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Forrest Waldstein

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:54 pm
by Forrest Waldstein
I am 23 years old, and I have about about 6 years of roleplaying experience from playing tabletop rpgs.

Forrest had just finished gearing up for the long trek to Beacon Academy. He was about to leave the room before stopping for a moment. He unsheathed his shortsword, Grashalm, which almost glowed in the light from the fireplace, and collected his thoughts for a moment.

Grashalm... This used to be my father's sword. Forrest mused as he scanned the weapon from pommel to point.

I guess you were right, Mom. I may not be physically strong, but the strength that really matters... lies in the heart.

Three thunderous knocks at the door interrupted Forrest's musings. Forrest was so lost in thought that he almost unceremoniously dropped his weapon on the oak floor.

"ACK!" Forrest involuntarily squawked as his hands scrambled to catch Grashalm.

"I'll be right out!" he called out to the door. He took extra care in sheathing Grashalm, ensuring it was taut in the sheath before he walked over.

Re: Forrest Waldstein

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 12:04 am
by Professor Wednesday Haptasnytrir
In Forrest's Outfit Description near the beginning, you describe his clothing as "medieval". I'd ask that you use a different word to comply with our ruling for real world references.

Sylvan Anthem is an interesting Semblance and one I think lends well to his overall theme. I am concerned about it being able to create life, and not simply a projection of it. I'd feel more comfortable in accepting it if it functioned closer to "calling the spirit of nature" up from the surroundings, rather than straight up creating life. If there is already some kind of plant available, the more potent the effect can be by "enhancing it". He can carry around seeds this way to speed up their life cycle and achieve the same result you're aiming for. I do like the part where the plants effected by his Semblance wither away. Attaching the hereditary Semblance of longevity seems tacked on, but if it comes as a side effect of his own Semblance's life enhancement makes it fit better in my opinion. Giorno Giovanni, is that you?

A wallflower that possesses a keen eye. Forrest's initial slowness towards intimacy lets him observe people, which might be something his grandfather drilled into him despite his own distaste for it. I like that despite his inherent friendliness, Forrest has some hold overs from a toxic teacher. I might be reading too much into it, haha. Forrest some some contradictory aspects, such as his fierce determination and self-confidence issues. Nothing that calls for a hard rework suggestion, but just something I'd like to hear more on.

Re: Forrest Waldstein

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 4:51 am
by Forrest Waldstein
Thanks, I appreciate your feedback. Now that I know what to work on, I can get to improving the character.

The outfit description is an easy fix.

I can most certainly adjust Sylvan Anthem.

As for the contradictory aspects of Forrest's character, I would say the determination stems from a desire to prove he is not weak, something that he definitely has heard from his great grandfather and wishes to prove him wrong. His self-confidence issues are a product of his background. Having lost his father before birth, seeing his mother slowly but fatally deteriorate, and being under the tutelage of an incredibly authoritarian great grandparent are all factors that have caused Forrest to develop a low level of self confidence and a fatalistic view of the world he lives in. It is somewhat difficult trying to balance out those two personality traits that are very different from each other, but that is a challenge I am willing to tackle. I hope the results of the coexistence of these traits do not make Forrest seem hypocritical.

I'm enjoying the challenge of creating Forrest Waldstein, and any constructive feedback is always welcome. It was, in a strange way, refreshing to see that my first attempt was not perfect.

Re: Forrest Waldstein

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:49 am
by Professor Wednesday Haptasnytrir
I like the backstory and his background! They're interesting and build a lot of potential for Forrest and how he might develop.

I feel more than comfortable approving Forrest as he is now after the edits.

I do have one last nitpick, if you're willing to hear it. The one hour limit may be a bit long for Sylvan Anthem, so perhaps use a more vague detail instead of a hard time limit. For example: the plants he calls up with his Semblance deteriorate at a rapid pace shortly afterwards if Forrest does not actively focus on keeping them up. They still have the vulnerabilities of the plant forms, like fire, as you mentioned, and are comparably durable. Aura enhancements aside? Additionally, the larger/more complex a plant form is, the more intensely he needs to focus, spend time on, and/or invest Aura into.

(Growing plants inside of people is also a horrific method I hope you'll decide against employing unless a consensus is made between all those involved, haha.)

Re: Forrest Waldstein

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:23 pm
by Forrest Waldstein
Thanks for the approval!

I do not mind modifying the time limit to Sylvan Anthem. In fact, a more vague time limit makes the Semblance seem more interesting since there is more to learn about it from Forrest's perspective.

(Also I may have to keep that idea in my back pocket lol. Of course I won't do it unless everyone involved is okay with it.)

Re: Forrest Waldstein

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:47 pm
by Leonard Uaine
He’s well-fleshed out, with clear paths to personal growth and a fun, unique theme.

I look forward to seeing him journey forward on his path to professional Hunting.


Re: Forrest Waldstein

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:30 pm
by Professor Wednesday Haptasnytrir
With that, Forrest Waldstein is approved for roleplay! I will now move this thread to Approval Archives where you may review it at any time.

Welcome to Colors!