Sliver Shiver GM Approval

A collection of the previously approved/denied character's applications complete with feedback posts for future reference.

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Total votes: 6
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Sliver Shiver GM
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:58 am
Age: 99
Gender Identity: Male
Race: ?
Occupation: Entertainer
Semblance Name: Show Time

Well, it looks like I have to come to you for help. I just need inside the city and I can take care of the rest, don't you worry. Even depature. But I'll bring in the fun and laughter and some good times. Of course this is legal, I just had some trouble with my visa and passport. What do you say?

If you must know, I, the great Sliver Shiver, have done this around many great cities in Remnant. Though not Atlas. Pfft. Hahaha, HahaHAHA! No, no they don't let me in. I've visited Vale before, but in those days I believe there were shorter walls around the city. And that academy used to be something else. The people of Mistral love me, and those in Vacuo crowd in under the shade of my booths and tents. So please, can't you see I'm trust worthy? I swear I'll only be around for a month or so, then I'm gone. Faster you let me in, the faster I can get my tents set up.
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