Grayson Albus Luminum

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Grayson Albus Luminum
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:58 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Turquoise
Occupation: Student (former Criminal)
Semblance Name: Bioforge
Weapon Name: GoldEye Mark 7

Grayson Albus Luminum

Name: Grayson Albus Luminum
Alias: Grayson Argus
Gender: Male
Nationality: Atlas
Race: Human
Age: 20
Sexuality: Aromantic Straight
Past Education: Private schools in Atlas, then homeschooled
Current Endeavor: Accumulate power and prestige


Height: 6’1” (185 cm)

Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)

Body Type: Grayson has a tall, svelte physique consisting of wiry, aesthetic muscles. Grayson possesses enough muscle mass to look strong while also being slim enough to look elegant.

Eyes: Grayson’s eyes are turquoise blue in color. His eyes give off a cold and unfeeling vibe to those who make direct eye contact.

Hair: Grayson’s short, parted hair begins as a charcoal gray at its roots, gradually becoming white at the tips. His hair is almost always neat and well-kept, with no hairs out of place.

Skin: Grayson has very fair, porcelain skin which does not tan well.

Distinguishing marks: None

Clothing: Grayson gravitates towards the most fashionable finery, usually wearing black dress shoes and pants with a white dress shirt. He usually wears a black tie and a black bridge coat as well. Grayson especially likes to wear black leather gloves, since he literally despises getting his hands dirty.


Temperament: Grayson is an utter enigma to most people. His illusive nature makes him a difficult person to read and understand his intentions. Grayson’s charisma, intellect, and his knack with reading people makes him an excellent manipulator. Though his confidence encroaches upon arrogance, Grayson knows when to reel himself back most of the time. However, his stubbornness can cause him to butt heads with other dominant personalities. Grayson values status, sophistication, and efficiency, though his tendency to be efficient can make him come off as callous to others.

Moral/ethical beliefs: Grayson believes that the end justifies the means, and is therefore willing to stoop down to do horrible things so long as he accomplishes his personal goals. His allegiance can be swayed with promises of wealth and power due to his insatiable ambition. Despite this, Grayson seeks to maintain an upstanding image of himself. Grayson is reluctant to bring harm to innocent people, but his sworn enemies will get no quarter.

Hobbies: In his free time, Grayson enjoys reading spy fiction, doing logic puzzles, buying luxury clothes, and restoring vintage watches to working condition. Grayson also practices calligraphy from time to time.

- Luxury clothing and accessories
- Puzzles and mysteries
- Spy fiction
- Sophistication and status

- Getting his hands dirty (hence why he wears gloves)
- Slow learners
- Incompetence

Fears: Grayson doesn’t have many fears, but one that he does have is mediocrity. Grayson would dread becoming someone belonging to the lowest social class of Remnant. Additionally, being in uncontrollable situations would terrify Grayson. He would never want to be in a situation where all he could do is watch the events unfold. Revoking his agency would surely bring lots of stress onto him.

- Adaptive: Grayson possesses an uncanny ability to improvise on the fly in any situation. This skill is equally applicable and useful in everyday life and in combat situations.

- Charismatic: Grayson has a strong force of personality, causing others to naturally gravitate towards him.

- Pragmatic: Grayson doesn’t bog down his thoughts with ideals, allowing him to focus on the end result as opposed to the means used to reach his goals.

- Callous: Grayson’s tendency to be efficient can make him come off as insensitive to the feelings of others. He usually does not possess any malice in his way of thinking, it’s just that he prioritizes rationality over emotions.

- Stubborn: Grayson’s determination to do what he wants can put him at odds with other people with dominant personalities. If he believes he is right, he won’t let anyone stand in his way.

- Impatient: Grayson does not like to wait around for things, and wants immediate feedback for his actions.

Hopes and desires: Grayson ultimately wishes to make an impact on the world in some way, shape, or form. However he does it, he wants his name etched into the annals of history.

Occupation: Beacon Student

Semblance Name: Bioforge

Semblance Description: Bioforge is a Semblance that turns his body either invisible or into a “living metal” armor. The first ability his Semblance is capable of is that Grayson can become visually invisible. Grayson is able to change how his Aura interacts with light. Thus, he is able to have light pass through him which renders him visually undetectable. However, movement seems to disrupt his Aura’s ability to maintain invisibility. For example, a slow walking speed seems to give him a perceptible visible outline, noticeable from a short distance. Jogging seems to have Grayson appear translucent or ghostlike, whereas running or sprinting makes maintaining invisibility impossible. The invisibility extends to anything Grayson is wearing or holding, although this seems to be limited to objects he can hold easily with one hand. While invisible in this way, Grayson’s vision becomes very sensitive to bright light while also giving him superior low light vision.

The second ability Bioforge is capable of is that he is able to turn his body into “living metal armor”, exponentially increasing his strength and durability at the cost of speed and agility. In addition to slowing him down a bit, it also multiplies his weight, becoming three times heavier. While this ability is active, Grayson’s entire body takes on a metallic sheen which remains constant while armored. Grayson can control how much of his body becomes armored, and can make it so only a hand or foot becomes armored if desired. However, he does not benefit from his Aura’s natural protection when fully armored. Additionally, extreme heat and cold will denature the physical structure of the armor, making the armor ineffective in such temperatures.

Grayson is not accustomed to moving around while fully armored due to the increased weight. As a result, many of Grayson’s gross motor skills will be slowed down. The fastest he can move without issue would be at a fast walking pace, while swimming would become impossible. However, his fine motor skills remain unchanged when fully armored.

Aura Color: Grayson’s Aura is the same shade of turquoise as his eyes, and is usually accompanied by fine black, smoky wisps that frame his Aura.


Weapon: GoldEye Mark 7 is a silenced pistol that can transform into a combat knife. Designed for subtle undertakings, the silencer was made to reduce the noise of firing and eliminate recoil as much as possible. The double stacked magazine can hold up to fifteen 9mm bullets in a staggered fashion.

Other Gear:
- A bag of caltrops
- A bag of metal ball bearings
- An ostentatious fountain pen
- Normal and invisible ink for the fountain pen

Events and History

Backstory: Grayson Albus Luminum was born and raised in the city of Atlas by his parents Floyd Luminum and Zelda Luminum. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Grayson enjoyed the numerous comforts of luxury that comes with being in a rich family, thanks to his father being the CEO of an Atlas-based Dust Mining Company, and his mother having connections to the top brass of the Atlesian military due to her military service. However, their marriage was one more so based on political opportunism rather than a loving relationship, so affection between them was scarce. During his childhood, Grayson was enrolled into the most prestigious private schools and received the most experienced tutors Atlas had to offer.

As Grayson attended school in his formative years, Floyd used his time amassing a political following. Floyd’s rhetoric was forceful and persuasive, yet it was also full of lies and empty promises, like many other politicians. Zelda took on a more direct role in her son’s life by teaching him the art of combat. During one sparring session, Grayson awakened his Semblance around the age of thirteen, aptly named Bioforge. Unlike Zelda, Grayson gravitated to the smaller, subtler weapons, noting he was “much like his father” in that regard, yet still possessing the aptitude to make something out of his combat skills. Zelda insisted that Grayson do something with his martial skills, such as becoming a Huntsman. Floyd, however, pressured Grayson into using his Semblance for more… insidious means.

Floyd was furious after the results of the most recent voting poll were released, having lost the vote by a slim margin to his opponent. It was at this point Floyd decided to take drastic measures in the next election. He took advantage of Grayson’s Semblance to tip the next election in his favor. Floyd coerced his seventeen year old son into performing heinous acts of electoral fraud. Hacking into the electronic voting systems and general tampering were the primary methods used to tip the vote into his father’s favor, while Floyd himself disenfranchised the voter groups who would vote for his political opponent. As a result of their combined efforts, Floyd won the next election in a landslide.

The crimes the pair committed did not go unnoticed, however. About two years after the last election, information about the electoral fraud came to light. Though Grayson was still involved, nearly all the evidence pointed to his father. The wrathful masses protested against their corrupt leader, forcing Floyd to step down from his position. During this chaos, Zelda sent Grayson out of the Kingdom of Atlas. The safest option was to send her son to Vale while she did her best to cover up Grayson’s trail of evidence back home. He was sent to live with a close family friend in the city of Vale, Denver Argus. Upon hearing the situation, Denver agreed to take Grayson under his wing for the time being.

Grayson laid low for a year whilst the chaos back home settled. He had been keeping in regular contact with Zelda during this time. She told her son that the best thing he could do would be to apply to Beacon Academy, and make a name for himself as a Huntsman. Grayson deliberated for a long time over this decision. Becoming a Huntsman would get him the prestige and recognition that he felt he deserved, and he already had a Semblance. Plus, none of the evidence back home pointed to him yet, so applying as soon as possible was probably his best option. The only catch was his surname, as it was tied to the recent controversy back home. Grayson decided that using a different name would be best to prevent anything getting linked back to him. He would apply under the name of Grayson Argus, doctoring his documents as needed to match his new name and prevent anything linking him to the prior events.

Thoughts about Other Characters:

Ela Motley (WIP): “I was introduced to Ela Motley as I perused my usual clothing store. She’s a diligent and industrious individual, although slightly… unconventional to put it lightly. Nonetheless, she could be a useful ally, or pawn if need be.”

Bartok Evergreen (WIP): “Another individual I met whilst shopping. An intriguing fellow, he is blind due to his bat Faunus heritage and yet is able to put himself together quite nicely, assistance included mind you. I’ll keep my eye on him, more information will be desired before I determine his usefulness to me.”

Cleare (WIP): “Cleare is… highly unusual. She’s so dollike it’s uncanny, and wearing a bloodstained dress in public is certainly a head-turner. I can’t help but feel uneasy around her, perhaps it would be for the best to leave her be…”

Roisin Treacy (WIP): “A rowdy individual I met during a stealthy excursion in the restricted section of the library. Whilst she is simple, belligerent and loud, she may be pliable enough to suit my needs. I’ll have to spend more time with her, and with enough luck, she’ll warm up to me.”

Leonard Uaine (WIP): “A friendly fellow I met whilst training. Although lacking a Semblance, Lennie is eager enough to lend a helping hand to an aspiring Huntsman. Hopefully by trusting him, he will in turn trust me back, and mold himself to become the perfect puppet to me.”
The most dangerous weapon of today's age is ambition. It brings people to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. For some, both can end up being the same place.

Grayson delivers intel in 00FFFF or C0C0C0

Grayson's EP
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