Timor Inasis, The Scarlet Scare (Antagonist & Character Approval)

A collection of the previously approved/denied character's applications complete with feedback posts for future reference.

Allow him to create new nightmares?

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Timor Inasis
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:28 am
Age: 34
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Snake)
Aura Color: Red
Occupation: Villain
Semblance Name: Phobia
Weapon Name: Sanguine Needles

The world had changed since Timor had last been free. Huntsmen were a new concept, and schools to train them. Cities with buildings taller than three stories? He didn't know it was possible. Though the use of Dust seemed crude and inefficient, and no one he saw wove it into their clothes anymore. People walked the streets carefree and happy. Boring. No one cowered and constantly readied themselves anymore, they left the fighting to soldiers and Huntsmen.

But that meant doe's all cozy in their beds, children without proper teaching, oh, how his legs sang to be pushed again in the chase, in the thrill of hunting down his fleeing prey, to hear them scream and watch them beg! Oh he couldn't wait, he wouldn't wait until nightfall!

He'd start the fear now!
Ahia Seiryú
Posts: 23
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2023 3:06 pm
Age: 50
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (Tiger, Stripes & Fangs)
Aura Color: Red with a tinge of Gold
Occupation: Seiryú Matriarch, Rogue "Huntress"
Semblance Name: Eight Heads of Orochi
Weapon Name: Golohab + Ruhfrieden and Ashura

"What a curious anomaly... Surprisingly there is no data on this particular individual, something I'll clearly have to rectify."

I really like the fact that despite being such a menace, Timor has woken up in a different age. That alone is a very interesting concept, but then there is his simple minded goal, fear. Naturally his semblance works in tandem to achieve this goal and is therefore very powerful, befitting an antagonistic character. Afterall everyone fears something, none are immune to this primodial instinct no matter how mentally strong they might be. And to be able to simply bring out this fear by simply having seen someone, is quite the powerful ability. If he becomes approved, many stoic facades might crumble in his encounters.

The only problem I see is his downright obsession with his goal limiting the kind of scenarios he partakes in. The way his personality is written makes it seem difficult to write him as anything else than an antagonistic force that instills fear, in my opinion at least. Personally, not a problem, just thought I should bring up that this could limit how he can be used.

So until someone says otherwise, I'll give a 'yes'.
"Noone is honest until they stare death in the eyes."~Ahia converses in FF8000

"Don't run. You'll only die tired." ~Orochi's distorted Voice is in FF4000

Ahia Main Theme
Ahia Battle Theme
Orochi Encounter Theme
Kinto Boreas
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:46 am
Age: 42
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Dark Grey
Occupation: Mercenary/Vigilante
Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

Timor Inasis, whether "he" should be considered man is a question of its own, as with his single-minded drive he could be likened more to a force of nature or something else entirely, a monster, like from the stories of old, may be more fitting.
Certainly something I should keep my eyes on, whether I'll find any way to direct him in a way to suit my goal is up in the air, but I should definitely find a surefire method to get rid of this "tool" for good, regardless of his usefulness or not.

Timor provides the pure evil type villain every good story needs, fear as always being a great motivator, especially for one such as twisted as this man, think we'd all be happier if a certain collector left this menace 100 years in the past, after all he really just prolonged the issue.
I like Timor a lot, pure evil is always fun, but Shadow already pointed out that while his one-sidedness is great, it does limit him a lot, maybe do give him a bit of downtime activity, just let him live in public in disguise, learn about his prey and of the new age he finds himself in, he may not experience burnout from doing what he loves, but he'll also need to rest and restore his equipment.
Otherwise, no complaints, I say let the beast out of his cage and run rampant on our site.
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Forrest Waldstein
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Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:51 pm
Age: 18
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Green
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

Forrest's lower half was crushed by metallic debris from the train crash in the forest. His Aura was completely spent by now. He couldn't remember how he got there, but one thing was for certain: he couldn't get out alone. He noticed an unharmed survivor not too far from him, she was a student who he had a crush on. Forrest wearily reached towards her with his arm.

"Please... help me..." Forrest pleaded to her. She turned towards him, only to look upon him in disgust.

"Not in a million years..." she replied, walking away and leaving Forrest to his fate. He couldn't believe it, she rejected his plea for help and abandoned him. Forrest's eyes grew wide, and panic began taking over.

"No... NO!... DON'T LEAVE ME TO DIE HERE!" Forrest screamed, writhing in a pitiful attempt to free himself from the debris to no avail. Whatever strength he had left would likely be wasted in this fruitless endeavor. He reached out towards her again as she continued walking away.

"WAIT! PLEASE! HELP MEEEEE!" Forrest shrieked in sheer terror, frantically trying to free himself like a feral beast in a trap, screaming all the while in terror as he realized nobody was coming to save him...


Timor Inasis is quite a fascinating character. Beautifully simple, yet interesting enough to be entertaining. Despite him seeming a little too simple, I think that problem can be solved as he develops through roleplay. I cannot wait to see him wreak havoc on the site, and I couldn't resist adding in the tiny story above to entertain The Scarlet Scare himself. Unleash the sinister snake!

Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP

The inspirational lo-fi I like to listen to while I write Forrest can be found here
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Saoirse Luíseach
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:15 pm
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Human
Aura Color: White
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Chainbreaker
Weapon Name: Grimoire Draíocht

"Hey, I think I saw a portrait of him in the mansion..."

Connected backstories are fun! I also like that we have another rope dart user on the site.

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Professor Honeydew Monarch
Posts: 46
Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2019 4:14 am
Age: 32
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Human
Aura Color: Seafoam Green
Occupation: Professor of History and Tactics, Beacon Academy
Semblance Name: Omnipresence
Weapon Name: The Kingkiller

Character has been approved, ta daaaa! Happy Hunting. And Halloween, I guess.
Main themesong:

And this is how it moves / Faster and faster now it goes
It might stop when we're finally dead

Extended Profile Link: Boop
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