Lost and Found

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Carmine Crest
Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:48 am
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Gray
Semblance Name: Crisis Control
Weapon Name: Cadel and Maria

Bringing a hand to the bottom of his mask, Carmine would begin to stroke it as if it was his chin that he was stroking while he was trying to run through his memories for anyone matching the description that the bat faunus was able to provide. The fact that the thief had a grappling hook gave him something to look out for, someone who had some sort of gauntlet is the most defining feature he could spot. However he couldn't recall seeing anyone that could fit that description, which should be expected considering he hadn't even spotted Evergreen on the transport nor after landing.

"Why would someone with a grappling hook need a bow and quiver? Why on the first day? And why alter that person's memory?" Carmine would question out loud, trying to find a motive at the very least to get them in a general location to search for considering Evergreen couldn't provide a direction based on the current location.

"You came down this way so it's possible she's somewhere nearby..." Carmine commented as his eyes rose to look around the surrounding area, grassy and free, some trees littered the outskirts. Perhaps she is training? But he still couldn't figure out why she would take someone else's weapon. "You were trying to read a map as well so maybe you do know where she was going even if you didn't know where she went from here." Carmine would also note as he turned his head to the faunus, trying to see if this would help spark any further memories.
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Al Ciendra
Posts: 428
Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:13 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al was listening to all this, trying to wrap her head around things, what would this thief want with Bartok's bow ?
It could be some stupid prank, a weird habit...maybe she would just sell his weapon for money or something like that, what ever she wanted with his bow it most definitely wasn't good, but they really had no clue to go of, until Al had an idea.
"Going of looks doesn't really help since Bartok can't see super well, and e´he is the only one of us that has met her, so even if he knew what she'd looked like he couldn't see her, but he could hear her...do you remember her voice or the sound of her equipment ? We could go of that instead."
Al recommended, tapping her chin with one hand and having her other arm propped on her hips.
"Ooooor...we could just ask around, don't think there are a lot of girls running around with a grappling-hook and a bow."
Al shrugged a little as these was all she could really think of, but it was better to throw in what she had than saying nothing, just like everything else was better than just standing around doing nothing about this thief.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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Bartok Evergreen
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Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:13 am
Age: 18
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Race: Faunus (Vampire Bat)
Aura Color: Blood Red
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok listened to them both, snapping fingers as they each made their point. "Brilliant! But the map back there is unreadable to me. It's printed really smooth, I can't make out the lines and lettering. That thing was a sign I was next to, yeah?" He turned to Al. "And I do remember those details. Her grappling hook did make a metallic clinking sound when moving around, like something was rattling inside."

He moved his head and ears all round, scanning for the sounds that he remembered of her. It must have looked like satellite dishes to the two masked students. After a minute of slowly turning around, the big radar-dish-like ears seemed to lock on to something. "We're somewhere near the edge of campus, right? Then why is she heading further outside?" He thought out loud, leaving the question to be answered by them before he motioned for them to follow him. "Come on, she's moving quickly towards the city." He said before taking off running.

He would lead them through the gardens and down several paths back into sidewalks inbetween buildings. In a few minutes, the sound of a steel chord whipping through the air could be heard by the other two. A flash of dark hair, Beacon uniform skirt and dark leggings dissapeared above a rooftop.
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Carmine Crest
Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:48 am
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Gray
Semblance Name: Crisis Control
Weapon Name: Cadel and Maria

While it was true that Evergreen had limited sight, it would be better to have some general idea of what to look for, the description provided by Evergreen already removed a fair amount of girls within Beacon, heavy clothing such as his own would've been something he'd have noticed if he could guess the skirt and even the type of hair narrowed that list further. Granted that list would've been far too large for even the three of them to tackle alone so her idea of asking others had some potential.

However as Evergreen listened and snapped, he did remember a sound that had apparently struck out to him and seemed to be focusing on trying to recall and track it if his ears speeding around was any sign, Carmine remaining quiet as he watched with interest, wondering how far his hearing went. Finally, it would come to a stop apparently tracking the girl making a quick escape further into the woods and Carmine only frowned.

Why would a student steal a weapon, alter somebody memories and then begin heading into the forest? If he recalled correctly as well, the direction Evergreen was facing was toward Vale too... With a warning, Evergreen begun to lead them toward the thief, already guessing she was heading to the city while something begun to stir in Carmine's gut. Stealing a weapon... Altering the memories of a classmate... And now fleeing to Vale... Was this really a student? It would be stupid to even suggest such a thing but this sounded like a common thief... Maybe a thief offered a chance to join Beacon and throwing away her shot?

Whatever was the reason, as Carmine followed alongside the faunus there was a sudden whip in the air and Carmine activated his semblance as his mind jumped to the worst, a cornered thief is a scared thief and if they're desperate.... His fists were curled and his eyes were scanning the area already for whatever caused the noise. Immediately he saw her, a relatively short girl with a tan wearing what appeared to be Beacon's uniform being lifted over to the rooftops directly ahead of them. If there was any doubt it was the girl, what he assumed to be Evergreen's was loosely tossed over her shoulder.

Letting his semblance drop, his eyes became strained and tears blurred his vision yet he maintained his speed. "We need a way up assuming none of you can fly." Carmine would note as his eyes turned to the building, if he recalled this was supposed to be another building dedicated to classes. "Be careful however, she is already willing to rob and wipe memories, she'll likely fight back if cornered." He'd warn in case any of them decided to try and take the friendly route, although given Al's eagerness to fight and Evergreen being the victim of the robbery, he somehow doubted he needed to warn them.
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Al Ciendra
Posts: 428
Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:13 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (Wolf-Ears and Fangs)
Aura Color: Orange
Occupation: Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Volcanic Heart
Weapon Name: Arcum and Gladio

Al was glad that her idea was working, but she was surprised with how well it was working!
Bartok's hearing was seemingly much better than hers, which made her feel a little self concious but she was only half blind so it was fair to assume that Bartok's hearing was this good.

She followed along and soon enough could hear the sound of the metal cord, oh ofcourse this thief had taken to the rooftops.
There was no time to waste!
Al half heartedly listend to Carmine as fire suddenly burned in her hands.
"You two follow her on the ground, I'll get her down to you!"
Al exclaimed as she let the fire erupt, Al was shot upwards to the next best roof.
Catching herself on her knees and stabelizing herself before she got up and started running after the thief, using each gap to blast herself forward with another burst of flames.
Doing this was exhausting but she had quickly gained a lot of ground on the thief.

She thought of using her guns to get the thief back on the ground, but in this enviorment and during this high speed chase her revolvers would be more of a liability.
But she had another better idea.
Al would continue chasing her and had soon caught up to her, now just about 20 feet behind her, she had to wait.
Al formed a fireball in her hand, hiding it behind her back and would wait for the thief to use her grappling hook to climb a new surface, Al would then blast the surface with the fireball and send her flying back down to earth.
Al chatters in #FF5500
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