Wednesday Haptasnytrir

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Professor Wednesday Haptasnytrir
Posts: 79
Joined: Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:04 pm
Age: 39
Gender Identity: Female*
Race: Human
Aura Color: Grey
Occupation: Professor, Huntress
Semblance Name: Hliðskjálf
Weapon Name: Gungnir and Valföðr

Name: Wednesday Haptasnytrir
Age: 39
Gender Identity: Female*
Race: Human
Nationality: Origin in Solitas frontier, Naturalized Valean
Character Picture: ... or_fix.png
Personal Emblem Image: ... 032693.png
Height: 6’3”/193.3 cm
Weight: 203 lbs/92 kg
Eye Color: Pale Blue + Pitch-Black Glass Prosthetic
Aura Color: Grey (Blue Hue + Feathers)

*Wednesday's children refer to her as "father".

"Haptasnytrir" is not Wednesday's family name. It's a profession byname she uses in her role as a professor. It translates roughly to "warrior/wise craft god". Somewhat of a promise and an expectation between herself and her students. She wants her students to succeed as well as being worthy of teaching them. Knowledge is principal to Wednesday as a person, both seeking and teaching it.
Relationship with Ravens

The home of Wednesday's people was an isolated region of Solitas. It was a place that ill took to farmland snowing far longer than it remained warm for. Residing outside of the kingdom's jurisdiction and its natural barriers against Grimm made it suitable enough for the inhabitants. Scarcity necessitated frequent outings through the waterways in search of much-needed resources. These trips often amounted to days of travel before crews would return, if they ever did. Their seafaring was a lifeline for their continued survival as it established trade to bring in valuable commodities that they could not produce themselves. Besides the subsistence of fish and other goods they returned with, the stories they'd share of their time abroad planted a different kind of life into the community. Tales of the world beyond the sea and white mountains. These were what Wednesday craved for most.

Youth and her femininity were factors that prevented Wednesday from joining these voyages. Risking their daughter on a potentially dangerous trek across the sea was something her parents would not allow. This was the sole motivation that drove Wednesday to train her body to be physically capable enough to make the trip. By the time she had reached her teenage years, many had joked to her father about Wednesday being his son rather than a daughter. In the meantime, Wednesday had to make do with whatever these trips brought back that could range widely from books to curios no one cared enough to ask a price for. Even the chances Wednesday was able to sneak aboard to visit foreign markets and pick what she personally wanted were few and far between. It was a slow way to satisfy her unending thirst for knowledge and it wasn't long before her consumption of them far outpaced what the trips could provide. Any access to a Cross Continental Transmit System was a far-off dream from how remote their home was.

Wednesday had heard a story how, in the past, people had communicated over long distances with pigeons. Small bits of paper bearing messages sent all across the land. It was the spark that broke the barrier of distance. She couldn't get a hold of pigeons somewhere this cold, but ravens were native around her region and were much more intelligent than pigeons. Thus, Wednesday trained ravens to act as her own personal information-gathering network. Communication with allied clans dotted over the frontier or sailors on voyages were now minutes to hours away instead of days or weeks.

It remained relatively small throughout its existence from how difficult gaining the trust of the ravens was and the exponential effort it required training them.

The value of Wednesday's network proved itself over time, gaining her prestige and authority within her community as few had the trust of the winged beasts as she did. Such ease of communication proved invaluable in the coming years, easpecially when her people came into conflict. Wednesday's contribution, although starting out as a means for her own interests, elevated her position in clan society. Yet she was still bound by the customs of her culture.

Consequently, Wednesday's perspective grew beyond her clan's valley. A perspective that led to damning action later on.
Missing Eye

Wednesday's right eye was taken out by her own hand, removed as an act of conciliation with a clan they had been feuding with for years. She wanted to make peace, but knew that words were not enough to make up for the deaths herself and her people had caused them. An eye for an eye. An extreme gesture, but one that got across Wednesday's seriousness in forging an alliance and seeking peace.

Wednesday has had numerous opportunities to get a visual prosthesis in order to regain her full field of vision, but she did not remove her eye because she could easily have it replaced. To Wednesday, the willing surrender of her eye is the conviction to the vow she made between her peoples, and to so readily forgo dealing with the consequences meant breaking and belittling that vow. Wednesday has strong integrity and will not go back on her word lightly.
Wild Hunt

The mercenary/private military company Wednesday formed. Its initial members were clansmen and allied peoples that moved with her to Atlas following the destruction of their home. The inception of this organization was done to consolidate their numbers and prevent another splintering from happening, such as what occurred before Wednesday united the clans under her. She already had to deal with fighting amongst her people and she wasn't about to let it happen again.

Their prowess in combat had been established prior to their move as word of their conflict in the frontier had spread. Leveraging their reputation helped them get work and later a contract with the Atlesian military. This developing relationship put Wednesday in contact with the Huntsmen sphere and the Atlas Academy. She'd initially looked into getting her children formal educations, and while not comfortable with the idea of enlisting them into the kingdom's standing forces, it was an opportunity to get a more in depth look at the related organizations. The potential knowledge offered by by enrolling tipped her decision. Even more so when she got the same offer when a friend convinced her to sit in a few classes.

It was an enjoyable and fulfilling experience, one of the few things Wednesday is grateful to Atlas for. While living among them and working for the military, there was never a point where she could think of this place as a home. Her home had been taken by a branch stemming from within this tangled web of corporations and armies. Wednesday had always been an outsider with her reputation serving as a double-edged sword among her peers. Many had heard of the actions carried out by her hand and by her orders during the conflict. The Wild Hunt may have worked for the Atlesian military, but it wasn't an amicable relationship. Many factors played into her move to Vale, but predominantly, it was her desire to be away from conflict. Wednesday had spent the breadth of a decade fighting and to finally rest with her family was motivation enough. The skills she had acquired along with her vast experience and knowledge would build the opportunity to teach at Beacon Academy within an assistant position. Proving herself to Vale and the academy rewarded her a full-time position as a professor.

The Wild Hunt she left behind came under new leadership in her absence. Wednesday maintains good relations with them, but no longer holds an official position in the group.
Semblance: Hliðskjálf

Wednesday's projections possess her senses and can possess others to access their senses.

Taking the possession aspect of her Semblance to the extreme, Wednesday trained to use it in conjunction with her spear, Gungnir. Volatily and degree of control was always an issue when utilizing Dust infusions with Hliðskjálf, but her unintended specialization in Gravity Dust formed a key role in her approach to combat.

Possessing Gungnir through its Gravity infusion and inbuilt conduits allows Wednesday an extreme level of control over its movement. This goes beyond the force multiplying circuitry to freely command her weapon to do whatever she wants. The weaknesses of Wednesday's projections still apply, and a sufficient application of Dust or Aura can effectively disable her Semblance's influence on affected targets. The aim would be to dispel the projection possessing Gungnir as destroying the weapon itself would only mean increasing the possible number of "hosts" it can inhabit. Gungnir would still be a Gravity-infused work of forged metal even in pieces.

Projections send all stimuli they receive to Wednesday. Projections can send stimuli to other projections so that a possessed target can "see" out of senses other than Wednesday's. They work similar to Scroll to Scroll communication that way, acting as receivers and transmitters. The projections can't produce any stimuli on their own and require an external influence. In order for Wednesday to speak to someone through a projection, she has to speak out loud so that she hears her own words and thereby activating Hliðskjálf's abilities.

Ultimate Moves

Long Range Attack:
Wednesday uses her Semblance to possess her spear before launching it at tremendous forces using a combination of her physical strength and the Gravity infusion. Through its possession by Hliðskjálf, Wednesday can precisely control its trajectory long after it has left her hand and even induce a spin to further increase its accuracy and penetration power. A shorter range application can be done to move Gungnir at will as if the weapon were moving by remote control.

Short Range Attack:
If Wednesday needs close range melee attack of tremendous power, she can shift Gungnir into its sword form and possess it. Using its Gravity infusion, the sword can become a drill like implement to rotate at absurd speeds. It can achieve higher speed by being closer and therefore easier to control as opposed to the Long Range Attack that distances her weapon.
Mindful and talkative, wouldst thou gain wisdom
Silent and thoughtful and bold in strife
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