"Friendly" Sport Outing - [Private w/ Vlithra Qing Long]

This areas in between the various buildings of the Academy. Perfect for relaxing!
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Nata Rainwalts
Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:35 am
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus: Tiger ears
Aura Color: Silver
Semblance Name: Undefeatable
Weapon Name: Bonk Stick

The booming pop of the baseball smacking against the bat rang satisfyingly throughout the courtyard as Nata landed a swing dead center on the incoming ball. Putting all her weight and power behind her, Nata sent the ball flying back, punching a third hole through the netting of the cage. The Tiger grinned slightly. That had got to be her best hit yet. Though the thought that the ball might have landed through some window or hit someone on the other side of the Academy courtyard might be troubling, but that can be worried about later.

Lunch was particularly busy today. The dining hall was packed with students, the prospect of squeezing into those crowds shoulder to shoulder didn’t sit well with the Tiger. No doubt that if she was in there, sooner or later, she would have decked someone in the face for one reason or another. Instead, Nata had decided instead, she’ll have her lunch outside instead. Nata usually eat light, so it shouldn’t be that big of an issue. Two cereal bars and a few energy drinks were all she needed. Besides, hanging out for lunch by the batting cage means that she got to use the thing sooner than everyone else.

Finishing the last bit of her lunch and downing the last bit from the pink can of energy drink, Nata compiled all her trashs into a small pile at the corner. Wasted no time, the Tiger Faunus went right back to practice, getting her bat readied for another swing. Her brows furrowed, eyes sharply focused, ears twitching for the revving sound of the pitching machine. When the ball shot toward her way, Nata twisted her body with the motion and swung her bat. Another loud pop rang loud. Just as fast as it came for her, the ball went flying back the way it came from, barely missing the machine by a hair sliver. If it hadn’t skidded along the ground, it would’ve punched the fourth hole into the back net.

Nata continued going at it, swings after swings with hits and misses; almost no signs of slowing down. She hadn’t even noticed that lunch break was already over. All her focus was centered on the ball pitching machine. Only when the last ball was served, flying too close to Nata’s face and Nata’s ingenious idea to use her head to deflect the ball rather than ducking aside, did the Tiger snap back to reality.
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

It was lunch break when a tall and recognizable figure practically prowled around Beacons academy gardens. The dining hall was always too full for the tigress, too much going on to enjoy a proper midday meal. Thus having rested and eaten a small snack entirely by her own, this time beneath a small tree, Vlithra‘s heavy steps carried her tall frame along the brick pathway of the courtyard, unbothered by the leaves rustling in the wind and the occasional chatter of some student nearby. That was until she heard an all too satisfying sound. No doubt, a baseball smacked proper by a baseball bat.

And it wasn‘t long until she heard it again… and again, someone was really getting at it. It got the tigress pondering, maybe she too should get to the batting cages again. It certainly had been a while. Determined to find out who could strike out baseballs with such a consistent pace Vlithra made her way to the Baseball pens.
Screw the end of the lunch break, finding out whoever that was, was more important.

Vlithra escaped a quiet and surprised “Huh“ as she witnessed who she was looking at. That white hair with ears, the small but not fragile stature, and the grit needed to headbutt a baseball without any visible issue? No doubt about it, this was that one girl she fought in that alley a while ago. So the tigress was right in her assumption back then, she wasn‘t just some random chick from the street.

“Funny how small the world is, isn‘t it?“ Vlithra calls out to her as she leans on a nearby pole, arms crossed and with an expression that didn‘t have a single speck of smugness about it. Given how they ended on a rather bad note the last time they met, she didn‘t want to antagonize her in any form or way. She just wanted to talk maybe bond about a hobby they shared, the possibility was there.
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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Nata Rainwalts
Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:35 am
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus: Tiger ears
Aura Color: Silver
Semblance Name: Undefeatable
Weapon Name: Bonk Stick

Nata’s ears flicked and twitched at the comment coming her way. She had definitely heard that voice from somewhere. It was only when she turned around and locked eyes with the other Tiger Faunus on the other side of the cage net did it all connect together. “No goddamn way…” The Tiger was almost in disbelief. Of course her hunches that night were corrected. Of course that thrill seeking hooligan has to be a Beacon student. “Yeah, small world.” The response carried a sarcastic tone as the two tigers now face one another.

Turning her back to the pitching machine for the first time since she stepped into the cage, Nata diverted her attention to her old “acquaintance”. Besides coming back to gloat some more, the Tiger couldn’t really think of another reason she would be coming around. She didn’t have any sports equipment with her, so she’s not here for the batting cage. The way she greeted her didn’t feel demeaning. There’s no reason for her to be apologizing either. Hell, she didn’t even know her name.

Well, nothing’s better than a straight-forward method of approach. “If you’re looking for another fight, We’ll have to wait till afterschool. I don’t really want a detention on my name. If not, then why are you here?” Letting the heavy bat fall onto the ground with a loud thud, kicking up a small puff of dirt from the ground where it landed, Nata’s tone got a little more defensive and confrontational.
Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Sarcasm, it was about the reaction the tigress had expected... in a way at least. Vlithra knew that this girl wouldn‘t be all to thrilled to see the one who in her words: Wasted her time with a senseless fight, but she didn‘t think the tiger lady would be that grumpy to see her here at Beacon. Or maybe grumpy wasn‘t the right word, she certainly wasn‘t appreciating the ex-criminals presence. At least instead of getting angry, she tries to straight up ask for her intentions. The bat falling with a thud, really only accentuated further that Nata wasn‘t in a particularly good mood to see Vlithra.

"Seems like I made a wrong impression on you. I‘m not all about fighting, you know." Vlithra uttered calmly, shruggin as she continued. "We simply share a hobby as it seems, I didn't bring my own bat though. Didn't plan on going to the cages at all today either." Vlithra explained as her brows raised and she leaned her head to the side to look past the bat wielding tigress, only to see the holes that have been struck through the catching net. Vlithra was sure those weren‘t there this morning.

Vlithra finally got up from leaning against the pole. With her hands in her pockets she approaches Nata, but makes sure to halt a few feet away to not get too close to the seemingly agitated student. “But you got quite the clean killer swing. When I heard those satisfying 'bops' I simply had to investigate. Does that suffice as an explanation?
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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