Inseams, Collars, and Cufflinks (private w/Bartok)

Where the bulk of Vale's population lives, plus the Mall and street markets!
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Grayson Albus Luminum
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:58 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Turquoise
Occupation: Student (former Criminal)
Semblance Name: Bioforge
Weapon Name: GoldEye Mark 7

Today was the day, as Grayson had finally amassed enough funds to purchase a custom-tailored suit for himself. This time, however, he had requested a charcoal gray suit. As much as he enjoyed the usual monochrome selection, he decided to take some advice from a local fashion guru and switch it up just a little. The store employee did his due diligence, taking all of Grayson's measurements to ensure the suit would be a proper fit. The employee engaged in some small talk with Grayson while taking his measurements.

"A local fashion expert gave me some pointers on what to do." Grayson spoke.

"Fascinating! Did he give you his name?" the employee inquired.

"No, he didn't. He did give me a business card though." Grayson fished the business card out of one of his many pockets once the measurements were complete. The card was white with flowy golden script embossed into it. It read: The Bespoke Bloke.

"Oh wow! Was he the model from Menagerie?"

"Possibly. He did possess an... exotic grandeur to himself. Anyway, I think I might browse for a moment." said Grayson as he stepped down from the elevated platform, making his way over to check out the display of suits.
The most dangerous weapon of today's age is ambition. It brings people to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. For some, both can end up being the same place.

Grayson delivers intel in 00FFFF or C0C0C0

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Bartok Evergreen
Posts: 253
Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:13 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Vampire Bat)
Aura Color: Blood Red
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

Bartok always dressed well. He couldn't see himself but from what the ladies said, and more importantly his girlfriend, he knew he did. Button up shirts and vests, kahki's, dress shoes, the works. The goggles he knew didn't add to that appeal, but light in any degree but the darkest of rooms still hurt his eyes terribly. It was unavoidable, really. Still, his charm and clothes were more than enough.

Unfortunately, his vest had gotten torn recently and he had to get a new one or get this one fixed up. Al was busy with schoolwork and Erin was... well she was probably off with Pyry. Who knew with those two. Employees coild always help him out though, so he wasn't too worried as he stepped into the boutique. His ears took in the room instantly, using the sound from his own steps to map the place.

He had picked up on the chatter inside of the building before he had walked around the corner, but now he could get a feel for the layout of the rooms. He clicked his tongue an extra time, settled on a direction, and started making his way towards a selection of vests. Colors wasn't his interest, as long as it was a shade of red or black, but he was mostly feeling the fabric for its material and what that might look like, if it'd match the rest of his ensemble.
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Grayson Albus Luminum
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:58 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Turquoise
Occupation: Student (former Criminal)
Semblance Name: Bioforge
Weapon Name: GoldEye Mark 7

Grayson took a gander at the same old suits that he'd seen multiple times before, inspecting the handiwork of each individual suit meticulously. Some may call him crazy, but Grayson was looking for something, anything that screamed imperfection to him. That was the benefit to looking over the same inventory over and over again: consistency. In his eyes, it was the mark of a good tailor to ensure that the merchandise was taken care of. Just as he was about to wrap up his business, he sensed the door open, and a customer walk in. What struck Grayson as odd was the way he maneuvered about the store. He could have sworn that he had clicked his tongue before walking elsewhere.

What a fashionable fellow... Tall, dark, and... a bat Faunus? I suppose that would explain the tongue clicking... Grayson mused as his eyes tracked the man over to the vests.

He could have sworn he'd seen his face once or twice at Beacon, but he couldn't be certain. Either way, he was intriguing enough for Grayson to wander over to the vests.

"You certainly have an eye for good material." Grayson indicated, intending to strike up a conversation with the man.
The most dangerous weapon of today's age is ambition. It brings people to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. For some, both can end up being the same place.

Grayson delivers intel in 00FFFF or C0C0C0

Grayson's EP
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Bartok Evergreen
Posts: 253
Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:13 am
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Vampire Bat)
Aura Color: Blood Red
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Bleed and Drink
Weapon Name: Coiled Sting

As Grayson's footsteps approached the Bat Faunus' ear nearest him twitched, then turned halfway towards him. As he spoke it flicked, not too unlike a cat's would, fully towards him. Bartok would respond still facing forward, though his ear was looking at him straight on.

"I don't have an eye for anything, but a feel for many. I like materials that look good and feel good on the skin. Nothing's worse than wearing a costume you can't wait to get out of, and not because of the girl on your arm." He let go of the material with a smile and turned to him, both ears focusing on Grayson as if they were the bat faunus' eyes instead of the ones hidden behind the shaded goggles. "You seem accustomed to this place, and I normally come here with someone to help me. My fingers do a good job but can't see everything. Are you employed here or shopping yourself?" He raised an eyebrow and stood straight, leaning back a little with his hands in his pockets, cool and calm.
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Grayson Albus Luminum
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:58 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Turquoise
Occupation: Student (former Criminal)
Semblance Name: Bioforge
Weapon Name: GoldEye Mark 7

"I'm shopping myself. I enjoy perusing through the store's seasonal inventory when they get the new stock." Grayson replied.

He seems to be around my age. Could he be a student at Beacon? That may help me in some endeavors if that turns out to be true... Grayson pondered.

"My name's Grayson, who might you be?" he inquired to the bat Faunus.
The most dangerous weapon of today's age is ambition. It brings people to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. For some, both can end up being the same place.

Grayson delivers intel in 00FFFF or C0C0C0

Grayson's EP
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