Spooky Vignette One Shot Prompts!

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Professor W B Copperfield
Posts: 218
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:58 am
Age: 42
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Aura Color: Transparent light blue
Occupation: Professor of Dust and Semblance Usage, Beacon
Semblance Name: Forzare
Weapon Name: Foci and Rod

You heard me, spooky prompts! Instead of putting on a Halloween Event, I stole this idea from a friend with their permission.

What a Vignette is, those of you who don't know, is a thread where you only make one, maybe two posts. No one is reacting to another(unless you really want to, I guess), just reacting to the prompt with your character. It can be completely non-canon, just some fun writing with your character. We just had a lot of approvals so take this time to explore your new characters, some old, or any you want to have fun with!

So here are the rules:

Follow all rules of the site - while it is a very open challenge, you still need to adhere to the general rules of the board.​
All prompts must exceed 300 words. - really want you to stretch your mind and formulate a complete story with the prompt given​

All stories can be canon or non-canon - up to you if you want to use this to give your character a fun spin off​
Do not use other people's characters WITHOUT permission - with your post if you're using someone else's character please provide proof that you have permission. ​

You are allowed to do both prompts - if you do all prompts please separate them with different posts​

Keep all stories to 1 post - no back and forth or additional posts (unless posting other stories for prompts) ​
Have fun! ​

Without further ado, here are your prompts!
  • You've died. What do you do as your first day as a ghost? ​
  • You have a few friends over for a Halloween party. You've just finished watching a scary movie when the power goes out and the door is slammed open. What happens next?​
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