Sparring emptyhanded (Private w/ Jack Olen)

A fully functional gym, weight room, and state-of-the-art combat simulator.
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Auric Kwaku
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Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:58 am
Age: 18
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Today was a dull day, and Auric had just completed his Grimm Biology lesson. Auric couldn't help but feel relieved that the boring lecture was finally finished as he left the classroom. He yearned for a more thrilling activity to break up the monotony of his day.

The library? Nah, too quiet.

Courtyard? He's allergic to most of the flowers there.

Then he comes to recall. His sparring coach teamed him up with Jack Olen two days earlier so they could work out together. Auric had watched his combat technique, finding it intriguing that he doesn't use any kind of weaponry.

When Auric gets to the training room, he's a bit surprised to see that Jack hasn't arrived yet. He chooses to sit on one of the seats, and before he realizes it, he's sleeping.
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack was grumbling as he walked to the sparring room. He intended to hit the town with the team, or maybe some friends he managed to make here. Not that he disliked that.... What the hell was his name again ? Aura ? Something like that.... Anyway, not that he disliked him, but the teachers could've at least asked him if he was free that day before assigning him to train the younger dude. He waited for the automatic door to open, then walked into the room energetically. He soon found the guy, asleep.*
"Well... Maybe I should just let him sleep and report the training to another day...."
*Nah. He had already decomissioned the town trip, and anyway, he was curious to see how the little dude handled himself. He shook him up.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Thanks to being a light sleeper, Auric quickly wakes up, rubbing his eyes and looking at Jack before taking a yawn and smacking his lips.

"Oh, hey man, what's up?" Auric greets him, his voice still laced with drowsiness.
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

Hum... Hi.""
*He was a bit surprised by the friendliness of the guy. They barely knew each other after all. Oh man, now it would sound rude to ask him what was his name again. Guess he's just gonna have to play pretend.*
"Well, I was asked to train you. Did you bring your weapons ? Oh, and do you want me to go easy on you, or to be serious ?"
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

"Woah, woah, woah. That was fast. What happened to saying 'hey', 'hi, 'how's the weather?' " Auric remarked with a tired expression as he got up and stretched his arms, towering Jack by a few inches.
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

"Indeed, how's the weather up there ?"
*Joked the ginger boy.*
"Anyway. You're right, I apologize if I sounded rude, I'm just in the 'fight' mood right now, so I kinda want to jump into it. You want me to leave you ten minutes to properly wake up ? Or we could report to another day, if you're that tired."
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

"No, no, I'm still good." Auric responded as he did a couple more stretches as he takes out a remote and pressed it, summoning his locker towards him.

"Just give me around 7 minutes and we'll spar, Jack. By the way, where's the locker room at?"
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

"Right behind you. It's a better place to take a nap in that just those rock-hard seats, by the way."
*As Aurum went into the room, he heard something that sounded like a fire, but when he went to check it out there was only his sparring partner, smiling.*
"Don't worry, it's just me getting ready. I think I'm gonna go all out and give you tips while we fight, is that good with you ?"
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

"...yeah, alright." Auric confirmed as he entered back into the locker room.

A good long while later, he dashed back to the training area, grinning and wearing his trademark costume and sunglasses as he twirled Twin Fang Multi-Arms.

"Ready?" Auric challenged.
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack adressed him a full smile as he took out a small bottle filled with a black oily liquid, that he poured on himself.*
"Now I am."
*He took a boxing stance.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Auric tilted his head in confusion .

"...What was that you just poured on?" He asked, pushing up his sunglasses.
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*With an even bigger smile, he answered :*
"You'll see. That's how I keep up with everyone else with no weapons. Now come on."
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

"Your funeral." Auric commented, gesturing to Jack to come at him as he gets himself into an evasive stance.
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Jack Olen
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack launched himself forward at an impressive speed, with something hidden in his hand. Once he got closer to him, he feinted a punch, as he revealed what was inside his hand : a lighter. As soon as he used it, the oily substance on his body caught fire, which of course not only blinded but also surprised his opponent. As the flames started to shrink, Jack threw a powerful hit.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

With rapid reflexes, Auric deflects the blow so that it lands directly next to his head. He then takes advantage of the situation to land a tonfa-enhanced punch to the stomach. Then, taking Jack by the shoulders, he thrust through the agony and burns to strike Jack's jaw with a quick knee strike before throwing him several meters away, flashing and flicking his hands in pain from the burns.
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Jack Olen
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Age: 20
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack landed on his feet and giggled.*
"Whoa, you didn't even get surprised by that ? Did you research my Semblance or something, or do you just have good reflexes ?"
*He would plunge his fingers in the ground, extract a chunk of rock the size of his palm, then run again at Aur... Aurum ? At the golden boy. As he ran, he crushed the rock into pebbles, then would throw them like a shotgun at... Thing's face. Then he would take advantage of the distraction to jump, catch his face and slam him into the ground. He would just take a quick look at the board displaying the two's names and level of Aura.
Auric ! His name is Auric.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

The rocks caught Auric off guard because he was able to deflect some of the pebbles with his tonfa by turning it into a flyssa, but some still struck him and caused some damage.

"Yeah, people never realized the extent of my-" He quickly caught off guard by the face grab, though he recovers quickly as he did a couple backflips away from his attacker, brushing some dirt off his face.

"And I thought being a human candle would give me more surprises."
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

"Oh, you want me to surprise you ?"
*Jack said with a predatory smile. He pulled out something from his belt, that he kept hidden in his back, then huddled up and jumped high in the air, aiming his descent at Auric. Of course, this made him a predictable and easy target, as he started to fall towards his underclassmen. As he was about to land on him though, he crushed in his hand what he was hiding behind his back. Judging from the resulting explosion, it was probably a small crystal of fire dust. Jack was unharmed by the heat, but the blast modified his fall, sending him right behind the one he was training. Rather than hitting though, he simply posed his fist on Auric back.*
"That one would've really hurt. I don't know how much Aura you have, so I'd rather not risk to hurt you seriously."
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Alrighty then, this guy knows his stuff. However..

"Yeah..yeah." Auric answered, years of deceit and manipulation coming into play as he faked tiredness, rubbing some sweat of his forehead and putting out a small fire from one of his locks.
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack nodded and stepped back.*
"Your reflexes are good, but you stand on one point too much. You need to be more mobile. Also your tonfas are a good weapon, but they lack defensive options : a shield would've easily blocked the pebble I threw earlier. What's your Semblance, if you don't mind me asking ?"
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Well, that was easy.

He turns back in an instant and throws some dirt he managed to pick up into Jack's eyes. Now that Jack is momentarily distracted, he leaps forward, slamming a hard punch in Jack's jaw before scuttling back to steal the fire dust crystals and lighter.

And now, for the special.

With lightning speed, Auric sent his opponent falling to the ground with a triple-spin kick to the back, behind his head, and around his neck. Prior to landing, Auric triggered Weave, causing two golden silk threads to emerge from his aura. These strands ensnared Jack's limbs and legs, rendering him totally immobile. Auric grinned and tossed Jack around, banging him against the floor and walls.
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Jack Olen
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack stumbled down with several pained grunts. It took him a moment to understand what just happened, but once he did, he let out an offended :*
"Ok wow. Just... Just wow. Ok asshole. You know that kinda shenanigans won't work on Grimms, yeah ? You're just being a dick now."
*He struggled and flexed, intending to easily rip through the silk, but it was much more resistant than he expected. Not enough to hold him after all the fire he's been bathed in, but enough to make him struggle.*
"Damn, that stuff's tough... Hey we were talking about defense earlier, yeah ? If that thing is so hard, maybe you could use it as a sort of chainmail or something ?"
*He was back to happily blabbering, but this time he was on his guard. He had no intention of being tricked like that twice in a row.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

"A, good point; I will remember that." Auric replies, flashing a mischievous grin as he takes off his sunglasses.

"B, wow, that was kind of harsh, though I've been told that multiple times in different forms and C, The silk's ethereal, you can't destroy-."

Before he could finish his sentence, the golden silk threads entwining Jack dissipated into nothing.

I hate that time limit
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Jack Olen
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack stood up as he shook his previously tied limbs.*
"Now on one hand I'd like to say 'gimme back my stuff', on the other stealing people's weapons and using it agaisnt them is a great tactic that I often use and I feel like I should congratulate you for it. And I know I just said it won't work agaisnt Grimms, but sometimes we have to fight other people, so... Yeah, good work. You should watch your back though."
*There was a small stone in his hand, that he intended to throw the moment Auric would turn his head.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

"Kieran always told me that." Auric commented, putting back on the sunglasses.

"So, what's with you, you're like a lone student or something?" He asks, unexpectedly
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Damn, no luck.*
"No, I'm in a team. From Mistral originally, we arrived here for a student exchange programm not too long ago."
*Jack kept his guard up.*
"You sure you don't want to look behind you ?"
*He tried.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Weave
Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Wonder what they are like.

"Interesting…also you think I'm that dumb?" Kwaku asks, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"I'm not a genius, but I'm definitely not naive enough to fall for something like this."

He sighed to himself, spinning Twin Fang Multi-Arms and turning both the tonfa and sword into pistols, glancing behind him.

"Go ahead, throw."
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

"Then absolutely do not turn around."
*Jack threw the stone, not at Auric but at the wall behind, bouncing it off. While it was nowhere near a precise shot and missed Auric by a few inches, the noise behind him and the sound of the stone hurling through the air toward his general direction was enough to make him glance. Jack took advantage of this.*
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Auric Kwaku
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Weapon Name: Twin Fang Multi-Arms

Auric's instincts take over as he runs backwards, his guard up, eyes fixed on Jack, ready to anticipate and counter any attack.
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Jack Olen
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Aura Color: Red-orange
Semblance Name: Fire absorption
Weapon Name: Those Hands

*Jack let out a frustrated groan as the ricochet missed.*
"C'mon, that would've been so dope !"
*Auric stepped back once again, getting ever closer to the wall of the sparring room. Well, if he wanted to corner himself...
Jack decided to change his strategy. Instead of running or jumping, he simply walked, slowly and with confidence, waiting for Auric to attack, expecting him to panic as he got closer.*
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