Another Trip to The Infirmary - [Private w/ Prof. Copperfield]

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Nata Rainwalts
Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:35 am
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus: Tiger ears
Aura Color: Silver
Semblance Name: Undefeatable
Weapon Name: Bonk Stick

Multiple lacerations across your entire body; three bullet wounds with one barely missing your spleen by a few inches; a fractured forearm; a stab wound that punctured your liver and three broken ribs. Miss Rainwalts, do you mind answering me just what in the world happened?

Do you really need to ask so many damn questions? I just need to get patched up, man.” Nata twitched slightly when the nurse applied the splint over her left arm. Though good at putting up a poker face, the injuries still stung a lot. Nata barely even remembered how she ended up in her dorm after that night, only that she stained her bed quite badly with her own blood waking up in the morning.

If it was a few weeks back, Nata could have passed for a mummy with the amount of bandages and gauze dressed over her body. She was still dressed in the same outfit she wore during the battle, now completely tattered. Almost half her face was covered with bandages, the silvery white hair still stained with a hue of red. Her left eye was bruised blue-ish purple, and Nata currently had her arm in a sling.

Yes. Yes I do need all this information for my report. This is the 3rd time you have visited the infirmary for various different reasons, and that is this week alone.

"It's just some scuffles with a bunch of good for nothings. There's not much else to add." The Faunus huffed, rolling her eyes at the nurse.

Look, any more visits from you and I’ll have to contact the principles about your wellness. This is the last straw Nata. I won’t see any students under my care going out and getting themselves killed.” Ms. Verpina gave the White Tiger a big frown, tapping at the scroll on her hand. She had had fair shares of students being troublemakers making multiple visits in a month, and heavy injuries weren’t all too uncommon in this line of work. But never has she seen someone with this much self-destructive tendencies.

Collapsing the scrolls down to her pocket, Ms. Verpina got up from her chair and headed toward the infirmary exit. There's a lot of work that she needed to do, filing out another injury report being one of the priorities. “Now you are going to stay in the infirmary for the rest of the day until your aura can properly heal you back. That is an order, and I won’t take any attitude from you.

Yeah… Whatever you say old lady.” Nata silently retorted back to herself, leaning back against the infirmary bed and kicked her foot up and opened her scrolls to look at the recent news and events. A sly smirk spread on her lips seeing reports of her accomplishments last night coming to light.
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Professor W B Copperfield
Posts: 218
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:58 am
Age: 42
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Transparent light blue
Occupation: Professor of Dust and Semblance Usage, Beacon
Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

Copperfield's big hiking boots clopped on the clean floor as he entered the infirmary wing. In other places of the world he'd grab a clipboard and look like he knew what he was doing in order to slip in. But here, he was welcome to go pretty much wherever. He was a teacher to many of the kids who would come in here, and frankly in the past when nurses had tried to stop him he had barreled right through them.

So he stepped up to Nata's curtained off little area, picked up the piece of paper that listed everything that was wrong with her, or rather most of the things wrong with her, and entered the room

She was a wreck. Mummies in Vacuo didn't have that much fabric on them. He was thinking of berating her but she... She would be in bed for a long time, even with Aura to heal her. It'd take time. And then he saw her smirking face as she looked at her scroll and he felt noticeably less pity for her. She may be hurt, but she didn't seem to care about her injuries, what damage could have been permanently done to her. Her Semblance, if it was active, might be keeping all the pain at bay.

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought they taught you kids better than to block bullets with your body these days." He said in a dry tone, slowly walking around her bed. "And to generally avoid getting hospitalized by no-name punks. Seriously, you haven't been to my class in weeks and this is what you've been doing?" He gestured at her broken body.
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