Orpheus Umbra Antagonist Approval

A collection of the previously approved/denied character's applications complete with feedback posts for future reference.

Is it time for Orpheus to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight?

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Orpheus Umbra
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Aug 02, 2024 3:24 pm
Age: 26
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Spider Eyes)
Aura Color: Black
Occupation: Crime Boss (Dark Omen)
Semblance Name: Knowledge of the Ages
Weapon Name: Requiem

It's me, Crimson, back at it again with another character. The twin brother of Esmerelda is finally making an appearance on the site, so I'm excited to finally bring him here!

1. Are you 18 or older? Yes, I'm 25.

2. Do you have past experience with collaborative writing or roleplay, and if so, roughly how much? Been playing DnD since I graduated high school, and I have almost a year and a half of experience on the site.

3. Optional Roleplay sample:

Sometimes, international travel was needed to accomplish certain tasks, even for the leader of a criminal syndicate based in Menagerie. Noiselessly, Orpheus stalked his quarry from the rooftops above the city of Vale, the darkness of the night keeping him obscured. The informant had promised to pay the debt in full, but he only had half the amount needed. He must've thought Orpheus to be the most merciful man to have let him go, little did he know that the Masked Menace had other plans for him. All the while, Orpheus had been using his Semblance, Knowledge of the Ages, to gleam as much information as he could from his quarry.

Let's see here... barely any combat ability, no Semblance, he actually does have the money but needs to pay his bills... Well, you won't have to worry about bills in a moment, buddy... Arachnophobia? Well, you're in for a real treat... Orpheus mused as Knowledge of the Ages discerned all the information possible from his quarry. Having gotten everything he needed, there was only one thing left to do. Readying Requiem, Orpheus jumped off the rooftop, landing on top of his quarry and sending the blade through his chest. With minimal struggling, the man bled out shortly after the drop assassination. Producing his scroll, he called an old friend. Calls had to be quick though, if the police traced the call in time there'd be more trouble then necessary.

"Send me a cleanup crew, an alleyway off the corner of Main and Canal Street." Orpheus ordered before hanging up.
Kinto Boreas
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:46 am
Age: 42
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Dark Grey
Occupation: Mercenary/Vigilante
Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

It's good to see the brains of the operation is not only a man of knowledge but eloquent as well, conversations in our branch of business can be so dull, the average thug or brute just does the synapses no good, I would so very much love to know all that your many keen eyes have seen here in Vale.

Orpheus is an all around great fit for the site and perfect counterpart to Esmeralda, glad to see the siblings in crime mesh so well with one another, also good to put a face, or lack thereof, to the leadership of the Dark Omen.

So, yes, very yes!

Also, by the by, discord links don't work anymore for weapon images etc, need to use something else like imgur.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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Castor Achromos
Posts: 122
Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:32 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Fanus (snakes eyes)
Aura Color: Red
Occupation: Student (former bandit)
Semblance Name: Chaotic Psyche
Weapon Name: Molon labe

I'm going to go with a yes I am always a of the well learned villain types thought I am curious about the characters inspiration overall I'd think they would make a great fit.
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Claire Buíocán
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:50 am
Age: 35
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Human
Aura Color: translucent - see Semblance
Occupation: Vigilante
Semblance Name: Mythmaker
Weapon Name: Síofra

Our site's villains are striking a balance between unhinged lunatics and well-read politickers, with some being a little of columns A and B.

I look forward to seeing (and possibly helping to shape) the future of the Dark Omen.

Claire moralizes in bolded 000000.
Claire's Semblance speaks to her in 757575.

You can find EPs for all my characters here.
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