was impressive for his size but nothing too terribly hard, until he continued waking his hands towards his legs and she had to tilt her head. Was he seriously bending like that? Then! Then his hands lifted off the ground and he KEPT BENDING! What the heck was he made of?! Her jaw dropped when he lifted his leg and actually went nose to toes.

She couldn't keep the wince off her face as she tried to imagine how painful that would be if she tried. She was about to ask if he was going to be okay but Al beat her to the punch.

Bartok suggested a move to games and she couldn't help a small laugh. She wouldn't want to get into a flexibility contest with him either, and she prided herself on her ability to bend. "Good call. Don't want to end up having to carry us away after we get stuck trying to imitate you." She said nodding at Pyry.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Pyry Ward
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Chuckling he attempted to shake his head. "I wouldn't say it hurts so much as it makes my body feel tight." Slowly lowering his foot he took a slow breath and unfolded so he was standing right again. "My mom always said that muscles don't mean a thing if you can't move them the way you want to."

Laughing he sat down next to Erin again. "I'm pretty sure most gymnists couldn't beat me. I think what's most impressive is that my mom is a dancer not a gymnist so she had to learn this on her own and teach it to four kids."

Reaching over he grabbed his pile of games. He wasn't sure what Bartok would and wouldn't be able to play so he spread them out on the blanket. "Any of these work?"
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
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Al Ciendra
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Al just listened to the conversation a little, her head tilting as she listened to Pyry.
"Wait, muscle makes you less agile ?"
Al sounded pretty bummed, as she slightly lifted her shirt and revealed her own muscled stomach, they had all seen it at the beach, Al poked at her muscles a little before just dropping her shirt again.
She leaned back with her arms still on the ground.
"Guess I gotta focus more on stretches than strength...those are boooring though."
Al groaned, as she then turned her attention to the games that Pyry showed of, then something caught her eye.
"Oh, I know this one! How about a good round of Cards against Remnant ?"
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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"If you can't use it correctly, no point having it, whatever 'it' is." Bartok agreed, turning to Al as she poked her stomach. "You gotta be flexible when fighting. I'm somewhat flexible because of dancing, but that's more fluid movement and footwork, not bending myself into a pretzle."

"Cards Against Remnant? That's the game with insane prompts and you make the funniest answers or whatever, yeah? As long as the cards are embossed a little, I could read them." He turned to Al. "Or you can help me read them, if I can't."
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Erin Cherrywood
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Erin couldn't help the amused chuckle as Al started to piece together that muscle didn't bend itself without work; it was actually pretty difficult to be both muscled and limber, Pyry's amount of flexibility was a whole beast of it's own though. She shuddered to imagine what kind of hell his mom cooked up for him to be that built and that flexible. It was inhuman.

Almost everything in her body screamed for her to put distance between herself and Pyry when he sat next to her again, the key word being almost. She still didn't want to date him but she also didn't want to be rude or off-putting for this double date, so she gave a small huff and shook her head at him before leaning her shoulder into his side.

Laying a hand on her own stomach, Erin frowned. She was neither inhumanely flexible or covered in washboard abs: all she had was the faintest amount of muscle - much like a teenage popstar. Apparently she'd need to get toning or bending competitively to fit in at Beacon.

Cards against Remnant. Oh the puns that would ensue. "I am in. That's a game that speaks my language."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Pyry Ward
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Pyry chuckled and smiled charmingly at Al. "It can make you less agile if you don't actively work against it. As you've seen, you can be quite bendy and built if you work at it. Speed, well, that's just a matter of training as well."

Erin laid her head on his shoulder and he fought the urge to put an arm around her; dealing with her was a lot like working with a skittish cat, she might want attention but giving it to her could lead to her running too. She was pretty rigid and clearly uncomfortable, but... well she was trying something?

Eyes back on Al, he smiled. She was messing with her stomach and complaining about boring training regimens. "If you have the right program it is hell more than boring." He teased.

Erin was forlornly touching her own stomach and he eyed her cautiously. Bringing attention to it wasn't likely the way to go, so he just tilted his head to nudge hers gently. He thought she was beautiful and didn't need to change, but the nature of their chosen profession would always welcome more training and toning.

Cards against Remnant, eh? One of his favorite games. "I also am all for this. It's so much fun."
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
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Al Ciendra
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Al sighed, more training, she liked training, but she did not want to change up her regiment, plus what Pyry went through just sounded like pain.
...well, she never had "hellish" training before, maybe that could be fun!
"Well, perhaps you can show me the ropes some time, then ?"
She asked, leaning forward and eyeing up Pyry.

Though, her attention was quickly drawn to the game instead.
She eyed the cards and picked a few of them up and then spreading them among the players, she felt them too, even she could make out the letters with her fingers.
"You should be fine, Bartok."
Al said as she handed him his cards.
"Okay so first prompt."
She grabbed the highest card in the stack and put it to the side of the stack.
"This is the prime of my life, I'm young, hot and full of_____"
Al tapped her chin, as she was looking through her cards, and then lit up with a little chuckle.
As she laid down: "severe leg cramps." and grinned at Bartok.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Bartok held his cards facing the ground, using his fingers and sense of touch to read the words. Listening to Al reading off the prompt, he cracked up at the one he was currently reading. "Alright, this should be good." He said as he laid down a card reading: "Impossibly bad life choices"
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Erin Cherrywood
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Erin's nose wrinkled at the idea of training being hell. Sure, her regimen wasn't exactly easy but she'd never call it hell. Maybe she needed to up the intensity though. She was feeling awfully out of shape around a lot of people here, especially this group. She was probably the only one out of the four here who couldn't grate cheese on her abs. Following Al's gaze she tilted her head and looked Pyry over as well; he was like the textbook version of in shape. Maybe she should work out with him once or twice a week...

Pulling her from her thoughts was the prompt for the first round. Lifting her cards like she was playing a game of poker she eyed her choices.

A small snort of a laugh slipped from her lips as she dropped "a bag of magic beans". It wasn't that her card was particularly good, it was just ridiculous and she loved it.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Pyry Ward
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Noting both the girls surveying him, Pyry flashed a million watt smile coupled with a few peck flexes. "That would be all too easy to arrange. I have the misfortune of having most of my parent's exercise regimens firmly branded into my brain and body and I'm sure they'd appreciate me using that to help others out. Don't want anyone ending up like Kirsi."

Humming happily at Erin's obvious pleasure he bumped her playfully with his shoulder. "That good, eh?" He asked taking a peek at her card before placing his own onto the pile: spicy burritos.
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
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Al Ciendra
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Al's face reddened a little as she saw Pyry's response, making her turn away instead, she suddenly seemed very interested in her cards.
"Uhm, yeah, would be nice to train some day."
Al replied, yet thought about something.
She looked at the cards that the others had been laying out, what did she consider the funniest ?
"Okay, this may sound like I'm biased."
She said, and held up Bartok's card.
"Yours is just the funniest Bartok"
She said, giggling a little as she read it to herself again, it was very self-deprecating, but Al did like darker humor.
"Anyway, now it's your turn to be the Czar, so pick a card."
She held the stack of black cards towards Bartok, just so he did not have to look for them on the ground.
Last edited by Al Ciendra on Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Bartok Evergreen
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"Sweet!" Bartok took the black card as his point and drew another from Al. He thanked her before reading.

"I'm sorry, Professor, but I couldn't complete my homework because of ____" He hummed. "This one hits close to home. I have the perfect cards for this too..." He felt his cards and reread some of his cards, making him hold in the laughter while the rest of them chose their cards.
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Al Ciendra
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Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al had to think about that card a little.
Yet, she was also thinking of something else, she wanted to address a few things.
"I have a good one for this."
She said and laid down a card that read "some idiot snorting dust."
Al chuckled a little, it wasn't the best card, but the implication was still funny to her.
"So uhm, I know Bartok's super sweet reason and I can guess Pyry's, but whats your reason to be here, at Beacon Erin ?"
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Erin Cherrywood
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Shaking her head she smirked. "Naw. Not great, just mildly entertaining."

Erin frowned and sighed at Pyry's antics. Why were boys such morons? And why did she keep gravitating to the most ridiculous of them. Rolling her eyes she tapped the side of his head with a soft fist. "This is exactly why girls don't like or take you seriously." She informed him. "What moron flirts with a taken girl while on a double date?" The question was rhetorical but she had a sinking feeling he'd answer. She needed to stop asking questions that she didn't want answered.

Favoritism seemed unlikely to Erin, Bartok's card was the funniest. Her card was too mild and Pyry's was silly rather than hilarious.

Erin was carefully examining the cards in her hand when Al asked about her reasoning for attending Beacon. Looking up through her bangs Erin arched an eyebrow at Bartok. For some reason it felt odd that Al would not already know Erin's reason, but maybe that was the part of her that was used to everyone seeing them as a unified pair rather than as two separate people. Setting down her card: looking for the elusive man in the red speedo, she considered the question. It wasn't hard to pinpoint her reason, but it was not really a world shattering reveal. "I guess the start was my mom's bar. Huntsmen and women would come in all the time and tell these amazing stories; they were always saving people and protecting towns. I loved that they stood firm while others ran away. Everyone loved them and their wonky quirks..." Looking at the cards laid out, she idly spun the golden ring on her pinky. She thought of all the people in her hometown and closed her eyes. It was becoming clear to her that her original reason, outgrowing the label of the bartender's daughter wasn't her only reasoning and it made her sad as she self-reflected. "I guess I want to be more than who I am. I'm the daughter of a bartender who decided she wanted a kid but not a family, the weird kid who collects trash, the off-putting faunus who takes things too far... I'm not really someone people want to be close to and I don't exactly let people in either." Opening her eyes again she frowned. "I want to be someone people can look to in moments of need and see a hero, not some child who probably needed more supervision to avoid becoming a hoodlum." Meeting Al's gaze she shrugged. "I suppose I want to be better with people and kicking ass can make that happen."
Last edited by Erin Cherrywood on Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Pyry Ward
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Bartok and Al were quite affectionate, so it wouldn't be a stretch to accuse Al of playing favorites, but Bartok did have the best card. He was about to accuse her anyway, just to have a bit of fun but, Erin knocked him on the head and accused him of being a moron.

Smiling down at Erin he wiggled his eyebrows playfully. "Little princess, girls love me and my antics. Beyond that though, there is no rule that says people in committed relationships can't appreciate the gift that is my body ." He grabbed her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers with an alluring smile before she snatched them back to examine her cards. "I know that everyone I touch can't help but fall in love though, so I'll make sure looks are all anyone else gets while I'm with you."

The atmosphere shifted and he sat back as she started playing with her ring - the ring he gave her! As usual, she was honest and self deprecating. He wished she didn't see herself so negatively though, he loved her honesty and sourpuss attitude.

He set down his card, teaching a robot how to love, and eyed Bartok - suddenly aware that Erin was being vulnerable. Despite himself, he couldn't help but feel territorial as he pulled Erin onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin atop her head. He knew they were good friends, but Pyry didn't want Bartok trying to soothe Erin. That was his job now. "I don't think you need to be a huntress to make people like you, though I can see the appeal of ass kicking as a profession."
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
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Bartok Evergreen
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Pyry was acting like he and Erin were quite the hot item. Granted, Bartok had done that with more than one girl in the past, one of them being Vlithra. Every line he said he was expecting a similar push-back that he had gotten whenever he had hit on Erin in the past. She was more or less giving him the same treatment but... gentler. It was indeed different how she treated the two of them. Bartok wasn't fighting for Erin's hand here, he had Al by his side and she was great. But there was a sad, curious feeling as to why she was harsher on Bartok than Pyry given the same sort of lines. Maybe she actually liked him.

Bartok knew of Erin's reason but when Al and he first talked about coming to Beacon and their reasons, he mostly left Erin's out of the conversation. Wasn't his story to tell, really. But it was inspiring how she wanted to be her own person. No, she was already her own person. But as she said, more than herself.

Then... What was she playing with on her pinky finger? Bartok's ears twitched at the soft rubbing sound. Did she have a ring on her finger? That was new. She didn't have it the last time he'd saw her, or at least she hadn't played with it as she did now. Where did she get it? Dumpster diving? Or did Pyry give it to her?

He was about to reassure her, say that he had always been there while everyone else made fun of her, that they had been the weirdos together. Then Pyry pulled her into his lap. The nerve on this guy was astounding, especially since she had just called him a moron. Bartok had continued to play up the whole 'proposing marriage to Vlithra' thing for a while, so he was really calling the kettle black here but...

He let out a breath. Erin and he were different people and would always be each other's best friends, despite significant others coming into the mix. Just felt weird how hers was so much like himself. Felt like a breach of territory, illegal in some way that he couldn't put a finger on.

Bartok felt the cards in his hand and remembered he was playing a game. He leaned against Al as he quickly shuffled the cards laid down, and started to read them aloud.

"I'm sorry, Professor, but I couldn't complete my homework because of ____"
"Teaching a robot how to love"
"Looking for the elusive man in the red speedo"
"Some idiot snorting dust."

Interestingly enough, he could see all of these actually happening on campus. He wasn't sure what the consequences of snorting Dust would be, but it would either kill you or be amazing. The mental image in his head along with the stupidity of the individual was pretty funny, making him chuckle. The other two were good, but in the context of someone in the middle of class giving their excuse, throwing someone else under the bus for snorting Dust and keeping them from doing their homework was just funnier in his head.

"Who had dust snorting? You win."
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Al Ciendra
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Al was positively surprised to hear Erin's reason for pursuing a carer as a huntress, it was a much more sophisticated reason than hers, that's for sure, Al was just here to get strong to kill Grimm, just so no little girls living in towns will have to get hurt anymore, well guess hers was noble too.
But Erin choosing this path to better herself and also wanting to become the hero everyone can look up to, that did sound quite amazing, if the others could see her face they would be able to see Al smile like an idiot under her mask.
She gathered herself soon after, just still watching Erin while trying to respond.
"I think that's a really admirable! Wanting to be the heroin everyone can look to sounds hard, but I'm sure you can do it. Especially since you're already in good company to achieve your goal"
She nodded towards Bartok, while he could be annoying, but he does genuinely care about his best friend, and she knew how sweet he could be once he was done spouting cheesy pickup lines.
Al was genuine with what she said, Erin might say she's bad at certain things, and she may very well be, but Al had the feeling that this raccoon was determined enough to do what she said she would do.
...perhaps this did sound a bit cheesy ?
But Al didn't care, so she returned to the game.

Al raised her head as Bartok choose her card, nice, she had gotten a point too.
"Neat, second point goes to me, now it's Pyrys turn."
She said and raised her cards again looking through with a bit of a concerned look, man none of these remaining cards looked very good.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Erin Cherrywood
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Erin rolled her eyes at his ridiculous lines. She was pretty sure no one fell in love just talking to him. They probably fell in love with his looks then out of love when he opened his stupid mouth.

She nodded in agreement with Al. "Yeah. It is nice to have support along the way. Especially from someone who just gets it. My mom doesn't understand the appeal of being a huntress or hunter but she supports Bartok and I aiming to be one. Its easier to complain to someone who goes through the same stuff though."

There are certain animals that freeze when confronted with uncomfortable, stressful, or overwhelming situations; the raccoon is typically not one of those animals, but Erin hadn't expected to be lifted from her spot and placed onto Pyry's lap. In fact, it happened so quickly that she hadn't fully registered what was going on until his arms wrapped around her and his chin was on her head.

Eye twitching and burning with embarrassment, her lips curled in another growl. "Hey welcome to my personal space now GET OUT OF IT!" She screamed as she struggled and flailed violently to escape his grip. He was really making her reconsider inviting him to this damn event. What was with all the PDA? They'd never been particularly touchy feely and it felt awkward in front of her best friend and his girlfriend.

While she wiggled free Bartok picked Al's card. If she didn't know he was blind she might consider the idea that this game was rigged. Too bad neither of them seemed the cheating type.

With a huff she managed her not so daring escape and sat grumpily next to Pyry, just within a high five's reach but safe from being pulled over again.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Pyry Ward
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Al complimenting Erin made him swell with pride. Erin deserved to be acknowledged for all her good traits - so long as it wasn't Bartok complimenting Erin he was fine. It wasn't that he didn't like Bartok, in fact he really liked him and wanted to be friends. The issue was that Pyry had seen enough movies and read enough books to know that the childhood friend was unbeatable - it was imperative that Bartok keep his attention on Al.

Sure, he was probably overreacting, but he wasn't going to lose the girl that finally kind of admitted she liked him. The next step was make best friends with the best friend so he would feel bad if he ever tried to make a move on her.

All that being said he had an actual problem to attend to. Erin was flailing around and the back of her head was dangerously close to busting his lip or nose if he didn't let go - okay, it probably wouldn't break his aura but it would still be embarrassing so he let go with a warm smirk.

Smiling at the other two he sighed dramatically. "Sounds like this game is rigged to me. Preeeetty sure you guys are in cahoots."

Laughing he set down his own card: Honey, mommy and daddy love you very much but apparently mommy loves _______________ more than daddy.
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
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Bartok Evergreen
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Aura Color: Blood Red
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

"Yeah, Erin's mom is pretty great. Some of the lines and moves I have I got from her." He chuckled, knowing how much it bugged Erin. His shoulders raised in a tiny show of defense from whatever Erin might throw at him.

After Pyry had played the card, he scanned his cards. There wasn't many good ones, but this one might be the best. He laid down "Grandma".
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Al Ciendra
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Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

"Hm, my parents were pretty understanding, I'm pretty sure they were just happy I did not end up...nevermind!"
She caught herself mid-sentence, she had forgotten that Bartok was the only one she had told this at this point.

Luckily, Erin and Pyry seemed too busy to really notice what she said, as they were in another small scuffle of their own, if Al didn't know better she'd guess that Erin was half cat with how avert to any kind of contact she was.
Well, to be fair she didn't meet many raccoons in her life.

"You should just play better cards."
She teased, waving hers and laying down "300 Garden Gnome's"

At Bartok's comment, Al just had to sigh.
"No wonder some of them smell like old cheese."
She gave him a light jab to his side.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Erin Cherrywood
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Erin was grumpily shifting her cards as if shuffling them around would give her anything better; she was pretty sure she was just destined to lose today. Maybe it was divine punishment for her ghosting Pyry for such a long time before jumping back in and demanding his attention.

She raised an eyebrow at Al's slip up and wondered what other path she was hinting at. It wasn't her place to ask though so she let it go with a small shrug. It was her business not Erin's.

Either way she sighed and couldn't help but smirk at Bartok's claim that her mom had given him some great lines. Her mom was pretty ridiculous with her lines. "Hey now, my mom isn't cheesy if anything those lines smell like booze."

Poor Pyry was getting mixed signals from hell and Erin felt bad for her behaviour so she decided to back him up. "I dunno, Py-chart might be onto something here. You two are awwfully chummy." She teased before setting down her card: Sexy pillow fights with the neighbor. "Maybe all the head bumping is secret code for which card is whose."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Pyry Ward
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Bartok knew Erin's mom? It was so obvious he'd missed it. He was about to ask if she looked anything like her when he remembered that Barton couldn't see very well; asking wouldn't do him any good. "I don't suppose you'd have any reason to keep pictures of you guys and her mom?" He asked curiously. "Erin won't show me any pictures of home."

Al almost let something slip but he wasn't going to press and ruin the fun so early. "I play cards great. In fact this deck loves me, you guys are just sneaky cheaters." He joked with a laugh.

Erin sided with him, teasingly, and he swelled with pride. Things were getting back in track. He would have shouldered her playfully but that kind of behavior was exactly the thing she was teasing them about.

Grabbing the tribute cards he shuffled them around and looked carefully. "Ew. Not grandma." Sure, grandma's could be cute or young but he always imagined wrinkly old ladies with no teeth. No thanks.

"Now is mommy obsessed with garden gnomes or sexy pillow fights?" He asked dramatically, stroking his nonexistent moustache. He hummed and closed his eyes in thought. 300 gnomes could definitely ruin a marriage if the husband wasn't on board but the sexy pillow fights could be just as dastardly. "I will gooooo... with the pillow fights." He finally decided slowly. "If I love mommy enough I can overlook a few hundred gnomes, not so much the neighbor."
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
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Bartok Evergreen
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Bartok chose to not indicate he noticed Al's flib, moving on with the conversation. He took her jab and Erin's comment. "Yeah, I wasn't really into that smell and had to make them my own. Cheese is what replaces booze, take one or the other, but I'm still taking you."

He chose to chuckle instead of saying anything to confrim or deny the cheating. They weren't, but it was more fun if he played it off like he was lying terribly.

Bartok understood the rejection of grandma. Just not the right card for this. Sexy pillow fights was for sure his pick, and it seemed Pyry and Bartok shared that opinion. What could beat a sexy pillow fight? "Alright, who's was that?"
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Al Ciendra
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Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

"Yeah, pillow fights are hard to ignore."
She shrugged, not every card could be a hit, but that was the point of the game, it would be really boring if one person was winning all the time.
"Either way, that means Erin is our next Czar."
Al leaned back, as she thought about what the others said.
After the initial discomfort on Erin's side things had calmed down nicely, this really was turning into a nice little picnic.
Speaking of which, Al grabbed herself another one of the sandwiches she had made.
Pushing up her mask a little to eat, she chomped down.
"So, how's your guy's time been at beacon ?"
Al asked after she gulped down her first bite.
"I still miss home, but this place has been awesome so far, honestly didn't think that the whole process of becoming a huntress was gonna be this fun."
She grinned, leaning her head back to smile at Bartok, nudging his side with her elbow just to make sure that the blind bat got what she meant.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Erin Cherrywood
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Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

"To be fair, some alcohol smells pretty good." She countered with a smirk. "And some cheese smells like a hard pass."

Erin rolled her eyes dramatically at Pyry when he asked Bartok for pictures of back home. She'd not shown him any pictures at all, partially because she didn't have any and partially because she wouldn't even if she did. Hearing how hot her mom was on a daily basis by the customers was more than enough. Thankfully Bartok seemed to have missed Pyry's question.

She wasn't quite sure what the polite thing to do in regards to Al's mask being moved was. Did she turn away and avoid looking or just keep on keeping on like there was no difference at all? Deciding to play it safe she looked at the food again and grabbed some more potatoes, took a bite, and closed her eyes while she chewed.

Upon hearing her card called she smiled and looked up at Pyry. Figured he'd pull her right after they gave the other two crap. Nudging him playfully, she shook her head. "Hey now, you just ruined the we're-totally-not-cheating superiority card."

Leaning into his side, she looked through her cards again. Biting her lip she giggled: Hey baby, come back to my place and I'll show you____

"Hmm... I guess I'm pretty happy here. I get a lot of time to myself, I've found a lot of neat treasures, and I am definitely getting better at kicking butt." Grabbing a drink she sipped while trying to consider her overall stay. "The only real downside is Bartok and I are behind on our shows and I owe this lug here some time to make up for ghosting him."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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