[Open, 3/?] New Year, New Man ... er,

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Kailyn Keison
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"Oh no, I didn't hurt you, did I? I know most students can activate their Aura really fast but I don't know if anyone expects a door to just hit the-I'M gonna stop talking now." Kailyn flexed the hand she'd offered to Bastion to re-offer her assistance to return him to a standing position, ears turning a bright red.

Tacos all but completely forgotten, she took a moment to properly look at the young man whose nose seemed to have taken the brunt of the door.

Hat. Blonde. ish. Bandana. Vest. Shirt. Pants. Farm boy? No. Ranchero? That seemed closer. Never mind, she could ask him later - probably.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Erin Cherrywood
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Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin covered her mouth to hide the big smirk that she couldn't keep off her face. Seeing someone else take the brunt of a hyperactive knucklehead's shenanigans was hilarious. She was used to being on the receiving end of a well-meaning-but-still-clumsy person's hijinks. Maybe she owed Bartok an apology, turns out he really was hilarious - she just couldn't see it since she was always on the receiving end.

Her eyes darted back and forth between Kailyn and the guy on the floor. The new guy seemed to be in good enough spirits given that he was just smacked in the face by door. Kailyn of course was mortified by the series of events that just seemed to keep piling on her today. Chuckling, she slipped in through the door, hopped over the guy on the floor, and leaned against a nearby table. "Well, I am here for potatoes. Lady Demolition here is after tacos. What about you? Coming or going?" She asked, finally lowering her hand from her mouth.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Bastion Sandstone
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Weapon Name: Diplomacy

"No no," Bastion reassured her, "I'm fine. If there is one thing you should learn about me, it's that I can take a bigger beating than most." He could have gotten up himself, but that would have put a rift between them, as if he though better than her and she would either get upset or feel even more down on herself. That wasn't really the way to make friends and make ties. Taking her hand by contrast would be good. She felt indebted or at least sorry to Bastion for hitting him with the door, and the extended hand was a request to make it up. Taking it and allowing her to help would make her happier and less anxious as well as showing Bastion's trust in her. So, he took her hand and let her help him up and thanked her for it.

He then turned to the other girl, all blacks and whites with some red splashed in. "I was on my way out, seeing if I could meet anymore interesting folks. Guess I didn't have to walk far!" He stuck a hand out to the redhead who had plowed him with the door. "Name's Bastion Sandstone. And you two?"
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Kailyn Keison
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Age: 19
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

Oh, thank frak, he doesn't hate me, thought Kailyn as she helped the boy to his feet. She wasn't really expecting him to have disliked her, but given her current track record at this school it was only a matter of time until someone didn't react no less badly than indifferent about getting hit by something that she'd provided momentum to - especially if she kept up with her Semblance practice.

Never mind that, there were NAMES to be learned. This one was Bastion - like one of those solid-yet-angular varieties of battlement that were designed for multi-directional defensive projectile-projecting. Neat.

She shook his hand. "I'm Kailyn, and I hope people'll call me by my actual name here. At my last school, I was 'Gravity Girl', on account o' the¯, uhhh, well, the this." She levitated slightly and gestured to the floor. "That's the only complaint I have about my Semblance, really." She touched back down again and turned toward Erin. "THIS lovely lady here, who had the misfortune of being under the airship I jumped out of without looking where I was going before sorta... landing on her, is Erin."
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Erin Cherrywood
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Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin's eyes flickered between the two of them as they discussed Kailyn's unfortunate habit of gravitating towards people. She closed her eyes and one small snorted laugh escaped her lips as she snickered at her own joke. Pfft. Gravitate.

Bastion. Hmm. He seemed a far cry from Bartok, and not nearly as rambunctious as Kailyn. He seemed almost, dare she think it, normal.

Kailyn shook his hand and briefly displayed her semblance again while Erin frowned as she, somewhat sullenly, wished that her own semblance was more flashy. "You would think that they would be more creative with your nickname. I personally would go for hovergirl."

Lowering her gaze, she nodded when Kailyn introduced her. "Do you want to sit with us? I wouldn't be offended if you said no, since it seems like you just ate and all."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Bastion Sandstone
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Aura Color: Sandy-tan
Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

Bastion raised an eyebrow as the girl, Kailyn, began talking. Then she floated off the ground. "You can fly? Or manipulate gravity? That's awesome!" He exclaimed while putting both hands on the rim of his hat as if trying to make sure it didn't fly off as well. "And what school would make fun of something so cool?"

He turned towards the other one, now snickering. She gave Kailyn a better nickname, if he was to be honest, and that must have been what had made her laugh before. Then she looked down, like she was shy or embarrassed. Bastion wore a kind smile and put one hand on his hip. "Sure, I'll sit with you two." Bastion normally wasn't a charmer, but he knew that light compliments could help break the ice. He hoped this would work for the more shy girl. "I don't think I'll get another invitation to sit with two cute girls anyhow. I can grab us a seat and you two can get your food?" He suggested.
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Kailyn Keison
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"Erin, where have you been for the rest of my life? I could've used a quick-witted nickname adjustment four years ago at Signal!" Kailyn sighed bemusedly. Smiling, she turned back to look at Bastion. "And to answer your question, Bastion, yes, yes, and, well, Signal."

At the mention of food, Kailyn's attention snapped toward the thankfully-short line. "I shall look for the hat," she said, pointing at Bastion's hat, "now bring me TACOS!" And with that, she shot off like a guided missile toward the back of the food line.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Erin Cherrywood
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Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin smiled gently at Kailyn who approved of her quickly thought up nickname. "What can I say? I'm a girl of many talents." She replied with a shrug.

She was half turned to head to the food line, following after Kailyn, when Bastion called them cute. Freezing in place, her tail went rigid and fluffed up making it look much bigger than it really was. Her eyes narrowed as her face snapped towards Bastion, their eyes locking. She could feel her aura surging but couldn't bring herself to break eye contact as her semblance flared to life. Being called an affectionate name by a girl was okay, but being called one by a man triggered all sorts of memories of Bartok and his incessant flirting.

"Do not call me that." The words were low and stiff as she tried to temper her aura. With great difficulty she managed to cut off her aura and semblance. She hadn't meant to use her semblance but a burning hot mix of anger and embarrassment had overwhelmed her.

Taking a deep breath she exhaled slowly. "I... apologize for the outburst. I don't take well to flirting." It took all of her effort to not walk away while she waited for a reply. While she waited her tail laid back down and the fur returned to it's normal place, the anger and embarrassment from before being overtaken by shame.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Bastion Sandstone
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Aura Color: Sandy-tan
Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

Kailyn shot off and left Bastion and Erin alone. She looked pissed and before he knew it, his brain felt like it was doing somersaults. Being hit in the head with a door was something Bastion could shrug off, but Erin's eyes was something else. The whole room spun and Bastion didn't know which way was up or down. The only thing that stayed put was Erin's eyes, filled with fire. The cowboy wasn't even close to ready for it and couldn't help but stumble and fall onto the ground. "W-what the...?"

Then it was over. Well, not over, but his head seemed to be settling. Using only the ground as a reference, he tried to stand. It was awfully hard not to react automatically to the veritgo, and he fell down again. Everything snapped back into place as his head cracked with the ground and his eyes left hers.

Then she told him what was up. He still laid there on the floor, and she seemed quite normal about the whole thing. Was this her doing? He shook his head and tried to stand again, this time much more successful. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that. Calling you cute, I mean." He picked up his hat which had fallen off again and put it back on, his footsteps still hesitant. "I already have a girl." He swallowed. "I just saw that you were a little reserved, I thought a nice word might help. I'm sorry."

If Bastion had to be honest with himself, this girl suddenly became scary. That mental whammy she just threw at him could wreck him on the battlefield, even with his own Semblance protecting him. That, and she was obviously deeply offended in some ways by getting complimented.
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Suddenly everything came into perspective and she realized just how much she'd done to the poor unsuspecting soul. Shaking her head to clear it, she shivered, shaking out every part of her body. She closed the gap between them and reached out slowly, holding a hand just over his head, she wanted to check it for damage but didn't want to just touch him without permission. Frowning, her tail swished anxiously, and she decided to just check. Both of her hands were on either side of his head, gently feeling their way around, no obvious bleeding but she worried there would be a lump. "I apologize again." She said stiffly, and she was sorry. She didn't mean to use vertigo, it had been a gut reaction this time.

Bastion was clearly unsettled and she wasn't sure how to proceed. Usually she just told Bartok off but it wasn't the stranger's fault. "My semblance is why you fell. I didn't mean to use it. Sometimes I get overwhelmed."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Bastion Sandstone
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Aura Color: Sandy-tan
Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

He let her examine his head as it was nice to be cared for. Also, like it had been with Kailyn, letting Erin do something to make up for something she was sorry for would only help her feel better. His head throbbed, but nothing he hadn't felt before. "Don't worry, a floor isn't the hardest thing to hit my head." He chuckled. "I've been shot in the head before. Still walkin'." He would give her a toothy smile despite how she still kinda scared him. Best to have those kinds of people on good terms than on bad.

Then she explained why he had fallen and he nodded. "That's one heck of a Semblance. I don't know what I would do if I fought that in an arena! And don't worry about not having it under control yet. That's the point of a school, right?"

Bastion would dust himself and find a seat at a table. "Go on and get your food, I won't be going anywhere."
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin frowned and her arms slid back to her sides. He didn't seem hurt, or mad, but she felt guilty. He had sustained two head injuries back to back between his nose and head. "I'll get you some juice or something to help ease the dizziness." She said with a small nod as she took a step back to look him over, keeping a special eye out for any swaying.

The lightest of blushes dusted her cheeks and she gave a small smile at his compliment of her semblance. "The nice part is it works on Grimm too. More effectively than on people I think, but who can he sure?" She asks with a shrug.

"Now go ahead and sit down." She said nodding to a nearby table.

Turning on heel she jogged over to Kailyn and slid into place next to her. "So.... about these potatoes?" She asked, very much hoping she hadn't seen her add to Bastion's bad luck.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"I see no less than four varieties of potato, don't worry," said Kailyn, pointing at the middle of the service section. "But more importantly, I see tacos." Her stomach growled again and her hand found its familiar spot on the back of her head as she turned to look at Erin. "I skipped breakfast and I, uh, kinda left my lunch on the airship. I'm usually not so single-minded when it comes to food, but I have been craving tacos all week."

Noticing Erin's face was a bit flushed, she scanned the room for Bastion, making sure he was still there. "He didn't say something weird to you, did he? 'Cause I will TOTALLY turn his entire dorm room upside down if he did." She cracked her knuckles, relishing the thought of her first Beacon prank.
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
You can find EPs for all my characters here.
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Erin Cherrywood
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Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin shook her head with a small smirk when Kailyn mentioned she left her lunch on the airship. She'd only known her for a little bit but it absolutely made sense with her personality. "So, what happened to rhe rest of your stuff then? Is your luggage at least marked so the administrationcan give it back to you?" Erin's own luggage was marked and put aside with everyone else who didn't have a room yet, but she wondered if Kailyn had thought that far ahead.

Erin went pale then burned a deep red when Kailyn asked about Bastion. "Oh, no, nothing like that." She said waving her hands dismissively in front of her face. "If anything, I'm pretty sure I need to apologize to him again." She grabbed some tater tots and frowned. "I accidentally knocked him over and he hit his head." It wasn't a lie, she just didn't want to mention her semblance.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"Oh, yeah, It's all tagged and whatever. The admission letter came with some instructions about that, so I should be all set. My stuff will probably beat me to my room." Kailyn smiled and repeated her order of seven tacos to the confused lunch lady.

At Erin's embarrassment about Bastion, Kailyn laughed. "Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's done that today." She gave Erin a playful pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, he'll get over it. He's gotta be tougher than he looks if'n he's here, yeah?" She wasn't sure what else to say, so she focused on the soda machine, only to realize that she had no idea what she wanted to drink. "Woah, they have one of those 'any flavor you can think of' machines? Waah, I don't wanna think about food, I just wanna e-he-he-heaaat..."
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
You can find EPs for all my characters here.
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Erin Cherrywood
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Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin smiled at Kailyn and placed a hand over her heart before giving a small nod. "That's good. I worried that you would be the kind of kid who forgot to label her luggage." She admitted with a small thankful sigh.

She groaned and her head dropped as she grabbed a few potato dishes and slid them onto her tray. "I don't usually do the whole accidental knock out." She admitted with a frown. Lifting her eyes to look over at Kailyn, she tilted her head and glanced at Bastion. "He seems tough enough and he already forgave me, I just... I don't like feeling out of control."

She laughed at Kailyn and the lunch lady but followed dutifully to the drink machine. She leaned around Kailyn's arm and inspected the options. "Cherry cola it is." She said pushing buttons for her.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"Thanks," Kailyn sighed in relief as Erin chose her drink for her. "I would've stood there until my tacos were cold." Taking her drink, she floated back toward Bastion, carefully this time - she didn't want to spill her tacos, after all.

Taking a seat across from Bastion and unceremoniously stuffing an entire taco in her mouth, she relaxed into the stool, savoring the moment. Once she'd crunched her way through the taco, she quirked an eyebrow at Bastion. "So," she asked through a mouthful of taco number two, "How'd a country dandy like yourself end up in a place like this?"
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Aura Color: Sandy-tan
Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

Bastion sat down and cleared his head as the two girls went to get food. One who messed with brains and one with physics. Over simplification, he knew, but it sounded good in his head. They seemed to have become fast friends. He had noted that girls tend to do that when meeting eachother. They either start off as enemies or friends. Some guys could be like that, he guessed, but most of them were aloof of eachother, playing acquaintance until something happened to get two to work together or have a common interest.

They came back and Kailyn sat across from him, a pile of tacos on her tray and one in her mouth. Not one to worry about talking with her mouthful. He liked her. And no, it was not because she was a redhead.

"This dandy got here by his legs and some hitch-hiking." He answered as a joke, leaving a bit of space before continuing. "Long story short, I got enrolled here after my parents and I eliminated the other possibilities. I wanted to train to protect my home like my parents had, but I wanted to get out of Vacuo and see somewhere else for a change. Beacon was it." He finished. "What about you two?"
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin nodded once in response as she gathered her own drink. "When in doubt go for the dark cherry cola. If its not flat or overcarbonated it sooths the soul." She said matter of factly before also grabbing a tall orange juice.

She followed Kailyn over to Bastion and slid into place next to her. While Kailyn asked Bastion about himself she sipped her drink and scooted the orange juice over to Bastion. OJ always made her dizziness ease off quicker, she hoped it'd do the same for him.

She snickered at his answer and popped some cheesy tots into her mouth while she listened. Pretty standard for people outside of the walls.

"My best friend and I come from a pretty peaceful town. My mom owns a bar and I don't want to." She shrugged and closed her eyes thinking about home. "We used to hear stories of all the wild tales from hunters and huntress and it sounded better than wasting my life away with my ass as a pincushion for drunks."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"Well, I hope you like it here. S'alot different from Vacuo, ain't it?" Kailyn crunched another taco while Erin explained her motivation.

At the mention of not wanting her heinie to become a 'pincushion for drunks' Kailyn nearly spit out her mouthful of taco as she snorted a laugh. "That is such a MOOD, though!"

Oh, right. They'll want to know why I'M here, too. She swallowed, waving her hands in front of her in a 'nevermind' gesture. "I'm nothing so grand. I just needed to get away from home. Small town living's not really my thing, you know?"

Soda. Soda was good - it also gave her an excuse not to continue. Please move on please move on please move on.
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
You can find EPs for all my characters here.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Aura Color: Sandy-tan
Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

Bastion choked on the OJ he had been passed when Erin made the comment about drunks and her rear-end. The cowboy had to pound his chest and clear his throat a few times to get it down. He wondered if that was her mom she was talking about, but felt it smarter not to bring it up. He didn't need her making his head explode. Or worse, her to shut down, cry, and move off to a corner. Parents doing things you don't approve of but can't do anything about really hurt the kids on the inside. Bringing it up was never a good idea. He sipped his OJ a bit more carefully now.

He turned to Kailyn. "It is a lot different from Vacuo. A lot less sand and a lot more green. I like it, but it ain't home, you know?" He listened to her reason for coming out here which was... not entirely satisfactory. And then she started drinking soda immediately, sparing her from further comment. If she didn't want to talk about it, Bastion wouldn't push.

"Well, I guess we all come from small and humble places, huh?" He changed the subject without too much pause. "All with our favorite foods. Tacos, Tots, and" he lifted the glass of orange opaque liquid, "Orange Juice."
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin raised her eyebrows in surprise as both of them choked. Guess she was funny, go figure. She'd have to tell Bartok about her newfound status as court jester, not that he'd believe her. Or maybe he would. She pursed her lips in thought, he'd probably say something about wanting to see her in those tight pants.

She looked over at Kailyn and offered her hand for a high five. She wasn't a high five kind of guy but it felt right and like something she would go for.

"I don't think I'd say my home town is green or sandy. If anything it feels...stony? We have a lot of gray." She offered as way of contributing to the conversation.

For the first time since she met her, Kailyn seemed deeply uncomfortable. She was curious about the change but knew enough to pretend she didn't notice.

When Bastion changed the conversation to food she snorted a short laugh and smiled at him. "Well either I'm a really good guesser or you're just trying to make me feel better." She joked popping another tot into her mouth.
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Age: 19
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

Kailyn smacked Erin’s offered five, and realized immediately that she’d hit her a little too hard.

She might have been middling in skill at reading people, but Kailyn still knew that her two lunch companions had noticed her shift in demeanor. She sighed, setting her drink down. ”Sounds like we’re all here looking for a fresh start. New scenery for you,” she nodded to Bastion, ”new future for you,” she gave Erin a half-smile, ”and me?” She steeled herself, then looked up a her new friends. Come on, girl. They’re not like him. They’re not gonna do that to you.

”I’m here to get away from where I came from. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it there, and my family is AWESOME. I’ve just got some… bad memories, and I’d like to leave them back there.”
She smiled, a real one this time. It had been nearly three years - it was high time she stopped letting her past run her life.
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
You can find EPs for all my characters here.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Aura Color: Sandy-tan
Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

"Oh, trust me," Bastion took another sip of the juice to show that he liked it. "Citrus fruit was a commodity back home, especially squeezed juice. It's quite amazing." He gave a smile before taking down a few gulps. "And you got this from that machine over there?" He pointed. "Amazing. Maybe I'll spend some more time here, dirty up some glasses."

He listened to Kailyn while emptying his glass. He put it softly back onto the table as she finished explaining. He nodded, and turned the glass a little in idle movement. "Bad memories." He could have said something like, 'We all have those', but he knew that that only showed, to her, that he was playing down whatever had happened to her. It could have been awfully terrible, something he couldn't imagine, and he would be unknowingly pitting his own bad days against her possibly hellish ones. He also could have asked something like, 'How bad?' but if they really were bad, she wouldn't want them playing over. Instead, he just said, "Good to put those behind us. Cheers." He lifted his empty glass and let the last drops of the liquid dribble into his mouth
Last edited by Bastion Sandstone on Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin smiled at Bastion. "Well go me. I am the drink master. And yeah, in the big machine. Lots of combinations."

Erin chewed quietly as she listened to Kailyn and Bastion. Overall, her life wasn't bad. A deadbeat no-name dad, flirt of a mother, and really annoying (but loveable) best friend. Nothing too out of the ordinary for a faunus.

Bastion seemed in a similar vein, nothing too traumatic that she could detect, but Kailyn seemed deeply affected by her past. She awkwardly put an arm around her arms and back, as she was much too short to put it over her shoulders, and tapped her shoulder with her head. "We're much more fun than whatever you left behind." She said with a quick squeeze before letting go and grabbing her tots again. "We can all make fake identities and pasts if you want. I'll be Erin the wacky zoologist."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
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Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:57 am
Age: 19
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Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

"Amazing the things you take for granted, huh?" Kailyn hadn't ever thought about the implications of Vacuo being, essentially, one giant (albeit relatively evenly-distributed) sand pile, namely that there probably weren't a great many trees over there on the whole.

At Erin's suggestion of alternate identities, Kailyn lost all control of her ability to laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

When she'd finally got a handle on the hysterics (and honestly, it just felt good to laugh so much again - why she'd ever decided to play it so cool at Signal she'd never really been able to articulate: maybe it was just fun to be edgy?), she gave Erin's hair a playful ruffle. "Y'all are already ten times better than the people I hung out with at Signal."

Wait a minute.

"Hold up. Erin. Am I crazy, or did we actually go to the same school and never meet?"
Either she really was going crazy, or she had seen Erin around Signal while she was there and yet never spoken to her.
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Aura Color: Sandy-tan
Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

Bastion couldn't help but laugh a little at Kailyn's outrageous belly laughter. And it was a little strange that they went to the same school and never met. They probably had and didn't remember it, passed several times in the hallways without knowing, always had different class schedules. "The things you take for granted!" Bastion agreed. "And uh, I'll be Bastion, the stone cold bad boy who sits in the back of the class next to the window."

OOC: Small post I know, but I'm not too sure where else to take it other than get up for more orange juice.
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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Erin Cherrywood
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Race: Faunus - Racoon Tail
Aura Color: Gold
Semblance Name: Vertigo
Weapon Name: Urumi Pendulum

Erin rolled her eyes playfully at the hair tussle, but she was glad that they seemed to be able to cheer Kailyn up. "Yeah, not having trees is one thing. Not having access to juice is quite another. I don't think I'd live very well without the option."

At Bastion's suggestion she shook her head and wagged her finger at him. "No can do. We have to be opposites. So you're more like Bastion the popular playboy." She said with a small laugh.

Tilting her head in thought she looked up at Kailyn. She did seem awfully familiar. "Honestly, it's probably because I spent so much time keeping an eye on Bartok. You might actually know him more than you'd know me. Flirty little bat faunus, always hitting on someone? A sharp dresser though considering he's damn near blind."
There is no such thing as justice, the best that we can hope for is revenge
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Kailyn Keison
Posts: 210
Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:57 am
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (Crotalinae) - Pit Organs (internal)
Aura Color: Black
Semblance Name: Gravitas
Weapon Name: Daii Shonnara and The Fingers

Now that she knew they'd gone to the same school, Kailyn replayed everything Erin had said about her friend the bat Faunus in her mind. Then she nearly spit out her drink. "You're friends with Bat-Boy? I guess the flirting might actually be endearing after a while, and I wouldn't know, because I tried to avoid him after the first week..." She shook her head. How had she missed that before?

"Now I know how you manage to keep your cool when under constant complimentary fire." No wonder she hadn't met Erin before - avoiding her friend had been nearly a full-time job Kailyn's first few weeks before he seemed to take the hint - though now Kailyn was starting to question that theory in lieu of the 'Erin noticed and kept him away from her' theory. "Please tell me he's still not using cheesy one-liners and his flirt game has actually improved to at least 'average'? I don't wanna get stuck with a larger version of younger him just to hang out with you."
Last edited by Kailyn Keison on Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
Kailyn's speech color is 99ff00.
Her theme song is a banger.
You can find EPs for all my characters here.
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Bastion Sandstone
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Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:45 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Sandy-tan
Semblance Name: True Grit
Weapon Name: Diplomacy

Bastion had no choice but to lean back in his chair, arms spread out in response the accusation that he was the opposite of a playboy. Then again, he had a girlfriend. He guessed that was pretty fair. Even still, he acted offended for a moment before leaning back in. "If i'm the opposite of a playboy, I think that just wins me points." He'd smile and watch Kailyn's reaction to Erin knowing some other playboy.

"Bat faunus? Flirty? Cheesy one-liners? Now, this is someone I gotta meet." Bastion admitted. He sounded like an interesting guy, though irritating. Especially if he was a pushy flirt. Though he assumed that if he was a bad guy, Erin might have already spun his head off.
Bastion tries to keep the peace in FFBF00
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