Lost and Found

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Bartok Evergreen
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Race: Faunus (Vampire Bat)
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Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Being blind had it's perks. Well, it did when you had giant gorgeous sexy bat ears like Bartok did. The disability also scored tons of pity-points with the ladies, and when you proved you could still function as a person and do normal day-to-day things it boosted your appeal. Bartok could only imagine the hearts in their eyes when he started to do flips and kicks and other Huntsman-y things. It was honestly pretty cool when you made the most of it.

However, there are things that no matter how well you work with them, they are always negative. Like learning to read maps. Ha. As if he knew how to read.

Bartok stood staring and running a hand along a large plastic map of the campus. At least, that's what he thought it was. It was along this path through... somewhere on campus. The entire thing was made from one solid slab. It was warm to the touch as the sun shone above. He supposed ink would be on it to show buildings and paths and probably a big red "You Are Here" dot. If only they made it from different plastics, he could feel the differences and make out the map with his fingers. No one was around for him to ask, and he didn't feel like shouting to the world that he was lost. That wouldn't be very Huntsman-y.

Well, he wasn't completely blind, but to the point where he filtered out anything visual unless he concentrated. His dark goggles made everything a depressingly dark shade of brown, but maybe if he took them off and looked real close to the sign, he could make it out. He lifted one goggle off from around his eye and, even with them shut, it was far too bright. He hissed and put the goggle back on, blinking the bright spot away. Right. It was just past noon. The sun must be shining on the sign to reflect light on him. He could feel it's warmth, he should have thought of that.

He let out a sigh and dropped his hand. And tapped his foot. And slowly turned in circles.

Here he was. He was going to die here. With no one to help him.
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Carmine Crest
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Slipping away from the crowd was extremely easy thanks to the groups of likeminded people already setting out on their own, what was one more body amongst the crowd? The only problem came with a familiar long black haired man walking down the east path so rather than interrupting his fellow loner, he turned exactly 180 degrees before he walked down the west path to begin exploring the massive academy and familiarize himself with some parts of the school and what would probably be the best place to retreat to if he felt the need to.

The next few minutes were spent in peace and quiet as his eyes roamed around the school and the surrounding nature, judging the distances, sounds he could hear and what he could potentially see from wherever he thought would be a nice place to simply sit back and relax. However his list of spots to rest were quickly being cut down by a single problem which to many would be worth ignoring but to someone like Carmine, he'd prefer to not have to ignore anything and instead have as much peace and quiet as he wanted. Usually something not too bad in Vale, sure there was always a car or something making some noise but those were background noises, noises he had learned to filter out long ago. Likewise, he learned to be alert of new noises, to be wary and prepared to run if it was too loud and too close, he couldn't let his guard down that easily.

Which is why he realized somebody was tapping on the ground nearby in a pattern, the noise almost lost to him amidst the sound of other people walking by and talking with one another in the distance but he could hear the rhythmic tapping just faintly, probably around the corner if he had to guess. With his goal put on hold, he rounded the corner to spot the source of the tapping, what appeared to be a bat faunus tapping his foot against the ground before turning ever so slightly before tapping once more, it really wasn't hard to determine the bat faunus was lost with the giant plastic and presumably flat map of Beacon being just to the faunus' right.

"What are you looking for?" Carmine called out as he begun to approach the faunus, his hands resting in his pocket as his eyes begun to take in the taller man, noting how well dressed he was despite the faunus' poor eyesight, an assumption he was making purely on dark tinted goggles the faunus was currently wearing. "I can take you there if you need it." Carmine informed the faunus, deciding he should begin building some sort of friendly relations with some of his classmates lest he ends up on a team that ends up disliking him as much as he dislikes them.
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Bartok Evergreen
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Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok heard someone coming around the corner, thank god, and was ready for when they spoke. If he hadn't heard them he might've jumped out of his skin he'd be so spooked. The voice came out filtered somehow, like the guy was speaking from behind something. Did he have something around his mouth? Bartok clicked his tongue and only got the vague shape of someone wearing a hood.

"Well, here I was thinking that I'd have to build a raft in order to return to civilization and name a blade of grass 'Wilson'. I'm looking for..." He paused, tapping his foot and moving his head down and to the side, thinking. What was he looking for again? "Sorry, I was so wrapped up in looking that I forgot what I was looking for in the first place." He stepped forward and held out a hand. "Name's Bartok Evergreen. Yours?"

As the other guy walked closer, he could hear the movement of fabric around his entire body. So he was hiding his mouth, maybe his face, and wearing a cloak. Either this was a loner who really wanted to not be seen, or someone about to assassinate Bartok with kindness and manners. Quite odd.
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Carmine Crest
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Weapon Name: Cadel and Maria

Ah, the class clown already? Suppose there were worse people to deal with, the faunus could've gotten angry for the "pity" that Carmine was trying to give. Although that leaves the question of the clown's comedic skills, which so far was looking to be more of an annoyance rather than funny or at the very least endearing. Which is why the clown failing to remember what he was looking for in the first place was immediately put under suspicion by Carmine, it was possible that was just a lie and a poor attempt at a joke or to draw attention to himself much like that biker girl on the airship.

Either option just seemed to be more trouble than it was worth but the odds of ending up on the same team as the clown was just as likely as it was for the cowboy, so with a small sigh to himself, he took the faunus' hand and gave it a firm shake. "Carmine Crest, it's a pleasure to meet you." Carmine answered Evergreen's question, his eyes staring into the darkened lenses of the goggles, part of him wondering just where the faunus got those lenses and how durable they could be. "So how did you end up here all alone? Doesn't seem like a particularly smart idea to wander alone with limited sight." Carmine would comment as his eyes roamed the surrounding area, noting that it was quiet for the most part with only the ruffle of leaves keeping the two company.

At the very least, Carmine may have just found himself the best place to hide away should he feel the need to. Turning his head to the right and looking at the map, Carmine was a bit surprised at how far from the landing pad they were on the map, if one were to use Beacon tower as the center then they nearly made it halfway across Beacon by going around it. Interesting enough, the building nearby was the amphitheater, probably explaining why there wasn't much people here as well. "If you were looking for the amphitheater, you nearly made it at least...." Carmine would idly mention as his eyes scanned the map, trying to memorize it as best as he can.
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Bartok Evergreen
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Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

"Well don't you have a sharp eye." Bartok started to explain, "After a riveting game of poker on the airship, I heard a group of girls walking off. I decided to follow them and ask them about the place, but one of them used their semblance, there was a big 'Whoosh!' and off they went. I tried to track them down and... well, here I am. I guess I was trying to find someplace they might go on that map over there, but it's one solid slab and I can't make anything out." Bartok put his hands behind his head as if relaxing, turning towards the 'map' with a frown. "It is a map, right? Not some advertisement or billboard? That would have seemed weird for me to be touching." He sounded embarrassed.

Then he snapped his fingers into guns at Carmine. "The ampitheater! They probably went there. Sounds a likely place." He turned to Carmine. "Now, what are you doing over here, all cloak and mask? No one's over here, so it must be out of the normal way to the ampitheater."
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Carmine Crest
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Listening to the faunus' story, it seemed plausible enough, the man seemed to be the type of person to go with whatever was suggested and enough people were on the airship for somebody to decide a game of poker would pass the time although why the man decided to try and follow what sounded like a... speed semblance? Or whatever it was, was not the wisest choice. Although that semblance sounded like it would be a pain to fight against and useful to fight with, he'd have to keep an eye out for it. The only clue he had to work with was this person was a girl, likely to be a new student and already has a group of friends that consisted of girls. Regardless, that information will have to be sealed away for now, instead he'd help the faunus try and find the girls should he try and continue his search. "I see... Although if I remember correctly, the intake for new students is in the ballroom. That would be your best bet to finding them, if not now then eventually when we all get rounded up there."

As he pointed out where they'd likely be, Carmine's eyes traced a path from their location to the ballroom, part of him debating if it would be easier to take him there directly or just giving him instructions. His thoughts were interrupted however as the faunus questioned his intentions for being on the off path with his cloak and mask, his head would tilt to the right ever so slightly. "Guess you could hear my voice being muffled... But what gave away the cloak?" Carmine would question, curious just how good the man's eyesight was or if his hearing was just that good.

"As for my purpose being here, it's not as interesting as yours unfortunately. I'm just bored and looking for a place to rest when I need it." Carmine would answer with a shrug. "Don't suppose you managed to find any relatively quiet place away from people yet, have you?" The question being nothing more than a long shot but seeing as he was now stuck conversing with the clown, he figured he'd at least try it.
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Bartok Evergreen
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Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

"The Ballroom!" He exclaimed. "That sounds like a lovely place to be. Though I assume tonight's use for it won't be a dance. Shame." He dramatically kicked an invisible rock before looking back up at him. "Your cloak? It's billowy. The cloth flapped against the air that you pushed by walking. It was either a cloak, a heavy blanket, or a coat that was several sizes too large. With the mask, I figured it was a cloak. Though for your mask, I have no idea if it just covers your mouth or your whole face." Bartok chuckled.

When Carmine asked about a quiet place, Bartok's ears perked up more than usual and began slowly tilting around. After a moment he clicked his tongue and moved his head as if he was tracking some invisible bug in the air. "I'm not sure how this place is on the weekends, but this is a pretty quiet spot. I could help you find other less-traveled places on campus if you'd like." He offered.
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Carmine Crest
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Hurm. Never would've guessed faunus hearing could be that good, but then again this particular faunus was a bat faunus so it was likely he was a special case when it came to hearing. Would probably be useful to have in certain situations, trying to sneak up on Evergreen would be all but impossible without a way to mute sound entirely. Unless of course he could be overwhelmed with loud noise... Carmine made a mental note to investigate that later when he had the time, for now he simply nodded to the man. "I see, that's impressive hearing." Carmine would chose to compliment and ignore what could've been an inquiry about his mask, last thing he needed was to begin talking about it again and dodging around the inevitable question of why he wore it.

As it turned out however, the faunus seemed willing to assist him on his little journey in finding a quiet place away from most others, a gesture that was met with a small smile forming underneath his mask. "I'd appreciate your assistance." Carmine would begin to walk forward once more, trusting the faunus to follow alongside him.

"So how are you liking Beacon so far?" A relatively harmless question that wouldn't be too hard for him to answer as well should Evergreen ask the same question in return, things should be fine with simple conversation as they walked down the pathways. He briefly wondered what Evergreen would decide to fill the silence with if Carmine didn't keep the conversation going, it wasn't his strong suit and he was more than fine with walking in silence but he doubted the faunus would be of the same mind.
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Al Ciendra
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Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

And she was lost, great.
Al cursed under her breath as she walked around the campus grounds, she had slipped away from the unbearable noise that was the crowd leaving the airship before doing so much as searching out a map and taking a look at it.
A metallic 'clang' was heard as Al facepalmed her mask.
"Great thinking Al, leave the group and just wander of because you can't take the noise and all the other input...was it really a good idea to come here ?"
Al talked to herself while still looking for a map.
She had left her quiet hometown only a few days ago and was already missing home, there may be nothing special there, but it was all she really knew, a big campus like beacon was nothing she had ever seen before, sure she had seen it in pictures but seeing the real thing was a lot more imposing, and she had never visited the city either, everything was so big, loud and just too much to take in all at once.
NO! No sulking! Al shook her head.
You have to find a map and find your way around the campus, maybe find some food to cheer herself up, yeah that will get your mind back on track!
First find a map.

Al walked around campus a bit more and see there, her luck turned for the better as she could hear two guys talking, one sounded a bit muffled and the other one kept talking like a chatterbox, so it was easy to hear the mention of a map.
Al ignored them, walking around the corner and past them to take a look at the big board of plastic, let's see here.
Uhm...this wasn't as easy to understand as she thought, guess it was time for social interaction after all.
She turned around to look at the two guys that had walked further away now.
One was a tall dude with funny looking glasses and bat ears, a fellow faunus, maybe that would make talking to him easier ?
The other was a little shorter but looked a scary with that mask hiding his face, as hypocritical as it was of her.

Al approached the two, raising her voice as she stood behind them.
"Hello, could either of you help me find the cafeteria ? I don't really understand the map and the campus grounds are surprisingly easy to get lost in."
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok nodded and followed him, replying to his small talk until his ears perked up once more. "I guess this place isn't as secluded as you or I thought. Someone else is here, behind us." He 'watched' with his ears as she approached the same map that he had done. At least she could read. He heard the same sort of flapping noise of a cloak like Carmine's. People rarily heard or noticed the noises their clothes made, but Bartok had to in order to compliment the ladies on their outfits. He also knew that it was a 'she' because of how she walked. If you asked Bartok he wouldn't be able to tell you what exactly made a male and female's gait different, but he could tell.

And then she walked over to them and spoke. Maybe she couldn't read the map afterall. And another mask wearer? Maybe this place just attracted those who wanted to be alone. "Don't worry honey, I got lost too!" Bartok turned and smiled at her. "Auditorium is over that way," He pointed in the correct direction. "But I'm not sure if the cafeteria is even near there." He drummed his foot on the concrete for a moment before straightening up with an idea. "We're taking a walk around to explore some sites, maybe if you come with us you might find it? I'm Bartok Evergreen, nice to meet you." He held out his hand in greeting.
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Carmine Crest
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This is exactly why Evergreen would be an asset to have on a potential team. Turning around to see who had stumbled across them, he was surprised to find himself looking at what appeared to be an armored woman in a cloak but most importantly wearing a metal mask. Tilting his head to the right, Carmine would be staring at the girl's metal mask, his eyes taking in the dents and markings around it and pausing his slow scan of the mask right at the girl's black lenses, his chocolate colored eyes being reflected back at him. Who was this woman? Why was she wearing a mask? Part of him wanted to ask about it but he bit his tongue. He wouldn't want her asking about his mask either.

Shaking himself free from his thoughts, his gaze would turn toward the now talking Evergreen, the faunus helpfully filling Carmine in on what he had apparently missed while momentarily lost in thought. "He's right. It's not nearby but we are bound to run into it eventually." Carmine would add onto what the faunus was saying, his mind still slightly recovering from the fact that someone else was wearing a mask in Beacon, he had gone through Pharos without ever once hearing about another masked person so where did this person come from? "Name's Carmine Crest." He'd introduce himself after Evergreen, uncertain in rather or not to extend a hand as well so he simply chose to keep his hands in his pocket and watch for the mystery girl's reaction.
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Being called "honey" was a bit surprising, but it was a much better response than she had thought.
Al had half expected to get laughed at for getting lost nor being able to read the map, so it was a great relief to hear that she was not the only one who had gotten lost, atleast Bartok did.
She wasn't sure about Carmine, he did not seem lost, perhaps he just wasn't the judgemental type, though the way he stared at her mask was a bit unsetteling.
Al quickly turned her gaze back to Bartok, seeing that he had extended his hand for her to shake, Al gladly shook his hand, she had a firm grip, even though it was cushioned by the leather gloves she wore.
"Al Ciendra, It's nice to meet you and glad to be part of this little trip."
She let go now switching her gaze back to Carmine, who had just seemingly snapped out of a dream.
She stopped herself from giggeling at the display but instead extended a hand to Carmine.
"It's good to meet you too Carmine."
She hoped this would make him ease up a little, something seemed to be bothering him and she'd rather start with a good impression, after all who knows she's going to team up with ?

After Carmine responded Al would take in a deep breath before speaking up again.
"So shall we head of ?"
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok shook her hand and noted the gloves. Cloak, mask, and gloves? Maybe she had more to hide than Carmine. And even through the glove, she felt quite warm. "Al." He repeated her name back when they let go of eachother. He waited as she greeted Carmine, and once that was over Bartok turned around and clicked his tongue once.

"Yup! All aboard the Hidden train! Get your sweet behinds in gear, it's time to go exploring." Bartok announced quite enthusiastically before stepping in a marching tempo. He would continue that for maybe a full five seconds before laughing at himself and getting back to a normal walking pace.
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Carmine Crest
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Al Ciendra. That was a name he'd have to keep an ear out for, call him vain but somebody who took on similar attire to himself was bound to be interesting, if not for who she is than for the rumors about why she wears the mask. With his own introduction, the girl offered her hand and he noted the girl wore leather gloves compared to his own black cotton gloves before he took it and gave it an equally firm shake. As he did so, he had to wonder just how similar they were to each other? Was it only appearances or was it more? Only time would tell.

With Evergreen leading the charge, Carmine couldn't help but tilt his head wondering just where exactly he was heading off to considering his limited sight and all. Then again, aimless wandering didn't need much sight to begin with so with a simple shrug to himself, he followed after the faunus, walking to his right as Carmine's eyes turned to the surrounding scenery. "Say... How did you even end up getting lost Al?" With the calmness of walking around, Carmine's mind finally latched onto something he probably would've questioned earlier on had he not been so caught off guard by the girl's similar attire. "We all started off with a group and I doubt you'd be the only one to be hungry..." He'd add a bit more onto why he asked the question in the first place, Evergreen had walked off from his group to chase after some girls he was interested in while Carmine much preferred isolation, so what would be her reasoning?
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al was happy that she and Carmine finally properly greeted each other, for her it was always better to atleast shake hands upon first meeting thatn just looking at each other akwardly, though she would ofcourse appreciate other customes too, someone around her had already greeted her with a bow instead of a handshake, so that was funny.

Speaking of funny, she couldn't help but giggle at Bartok's silly display, after all that tension from earlier it was good for her to have some comedic relief.
She was busy following Bartok that she was caught a little of guard by Carmine's question, ofcourse it was obvious that someone would ask this at some point.
Al sighed as she just looked up to the man walking besides her.
"I'm not exactly used to the big city. Everything is so big and loud and... it's just alot to take in for me, since I lived my entire life in a small town. So I booked it first chance and got away from the crowd to just have a bit of peace and quiet, before the ceremony and other things happen."
She explained shrugging, she didn't really know what else to tell him.
"Actually that reminds me, I know Bartok got lost but why are you here Carmine, did you get lost too ?"
She asked, tilting her head while looking up to Carmine.
It would be funny how three soon to be student's ended up getting lost and finding each other in the same place.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Carmine Crest
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Listening to the girl's explanation, Carmine only gave a simple hum of acknowledgement as he kept pace with the faunus, his eyes still roaming the view offered by Beacon's walkways. At least he got an answer on where Al came from and why he never crossed paths with her before Beacon, it seemed the two also shared a dislike for large crowds as well. At least for now, maybe she'd warm up to them in time.

"I am not lost. I am exploring Beacon to find a suitable place to relax and be alone should I need it. Luckily for Bartok, I stumbled across him while he was lost and now he offered to help me find a quiet spot." Carmine's own answer came with a simple nod to the faunus that was leading them. With his own question and her question answered, Carmine let out a small sigh to himself. He was normally comfortable in silence but it didn't feel right to remain quiet in such small company, especially when the clown was among them. Although the silence from the clown was another issue, had he tagged him wrong? Or perhaps Evergreen was put off by his appearance and mannerisms? It wouldn't be the first time.

"I trust you both are still enjoying Beacon despite this setback?" Carmine asked, his head turning toward the faunus more than his fellow masked classmate, curious about the answer he would give. If things were already bad than he'd better hope his team didn't include him, otherwise fixing it up would be troublesome.
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Al Ciendra
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Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Quiet spot huh ?
It seemed like Carmine disliked noisy places much like her, but was there really something like a quiet place on campus, Al could always hear something, but maybe Carmine did not have such issues, being human must be nice too, he was human right ?
Al tapped her chin a bit, it was hard to tell with Carmine's clothing, not that it mattered anyway, so Al stopped with her own questions as Carmine had surprisingly spoken up, she thought he liked silence ?
"Well I haven't seen most of it yet, but I'm certain I will enjoy my stay here. I can't wait to join a team and start practicing being a huntress."
She giggled, Al was very giddy to finally have her new education start.
"That makes me wonder why do you guys want to be hunters ?"
Al tilted her head again, this could be a fun conversation.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok walked quietly, which if Erin was around she would say was very uncharacteristic of him, and listened to the other two as they made small talk. Two masked people, both coming to Beacon at the same time. A boy and a girl, no less. They would be quiet entertaining to watch. Each of them keeping their cards close, perhaps it was only a matter of time before they opened up to eachother. Though neither of them would do it of their own volition. Maybe Bartok could be the catalyst. If Carmine developed feelings, Bartok could try and make a move for Al, goading Carmine to act protective and show his own interest...

Such were the thoughts that went through the bat faunus' head. He couldn't go a few minutes without thinking of romance in some capacity.

A question from Al made him come back to the present. "Why did I want to be a Huntsman?" He repeated the question before humming in thought. "I guess... it's because of a friend of mine. She really wanted to be a Huntress and I kinda went along with her until here. Haven't seen her around yet, but won't be long. You two?"
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Carmine Crest
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Weapon Name: Cadel and Maria

Teams... He had to wonder who he'd end up on a team with? Considering the people he had met so far, Carmine could only see one combination that would work for him, the cowboy, clown and Al. Citrine and the cat faunus would prove to troublesome and he was almost certain the two wouldn't be able to make certain calls if it came down to it. Last thing he'd need is to be burdened by those unwilling to survive. He knew the cowboy could be reliable and while he couldn't be certain of his current company, they at least were a lot less to deal with then those two.

The question about why he wanted to be a huntsmen was something he knew would be asked eventually by someone, after all it would provide a lot of insight into the type of person they are. It seemed that question was enough to pique Evergreen's interest as he finally spoke up since the trio had set out on their adventure, giving a seemingly mundane reason yet it was one all too familiar to himself.

"Suppose I'm in a similar boat. My father was a huntsmen so I simply followed in his footsteps." His answer came with a shrug however he turned his head to the faunus. "This friend of yours... How long have you known each other? I imagine you wouldn't have became a huntsmen for just any person."
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Al Ciendra
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Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al listend intently to the answers of her question but could not say she was super blown away by them.
Bartok seemed like he had no real interest of his own to become a huntsman, but it was sweet that he wanted to stick by his friends side, perhaps there her first impression of him was a bit off ?
Who was she kidding he would definitly become the class clown, not that she minded.
Carmine she wasn't sure what to think of, perhaps he would reveal a bit more about his motives later.

As for herself Al did not have to think about.
"I just want to improve my fighting skill, I was already taught a lot by my mentor but to really perfect what I learned from him I have to become a huntress."
Al explained, smiling under her mask as a flaming glint of excitment could be seen in the dark glass eyes of her mask, she knew her goal was not the most noblest but fighting and training was what she loved doing, so what better place than here.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok listened to them both, nodding after Al finished. He clicked his tongue and his ears turned ahead of them for a moment before the bat faunus spoke. "My friend and I go back farther than I remember. Pre-school maybe, I don't know. Our parents know eachother and we grew up in the same small town. We sorta just were always around eachother." He chuckled as a memory went through his mind. "Oh man, I annoy her so much. Maybe too much." He would frown at that. Now that they were older, she could get put on another team. She could go off with her own group and they might never really interact again. Before she was stuck with him, but now... Would she leave him?

He snapped out of it and turned the subject back to his compatriots. "Following legacy and to improve your skills, eh? I guess I shouldn't be saying anything, but you do know we will be fighting the monsters that keep people seperated, yeah? We need to be close." He turned his head as if to look over his shoulder and stuck his tongue out while holding up crossed fingers. "Quite close."
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Carmine Crest
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So Al was a fighter? Suppose that explains why her mask was dented in places. It was interesting that he managed to find himself among a group of people who didn't really have any idealistic reason for being a huntsmen, he heard the tales of those seeking glory and fame, those seeking righteousness or even those seeking to punish evil yet here he was with the tag along and the fighter. Wonder how many people are like that here?

Watching and listening to the bat faunus, he noticed the frown appearing on his face as he reminisced about his friend and how he may have annoyed her too much. Did they grow apart? Or a recent fight? Would explain why they haven't stumbled across each other yet, especially if she's avoiding him. Probably wasn't too hard to lose him, he couldn't even find himself after all. Any thought of commenting on Evergreen's frown was thrown out the window as he spoke up about the reasons again, a rather obvious subject change but it wasn't something Carmine was opposed to but he was going to remember this little bit of information.

However what comment about being close made Carmine tilt his head in confusion. "I am aware we need to be close...." Carmine would tell the faunus as he tried to figure out what exactly was being implied if anything but he had to, right? Nobody would make it that much a point if not to imply something nor would they flick their tongue while crossing their fingers....

Carmine knew he was missing something but he couldn't tell what it was. He could read facial expressions and body language, even pick up some of the emotion in somebody's voice but when it came to actually interacting with people, that's where he failed. What could that even mean? How should he even respond to it? In the end, he did what he always does when he gets lost and simply remain quiet.
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Al Ciendra
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Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al listened to the other two with piqued interest, which may be a bit obvious as her hood suddenly gained two little bumps atop her head, Al noticed this a bit after Bartok was done talking about his friend, she quickly pushed them back down.
"Everyone in my hometown is some sort of craftsman, merchant or a town guard so none of them really have a reason to go here, It must be nice having someone you know here with you."
Al mused as she wondered what it would be like to have Inren here with her, nice but also probably annoying since he would want to talk for her half the time.

Al was as confused as Carmine and looked at the masked guy trying to decipher if he knew what Bartok's weird gesture meant, but as far as she could tell he also had no clue.
"Well weird gesture aside, fighting is what I'm here for. If you're so scared of the Grimm you can count on me to kick their tails for you!"
Al exclaimed, an orange flaming glint of excitement could be seen behind her masks blackened eyes, as Al trusted her fist into the air...she slowly pulled it back down as her confident posture faded, as Al felt embarrassed, she really needed to keep her excitement in check.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Well, didn't that fly over there heads. Bartok couldn't blame them, not many people's minds were constantly on attraction and romance when you were training to save the world like his was. And the fact that they didn't take any meaning from it could mean that they were naive when it came to relationships, that it just wasn't in their heads at the moment, and/or that they hadn't yet felt any attraction to another.

Bartok heard Al pump her fist into the air, all excited energy. She was absolutely adorable, and he wondered why she covered all that up with a mask. Then again, there were lots of things that dealt with sight and appearance that he didn't fully understand. He understood that you wanted to look nice, hence his wardrobe consistening entirely of clothes that could see him into clubs and ballrooms. However, he was sure there were small things he didn't know.

As her fist started to fall down with embarrassment, Bartok suddenly pumped his own fist into the air and let out a hearty "Woooo!" to join with her, to let her know that he wasn't embarssed by her in any way. He would look over his shoulder and flash a toothy grin at her, teeth almost too white.
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Carmine Crest
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It seemed even Al didn't know what was being implied either as she mentioned that it was weird but otherwise glossed over it, something Carmine was all too welling to do as well. What he wasn't expecting was for the girl to declare she would protect them and pump her fist into the air, Carmine raising an eyebrow as he watched her excitement give way to embarrassment. Followed by that, Evergreen's own fist rose to the air with an excited whoop coming from him, leaving Carmine once again a bit lost and confused on what to do.

While his plan A, remain quiet, was his default plan, there was always a time and place for plan B and it seemed suitable that now would be plan B. Copy others and act like you belong. "Woo...." Carmine awkwardly threw his own fist into the air and gave a low and deadpan woo as he attempted to fit in with the sudden group cheering. After a few seconds of leaving his hand in the air, he'd let it down down to his side once more.

"Speaking of fighting.... What weapons do you two use?" With that little group cheer out of the way, he decided to steer the topic to something combat related, they were just speaking of fighting so it should flow well. "I use a pair of brass knuckles that shift into a pair of SMGs." Carmine would explain as he opened his jacket and dug into one of his interior jacket pockets for Cadel, bringing the weapon out for the pair to look at.
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Al Ciendra
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Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al was a bit caught of guard as she saw Bartok repeat the gesture she had made.
She smiled under her mask before thrusting her fist into the air one more time, not joining in the shout, but Bartok could definitely tell that Al was thankful for his effort to cheer her up.
She turned to Carmine now a bit confused, why did he even do that ?
The deadpan way he "shouted" was almost a little discouraging, she dismissed it though, maybe he was just more socially awkward than she had first anticipated.
At least he asked a good question.

She watched him unveil the brass knuckle, she really did wonder how this thing could hold an SMG, but she had seen weirder weapons already.
Al leaned in a little, inspecting the brass knuckle.
"Huh, simplistic but looks pretty effective. Much like my own."
Al said as she leaned back and pulled both of her revolvers out of her cloak.
"These are Armis...
A click could be heard before the two revolvers shifted into short swords.
"...and Gladio."
Al transformed one of the blades back into the revolver shape and spun it around a little, very much to show of a little.
Last edited by Al Ciendra on Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok smiled as he heard Al put her fist into the air again, and at Carmine's attempt at following along, Bartok chuckled. "Good effort! But a little more zing next time. At least try to impress the lady." He kept walking forward, slightly ahead of the others as they talked about their weapons. He pursed his lips at Carmine's weapons, and at Al naming hers while they transformed his ears bent back to listen.

"Are those blades that transform into guns? That's wicked." Bartok commented without turning his head to look. Now that it was his turn to show his weapons, he put his hand down to his side to his quiver. And it wasn't there.

Bartok stopped dead in his tracks, frozen stiller than statues as his mind clicked into place and remembered everything. "That girl!" He spun around, looking back where he had come and growled. "That girl stole my stuff, used her Semblance and made me forget it!" He started stomping his way back. "If she wanted me to chase her, she didn't have to go so far like that!" He ground his teeth before looking back at the other two. "You wanna help me catch this theif? She has my quiver and bow."
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Carmine Crest
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Carmine's head would tilt once more as he watched the faunus praise him yet give him criticism for his attempt to fit in, the praise he could understand, he had tried his best to express the apparent joy the two were sharing but his heart wasn't quite in it. The criticism on the other hand was the cause for his concern, why would he try to impress Al? How would cheering alongside her impress her? Was that why Evergreen cheered as well? Is... Is this flirting? Did he just try and flirt? Questions for another time.

His attention would turn toward the female of the group as she complimented his admittedly plain weapons and retrieved a pair of revolvers from underneath her coat before she transformed the weapons into their short sword transformation, Al apparently deciding to name the transformed state of the weapons instead of the weapons themselves. Odd. At least it told him that she was likely a mid to close range fighter, probably more up close due to the limited amount of bullets in the weapons.

"Interesting... " Carmine would comment as he watched the girl spin the revolver around her hand almost lazily before his attention was turn toward the faunus who suddenly stopped directly in front of the masked duo before he spun around with anger in his voice as he called out for "that girl", probably the same girl who had lead him to getting lost in the first place. Which was quickly disproven as he explained another girl had apparently robbed him blind and had a memory altering semblance of some sort.

"Troubling. Very troubling. I shall help you in this." Carmine answered the faunus' request in catching the thief, a frown firmly in place underneath his mask as he wondered who would rob a classmate on the first day of Beacon without anybody even doing anything. "What does she look like? And do you know where she went with?" He'd ask Evergreen, trying to recall if he had seen anybody with a bow and quiver within the group he was with but his mind was filled with blanks. Too many forgettable faces, nobody could stand out enough.
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Al Ciendra
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Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Wait why would Bartok or Carmine want to impress her ?
Al was just as confused if not more so by this than Carmine, she just tilted her head to the side staring at Bartok, she spun her gun once more before tucking them back into her cloak out of the spin in one fluent movement.
She scratched her chin still looking at Bartok, wait...was this flirting ?
Al froze for a second before she shook her head, this couldn't be the case right ?
Why would either of them want to flirt with her, they couldn't even see her face...or was it just a thing Bartok did ?
Al just stayed silent and decided to keep observing, she would probably figure this out in a bit.

Meanwhile, it seemed that Bartok had a big issue, someone stole his bow ?
Wait why did the almost blind man use a bow, it made little sen- oh yeah echolocation, she recalled the clicks Bartok had been doing must have been for that purpose, and that's how he would perform accurate shots using a bow, pretty cool.
She was getting distracted!
Al looked to Bartok and gave him a thumbs-up, a chuckle coming from her.
"Sure I'll help, do you have some sort of hints we can look for then ?"
She already had forgotten about that flirting issue, but she was now fully focused on finding Bartok's bow, it was a good distraction and hey maybe she would get to beat up a thief!
"Memory altering really is a bitch move of her, I'll be sure to teach her a lesson."
Al chuckled as she cracked her knuckles with a series of pops, quickly walking besides Bartok, she may have seemed a little too exited for this.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok racked his head for information. Everything was scrambled, it was just bits and pieces. He started back from the airship, but he hit a wall. So instead he worked backwards from the sign. What had he told Carmine? "I was lost because I had chased a girl. But it wasn't only because she was cute, no... She took my bow and quiver, said she needed it... I met her outside the airship..." He started thinking outloud, his foot tapping rhythmically like a metronome.

"She had long straight haid. Wore a skirt, may have been the uniform skirt though... She had a sort of grappling hook? Is that how she zipped away?"
He turned around and let off several short clicking sounds. "Uh, I don't even know where we are, so I'm not sure where she headed or from where in relation to here..." He bit his cheek in frustration.

OOC: Just realized I had him describing her with colors and he shouldn't have been able to do that. None of you mentioned that so it's all good.
Last edited by Bartok Evergreen on Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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