Vlithra Qing Long

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Vlithra Qing Long
Posts: 261
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:00 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus (White Tiger, stripes and pale skin)
Aura Color: Viridian-Green
Occupation: 1st Year Student, Tattooing-Assistant
Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge
Weapon Name: Viridian Naraka and Carnassial Talon

Vlithra Qing Long
Name: Vlithra Qing Long
Alias: Vlithra Seiryú (Original), V / Boss Lady (Nickname)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Vale (Allegedly), Mistral
Race: White Tiger Faunus
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
Past School Education: Private schooling and tutoring from her mother Ahia Seiryú
Past Combat Education: Tutored by her mother, Ahia Seiryú
Current Endeavour: Revenge, Graduating Beacon

Height: 6’1/1.86m
Weight: estimated 176.37lbs/ 80.kg

Body Type: Vlithra‘s body is more than just athletic. Her frame has been specifically trained to radiate the power and presence of the crime family hot shot that she once was. Her muscles, especially on her arms, are toned, just enough to be concealed beneath her clothing. Her tough and almost brawny build makes her a force of raw physical power that, despite her terrifying strength, doesn‘t lack agility in the slightest. All of this makes her intimidating by nature, unnerving most that she graces with her presence.

Eyes: Complementing her color scheme, Vlithra’s eyes are of an almost venemous green color only compared to the gaze of a mythological creature known as a gorgon, whose gaze much like hers can have a petrifying effect on those she meets eyes with. This obviously leads to those around her avoiding any sort of confrontation or interaction with her and allows her to keep to herself. When channeling her semblance these eyes start glowing in a neon green light, bright enough to seem like the eyes of a cat reflecting light when staring at its prey from the dark.

Hair: Long raven black hair is what Vlithra inherited from her mother, however in contrast to hers, Vlithra‘s hair is more smooth and therefore easier to comb. It is long enough to barely reach the middle of her back. Only during daily training sessions does she put it into a ponytail so her vision is not obstructed during her intense execises. Whenever Vlithra uses her semblance the tips of her hair start glowing in the same neon green light her eyes do and it will start to levitate enough to not hang flat down, which is a major intimidation factor that she utilizes sometimes too often.

Skin: Pale skin, littered with black stripes along the entire body much like other tiger faunus have them. Three additional stripes can be found on each of her cheeks in her face. Her heritage makes it so her skin barely gets a tan in the sun and when Vlithra uses her semblance her stripes glow in the color of her aura, which much like her other perks add to the intimidating and powerful aura she radiates.

Distinguishing Marks: Those who get to see her upper body beneath the clothing will spot an elaborate Irezumi style tattoo made by Jay Qing Long, a legend among the tattooist community, which covers most of her backside up to her neck and down to her thighs. It depicts an unusually large Grimm Sea Feilong guarding a waterfall. The black creatures body is long and massive enough for its tail to block the water from leaving the big pond beneath the massive cascade of water. The land beyond that tail where no water reaches is befallen of drought. The beasts upper body arcs over the stream of water above, its wings spreading to reach Vlithras shoulders. It‘s massive claws take a hold of the cliff. The Feilong spits its electrocuting breath to anyone daring to come to close to it. Inspired by the vedic myth of Vritra, the dragon-demon of her namesake, it combines that myth with the symbolism from japanese culture, like the waterfall being the path to ascension, to create this elaborate piece of art that stands for power, control and the lengths the bearer will go to to achieve their final goal. Going so far as to harm those
around them, including self.

Clothing: Vlithra has forged herself to fit into the criminal life of her family and therefore has adapted the typical business casual that criminal thugs are usually seen wearing. This means fancy suits, shirts and leather. However as Vlithra wasn‘t a simple thug, she had cultivated her style so it would radiate her intense and serious presence no matter where she went even if it attracted unwanted attention.

Therefore and due to her beligerent nature at the time, her clothes were specifically tailored to be of no hinderance in combat. Her suit pants and shirt are made to be worn casually and in combat situations alike, allowing for a free range of movement that ordinary suits wouldn‘t allow. Her outfit uses preferably dark colors: Her black suit pants feature a green tribal style tiger motive that looks like its climbing up her leg. This is accompanied by a chain belt made of solid stainless steel. Footwear consists of armored combat boots all the time, but for the celebratory occasion she will wear steel-tipped leather shoes instead. Vlithra wears a white shirt in most cases which is swapped for a black one on special occasions and festivals. This is accompanied by her own special made Seiryú Officer‘s vest, an expensive vest of the wearers choice that was handcrafted by mistralian artisans and only given to high ranking family members. Vlithra‘s vest is of a viridian-green color with her own emblem stitched onto the back with fine golden silk, giving it an appearance that distinguishes her from the ordinary officers of her family. Usually this vest would be accompanied with a sigil patch at the front left side above the heart, but Vlithra had it removed to hide her affiliation with the Seiryú.

All of this is finished by a dark green jacket that Vlithra loosely wears on her shoulders. It is fixated around her chest/neck with a chain made of silver and bears a red fur collar/interior that has fire dust woven into it, allowing Vlithra to channel aura into the fabric to make it radiate heat on colder days. This way she can wear her intimidating swagger no matter the climate.


Charisma: A quality that many leaders, especially among the criminal underworld, share is charisma. Despite her rather cold and calm demeanor not making it seem as such, Vlithra hasn‘t become high brass of a criminal organisation just by looking cool and badass. Her ability to converse with others on an equal level, despite her unusually high standing for someone her age, has helped her convince even the most stubborn of minds in the underworld, adding to it that she does so without making herself look weak in comparison. She can use this expertise of hers to either easily appease others or to intimidate them, which helped her a lot as a syndicate officer. She bolstered morale among the thugs under her command, leading to her being rather successfull in managing the Family in her mothers absence. Due to this she was very much favored especially among her own peers in the Seiryú-Family.

Grudges: However, if one manages to push just the wrong buttons, they will find that this calmth has a much... MUCH meaner storm waiting. Vlithra is a person that can hold grudges until the day she dies. Now this doesn‘t mean that she won‘t allow those who manage to annoy her make ammends, however if someone disrespected her or her Family, they were considered inellegible for reconsciliation. Of course this usually only applies to a business atmosphere, as in public she is rather easygoing when it comes to transgressions. Even those characters she finds “annoying“ are forgiven in a way, that being said only when a proper punishment was delivered. This often than not can lead to more physical payback, casually more tame than when she means business.

Prowess Above All: Speaking of getting physical, Vlithra is a fighter at heart and revels in a good challenge. Be it training excersises or sparring matches, anything related to physical activity brings calmth and joy to the tigresses heart as long as it strains her body enough for her to feel exhausted at the end of it. And while this doesn‘t necessarily mean that she doesn‘t enjoy the occasional clash of the minds, it is physical strength and skill that she values the most. Weakness means you don‘t last in the world, and being weak in the underworld gets you easily prey‘d upon, a thing that the tigress would hate to see happen to those close to her.

Hobbies: Vlithra is fierce and deep down bears a belligerent nature which shows itsself in her favorite pass-time activities: Training, fighting and sparring. Its the activities she associates her past and family the most with and are the things that she holds dearest. Should she need to relief some stress, she can be found swinging at a punching bag during her training session to really let loose and exhaust herself.
After heavy physical activity or sometimes simply to pass time, Vlithra can be found lazing about and napping for most of the day. However she is no heavy sleeper and usually gets very moody when she gets disturbed during her naptime which makes her quite volatile and aggressive.
When not found napping all day Vlithra can either be found in town strolling about, helping her uncle run the shop, dancing in clubs or even at the cages in the batting center striking baseballs through the courtyard at her leisure.

Anger: In Vlithras eyes, anger, if quenched with control, is one of the most valuable weapons a fighter can wield. Temper the edge properly and any obstacle can be cut down with a swing of the blade. This mindset however leads to the tigress embracing such emotions far more than she should and in turn breaks her calm and collected facade quite easily. It is usually only after that she realizes this. She constantly works on herself to better her control of these emotions, however the ideals that are taught and used at Beacon ultimately clash with what she had known all her life, leading to her being more volatile than she has ever been which in turn causes her to snap often at the slightest annoyance.

Moral/Ethical Beliefs: Vlithra treads the gray path, doing what she thinks will lead to the most advantagous outcome for her or her family. Though her heritage might say otherwise, she is one of the rarer examples in the criminal underworld of an honest and fair person.

• Training/Sparring/Fighting: Vlithra is one of ‘those‘ students at Beacon. The ones that have sometimes just waaay too much fun beating the crap out of each other. This comes mostly from her drive to improve on a daily basis.
• Tea: Uncharacteristicly for a Girl of her Archetype, Vlithra enjoys tea in all it‘s forms. It was the most common household drink during her time growing up and it has stayed this way to this day.
• Dancing: Originally only picked upon after witnessing a breakdance competition, Vlithra wanted to emulated the acrobatics and use them during her fights and has quickly come to realize that dancing, even normal forms of dancing, are quite fun and enjoyable.
• Professionalism: Being a rather serious figure and being raised by a rather strict mother, Vlithra has always adored professionalism among her ranks and those she considers friends. Being professional about things tells her that she can rely on someone when it really matters.
• Watersports: Owning her own wetsuit she is naturally fond of watersports, like water boarding, surfing and such. Her friend Tanya owns a shop near the beach she often visits in the summer.

• Sillyness: Acting in an inappropiate or silly manner around the tigress annoys her to no end, especially in rather serious situations. This includes those who try to downplay bad situations with jokes, since it potentionally shows that they are not capable to handle a crisis when it matters.
• Disrespect: In Vlithra‘s eyes, everyone has a chance to show their worth. And while there are people that make bad first impressions, there is nothing more conceited she sees in a person than the utter disregard one can show concerning this worth. This can take many forms, but it is usually slights against her, her family and her friends she takes drastic action against, sometimes going so far to use underworldly methods to dish out payback in accordance to the offense.
• Atlesians: Stemming from the previous point, Vlithra cannot stand the high class of Atlas for that very reason. Despite how hypocritcal it is, since she doesn‘t like prejudicing people, she despises their heavy prejudices towards those lower than them.
• Grimm Studies: This ties mainly to her disinterest in fighting the creatures of Grimm. She has come to Beacon to learn the skills needed to take on the criminal underworld, not to fight some sort of ancient war against the enemy of man.

Fears: There is but one thing that Vlithra fears... well two... the first one being would be loosing those close to her. Be it family or friends, it is this fear that causes Vlithra to be hesitant to form lasting bonds with people that she sympathizes with or has taken a liking to. This is why it is usually only those who can measure up to her in some degree, be it prowess, skill or intellect, that she actually calls friends.
The second one, is a bit of mild Merinthophobia she has received from her time in purgatory. It is one of the reasons why her semblance manifests in the way it does and while it doesn't make her freeze up, it makes her very nervous.

• Tenacity: While being tenacious is to be expected from someone like Vlithra, she takes it a step further due to her downright indomitable willpower and perseverance to get things done once she sets her mind to something. Knock her down and she‘ll get up again, probably twice as pissed as before. Even at deaths door she‘d be crawling towards her goal, even if it kills her. If she didn‘t, she wouldn‘t be here.
• Creativity: While rarely shown outside of combat, Vlithra has a knack for thinking outside the box. The tigress can, even in the heat of battle, come up with the wildest and most out of norm solutions for a situation. This shows itsself mostly in her ability of fighting with improvised weaponry found in her surroundings, but also when deducing anothers course of action.
• Social Deduction: Something Vlithra has definetly picked up from her mother is her ability to read the habits of the people around her and deduce their nature from there. While not as accurate as Ahia, Vlithra has honed this skill enough to discern the manipulators from the tools to prevent herself from being played by those ambitous people one can find in the criminal underworld.

• Bruiser: While Vlithra likes scrapping with people up close, she lacks the range to effectively attack someone at range. She has ranged options, just very inefficient ones. She either has to go through much effort to do so or expend a large amount of resources for her ranged attacks to have any effect.
• Semblance Reliance: While her semblance is poweful, it‘s more often than not a crutch for Vlithra if her opponent proves more difficult than she originally thought. This leads to her expending aura when she really didn‘t need to to avoid damage.
• Exiled Heir: The biggest Elephant in the Room is Vlithra‘s criminal heritage. A fact that threatens to shoot down her plan of learning the way of being a huntress, if she is found out. Due to her original identity declared missing, she is being searched for, something that still baffles her to this day. Like… why can‘t these good for nothing crime bossess just drop the issue?
• Antisocial: Mainly due to the fact that strangers avoid coming close to Vlithra when she‘s about, Vlithra has difficulty approaching others without destroying this image of hers.

Hopes and Desires: Vlithra‘s greatest desire is to return to her crime family after graduating to use her newly aquired skills and combat prowess to either wash her name clean or assist in seperating the Seiryú Family from the Kaleea-Syndicate.
Occupation: Beacon Student, Tattooing-Assistant at the “Azure Dragon-Parlor“.

Semblance Name: Kinetic Discharge

Semblance Description: This semblance allows Vlithra to discharge a visible form of energy from her body. Being neither heat, light nor electricity it shares a lot of similarities with the latter in terms of appearance though instead purely kinetic in nature. This green lightning propells anything it comes into contact with away from Vlithra with an incredible amount of force and can be created and channelled using her aura. It dissipates quickly once expelled from her body. In a way it is a representation of Vlithra‘s anger, a destructive force directed to whatever is unfortunate enough to get in the way. Now the problem this creates is that she lacks the control to empower herself without literally destroying herself, since her drive for revenge fuels this anger and revenge as a driving force is self-destructive by nature. The telltale signs of it being used is Vlithra’s hair levitating, the tips of it, her eyes and her stripes glowing in a bright green color when the semblance is being used.

The most basic form of usage is the literal discharge in the form of a shockwave of kinetic energy around Vlithra. Given enough aura to fuel its strength, it is easily capable of nullifying the momentum of projectiles coming her way with a maximum range of roughly 3 meters around Vlithra. The strength of the kinetic energy expelled is comparable to the amount of aura used. The more aura Vlithra uses to fuel her semblance, the stronger the kinetic force gets.

With more focus Vlithra can force concentrated discharges from her limbs, highly increasing the impact of her strikes and discharging all the energy into the struck surface. Due to this it amplifies the effect her semblance has allowing her to launch objects and people alike with either a greater amount of force or less aura needed for a noticable effect.

Should Vlithra think her own physical capabilities aren’t enough to topple her opponent, or if she is just that desperate to win a fight, she can channel the energy through her own body to amplify her overall physical capabilities way beyond what she should be capable off. This allows her to move as fast as lightning with explosive changes in momentum, or strike with enough force to break solid steel with ease.
As a tradeoff it removes any restraint on her movements causing her to become more predictable and more sluggish as a result.
This is only second to the biggest drawback, the strain on her body. Without her aura protecting her against the amount of force she exerts she would tear her own body asunder, which is why her aura is drained at an exponential rate.
While Vlithra is training to migate these negative effects, the pain remains. She will feel high levels of fatigue and aches a few minutes after using her semblance like this.
The green lightning will be coated in an oily black and crackle around her body like a storm of electricity with her hair starting glow green.

The main drawbacks of this semblance are not only it’s limited range, but also the high amount of aura needed to use it effectively. While it is easy and quick to channel the energy and to expel it, it uses a lot of Vlithra’s aura depending on the amount of force she wants to exert.
This leaves Vlithra with a limited amount of uses during combat.

Aura Color: Vlithra‘s aura itsself is of a viridian green color. However the lightning she creates due to her semblance is more of a neon green color that is slathered in a film of oil-like black, making it appear darker than it is.


Viridian Naraka:
Viridian Naraka is Vlithra’s main weapon and weapon of choice. A masterly crafted sword with a 43 inch blade that is slightly curved at the tip, a hilt that is fitted for both one-handed and two-handed wielding, a cross guard with forward facing spikes at the ends and extremely sharp edges with re-hooks near the guard area of the blade. The edge is made specifically to react to the user’s aura and thus glows in the wielders aura color when the blade is drawn. An aura powered battery inside the sheath can imbue the blade with electricity when the sword is drawn from it, making its cuts more precise and powerful for a limited amount of time. The color of the electricity is also the same as the wielders aura and even without the current that enhances it, its still as deadly as any other sword would be. Contrary to its looks, the sword is light enough that Vlithra can swing it with one hand without problems.
The sheath for the sword normally dangles from Vlithra’s left hip, below the hilt for Carnassial Talon which are both fixated to the chain belt Vlithra wears. The sheath of Viridian Naraka utilizes a fingerprint-lock to prevent anyone other than Vlithra from drawing the blade.

Carnassial Talon:
Carnassial Talon is a short-sword with a guard. The blade is straight, very sturdy, sharp and about 25 inches long. It is used for thrusting and slicing attacks with Vlithra being able to switch quickly from wielding it normal to wielding it with a reverse grip. A hole in the pommel allows for the insertion of a small Dust cartridge which Vlithra has designed herself. It allows her to infuse the blade with the dust from the cartridge allowing it to gain the dusts specific properties and enabling to fire dust projectiles from the blade. She has limited her use of Dust to wind, water, ice and combustion so far and carries one cartridge of each in her holster.

Other Gear:
• Cartridge holster: Located on her left hip and fixated on her chain belt. It stores one cartridge of each dust type that Vlithra uses with Carnassial Talon.
• Vambraces & Greaves: Worn beneath her clothing they are a surprise defense method just in case Vlithra doesn't have a weapon on hand. Made of solid steel they are capable to block most bladed attacks, but aren't very useful in deflecting gunfire or heavy weapons.

Events and History:

The only thing Vlithra can ever remember of her father is the silhouette of his face as he cradled her 2 years old body and hummed her the lyrics of a song known as “Poems of a Machine“. Since his untimely demise, her mother had been ever so very protective of her only child. Vlithra was rarely ever let outside the confines of the Seiryú Mansion in Kushinashi, though that doesn‘t mean she didn‘t have any friends. Ahia had arranged a private school teacher to visit the Mansion at daily intervalls where Vlithra wasn‘t the only child tutored. Children from other members of the Seiryú Famili were happily taken in during those times as well, turning the big building into a small school building at times. Vlithra loved playing in the gardens during breaks, and once the lessons were over she happily watched cartoons on TV with those few friends she made, who often stayed over inbetween school days to minimize travel time. Though they did have to help with some chores at times, they were dilligent little fellas and got assigned tasks done when asked to. While this stemmed mainly from Ahia being quite the strict mother, it was them admiring the lady of the house that motivated them to do their best. After all, why wouldn‘t a child idolize a woman that held sway over both their parents and their teacher.

The Seiryú-Family
The Seiryù family, while only a subsidiary of a larger criminal Syndicate, enjoy a rather independant position in it‘s hierarchy. The organisation rides a fine line between business and downright criminality. Founded and led by Vlithra‘s mother, they deal in intel and security, most of their public businesses being security companies that install security systems and provide manpower for those who need it. This gives them the unprescedented opportunity to gather information on their clients almost without issue. Camera footage, document copies, wire taps, you name it, they got it. They have a complicated but secure intel trading code, which is absolutely required to be held at all cost when aquiring their services. This is all spun into an intricate and wide spreading web that forms the Seiryù Network.
This intel network is not only used for earning their pay, it‘s also used for surveillance of authority activity and huntsman movement around the country. While this would seem to mainly be used to stay clear of trouble, the families matriarch has a special interest in being updated about huntsman activities at all times.
Ahia Seiryù alongside a few chosen captains in her family, supervise the entire network.

Learning The Hard Way
Vlithra would be exposed to the business side of her family in the roughest way possible, as she was kidnapped when she returned from visiting a friend. Her mother was obviously infuriated at the audacity of the kidnappers and made sure they‘d regret the decision, but the experience gave a very bad first impression to the young child. Yet it also had a positive effect. The experience had ignited Vlithra‘s drive to never be weak again and with that it was ideal that she was taught by her mother as soon as she felt ready. The training was grueling and hard, but it forged an inexperienced teen into a hardened fighter.

Life On The Grey Path
Vlithra‘s career has been a decent one from a criminal standpoint. She got demanding jobs and delivered results, as long as it didn‘t include straight up murder. Ahia was aware of her daughter distate for the art of killing adn despite knowing that such a mentality could breed weakness she was willing to let it slide for her sake, due to being just as adept in the ways of violence and combat. She collected debts for loan sharks, provided protection services for residents and people of interest, managed some of the families substitute companies in other regions and fought in full on turf wars against local street gangs, if needed. In her later days, she‘d accompany her mother for formal meetings and would act as her representative when she was too busy, with surprisingly good results thanks to what she learned from her. Being the leaders daughter came with the previlige of receiving a tattoo made by a famous Irezumi-artist named "Jay Qing Long". She first got the outlines of the tattoo made and then got it finished over time during a period of 2 years, all the while climbing the ranks and becoming a family officer by the age of 18.

Vlithra‘s career would be abruptly stunted by the power struggle. The leader of the Kaalea had died and not left an heir, so it was up to the strong remaining leaders to sort it out. And as expected, this was done in dirty ways. Assassination and Sabotage was the game and the Seiryú were as much of a target. Vlithra was framed for a murder and was therefore sent to purgatory, the syndicates own personal torture dungeon, to experience cruel torture at a daily basis. Angry and frustrated she started directing this anger outward. In the end it would manifest as her semblance, an indescriminate force that lashed out at anything that came too close. With it, she would keep herself out of harm until the location was eventually raided by hunsman and authorities when her mother leaked the location of purgatory.

Room For Improvement
Having felt helpless since she was kidnapped had put her into the mindset that she was still a small fish in the ocean. And seeing that huntsmen are able to just go up against the underworld had solidified the idea of learning to fight how they did. It was with a heavy heart she made this decision, but she hoped it would help her and her mother repaying those that wronged them.

Thoughs about Other Characters:

Bartok Evergreen: “What a dork. Not only a super cheeky flirt, but also proposing to me the very moment he met me? Ugh. He is annoying… but he also got his charm. I don‘t like it. Him being basically blind doesn‘t help that at all.“

Fuchsia Iris Ükhel: “A trickster of a girl. She is a bit of a kindred spirit. She did disturb one of my midday naps, though she did show me a cool spot to relax in return, so I guess she repaid that debt.“

Professor Honeydew Monarch: “Of all the Teachers here at Beacon, she is the one I will have to be most careful around. Professor Monarch is by far the most observant of the staff. I swear, she knows of my past affiliations! And yet… it‘s like she doesn‘t.“

Professor W B Copperfield: “Honestly, Professor C is probably one of the more dilligent teachers, even if he looks like a falls asleep at the desk all the time. His teachings about dust have improved my own capabilities regarding this stuff many times fold.“

Citrine Locke: “From that one encounter we had, I‘m intrigued. A cavalry fighter using a bike for a steed. Not bad, but I have a feeling she get‘s into too much trouble.“

Al Ciendra: “What a fiery little red riding hooded wolf. I‘d say she is my Rival. Battle hungry and fierce and above all… powerful. She can certainly hold her own, deserving the highest amount of respect from me. Someone I could truly call… a friend.“

Asterion Khryseos: Another Rival, though in a less competitive manner. I dunno how he does it, but how can you not like this big hunk of a guy?“

Ax L Rose: “Another appreciator of tattoos and the likes. I feel like we have some form of conneciton going on since I met her at the beach.“

Erin Cherrywood: “Bartok‘s child hood friend. At the very least there is someon holding the guy back. Little side-note to self: Think of a little prank to pull on her for that one Dare I had to do.“

Nata Rainwalts: “A little cub with a little too much moxy. Our small brawl was nice though, even if she didn‘t seem to enjoy it as much as I did.“

Castor Achromos: “Sneaky… or rather snaky little fellow. Not much liked and I guess that has it‘s reasons, but as long as he doesn‘t bother me it ain‘t my problem.

Forrest Waldstein: “Never thought I'd be doing this. But at the very least our new relationship assures his protection. I'm doing this for his protection, but..." *she puts a hand onto her chest where her heart is.* "...there is this tugging in my chest. I at least want to explore these feelings."
"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."
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