A Crowded Market Clash (private w/Kinto)

Where the bulk of Vale's population lives, plus the Mall and street markets!
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Professor Simab Zibaq
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Age: 37
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Lizard: Nictitating Membrane)
Aura Color: Gray
Occupation: Professor of Weapon Crafting and Upkeep
Semblance Name: Mercurial Flux
Weapon Name: Sandsplitter

Simab enjoyed weekend shopping at the local market, reminding him of the bazaars back home in Vacuo. He did his best to look for the finest Vacuan teas in the area, something that made him feel nostalgic. He found out through a friend back home that there was a native Vacuan selling cinnamon tea in the city of Vale. Instinctively, Simab knew what to do. He set aside the entire day to go shopping in an area of the shopping district known as Little Vacuo, obviously specializing in selling goods imported from Vacuo. He met up with the person selling the tea, a jackal Faunus by the name of Layla, and haggled back and forth with her for hours. Ultimately, Simab left having paid only sixty percent of the original asking price.

Just like how it is back home... Simab mused, his small shopping bag full of authentic Vacuan cinnamon tea leaves. He couldn't wait to go home and brew a nice cup of tea as a reward for his hard work. With sunset approaching and the crowds of people filtering out of Little Vacuo, Simab knew it was time to start heading home.
Success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. But in a metalworking environment, your percentages may vary.

Professor Simab Zibaq's native accent resides in FF0000 and FF4000
Kinto Boreas
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Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

This was about as vulnerable a position Kinto could get a man such as Simab, he wasn't particularly cautious, but him living in Beacon and spending most of his time at work meant he was barely out in public and barely without additional protection, so, having his intelligence network report the craftsman leaving his castle had Kinto rush into action.

He had parked the Guide on a nearby rooftop of a shopping mall, nobody would find the cloaked ship there and it would be ready to interject in the fight, if he needed it.

He, himself, was posted up on a rooftop 300 feet away from the market, normally he preferred to engage in close in situations like this, drag his opponent behind a corner and off them there to minimize the potential for civilian casualties, property damage and public panic.
But, Simab had a very, very troublesome semblance, the man could sense metal from a range and when closer could bend it to his will, something that was a problem for someone like him dressed head to toe in atlesian military grade armor.
So, with a click, the safety of Kinto's sniper rifle was disengaged, laid on his stomach he took aim at the professor, the crosshair leveled at the man's head as Kinto took one last breath before holding his breathing and then squeezing the trigger, the bullet being a mix of lead and combustion dust, it would either blow its targets head off just with the calibers size and power or with the power of the dust infused inside.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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Professor Simab Zibaq
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Age: 37
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Race: Faunus (Lizard: Nictitating Membrane)
Aura Color: Gray
Occupation: Professor of Weapon Crafting and Upkeep
Semblance Name: Mercurial Flux
Weapon Name: Sandsplitter

Perhaps Simab had been too wrapped up in the success of the shopping trip that he initially didn't notice the glint off the scope of a sniper rifle three hundred feet from the market. The gunshot from the sniper rifle, although silenced, still made a noticeable "pew" as it left the barrel of the gun. Simab's head turned towards the source of the sound. Unmistakably, Simab knew it was the sound of a silenced sniper rifle. Whizzing through the air, the bullet quickly came into Simab's detection range, yet something was off about this bullet. He knew it was not entirely metal, clearly some type of hybrid material that Simab wouldn't be able to manipulate. Simab would have to dodge this bullet if he wanted to live.

Given that Simab had impressive speed and reaction time, all he had to do was jerk his head to the side as the bullet flew past his head. As the bullet made contact with an unintended target, the bullet sparked into an explosion that practically disintegrated the corner of one of the buildings along the street. The few scattered groups of people left in Little Vacuo ran away in a panic upon hearing and seeing such an explosion.

DAMN! Simab thought as he rushed over towards a nearby building to use as cover. He tapped his side, ensuring that Sandsplitter was still with him. It was. However, he had dropped the bag of tea in the scramble for cover. A tragic loss...

The bullet composition was far too advanced to be from your average Vacuan bandit... Atlesian tech, perhaps? But who from Atlas would want me dead? Simab mused as he devised a plan to find out who tried to shoot him, and why.
Success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. But in a metalworking environment, your percentages may vary.

Professor Simab Zibaq's native accent resides in FF0000 and FF4000
Kinto Boreas
Posts: 33
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Age: 42
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Dark Grey
Occupation: Mercenary/Vigilante
Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

Very fast reflex as expected, while it was nice to get the job done quickly Kinto would have been a bit disappointed if he took Simab's head right then and there.
Even though his first attempt had failed, Kinto was of course prepared, the streets of Vale where of course great cover against a sniper, if that sniper was limited to normal means, which Kinto wasn't, with a command word Kinto's visor switched to tremor sight, it took a second to filter out the panicking crowd, but soon he had a lock on Simab, his excited heartbeat and well...him being the only person here, luckily the building Simab was using as cover had no civilians blocking Kinto's path, he took another warning shot, disintegrating a bit of the corner Simab was next to, just too keep him there.

As with a whirring noise and a click the grenade launcher on Kinto's shoulder began to readjust, his visor feeding information to the inbuilt computer which then calculated a trajectory, with a "thumpf" a fire dust grenade left the launcher, flying over the rooftops and flying right into the alley Simab was hiding in, its composition being almost entirely dust and non-metallic materials would make sure Simab had a hard time detecting the projectile, until it landed at his feet.

As Kinto took aim once more, waiting for the lizard to leave its burrow and run back into his sight away from the ensuing explosion and be at the mercy of more explosive rounds.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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Professor Simab Zibaq
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2023 3:04 pm
Age: 37
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Lizard: Nictitating Membrane)
Aura Color: Gray
Occupation: Professor of Weapon Crafting and Upkeep
Semblance Name: Mercurial Flux
Weapon Name: Sandsplitter

Another shot exploded when it collided with the side of the building, sending debris all over the area. Simab didn't like it, he was being pinned down pretty effectively.

They're good, whoever they are. Trying to keep me pinned down while they deploy- Simab's thoughts were cut short by the explosion of a fire Dust grenade at his feet.

"FUCK!" Simab yelled as his body had been engulfed in flames, rolling around on the ground to smother the flames. Once the flames were smothered out, Simab made a bold decision to rush out into the open, bracing himself from a potential explosive bullet by using Mercurial Flux on his shoulder pauldron to create a shield in front of his entire body. Rushing towards the area the shooter was, Simab also enhanced Sandsplitter with his Semblance, a distinct hum emanating from both his pauldron and his sword.
Success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. But in a metalworking environment, your percentages may vary.

Professor Simab Zibaq's native accent resides in FF0000 and FF4000
Kinto Boreas
Posts: 33
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Age: 42
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Dark Grey
Occupation: Mercenary/Vigilante
Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

Well, Kinto did not expect this, but landing a solid hit on the professor with the grenade was more than welcome, what wasn't so welcome was him making the reckless decision to rush his position, Kinto took aim and in rapid succession released the remaining combustion dust bullets in his rifle, three shots rammed into Simab's shield, as another two hit the surrounding ground, sending dust and debris flying, these shots weren't meant injure Simab, more so slow him down, giving Kinto enough time to load a new magazine, this time with armor piercing rounds, as the shield effortlessly withstood the explosive shots.

To his annoyance, Simab was already much closer than Kinto would have liked, but he still took a deep breath and took aim once more, as a volley of 5 armor piercing rounds now rained down on Simab.

Once empty again, Kinto stowed the rifle on his back, as he instead finally activated Annihilation Atelier, the weapon came to life with a hum, as blade and sheath combined, slamming the combined form on the edge of the roof which freely overlooked the marketplace Simab was moving across.
As now, a fortified turret was staring him down and Kinto stood behind it, Simab only got to observe his assailant for a minute before the machine gun let loose a hail of hardlight dust projectiles.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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Professor Simab Zibaq
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2023 3:04 pm
Age: 37
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Lizard: Nictitating Membrane)
Aura Color: Gray
Occupation: Professor of Weapon Crafting and Upkeep
Semblance Name: Mercurial Flux
Weapon Name: Sandsplitter

The makeshift shield helped tremendously in protecting Simab from the explosive bullets. The first three had hit the shield, but the other two were not intended for Simab. The second to last explosive bullet knocked him to the side, nearly losing his balance as he kept on running. The final explosive bullet landed roughly behind Simab, launching him a couple meters into the air and to the side. Rolling as he landed, Simab noticed a brief pause in firing.

Five shots before they have to reload... he mused as he prepared for another barrage of explosive bullets, except, they weren't. The next bullet would pierce through his metal shield, and although most of the velocity had been hampered by the shield, the bullet still hit his body. Thankful for the protection his Aura provided, Simab began running in a zigzag pattern as he thickened the shield against the armor penetrating bullets. At this range, it had become harder to react in time to the bullets, causing another bullet or two to hit the shield. Once the armor piercing bullets had stopped, Simab got close enough to view his assailant as he prepared the setup of another weapon. A man in Atlesian military armor possessing an average build, with a helmet that obscures his face.

An Atlesian assassin? What did I do to deserve this today?! Simab thought, noticing the next weapon in the assassin's arsenal become a machine gun.

Two can play at that game! he mentally rebuked. Reaching into his pocket, he grasped a Hard-light Dust crystal. Imbuing his Semblance with Hard-light Dust, the shield's defensive capabilities were enhanced even further, causing the front side of the shield to be enveloped in a Hard-light barrier. Simab kept running towards the mysterious assassin as his shield was continuously pelted by Hard-light projectiles. Now within the detection range of his Semblance, Simab gained a greater understanding of the metallic objects the assassin possessed, such as his armor and weapons.

This is... state of the art metallurgy! Just who is this man?! thought Simab as he continued running.
Success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. But in a metalworking environment, your percentages may vary.

Professor Simab Zibaq's native accent resides in FF0000 and FF4000
Kinto Boreas
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Aura Color: Dark Grey
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Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

Well, his target certainly did keep this interesting by employing his own hardlight shield to counter his hardlight bullets, by this point he was through phase 1 of this plan, wearing Simab down from range while luring him close, his guns were sadly losing effectiveness as Simab had adapted his protection, but, Kinto had one more option to potentially chip away at Simab's aura.

The hail of bullets let up as Kinto combined activated another mode of his gun, as the turret disappeared and the parts of his gun recombined into a big barreled shotgun like gun, that crackled with electricity, he cocked the gun once before a crackling wave of electricity and kinetic energy was let out flying toward Simab, if he was smart he'd dodge, if not, and he tried to block the shot with his shield he'd be in for quite a shock.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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Professor Simab Zibaq
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Age: 37
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Lizard: Nictitating Membrane)
Aura Color: Gray
Occupation: Professor of Weapon Crafting and Upkeep
Semblance Name: Mercurial Flux
Weapon Name: Sandsplitter

A shockwave of electricity and force emanated from the assassin's gun after it had transformed. Knowing full well that the makeshift shield getting hit by the shockwave would cause the electricity to be sent directly into his body, Simab planned a different means to protect himself. Instead of his shield, Simab extended Sandsplitter out towards towards the shockwave, the electricity getting absorbed into the conductive blade. The shockwave alone hit Simab, sending him flying back. While several meters into the air, Simab extended Sandsplitter once more, sending it down towards the ground. Once Sandsplitter dispersed the electricity into the ground, Simab just had to deal with the problem of gravity.

Dropping his concentration on his makeshift shield, his pauldron returned to its original shape as Simab loaded a Gravity Dust bullet into Sandsplitter after reverting it to its original shape. Shooting it immediately at the ground between himself and the assassin, gravity warped and began to violently pull anything in the vicinity to its large epicenter for a few seconds. Simab was gradually pulled forward from the gravitational pull before it had dissipated. Although landing a bit clumsily, Simab regained his footing to close the distance between him and the mysterious assassin.
Success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. But in a metalworking environment, your percentages may vary.

Professor Simab Zibaq's native accent resides in FF0000 and FF4000
Kinto Boreas
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Race: Human
Aura Color: Dark Grey
Occupation: Mercenary/Vigilante
Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

Well his opponent certainly did keep this interesting, a back and forth of their abilities was much more interesting than a simple assassination, though having his shots absorbed this way was somewhat bothersome, but, there were MANY more where that came from and if it took this much effort for Simab to deflect he'd be running low on fumes soon, once Kinto got out of this gravity well Simab would be in for a world of hurt.
Speaking of, Kinto was not fussed about it.
"1 Activate."
Claws made of hardlight sprouted from Kinto's boots, digging into the roof with a loud crunch of the concrete being dug into underneath him, halting the pull that gravity had on him.

Once it stopped, Kinto leveled his gun at Simab again, as he pulled the trigger once more, letting another shockwave loose toward the Professor.
As then, he took a step back.
"Activate 5."
Gravity once again changed as Kinto lifted off the roof, thrusters in his boots activated and Kinto took flight, flying over to another rooftop where he once again took aim at Simab and shot another shockwave at Simab.
Let's see how he handled two at once.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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Professor Simab Zibaq
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Age: 37
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Lizard: Nictitating Membrane)
Aura Color: Gray
Occupation: Professor of Weapon Crafting and Upkeep
Semblance Name: Mercurial Flux
Weapon Name: Sandsplitter

Simab rolled as he landed, hoping to close the distance between him and the assassin. Little did he know, the assassin had even more gadgets than he had anticipated. He wasn't being pulled towards the gravity well, plus they had a jetpack...

Damn, they have a tool for every situation... Simab thought as the assassin flew away to another rooftop, sending another two shockwaves at him. At this range, it would be hard to react to both of them. He was backed into a proverbial corner this time...

Simab thrust his blade into the first shockwave, Sandsplitter becoming charged with electricity. The other one had rammed into him full force, sending him backwards as his body tensed from the electricity. Without the protection of his Aura, a hit like that might have taken him out of the fight. He landed on his back, hard. Standing up, he ran to his right, intending to put buildings between him and the assassin. Simab knew he could only tank a couple more of those shockwaves before his Aura was completely spent, so utilizing cover would be more advantageous to him. Turning left at the end of the building, Simab hoped to be able to rush the assassin's location. He knew the assassin had gadgets to track his movement behind the buildings, but at least he had cover from the shockwaves. Sandsplitter still charged with electricity, Simab hoped to outflank the assassin by making them retreat into a corner and then overwhelm them with melee attacks.
Success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. But in a metalworking environment, your percentages may vary.

Professor Simab Zibaq's native accent resides in FF0000 and FF4000
Kinto Boreas
Posts: 33
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Age: 42
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Dark Grey
Occupation: Mercenary/Vigilante
Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

Right, this game of cat and mouse was effective at chipping down Simab's aura, but he was adapting fast and now using buildings to block Kinto's shots, they were also getting into an area that was not evacuated yet, Kinto was not going to let his goal risk innocent lives.
So, when he switched back to thermal he could see Simab coming at him, he switched his weapon to its blade form as claws grew from his other hand and Kinto aggressively charged the corner, not using the jetpack but instead a grappling claw that shot into the wall and pulled him toward the corner that Simab came around, he lifted his left arm to block the electrically charged hit with his free hand, his suit simply absorbing the electricity as it was insulated against shocks, as he turned the electricity back on Simab as he tried to grasp his wrist to stun him, following up with a heavy overhead slash from his sword.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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Professor Simab Zibaq
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Age: 37
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Race: Faunus (Lizard: Nictitating Membrane)
Aura Color: Gray
Occupation: Professor of Weapon Crafting and Upkeep
Semblance Name: Mercurial Flux
Weapon Name: Sandsplitter

Rounding the corner to reach the Atlesian assassin, Simab was surprised to see the assassin had been right in front of him. Instinctively, he brought Sandplitter down on them. This blunder would cost him, as the assassin blocked the attack and their specialized suit absorbed the electricity. On the bright side, they were now fighting on Simab's terms: up close and personal. The assassin reached for his wrist, which Simab sidestepped out of reach of. Intuitively reading his quarry, Simab reached into his pocket, tossing some metal jacks to the side of the assassin. When the assassin hauled their sword overhead as predicted, Simab parried against the side of the blade with Sandsplitter, forcing it over towards the metal jacks. The assassin's sword hitting the ground sent the metal jacks into the air. With the characteristic hum of Mercurial Flux, Simab began to rapidly shape the jacks. A few would manifest themselves in an upside-down Y-shape in order to pin the assassin's sword to the ground. The other jacks would form into small, spear-like shapes which moved quickly to impale the assassin while avoiding the vitals. Simab intended to keep them alive for questioning, so the metal spears sped towards the shoulders, elbows, and knees in hopes that it would immobilize them.
Success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. But in a metalworking environment, your percentages may vary.

Professor Simab Zibaq's native accent resides in FF0000 and FF4000
Kinto Boreas
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Occupation: Mercenary/Vigilante
Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

Annoying, the professor's ability to control metal was pesky given most of Kinto's equipment was made of the stuff.
Yet, he knew how to react to these sorts of things, being disarmed was no permanent issue.

Kinto extended his hand to his opponent's face, as flames blasted from them which would not only distract Simab but also moved Kinto back towards his blade and let him swiftly evade the metal jacks coming his way, his sword was stuck firmly, he was not going to move it, but he did not have to, as Kinto threw the sheet towards his sword which quickly merged together transforming the blade into a large broadsword which forcefully removed the clamps holding it and crushed part of the concrete floor, as Kinto used his momentum to grab the sword and spin around in a heavy sweeping strike toward Simab, just as the hardlight dust edge of the weapon ignited with a dangerous hum.

Kinto used the swing to create some distance as the grenade launcher on his shoulder reared around and took aim, the next shot cued up was a gravity dust grenade, which found its mark right behind Simab, pulling him further away from Kinto and all the metal jacks he was so kind to create into the resulting gravitational vortex, Kinto was spared as his heels once again dug into the concrete.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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Professor Simab Zibaq
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2023 3:04 pm
Age: 37
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Faunus (Lizard: Nictitating Membrane)
Aura Color: Gray
Occupation: Professor of Weapon Crafting and Upkeep
Semblance Name: Mercurial Flux
Weapon Name: Sandsplitter

"YA HMAR!" Simab hollered angrily, slipping back into his native tongue for a brief moment as his face was greeted by flames from the assassin's hand. After patting away the flames on him, the assassin managed to free their sword of its metal prison and give it quite the upgrade. With the assassin lunging at him, Simab leaned back in a matrix dodge as the blade just barely whiffed the tip of his nose. Before Simab had another chance to react, the gravity Dust grenade exploded behind him, creating a gravitational vortex.

Not this time! Simab thought as he exerted authority over some of the metal accents on his outfit, making them pierce into the ground which would pin him in place. He could only think of what to do next as the gravity Dust grenade began to run its course, and he had just the idea...

Once the pull of gravity had subsided, Simab inserted a Hardlight Dust crystal into Sandsplitter while simultaneously activating his Semblance to revert the metal accents to their original forms before focusing his Semblance on Sandsplitter, turning the blade into a long, yet limp instrument. The end result was a Hardlight infused whip-sword, with great reach and unpredictability in its strikes. Simab wasted no time with his new creation, going for strike after strike. The whip-sword made a metallic snapping sound as Simab thrashed around his creation, utilizing his Semblance to alter its length as needed for added unpredictability.
Success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration. But in a metalworking environment, your percentages may vary.

Professor Simab Zibaq's native accent resides in FF0000 and FF4000
Kinto Boreas
Posts: 33
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:46 am
Age: 42
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Dark Grey
Occupation: Mercenary/Vigilante
Semblance Name: None
Weapon Name: Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery

Oh, what now?
Kinto sighed, as he took the second the gravity dust was in effect to reload his launcher, as Simab himself began to transform his weapon, oh, a whip, that would be a serious issue and Kinto had just made the mistake of giving Simab the distance to create and use the new weapon.
Shit, no time to flee.
Kinto sighed, a frustrated sound coming muffled from under his helmet as he shouldered his sword again.
He commanded his suit and weapon, as all of his equipment began to meld into one unified form, armor plates interlocking, exposed tech being covered by armor, even his shoulder launcher retreating back into the armor as Kinto took on a new bulkier form, now slowly moving towards Simab, the first hit would then expose the glint of a hardlight dust shield coating Kinto's armor, the whip still stung, making the shield flicker for a second and Kinto grunt, yet Kinto pressed onward.
The repeated strikes. wild as they are, were quickly getting predictable, Kinto, then seeing an opportunity, with a quick motion grabbed the whip, his gauntlet strong enough to make the metal creak under his grip, as with another flicker the concrete under Kinto cracked, using gravity dust to increase his weight, and yanked Simab towards himself, as Kinto bent downwards to deliver a devastating gravity dust amped uppercut to the surprised huntsman currently being pulled towards his fist.
Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2
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