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Casey Turqouise

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:26 pm
by Casey Turqouise
Hopefully she is good enough for approval from you guys, thanks for your time looking at it.

Re: Casey Turqouise

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:12 am
by Ela Motley
Well Casey has a pretty solid base already and her profile is easy enough to comprehend, how ever I have some minor issue with it, which don't warrant a no, merely that I will be holding off approving her until these issues are adressed.

Her weapon cool as it is, is a bit weird.
You say it shoots lasers, but they're made off electricity dust ?
That makes no sense, lasers are highly amplified light, not bolts of electricity.
Please pick one or the other.

A lot of this profiles focus is on Casey being a star, but you never really get into detail how she attained stardom.
It would be great if you could describe at what kind of events Casey has sung to achive her fame.

In the other gear section you mention Casey having gravity dust woven into her gloves and boots for an extra power boost, what kind of power boost ?
Gravity dust can be used in a lot of ways so I'd like you specify what it does in her case.

Also, if I recall correctly, the recent events section is for things your character has done during roleplay.

Re: Casey Turqouise

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:27 am
by Ela Motley
Well with my concern addressed, Casey gets a solid yes from me!

Re: Casey Turqouise

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:01 pm
by Nocte Fabri
All seems to be in order to me. I'll give this one a yes.

Re: Casey Turqouise

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:12 am
by Juniper Azurine
I'll be voting a very hesitant yes. The hesitation comes only from the fact that you mention repeatedly how famous and well known Casey is, and while that's not necessarily an Issue, per say, I would like to remind you that you can't expect other player's characters to know Casey prior to meeting her, they could very well have never heard of her before and/or not care about her being an idol. As long as you yourself are aware of this, then I see no issue with her fame. I am somewhat skeptical of how a 15yr old (or younger) could become internationally famous, but I mean, it's happened with some real life artists so it's not like it's entirely unheard of...