The Gemini Hunt (private with Kiera O'Rourke)

A lush forest that borders Vale. Often used by Beacon Academy for training purposes.
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Forrest Waldstein
Posts: 245
Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:51 pm
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Green
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

Forrest hadn't expected his day to unfold the way it did. He was randomly selected to hunt down a specific King Taijitu, denoted by a set of V-shaped marks on both of their heads. One key detail he wasn't privy to was that another student would be hunting down the same Grimm, and that student would also be none the wiser about that detail as well. Beginning his trek through the Emerald Forest, he set out to find any large, serpentine tracks in the soil. Forrest was no stranger to surviving in Grimm-infested forests, as Oakhearth was truly a beacon of perseverance and hardiness in the untamed wilderness of Vale.

Nothing here... Forrest thought before advancing further into the Emerald Forest. The natural sounds of birdsong and wind blowing through the trees put him at ease. He knew from experience that a silent forest was a very bad sign despite the fact that Grimm never attacked animal life, only humans and Faunus. Although animals were safe from Grimm, they still kept their distance. Forrest reached a small creek which divided the footpath, easy enough to jump over. Doing so, Forrest kept his eyes peeled for any signs of the King Taijitu with the V-shaped markings...
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP

The inspirational lo-fi I like to listen to while I write Forrest can be found here
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Kiera ORourke
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:13 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Human
Aura Color: Brown
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Skywalker
Weapon Name: Saigheada [Se-we-da]

"King Taijitu... V-shaped head markings? Wait, am I supposed to do this solo?" She asked herself aloud as she walked. A bird flashed by underfoot, enough to freak most people out simply by the spectacle of the sentance alone. But she stood on open air, her semblance allowing her to walk where she wanted. She stood above the forest treetops as she reviewed the orders on her scroll. If anybody saw her they might wonder if they were in a glitchy video game with a character simply standing in the sky. But she wasn't T-posing, instead in an idle animation. And if anyone tried to explain a video game to Kiera, her brain might fry.

"Well, at least it won't be able to get me from down there." She resettled the sniper rifle on her shoulder, grimacing under the weight of the weapon. Saigheada was in it's spear form and she felt comfortable carrying it's weight, unlike this big lug. But big game like this needed heavy ordinance. While she disliked such machined weapons, she was understanding their usefulness. Time to track...

Animals went quiet when a predator was around, or even if something resembling big and heavy and able to kill them was around. They sensed it in so many different ways than humans do, through strange new smells, rumblings in the earth, the tiniest of sounds out of place. She took in a deep breath as her eyes sparkled, thinking over the wonders of animals, and her legs surged as she began to run through the open air, wind blowing against her hair and cloak. Finally, outdoors!

She had entered the randomized process hoping for a chance to be outside again and leave the campus behind. Other than having to fight a massive Grimm ALONE, this was a fantastic day! Right, she was trying to track something, refocus. Deep breath, eyes down to the ground.

There wasn't much she could see of the ground itself, but once she stepped down to right above thee treetops there was a lot you could learn from up there. Where the birds flew away from, what areas were quieter than others, things like that. So she used that to guide her, trailing to the emptiest, soundless place there was...
Last edited by Kiera ORourke on Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Forrest Waldstein
Posts: 245
Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:51 pm
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Green
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

Having crossed the small creek, Forrest continued searching for any serpentine markings. His eyes, green as the forest around him, scanned the ground as well as any bulky trees that the King Taijitu could have climbed. That's when he noticed a large set of marks in the muddy ground ahead, S-shaped, undoubtedly belonging to a King Taijitu. Walking over, Forrest stooped down to inspect the tracks.

These tracks are no more than a day old. Seems like it was heading north, towards the- Forrest's train of thought was interrupted by a tempestuous thundercrack. Any nearby avian life flew away, many seeking refuge within the trees. Forrest took a deep sniff, immediately recognizing the scent of a coming storm.

A thunderstorm? Forrest thought, a bit puzzled. The forecast didn't call for rain today, but even then, the weather was as fickle as fortune. Forrest leapt up into a nearby tree, aiming to look past the canopy into the sky. Taking a gander at the sky, it didn't take long for Forrest to notice the gargantuan, cantankerous, dark cloud forming in the sky. Given his estimations, the storm would take approximately ten minutes to arrive to his current location. Although a savage thunderstorm would erase any tracks, the silver lining would be that animal life would hunker down and take shelter.

Descending the tree, Forrest ran north, following the tracks. He ran for several minutes before stopping by a thin tree with a sizable knothole in the trunk, about chest-high to Forrest. He noticed something within the knothole that caught his eye, although he couldn't exactly tell what. Approaching it, Forrest reached into the knothole, pulling out a rectangular mass covered in moss. Removing the moss, Forrest found himself looking at a rectangular stone piece, roughly the size of a playing card. The art that was chiseled into the card had eroded, but the text on the top of the stone card remained legible. It read "VIII - Strength".

Is this... an old relic? Forrest mused. He couldn't determine its exact age, but it was certainly older than him. Regardless, it felt important enough for Forrest to pocket the old relic before continuing to follow the serpentine tracks north.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP

The inspirational lo-fi I like to listen to while I write Forrest can be found here
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Kiera ORourke
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:13 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Human
Aura Color: Brown
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Skywalker
Weapon Name: Saigheada [Se-we-da]

The breeze changed as she walked north, the smell of the air grew more humid, and Keira knew before looking that a storm was quickly forming. She turned and... wow, that was a great big storm cloud. You've got to be kidding me... she thought. My one advantage is gone now due to strange and random weather? She had checked the weather beforehand and there was nothing about storms! That was the last time she trusted this newfound 'advanced' technology to predict the future. From now on, she'd trust her nose and sky-gazing.

But now wasn't the time to complain, she'd have to get beneath the trees fast, or she'd might- A thunderclap rolled through the sky- Yup, she might get struck down, like one of those heroes in the fairy tales. She hopped down on invisible platforms, as if she was jumping down a steep staircase, until she came to the forest floor. Even with the added rush, she stopped for a moment to feel the leaf-covered ground beneath her, the dirt and pine needles... She could walk on empty flat air just fine, but she was still in love with the forest, and especially how it felt on her feet.

"Back to hunting!"
she practically yelled at herself as she once again got off track, slapping both sides of her head with her hands. And she cast her eyes around. A couple minutes later of searching she found impressions in the earth in an S-shape. Normal snake tracks were much harder to find, but King Taijitu were far heavier and thus made deeper tracks as they moved. She stopped, the growing imminence of the storm in the back of her mind, as she examined them. It was a simple smooth groove in the earth, dirt compressed and moved aside as the massive beast pushed on the ground in order to propel itself forward. But if you looked closely enough, like Kiera was doing now, you could make out a direction it was going. It wasn't like people footprints where it's obvious at a glance, you had to look at the angle of the deformations. She got her direction and glanced at the nearby shadows of trees before the clouds overtook the sun. North-east.

As she stood she noticed something, a hole in the knot of a tree maybe twenty meters off. There was something in the hole, something unnatural. She kept an eye on the tracks and made her way over, and found... a small stone tablet with engravings on it. "II - High Priestess" What was this about? Either way, maybe someone back at Beacon could explain it to her? She pocketed it and moved on, following in the trail of the Grimm.
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