Private: Flames and Notes

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al may not be a telepath, but she could certainly see that Ax was a bit disappointed, but only for a bit of course.
She herself was still curious about Electra Heart's capabilities, so she had an idea, but she paused on saying it as Ax had already spoken up.
She had no real idea, what Ax schedule was like but if she says it was alright to still keep hanging out Al was more than happy to do so, but for now she would hear out Ax about what she had to say.
Al had to think a little, her lips pursing as she rubbed her chin a little.
"Rose Valentine..."
Al repeated, the name for herself as somewhere in the back of her mind a memory came up.
"I think my mentor mentioned her once. We had a few talks about integrating some dust tech into my equipment, and he wanted to uh...use some of her work as inspiration. I declined though... I got enough firepower as is."
Al let a flame dance in her hand, having it circle around her wrist before it dissipated in the palm of her hand in a small burst of sparks, just to show what she meant with her small pun.
"It's pretty cool that she helped you with this. Did she help with the rest of your stuff too ?"
Al asked, pointing her finger at Ax's cybernetic arm and the guitar she had stuffed away.
Maybe this was a bit too personal, but Al was curious and if Ax did not want to reply she could always refuse.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Ax L Rose
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Semblance Name: Harmonize
Weapon Name: Electra Heart + Rebel Yell

"Val-ee-en-tay. Valiente," Ax quickly corrected, in hopes of stirring Al's memory.

She rose her eyebrows in mild surprise when Al seemed to recall something. It was actually pretty awesome that someone had heard of her mentor before! Ax felt a swell of pride and a broad grin broke out on her face. A reflection like an orange little ember lit up the middles of Ax's eyes as her eyes flicked to Al's little display of pyromancy, before looking back to the masked girl.

"She helped with Electra Heart. Couldn't have asked for a better teacher, honestly. She was truly a master of her craft, and seeing as I don't have a semblance that really has any sort of broad application to combat... having a teacher that so readily encouraged me to utilize technology and dust was pretty much integral to me having any sort of real future here," Ax nodded before carrying on conversationally. Her own eyes then flicked down to her cybernetic limb, which she rose to inspect for a moment. After a second or two, the forearm section suddenly popped open on four sides, sparking and building up visible currents of electricity between the various cybernetic parts and wires and bits within. A second later, the sections snapped closed again, but little stray particles of soft blue light seemed to hang about for a few moments afterward, a current of power in the air.

"Rose didn't help with the arm. That one was all me, baby," Ax's eyes flicked over to the masked girl across from her, a charming smirk on her lips.

"I did use a cybernetic limb base and a set of modular schematics that were designed by a company called Bracket Cybertech, that apparently donated copies of design specs and raw materials to the Academy. Which is good... I'm not an expert in medicine or the human body, but I know my stuff when it comes to dust mechanics. I liked the core design because it was modular. And I'm a big nerd for custom tech, so that was a biiiig perk..." Ax's grin suddenly shrank just a little, turning sheepish. Ax rose a hand and gently rubbed the side of her neck, as if self-conscious.

"And if you can't tell, I love to chatter about this kind of thing. So if I ever take it too far and you're bored or not into it, it's okay to tell me. I won't take it personally. I know I can be a bit of a dork about this kind of thing," Ax said, her mild embarrassment hinting that she hoped for reassurance or validation.
Crystallize the pain,
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Hell is here, and it's here to stay.
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al was a bit confused she swore it was Valentine not Valiente, maybe she did not recall the right person after all, or she had just remembered the name wrong, it had been a while since she and her master had talked about her gear and what she wanted to use in combat or not, so it was reasonable to assume that she had just not gotten it right, but it was obvious that Ax was very happy about Al recognizing her teacher, so she would neither correct herself nor question the bird faunus.
Who had gone on another tangent about her gear, she did really like to talk about it, much like that other girl she had met in the market with her cool motorbike.
Both of them were kinda cute when they just talked about their gear this passionately, though Al would not admit this to either of them, for now.

As Ax was talking Al took the last swig of her coffee, the liquid has become lukewarm at this point and Al shivered a little as she tasted the bitter coffee grounds.
Al put down her cup and pulled down her mask, hiding her face completely again as she yet listened to what Ax was talking about.
Soon the other girl had finished talking, but Ax seemed to be a little self-conscious about it.
Al knew that feeling all too well.
"No worries Ax, I may not understand everything you're saying, since I'm not super good with tech stuff, but it is super nice just listening to you and hearing about all this stuff. Specially your teacher, she sounds awesome, to help you build Electra Heart."
Al leaned forward, her elbows on the table and her head propped up on her hands, as she eyed the limb.
"And putting together your own cybernetic arm is cool too, How uhm..."
Al stopped herself, Ax could notice a change in Al's cheery mood as a hint of worry had mixed itself in.
She was about to ask how Ax had lost her arm, but she had luckily caught herself last second, it was probably not a good idea to ask something like this.
"Uhm...uuuh...what was it called ?"
Al struggled to keep her sentence going, as she had no real idea what else to ask instead, oh wait!
"Oh yeah! Does it have any other functions ?"
Al had saved herself from a very awkward situation, but she had probably just gotten into another rant, better than to ruin her first impression with Ax.
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Ax L Rose
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Semblance Name: Harmonize
Weapon Name: Electra Heart + Rebel Yell

Maybe she'd have been less self-conscious if not for Al's mask. It was a little tough to gauge her interest with Ax's semblance alone. The pyromancer's reassurance renewed the earnest enthusiasm in Ax's grin.

"She is, indeed, super awesome. She's a real wizard with dust, and she was a good friend to me. She really believed in me at a time where it felt like no one else really did," Ax said with a resolute nod. She missed Rose. It'd been a while since she heard from her role model and mentor... she made a mental note to reach out to her sometime. She wasn't sure what she was up to, but if she couldn't reach her over scroll she could always make some time to meet with her at the CCT Tower, probably.

Ax's eyes surreptitiously narrowed and her head tilted slightly to the side as Al seemed to trail off mid-question. She noticed the hesitation and the hint of discomfort that crept in and her mind filled in the blanks even before Al swapped in a new question. Al wanted to know the same thing a lot of people seemed to want to ask lately. She'd never anticipated her cybernetic limb would be such a conversation starter! She wasn't sure people really wanted to know the full story of how she ended up with it though. It had been a harrowing tale... not to mention a nearly fatal experience.

"Didn't give the arm a name. It's..." It was Ax's turn to hesitate. As much as she liked to talk about this kind of thing, Al had made it pretty clear that tech wasn't her specialty. Recognizing that this was most likely not really the question Al wanted to ask, Ax figured she might as well tackle the subject head on. Al didn't really strike Ax as much of a gossip so far, so she could probably talk about it a bit as long as she didn't get into too much detail...

"Yeah. It's got other combat functions. It'll be cooler to show you rather than tell you, probably. I've had it since near the beginning of last semester... I actually knew what I wanted the arm to function and look like before I got it. Kinda funny, right? I was so hyped about integrating the tech into my kit that I could hardly wait. Ended up deciding to just lop the old arm right off with my battleaxe."

Ax managed to deliver this information pretty casually, as if it was no big deal, even punctuating her sentence with a lazy little shrug. There was a hint of mischief in her smile and a devious glint in her eyes. Technically what she was saying was mostly true... although a little misleading.
Crystallize the pain,
Nothing is the same,
Hell is here, and it's here to stay.
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

The way Ax talked about her mentor and aparent friend, did make Al think a bit about her own mentor.
It had not been long since she and Auburn parted ways but it still felt a little strange to now have to look after her own training regiment and make sure she would stay in shape.
Not like that was a problem, Al loved training and with what Ax had told her about the facilities Al could not wait to actually do some training.
Yet she still missed him, just another thing she missed from home, differnce being it was unlikely that she would ever really see him again as he had left Azmarine shortly befor she did.
Al sighed, focusing back on Ax and the conversation.

Al was of course excited to hear that Ax arm had more function's and it made her all the more excited to have a show and tell with the bird Faunus at some point, but what she said afterwards was more than a little concerning.
Al moved back, from her propped up position, staring at Ax for a few seconds, she could not be serious, right ?
She knew by now that Ax was a big nerd about dust tech and so on but sureley she would not go so far to cut her ownnarm of, just to get a new arm...either there was something else behind this, Ax was just pulling her leg or she did not want to talk about it?
Al was unsure how to respond, she really did not want to ruin the few remaining hours she could spend with her new potential friend today.
So Al decieded to play along, yet also let it be, she had a different topic they could talk about.
"Ah, well those most be some really cool functions. I can't wait for you to show them to me then."
Al replied, adding a little giggle at the end of her sentence.
"Speaking of functions though, you've been in this school and vale for some time now, so are there any shops, spots or things you'd recommend me to try out ?"
Al asked, switching the topic once more, she really hoped that this would sway her and Ax back to the relaxed mood they had before, as Al herself was still feeling a little tense after her slip-up.
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Ax L Rose
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Weapon Name: Electra Heart + Rebel Yell

Al's body language after Ax's somewhat misleading explanation said just about everything that needed to be said, and Ax could tell right away that the pyromancer found her story more than a little hard to believe. Who wouldn't have? She immediately regretted her somewhat impulsive and flippant way of addressing the subject, especially when Al more or less didn't address it at all when she spoke again.

"Oh yeah," Ax nodded after a moment, doing her best to just keep up with the subject change. Emotions and such were so distracting that her words left her lips in a way that sounded a little clipped, a little rushed. Clearly she hadn't expected Al to just keep rolling with what she said.

"It uh, depends on what you're looking for," Ax commented rather laconically, clearly not sure she wanted to change the subject so suddenly after what she'd implied about herself. She rose a hand and awkwardly rubbed the side of her neck and tried again.

"You know, uh... the way I just told you that little story was a little..." she grimaced, her eyes flicking to the side as she tried to think of a more graceful way to say what she was trying to say.

"I did cut it off, but not for the reasons I just um, implied. I had to do it. I was pinned," Ax explained. She had been kind of trying not to get too in-depth about this... but talking about it hadn't actually been as difficult as she expected it to be so far. Why not just tell Al the truth? She hoped the girl wouldn't judge her.

"We - myself and my partner - we were out on a mission where Forever Fall meets the edge of the Emerald Forest to the northeast. We ended up going against something we weren't really prepared to handle. There was a rare Grimm neither of us had seen before and that no reports or scans were able to warn us about. If I hadn't... if I hadn't..."

Okay, maybe this was a little harder to talk about when she got into certain details. She didn't want to say the beast's proper name that the experts gave it after analyzing their combat data on their scrolls in the aftermath. She didn't want to explain that in the heat of the moment she had done what any beast would've done.

No, not a beast. Instead of gnawing at her extremity to get free like a rat, she simply cut it off with the superheated blade of her battleaxe. The alternative would've been being devoured. She closed her eyes, exhaled a little breath, and forced herself to look back up at Al.

"It ah..."

Ax's throat went dry, and she tried to make herself talk, but no matter how she willed it, no words were coming. A strange sort of feeling had dawned in the air. An unearthly fear was scratching at her from the inside, and restraining it took every ounce of her attention. When she looked at Al, she wasn't really seeing her for a moment. Her eyes had a sort of glassy quality that suggested she wasn't really seeing anyone or anything at all in that spot across from her at the table.
Last edited by Ax L Rose on Sat May 01, 2021 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Crystallize the pain,
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Hell is here, and it's here to stay.
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al was surprised, she thought the previous story was some sort of diversion to get her attention of Ax arm and somewhere else, but apparently Al was wrong in her assumption. This just added to her confusion however, Ax did not seem comfortable to speak about this story and how she had actually lost her arm.
Al did not feel good listening to this, she knew this was not going to be a nice story with rainbows and sunshine but with how Ax seemed to squirm in her seat made Al feel bad for so much as hinting at the question.

Al was silent, yet Ax could see the girl in front of her shift in her chair, this story felt all too familiar to Al who flinched as Ax mentioned being pinned.
Her hand going to the right side of her face, trying to touch a cheek that did not exist anymore or rub a long gone eye.
Al shook her head, pulling her hand away again, instead crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's okay, you don't need to force yourself to keep going on. I uhm...would actually like if y-you'd stop. "
By now Al's discomfort was easy for the telepath to feel, Al was not just uncomfortable hearing the story, or forcing Ax to tell it but the memories coming back to her disturbed her.

"Please let's talk about something else, alright ?"
Al asked, sincerely hoping that Ax would agree. It was probably her fault that this situation had gotten like this, so she would try her best to remedy it.
But she really had no idea what to say to, or ask Ax.
She could punch herself, the first chance she had to make a friend at Beacon, and she was screwing it up.
Any topic would do!
This could work, even though it was dumb.
"So told me some stuff about yourself, so here is a small game, what am I ? Human or Faunus and if it's the latter what kind ?"
Al asked, this was probably not one of her best ideas, but it should hopefully do the trick of distracting herself and Ax.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Ax L Rose
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Semblance Name: Harmonize
Weapon Name: Electra Heart + Rebel Yell

As soon as Al spoke up it seemed to help. The masked girl's voice was enough of a grounding influence to take Ax out of her own head. The bird blinked a single time... and just like that, she seemed to be lucid again. She could feel Al's secondhand discomfort and she tilted her head down a bit, staring at the table. Her face went red with embarrassment and shame burned in the pit of her stomach like she had swallowed a coal.

"Yeah! Yeah, good idea," Ax nodded after a moment, her eyes snapping back over to Al. She then took a brief little moment to look around at her surroundings, aiming to notice some other key details about her environment. She noticed the still air, the smell of roasting coffee and food being grilled. She peered up at the ceiling and noted the warm-toned lights that mingled with the natural light from outside from the windows. The uncomfortable fear was gone almost as quickly as it came, but Ax had to exercise certain skills to control her emotions and limit the impact they could have on her new friend. Being focused on the present moment was a key skill.

While she was embarrassed about what had just happened, she tried to remind herself that Al was probably not judging her for it. These sorts of things just... happened sometimes. Trauma was insidious and unpredictable. On the other hand, it seemed like she and Al had pretty good signal strength for having so recently met... Ax's natural assumption was that Al was feeling a pretty similar set of emotions as her: Shame and embarrassment. She thought to perhaps speak up and offer some kind of reassurance, but Al was eager to keep things moving. That was probably the best way to go about this. No need to linger on the discomfort - that much Ax would agree on.

Ax exhaled a little sigh and shifted gears as she considered Al's question. She leaned forward and propped herself up with her arms, her chin resting in her palms. She examined Al closely for a moment, her brow furrowing in concentration. For all her posturing, she actually felt pretty confident she had at least a partial answer. Unless this ferocious young lady behind the mask had some cosmetic surgery in her past or something, this girl was definitely a faunus. Ax could still vividly remember a pretty pair of fangs behind those lips of hers.

"Well... I caught a little glimpse of your teeth, so my guess is faunus. As for what kind, harder to say," she pursed her lips to the side in contemplation. This was a pretty solid distraction. She felt a little better already.

"You're a carnivore, that much is for sure. You remind me a little of a fox that I know. So maybe something canine...?" Ax raised a brow, a sly smile growing on her lips.

"Am I hot? Cold? Just right?"
Crystallize the pain,
Nothing is the same,
Hell is here, and it's here to stay.
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al finally saw Ax shift back into her casual mood, it was good to see that she was relaxing again.
All that emotion both of them probably felt was a little tense, not just tense almost unpleasant.
She looked to Ax settle down, folding her arms like that as she began to stare at her almost inquisitive, it was a little unsettling but also kind of...nice.
Having all of Ax's attention on her did make her feel sort of special, Al looked to the side, just looking out of the window as she was waiting for Ax to answer.
Finally, the bird faunus spoke up, ah yeah that was a bit obvious now that she thought about it.
Her fangs were rather obvious with their size and how well Al keeps care of them, her big white fangs were of course something Ax would notice.
That's when Ax asked how close she was, Al was caught a bit of guard as it was now her turn to stare at Ax.
The slightest blush formed under her mask, yeah Ax was pretty more than one way.
Her gaze trailed down to the birds bare midriff, before she shook her head and focused back on the conversation, she would try to play it off, yeah just be cool Al.

"Yeah they are pretty noticeable, aren't they ?"
Al pushed up her mask just a little, showing Ax her grin making the four large fangs in her mouth glint with the glow of the sun now shining into the caffee's window.
"Hmmm...a fox faunus, huh?"
She pretended to think for a second, scratching the chin of her mask as she looked back to Ax.
"But no, not quiet.
Al said as she actually took a second to think, should she keep Ax guessing ?
There were a few hundred types of canine type Faunus she could be, not really a fair or fun game.
Eh...why not, she was too curious about Ax's reaction to keep her and herself waiting.
"Here, don't think I should draw this out too much."
Al said as she moved her hands up and with a tug pulled back her hood, at first there wasn't anything Ax could see, but two ears that were pressed against Al's head, matching her hair in color perfectly, perked up with a little shiver as Al shook her head, getting some unwanted hair out of her ears.
"Here ya go.
Al said letting her hands drop into her lap again, leaving her head uncovered for now.
Last edited by Al Ciendra on Fri May 07, 2021 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Ax L Rose
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Semblance Name: Harmonize
Weapon Name: Electra Heart + Rebel Yell

Ax's smirk showed off the pearly whites of her own canines, though Ax's weren't nearly as sharp or carnivorous-looking. She could feel a little of a secondhand little flutter in her chest after her mildly flirtatious comment - Ax seemed to know that she'd gotten a good reaction from her words even despite not being able to visibly confirm all the subtleties of Al's expression at first. It was sometimes a little difficult in practice to tell the difference between a person feeling flattered or uncomfortable, so when Al showed off her fangs again, Ax took that as a sign that Al wasn't uncomfortable.

More importantly, Al was really pretty so far. Ax had only seen a little bit of her face, but the fangs were super cute and the younger woman's lips looked soft, smooth and inviting. Ax was looking forward to seeing what she really looked like under that metal mask someday. The bird seemed quite interested as soon as Al rose her hands and started to move like she intended to pull her hood down, and her deep blue eyes seemed to light up a little at what she saw.

"Cute!" Ax exclaimed. She pressed her lips together for a moment, starting to raise a hand before catching herself. Clearly, resisting cute faunus ears wasn't her strong suit. Ax looked like she really wanted to touch them!

"So... you're a..." Ax hesitated. These could have passed for fox, dog, or wolf ears maybe... the sensitive little furs on the inside looked a little a little too fluffy and shaggy to be a fox's ears, and the curve and position was just a bit different from Nym's.

"Wolf?" Ax took a guess, figuring 'wolf' was a more flattering guess than 'dog'.
Crystallize the pain,
Nothing is the same,
Hell is here, and it's here to stay.
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Al Ciendra
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Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al was more than a little taken back by Ax's response, very apparent in her expression and the way her ears stood up straight, instead of their usual diagonal pose.
A bright red blush was on her cheek once the word registered in her head and Al was trying her best to not make the surprise apparent, but Ax probably felt the emotion she could most likely see her cheeks redden as her mask was still pulled up.
Then Al also noticed that Ax was seemingly reaching out for her ears, but quickly pulled her hand back.
Al was unsure how to respond, so she just said nothing, instead she quickly pulled her mask back down, just to hide her blush, she hoped Ax didn't think she was uncomfortable.
Sure, this was new but...she kind of liked it.

Al took just a second, to gather herself and respond to Ax, she still sounded happy.
"Yeah, a wolf."
Al said as she chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck a little sheepishly.
"I-i'm glad you think my ears are cute. Your uhm...your feathers are really pretty too."
Al really wasn't sure how to go about this, but she should at least say something back right ?
Either way, she was happy that this had lifted the mood again, Ax seemed really happy compared to a few minutes ago.
It was so nice to see her this exited, her smile was so beautiful and Ax was just
Al caught herself staring at the bird faunus for a couple seconds, saying nothing before she shook her head and just focused back on Ax face, wait why was she feeling like this ?
Ax was a girl, and she was a girl too...oh, OH!
That...may explain A LOT of things.

"So uhm, would you like numbers, so we can keep in touch ?"
Her feeling of uncertainty only grew stronger, was this okay to ask ?
Last edited by Al Ciendra on Thu May 13, 2021 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Ax L Rose
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Race: Faunus - Major Mitchell's Cockatoo - Feathers
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Occupation: Huntress
Semblance Name: Harmonize
Weapon Name: Electra Heart + Rebel Yell

Oh, that had done something. Ax had felt that. Her own cheeks reddened considerably - while Ax didn't otherwise seem bashful, she couldn't always help the physiological side effects of feeling intense emotions from others. The rosy hue on her cheeks accentuated the smooth curves of her face and drew out the bright blue of her eyes. Playing it cool was actually kind of difficult. Ax's heart had skipped a beat and the reason why was staring right at her from behind that mask, covering up her face in an effort to mask a blush of her own. Was there any chance Ax's ego was getting ahead of itself? She supposed Al's reaction might not have meant what it seemed like it meant...

Well, regardless of what it meant, this was definitely more fun than having a traumatic little flashback or whatever she'd been about to do when she was talking about her arm earlier. Ax raised a hand and absentmindedly rubbed at the feathers on the tip of one of her ears in response to Al's compliment, and the smile on her lips grew.

"Thanks. Yeah, I think I'd like that," Ax agreed, reaching for her pocket and pulling out her scroll. She hastily scrolled to enter in a new contact, and offered it over to Al so she could input her numbers.

"I'll be looking forward to showing you Electra Heart. Maybe we can even take a trip into town sometime. Do something fun," Ax suggested lightly. She couldn't help but want to try and get a better impression of Al's feelings and comfort level after a reaction like that.
Crystallize the pain,
Nothing is the same,
Hell is here, and it's here to stay.
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Al Ciendra
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Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Oh yeah, Ax had certainly felt her emotion.
She could see her blushing too, but why ?
Oh...did she, oh yeah her semblance, now Al finally understood on what kind of level Ax understood others emotions, maybe she should keep her reactions in check around Ax, it could make their interactions pretty awkward if Ax felt each and every outburst Al felt.
But maybe, it would be fun for Ax ?
She didn't know really.
Al could at least relax a bit when Ax responded positively to their number exchange.
Now that she thought of it, Ax number was something a lot of boys would probably like to have, Al felt a bit of glee over this fact, but mostly happy to have made a new friend, a super cool friend that is.

Al happily put her number into Ax's scroll and handed it back to Ax.
"Sure, that sounds like a ton of fun! I haven't really been to Vale that much yet, so maybe you could show me around a bit ?"
Al asked, it would be nice to get to know the town and Ax at the same time.

Then suddenly her scroll begin to ring, Al flinched a little and fumbled to get it out of her pocket, almost dropping the thing on the floor in the process.
Ah, it was time for her to go to the ceremony and get initiated into beacon.
Her heart was, beating faster again, she was pretty excited for this after all.
"Oh, I gotta go, the ceremony is starting in a few minutes. It was super nice talking to you."
Al basically jumped from her seat after saying this and began to head out of the cafeteria.
"Call me soon!
Al shouted to Ax as she then ran out of the cafeteria and towards the big hall the ceremony was being held at.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Ax L Rose
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Race: Faunus - Major Mitchell's Cockatoo - Feathers
Aura Color: Electric Blue
Occupation: Huntress
Semblance Name: Harmonize
Weapon Name: Electra Heart + Rebel Yell

Ax exchanged scrolls back as soon as they were both done. As soon as she had her own back, she casually rose it and snapped a discreet little picture of the masked girl to identify her in her contacts. She continued to tap a few things on her scroll for a second or two before she locked the screen and sat it face down on the table.

"Sure. We can figure it out," Ax agreed. She watched with an even and impartial expression as Al's scroll started to go off. The smile on her lips turned a little lopsided at the wolf-girl's fumbling.

"That time already, eh? Time flies, wow," Ax hadn't even realized how long she and Al had been talking.

"Pleasure was all mine," Ax raised a hand and gave Al a little wave with her metal fingers.

"Toodles! I'll text you!" Ax rose her voice a bit so Al would catch her as she started to hurry her way out.
Crystallize the pain,
Nothing is the same,
Hell is here, and it's here to stay.
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