Getting to Know You (Private between Midnight and Sean)

A large courtyard in the middle of the Dorms. It has a stage!
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Midnight White
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed May 17, 2023 4:30 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: She/Her
Race: Human
Aura Color: white
Occupation: student, one time model
Semblance Name: Only up
Weapon Name: Glisten

It was a nice sunny early afternoon, the birds were singing, there was some music playing from a student’s speakers off in the middle distance as they were chilling outside in the quad. Student’s were in their own little clumps talking, and a few students sitting on their own, speckled the quad on various sitting areas. There were benches, tables, and various grass and flower guardian areas to hand out at.

All things considered, things were going well for Midnight White. The tall light pink haired girl with very fair, possibly albino, skin wandered down the sidewalk not paying too much mind to the music or the people around her. She enjoyed most music and really liked what was playing currently, it had a nice mix of funk and groove going for it. Song

She found a bench to take a seat on and rustle through her purse for her scroll. The bench was near a flower bed near the middle of the quad. She wanted to know what song it was without interrupting the conversation that group was having, so she decided to use that app on her scroll that searched music for you from listening to it. She was so preoccupied she didn’t notice anyone around her.
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Sean Thru
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Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2023 11:21 pm
Age: 22
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Light Grey
Occupation: Third Year Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Common Veneer
Weapon Name: Rip Cord

Sean was usually one to prefer the silence of his own dorm as it let him concentrate better, but today on a warm day like this his room had gotten uncomfortably warm, so Sean had gone outside, the quad did offer plenty of space to sit and just study and with his semblance Sean could ensure he would spend that time alone.

So he had found a bench, crossing his legs he began to read from a small notebook, notes he had been taking on the latest lecture of Grimm Studies, the monster that was recently discussed sounded troublesome and Sean wanted to be prepared should he ever face such a beast on the field.

A few students went by without Sean looking up, but as a young woman sat on the bench adjacent to his, Sean did perk up, that appearance...
He recognized it from somewhere, she wasn't atlesian, so where ?
Sean didn't quiet remember, but he did want to confirm his suspicion, if he recalled her, even vaguely she should be of some importance.
As he saw her pull out the scroll with a song recognition app, he knew this song so Sean spoke up, figuring this was a good moment as any, he dropped his semblance before speaking,
"I believe that song is called 2young, by stop light observation, quite a catchy one isn't it ?"
He asked, a polite small on his face, now folding his notebook and laying it on his lap.
Sean converses in #808F99
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Midnight White
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed May 17, 2023 4:30 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: She/Her
Race: Human
Aura Color: white
Occupation: student, one time model
Semblance Name: Only up
Weapon Name: Glisten

With a little gasp, Midnight’s head snapped to where the voice came from next to her. She turned quickly to the voice to see the older student sitting there closing a book. Midnight’s shoulders relaxed as she sighed with relief knowing that she wasn’t going crazy and hearing voices.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” she said as she slowly lowered her scroll back into her purse. “You spooked me,” she added with a giggle. She cleared her throat and addressed what he actually said.

“So it’s called 2young?” She asked. “I’ll have to remember that. Like you said, it's very catchy. I think I’ve heard it before at one of the specialty store’s downtown but never caught the title of the song, just that it was from Stop Light Observations.”

She then slipped her glove off her right hand and held out her hand for a hand shake.

“I’m Midnight by the way,” she said with a big smile, “Midnight White. What’s yours?”
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Sean Thru
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2023 11:21 pm
Age: 22
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Light Grey
Occupation: Third Year Beacon Student
Semblance Name: Common Veneer
Weapon Name: Rip Cord

"It's quite alright, I tend to have that effect on people."
Sean mused with a chuckle of his own, now just sitting crossed legged in front of Midnight.

He was still analyzing her, giving a few "hm's" of acknowledgement as she spoke more about this song, it wasn't of much interest to him, she was.

The name Midnight White rung a bell, a model on a cover of one of those fashion magazines his mother liked to read, he remembered thinking that the girl on the cover was much too young for her debut, a fact the magazine highlighted, in the modelling industry.

Sean shook her hand firmly, yet cordially.
"Sean, Sean Thru, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss White." He greeted with a charming smile, then folding his hands in his lap and leaning back.
"Say are you by chance pursuing a modeling career ? I swear I saw you on a cover before."
He asked casually, it wasn't that big of a question and Sean made sure to not make it sound like he was tactlesly hitting on her. Besides if Midnight did want to pursue a modelling career being recognized might be nice, if not, oh well.
Sean converses in #808F99
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