Escape Route [Public]

Beacon Academy is known for its impressive skyline. Students like hanging out here too!
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Kyo Morinaga
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:43 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus [Trait: Long, thin, shiny skink-tail]
Aura Color: Purple
Occupation: Beacon Academy Student
Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

One of the doors to Beacon's many rooftop vistas swung open with the kind of free-swinging carelessness that would have given away to any onlooker that the person on the other side of it wasn't really the cautious or meticulous type.

Which Kyo wasn't. She strolled out onto the roof with her eyes mostly-closed in a yawn; her dormmates were being rowdy tonight, and while rowdy was how Kyo normally liked it... right now she just wasn't feeling it. And she wasn't awake enough to work off her restless energy via an unsanctioned late-night Grimm hunt, either, so all she could think to do was find somewhere relatively quiet. As per the logic of every school she'd ever gone to, that meant the rooftops.

Her forked tail uncoiled from her waisted and she absent-mindedly shut the door with it. It didn't coil back in, instead delighting in lazily swaying side-to-side behind her. Keeping it out of sight was a good way to avoid being bothered over her Faunus heritage during her day-to-day, and it was the ideal way to sit at a desk in any case.

But she did appreciate the chance to just let all of the muscles in her tail relax and do whatever the heck they wanted for a little while. Plus, the breeze was nice.

The yawn winding down, Kyo wiped a few micro-tears from her eyes and glanced blearily around. There was a wide open space here... a solid location for some light combat practice or exercise if there was someone at the gym you'd rather avoid, she thought. Right now she just wanted to relax and take in the view, though.

Nimbly, she skipped over to the edge of the roof and hopped up onto the laughably-shallow border between her and a transformation into street-pizza; dimly, she wondered what passed for safety regulations in Vale. Tail and arms extended for balance, she looked down and took note of all the little ledges, pipes, windows, nearby tree-branches and other potential handholds she could utilize if she were to fall... or needed to scale the building in secret for some obscure future reason.

Skink lizards were good at climbing. And so was Kyo, being a skink-lizard Faunus.

"Lessee..." she said aloud to the deserted rooftop. "If the school were attacked by some crazy unnamed extremist faction, the, uh... lessay the Ivory Sweet Tooth, and I needed t' make a quick escape... if I were alone, I could just hop on down and scramble the wall. If I had someone with me that wasn't so good at climbin', though..."

She tilted her head left, then right, pondering the hypothetical. What sort of scary uniform would the diabolical Ivory Sweet Tooth revolutionaries wear to strike fear into the masses? What weapons would be standard-issue? Giant hammers with built-in rocket-launchers, maybe. A pancake with bull-horns for an emblem, yes... oooh, how about pink-and-white hooded jumpsuits and grinning, prismatic masks based upon the fabled Cheshire Cat.

"...My weapon's whip form with some Gravity Dust would be a good climbin' aid for whoever was with me..." she decided, with a nod.
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

Discord Username: The One True Nobody!
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Forrest Waldstein
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Age: 18
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Aura Color: Green
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

Forrest enjoyed the view on the rooftops, especially around this time of year. Flowers would bloom, trees would get their leaves back, and the wildlife flourished. Overall, he enjoyed the rejuvenation that spring brought with it. It was time to check on his plants on the roof. Forrest had gotten bored of reading his usual books, so taking care of his rooftop garden was a nice change of pace. Going up to the rooftop, Forrest noticed a peculiar sight when he finished getting up the stairs.

Balancing on the railing of the rooftop stood a small, yet lively Faunus. There was a strange visual contrast between her features and her outfit, soft features clashing with a rougher aesthetic. It was clear to see that she was visibly toned, something Forrest needed to work on himself. Regardless, a new face was always welcome to see. He approached a bit before speaking.

"Hey, good to see someone new. You seem to be... good at balancing on the railing." Forrest began, laughing a little bit as he hoped he didn't come across as horribly awkward.

Good at balancing on the railing? Really? That's the best you got? he mentally rebuked himself, feeling that he should be better at how to start conversations by now, yet his awkwardness still remained.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP
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Kyo Morinaga
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:43 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus [Trait: Long, thin, shiny skink-tail]
Aura Color: Purple
Occupation: Beacon Academy Student
Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

Faunus tended to have differing advantages and disadvantages depending on what animal they possessed a trait of. A faunus with wolf or cat ears might enjoy significantly-enhanced hearing and a certain augmentation to their sense of smell, for instance. Tailed Faunus tended to have exceptional balance and coordination as a general rule, and would be able to use their tail for whatever the animal itself might have—a scorpion Faunus might have a poisonous stinger, a monkey faunus could use it to aid in climbing...

Kyo's Faunus traits were, on the whole, pretty straightforward. She was agile, had good night vision, decent hearing and sense of smell, and a tail that would grow back if cut or torn.

It would also leave anyone who removed it with a bit of a surprise, but Kyo hadn't yet had occasion to utilize that particular quirk of her biology. It had given the doctors quite a scare when they'd tried to surgically remove it during her infancy, though, or so she'd been told.

She was just at the point of considering how to work that into her Ivory Sweet Tooth Invasion Preparedness Plan when she caught the sound of a door opening behind her, and someone stepping out. Awkward timing. She kept on keeping on, though, figuring that she could get a good read on whoever this was from their reaction to finding her in this position.

Kyo wasn't disappointed. Whoever this guy was, he seemed pretty friendly! And didn't seem to be flirting with her (yet), which earned him bonus points right off.

She grinned, and slipped her hands into her cargo-pants pockets. With a quick hop and twist, she spun to face the newcomer; still balancing on the low divider without so much as a wobble.

"Comes with the tail," she said, letting the scaly appendage wave lazily behind her as if in greeting. "One o' the perks o' bein' faunus is a sweet buff t' general agility. Well, unless you're part-somethin'-that-ain't-very-graceful, like an elephant."

She snickered a bit at the image of an elephant faunus with a trunk for a nose; there was probably somebody like that out there, somewhere.

"So," Kyo said, and hopped down from the edge. "If I'm 'someone new,' you must be 'someone old.' Upperclassman, or just a Vale native? I only flew in from Atlas a few weeks ago. Still gettin' my bearings, t'be honest."

Now that she wasn't concentrating so much on balance, Kyo had a bit more mental bandwidth to observe the newcomer, figure out what her impressions were... try to remember if she'd heard his name around the place at all. She hadn't, she didn't think, although he did look pretty yummy.

That by itself wasn't saying much, though. There were a lot of attractive guys at Beacon. Combat school tended to do that to one's physique. If anything, Kyo herself was a bit too far on the musclebound side of things to cut the mustard by conventional-feminine-attractiveness standards these days, though she also knew that "conventional" was kind of a load of hooey where that was concerned.

Guys didn't find muscles on a woman unattractive, in her experience; most of the ones that liked it just didn't know it yet.
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

Discord Username: The One True Nobody!
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Forrest Waldstein
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Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Green
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

Whether she didn't pick up on his awkwardness or just didn't bring it up made Forrest feel just a little better about himself. She seemed like a nice person herself, with definitely more self-confidence than Forrest. She also had agility and balance in spades from what he saw as she balanced on the lower divider before jumping off completely.

"Still a first year, and also a native Valean. I don't blame you for not knowing your way around yet, I'm still learning new things while I'm here. I'm Forrest Waldstein by the way." he replied, using this opportunity to introduce himself.

Forrest was rather slim compared to the average male student at Beacon. The rare meal with meat was basically a luxury back home, though now there was plenty of protein to go bulking himself up, something he planned to take advantage of while he was here. He had the definition, sure, though lacking mass was his current problem that he wanted to solve. Regardless, a svelte, lean physique seemed to suit him.

Maybe it was the brief look in her eyes that she had, but Forrest felt a little self-conscious about himself. Perhaps she was checking him out, but either that signal flew way over his head, or he was just very, very dense. Nonetheless, he remained friendly, if not just a little shy as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP
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Kyo Morinaga
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Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:43 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus [Trait: Long, thin, shiny skink-tail]
Aura Color: Purple
Occupation: Beacon Academy Student
Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

Do I detect a hint of shyness? Kyo thought absently, though she didn't give it further attention—while social anxiety in a warrior was uncommon, it wasn't exactly rare. Didn't necessarily correlate with character or intention, either.

She was, at least, tactful enough not to follow his arm with her eyes as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah, gotcha. Then I guess we're not as far apart as I expected," Kyo said with a grin. "I'm Kyo Morinaga. Mistral-born, Atlas-raised. Goodta meetcha."

She scratched the side of her nose and turned to look back out over Vale; the friendly expression turned thoughtful.

"It's not that I dunno my way around, though," she said with good humor. "Knowin' my surroundings is somethin' I kinda specialize in, not t' brag, so I figured that out pretty quickish. I'm just not usedta things bein' this temperate an' green."

She tilted her head to the side, grin becoming a softer smile.

"I mean, like, Atlas is a pretty chilly place. Mountains and stuff, like. I got used to it, but I didn't realize how outta my element I was up north 'til I moved out here... guess that makes sense, though. Lizards're cold-blooded, and all..."

Kyo tilted her head the other way, her thoughtful grin becoming a frown.

"It's the kinda thing that makes ya think... but, eh, you're up here for whatever you're up here for, not for me ramblin' bout nothin'." She glanced sidelong at Forrest. "What are ya up here for, if y'don't mind me askin'?"
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

Discord Username: The One True Nobody!
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Forrest Waldstein
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Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Green
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

"Likewise." Forrest replied politely. He listened intently as Kyo rambled on, he may not have been good at speaking, but boy was he a good listener. Nodding at appropriate moments showed that he was actively listening. Though when asked about his reasons for attending, his eyes seemed to light up with interest.

"I'm following in the steps of my late father. He graduated from Beacon a long time ago and became a renowned Huntsman. He had an amazing reputation among the people in my hometown..." Forrest started before his expression turned a tad dour.

"That and I have a bit of a... complicated relationship with my great-grandfather. He was responsible for training me before I became a student here, though the training regimen was... intense to say the least. That and also we just didn't get along on certain things. But ultimately he knew it was best for me to train here at Beacon." he continued, his mind briefly wandering to thoughts about home.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP
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Kyo Morinaga
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:43 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus [Trait: Long, thin, shiny skink-tail]
Aura Color: Purple
Occupation: Beacon Academy Student
Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

Kyo blinked and it was her turn to rub the back of her neck. This wasn't the first time her speech patterns had led to her being misunderstood, though it might have been one of the more calamitous mishearings. She'd only meant to ask what he was doing up on the roof...

She half-opened her mouth to interrupt Forrest, when he mentioned having a complicated relationship with his great-grandfather. Kyo faltered then, her mind going to her own complicated relationships... with her mother, with her biological father who'd only gotten in touch a few years ago... the extended family on both sides...

That and also we just didn't get along on certain things.

Like how her mother had wanted a daughter and instead gotten more of a female son. Certain things like that.

"Yeah, it sucks when y'just can't get on the same wavelength as your family, whether y'want to or not..." Kyo muttered distractedly, eyes wandering the roof. "Well, it's nice that ya have a goal in mind and all. I was originally aimin' t' be an Atlas Specialist. Y'know, military and all. But only 'cause I'm good at fightin' and stuff, and I don't really see myself as the settlin'-down type. Same reason I'm aimin' t' be a Huntress now, just... with better scenery and distance from home, I guess."

Kyo shrugged and gave Forrest an uneasy grin.

"Still, it's goodta meet someone with better reasons than I have," she said, scratching her chin and looking at Forrest a little more closely. "Hm... intense trainin'... yeah, I can see it. You have a runner's build, looks like. Lean, quick. Stamina over strength, the kinda fighter who can go the distance, good for scoutin', support, all that good stuff. What kinda Semblance ya got goin' on? Uh, if you don't mind sharin', that is."
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

Discord Username: The One True Nobody!
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Nero Zine
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Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:00 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus Snake
Aura Color: Dark Blue
Semblance Name: Affinity Change
Weapon Name: Caduceus

*The door opened once again, letting enter a ginger-headed girl with a cig her mouth and a short staff in her hand, with two snakes coiled around a red gem. She tapped the cig with her staff, lighting it up before realizing the place was taken.*
"Oh... Hey. Here for a late-night date or something ? I'd advise the library for this, this spot is a bit too well-known."
*She breathed in before making a ring smoke.*
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Forrest Waldstein
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Aura Color: Green
Occupation: Student
Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

It was all too late when Forrest realized he misunderstood what Kyo had just said. By now, he was far too deep into the conversation to amend his error. He simply had to deal with it. However, asking about his Semblance made his eyes light up with excitement.

"Here, I can show you!" said Forrest as he held out his hand, his palm facing upward. As he did that, he conjured a small little bonsai tree which slowly grew into existence, seemingly from nothing.

"I can grow all sorts of plant life with my Semblance. Anything from trees to vines to flowers. It's really cool!" Forrest explained. Though after maintaining its existence for a brief moment, the bonsai tree disintegrated, fading into nothingness.

"The only issue being they're not permanent. I have to keep putting my Aura into the plants to keep them around, otherwise they do that..." he said as the plant disintegrated. Just then, another figure made themselves known, inquiring about why the two of them were up here.

"A date? No..." Forrest responded to the newcomer, slightly disgusted at the smell of tobacco.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP
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Kyo Morinaga
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Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:43 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus [Trait: Long, thin, shiny skink-tail]
Aura Color: Purple
Occupation: Beacon Academy Student
Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

Kyo hadn't expected Forrest to show her or tell her about his Semblance. Not that she'd expected him to refuse, either. She knew that some people liked to keep that card close to the vest; she might be one of them, depending on what her own turned out to be when she discovered it.

Considering she'd gone through that whole emotional turmoil surrounding her boyfriend's death-by-Nevermore and the subsequent reckless revenge-hunt for said Nevermore and still had no idea what her Semblance was, she suspected it was one of those tricky, situational sort of powers.

Pleasantly surprising, though, was Forrest's decision to show his power off. Also the enthusiasm he did so with. A grin tugged at Kyo's lips as she watched him conjure the mini-bonsai-tree and explain what his power did; even as she watched her brain went into overdrive, contriving ways in which such a power could be used in combat, for maneuverability, deception, camouflage... that he needed to maintain the plants with Aura was a drawback, but with proper control, maybe with something that could supplement or amplify his Aura...

Kyo barely looked up at the newcomer who arrived then, and when she made a crack about them being on a date, she waved the girl off without looking.

"Nah, we just met a couple minutes ago, actually," she said absently. "I'm not in the datin' headspace right now anyways. No offense."

Those last two words were directed, in a distracted way, at Forrest. She didn't want him getting the wrong idea from anything she said, after all. He was a nice guy. She might even see herself considering him in that light, some day. Just not today. Not so soon. Her heart still belonged to... well, she was still grieving.

Might be really good at hiding it, but she was!

"That Semblance sounds hella versatile," she said, eyes snapping back to focus as she grinned at him. "What're the limits? Can ya do more'n one plant at once? Can they grow outta things, or be enhanced with different Dust types? How much practice d'ya have controllin' it?"

She stopped abruptly, blinking, then shook her head.

"Sorry, too many questions. I just really like thinkin' about tactics n' stuff," she admitted, rubbing the back of her head. "Just hearin' your explanation gave me about six different ideas."

Kyo turned to look at the new arrival full on at last. She half-raised a hand in greeting, then caught the smell of smoke, and grimaced. She liked alcohol, but tobacco-smoke had never agreed with her. The one time she'd experimented, there had been a hacking, coughing fit and the cloying aftertaste of smoke in her throat which had lingered for several unpleasant hours.

To each their own, right? But it just wasn't for her, and oddly, the other smokables that people claimed smelled nicer... they were even worse. At first she'd thought it was her faunus senses that did it, but even other faunus didn't seem to have the same issue...

"Hey," she said, shoving down her dislike of the foul odor. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the familiar faunus, who she'd caught sight of before this but never spoken to. Her lizard tail swayed slightly in excitement.

"Oh, hey! Nero, right?" she said. She even pronounced it correctly. "Goodta finally meetcha! I'm Kyo, this's Forrest if ya don't know him. I was just askin' him about his Semblance, but I don't know mine yet, so now that I think about it that's not an even-ground sorta topic right now, is it..."

Kyo trailed off, tapping her chin with a scowl that was... really closer to a pout, given the roundish girly-face she had underneath all the tryhard punk-style. Unconsciously she drew her forked tail around her waist, where it became a bluish belt-like compliment to her outfit.
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

Discord Username: The One True Nobody!
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Nero Zine
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Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:00 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus Snake
Aura Color: Dark Blue
Semblance Name: Affinity Change
Weapon Name: Caduceus

*Hearing the 'not in the datin' headspace' line made her slightly raise her shoulders. Seeing how both of her underclassmen seemed to be disliking the smell, she tapped her cig once again as the gem on her staff turned green. A light breeze was created, blowing away both smell and smoke. Hearing the other faunus explain what was going on, she shot a look at Forest.*
"You told her about your Semblance ? Hey, you plannin' on going to the Tournament ? 'Cause if you are, I'd like to hear what it is too... ~"
*She giggled while extending her free hand.*
"Well, huh... Nice to meet you, but how'd you heard about me ? We've only been here for like, what, a month at most ?"
*Her expression became one of worry.*
"Oh god, did my brother do something again ? Or was it Grise ?"
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Lin Motley
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Occupation: Huntress in Training
Semblance Name: Dust Eater Weightless Wind
Weapon Name: Brisk and Brawn

Blueprint, blueprints, blueprints and more blueprints, were the only things occupying Lin's mind right now, after a certain Lion Faunus had given her, her first ever commission.
And what a doozy it was, even she, the gun nut extraordinaire, had her limits when it came to her capacity to think about guns.

So, she needed some much-needed time off and time out of the stale and hot air of Beacon's forge.
While she had plenty of places to visit, Lin needed fresh air without too many people present. The rooftops came to mind first, so that was where Lin went. Sure, she could take the stairs like a normal person, but...she wanted fresh air, and there was no fresher air than the breeze against her face as she flew up to the top of Beacon.

Lin arrived with a gust of wind, as she abruptly stopped and then touched down, or, well, lowered her altitude to where she was just floating a few feet off the ground instead of 20. As she took off her pilot goggles, she noticed a few other people present, two of whom she didn't recognize but one she did: brown hair, cute, green coat and about as timid as a lost puppy. This was THE Forest her big sis had told her about, THE Forest who would also take her sister on an excursion for a while, leaving Lin mostly alone at Beacon considering Kailyn was coming along too.

Not that she minded the freedom, but it would be interesting to know the guy her sister would be spending so much time with.
Now, how should she begin her experiment?
Oh! Perfect!
Lin quickly hovered upwards, as she silently approached Forest, but flying a good enough distance above him.
With a flick of her wrist, a gust of wind tugged at Forest jacket, having him turn around, then she flew down, upside down, so she'd be right in his face when he turned back around.
Let's see how much this would spook him.
Lin signs in A6BBEC
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Forrest Waldstein
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Semblance Name: Sylvan Anthem
Weapon Name: Grashalm

"None taken." Forrest said in reply to Kyo. He was fine on the outside, but the tiniest spark of hope had died upon hearing that she wasn't in the dating headspace. He was sure that she had her reasons, but he figured it could've turned out worse, so it was of no use to dwell on it.

"Yeah, I'm going to the Tournament, and I don't mind showing my Semblance either." he said, taking notice of Nero's extended hand. Forrest shook it before giving a demonstration on his Semblance. Similarly to when he showed Kyo, Forrest created a miniature bonsai tree in the palm of his hand, which lasted for a brief moment before it disintegrated into nothingness. He gave a similar explanation to Nero of what his Semblance was capable of.

Before he could comment on Nero's question, a force had caused him to turn around, but when he turned back around he was suddenly face to face with another student. Shocked, Forrest took a step back, his back foot slipping forward.

"WOAH!" Forrest cried out as he fell. The slip caused him to land flat on his rear end, not that it could get much flatter anyway. Standing up, he took a look at the small, floating gremlin that just spooked him.

"I know someone with similar markings to yours... what's your name?" asked Forrest after standing up.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP
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Kyo Morinaga
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:43 pm
Age: 19
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus [Trait: Long, thin, shiny skink-tail]
Aura Color: Purple
Occupation: Beacon Academy Student
Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

Tournament? ...Tournament. Right, Kyo had almost forgotten about that: since she was so new, and not at all accustomed to the style of combat instruction involved in the training of a Huntress, she'd decided to leave any tournament-fighting for later in her time at Beacon. She might have felt confident in her solo combat abilities, but as far as teamwork went she was lacking, and no one around here knew her well enough to pick up the slack yet...

But Nero Zine hadn't been here for much longer than she had, and apparently didn't have the same reservations about it. Shrugging casually in response to the question, Kyo accepted the handshake with a grin... one that became puzzled at the mention of Nero's brother.

"Eh?" was her immediate response. "Uh, no, no one did anything. It's just that you caught my attention 'cause we're a bit similar, s'all. So I asked someone who y'were."

She briefly uncoiled her tail and it swayed in the air a little, as if offering its own wave of greeting, though she returned it to its customary position 'round her belt.

"I didn't see many Faunus in Atlas. And I'm actually half-and-half, so, the ones I did see didn't like me very much," Kyo said, scratching her nose with her free hand.

That was a bit of an understatement. All the Faunus she'd known either worked the mines or had parents who did; her mom working her way up the corporate ladder at a mining concern, well, the other Faunus saw her as a traitor by association. Her own bitterness over that had contributed a bit to her stupid years...

Unusual wind caught her attention, and Kyo stiffened; her tail whipped out into a ready position, and her hands drifted to the pistol and shotgun holstered at her thighs. When Forrest was whipped around she spun, narrowed eyes fixing on the newcomer... though she didn't draw her weapons just yet.

Forrest had been startled into falling on his ass; the culprit was floating upside-down in the air, of all things. Flight, as a Semblance? No, that didn't quite play with the wind movements Kyo had felt (and her lizard-Faunus genes made her fairly sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, for all that she was still warm-blooded from the human half). Kyo moved her hands away from the two halves of her gun-whip, and stared at the girl with the strange markings, mind racing.

Wind. Floating upside-down. Semblance, or Dust? Or Semblance that utilized Dust somehow? Prolonged flight or levitation wasn't something one could pull off easily. Did she have Dust grafted into her body somehow, was that what the markings were, or...? But, no. In Kyo's experience, body-dust grafting had a tendency to look pretty distinctive and this wasn't quite that.

"You maybe oughta not pull stunts like that in a Huntress academy, y'know," Kyo remarked with a chill edge through her teeth. "If I were just a tiny bit jumpier, you'da caught Ice-Dust buckshot t' the face."

Kyo tapped the gun on her right thigh for emphasis; it looked like a purple-painted, sawed-off shotgun with a revolver chamber of the sort designed to rotate multiple types of Dust ammunition in battle. As noted, the revolver seemed set to the blue of ice.
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

Discord Username: The One True Nobody!
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Nero Zine
Posts: 56
Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:00 pm
Age: 20
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Faunus Snake
Aura Color: Dark Blue
Semblance Name: Affinity Change
Weapon Name: Caduceus

*Half and half ? Oh, that's what she meant by similar. Her snake tail waved back, almost coiling around the skunk one like the greeting she used to give to her father, but she restrained just in time as she saw the other girl wasn't going for that.*

"Damn, really similar then. My father's the faunus, and you ? Me and my brother are from Mistral, there's a bit more faunus there, but not nearly as much as in Menagerie. We went there a few time to visit the family, but my mom and bro got some few looks, 'cause he got the human genes and not the faunus one. And..."

*The sudden appearance of the tattooed girl caused her to shriek and raise her staff towards the source of the noise, as the gem turned to a bright red. The slight breeze that was blowing her smoke away was interrupted.*

"Yeah, what she said !"

*However, anger made way to curiosity as she saw the girl flying. The staff's gem turned black once more, she sat on it like a witch on a broom, and went to hover at the same level as Lin.*

"And who're you ?"
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Lin Motley
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Semblance Name: Dust Eater Weightless Wind
Weapon Name: Brisk and Brawn

Woooah, there were a lot of people with weapons in a place the students weren't meant to bring weapons, but, she wasn't one to snitch, plus,if scaring one guy riled up the other two as well it was just a plus for Lin, the jumpy nature of the lizard girl got a smug smile on Lin's face as she floated closer to her, inspecting her weapon, a whip with transformative elements, by the revolver magazine it was safe to say this thing could transform into a gun, but a swing and transformation were very easy to read, she quickly fished her text to speech device out of her pocket and typed away.
"Except your weapon would be way to slow to get a shot off, the transformation may be quick but that's time enough for me to dodge."
The robotic voice taunted, sounding somewhat fitting for the 5'0 girl floating in front of Kyo, which shocker, Lin was used to having to float a little higher to be at eye level, but she was actually taller than Kyo, so...she was a little stumped at what height she should be at, deciding to just float a few inches of the ground.

Yet, Lin did also get asked her name, so with a little twirl she sat herself on the railing, as much fun as floating and talking was, if she had to concentrate on talking, or in her case typing, she'd much rather sit down for it, so with her legs now crossed and seating on the railing she began to type again.
"And, to answer your question."
She looked between Nero and Forest.
"I'm Lin, Lin Motley, for two of you that does not ring a bell, but to you mister, it should."
Lin gave a pointed glance at Forest.
Lin signs in A6BBEC
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Forrest Waldstein
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Forrest's eyes widened when made the connection: Lin was Ela's sister. The tanned skin, the rune-like tattoos, it all made sense now. He did notice Lin's text-to-speech device as she typed out her words to communicate, looking upon it with innocent curiosity.

I've never seen a device like that before... Must be her way of talking to us I guess... he mused.

"Oh, you're Ela's sister! It really is a small world." Forrest responded.

Noting that she had a way to fly, likely via her Semblance, it reminded him of Kailyn in a way. She resembled Ela in many aspects, save for her size and hair color. Wanting to calm things down, Forrest turned to Kyo and Nero.

"It's fine, she's not gonna hurt us." he said to the two of them, attempting to disarm the situation.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP
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Kyo Morinaga
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Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

Kyo blinked. She hadn't known that Nero was only half-faunus like she was; she'd only known that the girl had a snake-tail, and was thus not far off from her own lizard-tail. Even amongst faunus, it wasn't uncommon for like animals to like each other, and unlike animals to have instinctive rivalries. She'd been hopeful of just meeting another reptile faunus...

"It's my dad," she eventually said, shrugging. "Though I didn't meet 'im until fairly recently..."

Kyo trailed off. She might have been willing to go into that with Nero privately, but not with any of the other here—not even Forrest, not quite yet, though she had a good feeling about him and thought she might be willing to spill her guts to him later. After she had some time to get a stronger read on him, maybe.

The newcomer who'd startled her was also a distraction from any personal issues, though when it became clear that the flying-wind-girl needed machine aid to communicate, some of Kyo's annoyance faded to be replaced by curiosity. Anyone who could be that confident about introducing themselves to a group of people they'd never met, in spite of the whole text-to-speech handicap, had to be interesting. It took guts, if nothing else.

She waved off Forrest's reassurance with an annoyed expression and said, "It's not that I think she's gonna hurt me. But I, and I'm sure some o' the other students here... came from places where we got usedta reactin' fast t' danger. Me, it was the occasional street-fight in a dark alley. Others might've come from the outlyin' villages, though. Y'know: the ones likely t' get attacked by Grim?"

Kyo's narrowed eyes were more cautioning now than full of caution of her own, and she fixed Lin with a meaningful glare.

"So some of us might not be in the right head-space for funny surprises," she said after a pause, and stuffed her hands back into her pockets. "Also, I keep my weapons in gun mode when I'm not usin' 'em. Good eye, though. Thing is, I'm good enough with my fists 'n feet that I rarely ever need t' open a fight with the whip-form, even when I'm surprised."

This probably came as no real surprise to anyone present, given how much muscle Kyo had developed even compared to most other prospective huntresses in the place. But at this point Kyo sent a lazy, sidelong look at Forrest.

"So you know this chick's sister, huh?" Kyo said blandly. "Now that I think of it, I think I've seen another girl around here with markings like those... are you a tribal o' some kind?"

Kyo's eyes went back to Lin, and her brain went into overdrive: she tried to recall everything she knew about the tribal nomads that floated around between the Kingdoms and villages, though it wasn't much. There was comparitively less of that going on in Atlas's cold climate compared to Vale or Mistral. She did know that some of the tribal communities weren hostile or even stooped to banditry, though others were more likely to just be smaller travelling groups that did their best to avoid staying in one place... lest they draw any dangerously-large populations of Grim.
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

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Nero Zine
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*The ginger girl was also curious to chat more with Kyo, but right now there was something... Or rather, someone much more intriguing to ponder.
Still flying on her broom-staff, very much like the witches of old tales, she switched her position, going from sitting to crouching on the staff, arms resting on her knees and tail coiled around said staff for balance.*
"Ha ! She looks too cute to hurt anyone."
*She answered while staring at the floating girl.*
"So yeah, wassup with those tattoos ? Are they linked to your Semblance ? Then why does your sister have the sames ?
Is it an hereditary Semblance ? That means you from a noble family ? You don't really look like that though. No offense.
In fact, I'd even say it's a compliment. You look way too cool to be from some rich asshole's family tree."

*She inadvertly shot a look at the green dude when she said 'tree'.
Well... That speaking machine did look pretty expensive, though. If she truly was an offshoot of a noble family, it would explain she would have enough funds to purchase something like this and the confidence to go up to new folks and use it without a care.
That, or she's just got balls of steel. Or is too trusting, maybe. Or...
Actually, she could be a lot of things.
Nero stood back, hands in pocket, still smoking, still on her flying staff.*
"Anyway, I'm Nero, Nero Zine. Written with an 'R', pronounced with a 'L'. "
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Lin Motley
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Semblance Name: Dust Eater Weightless Wind
Weapon Name: Brisk and Brawn

Well, those were disappointingly easy questions to answer, Lin looked between the three of them as she wrote down an answer, already only half listening to Nero, as her question could be answered in the same reply as Kyo's.
"Now, finally noticed the tribal look, good eye, me and my sister are from the Dust Eater clan, or...were, now were just your everyday vale citizens working at our mom's apothecary, Motley's Medicine if you need any and well, becoming huntresses, as for our semblance, we got two things in common, we both inherited our dad's semblance, Dust Eater, the calling card of the clan, that means we both got the runes on our skin, and we can both eat Dust to fuel it, makes our semblance really Aura efficient since Dust is our semblances primary fuel source. Where our semblance differ is in the type of Dust we can eat, my version, Weightless Wind as the clan elders dubbed it, lets me eat wind and gravity Dust, I can cancel out gravity for anything or anyone I touch and created wind currents. You'll have to ask my sister for her version."
Lin purposefully left the explanation to her sister, Forest could easily just ask since they were at least acquaintances and the other two would just have approach Ela to know more, her big sis needed more friends and this was an easy move to get her some, especially Kyo, she seemed like a perfect counterpart to Ela.
"Don't worry, my sister is hard to miss, I'm sure tree boy can attest to that."
She showed Forest a smirk, before turning back to the other two, folding her arms in her lap and still holding her text to speech device at the ready, oh, Nero was staring at it, she quickly typed a reply to her since the staring was getting a little annoying.
"If you're wondering where I got this and why I got this, I'm mute, I made this myself from scrap and like 5 bucks of stuff from the general store. So unless you speak sign language, you're gonna have to deal with the robot voice."
Lin explained to hopefully get people to stop sharing at her best means of communication.
Lin signs in A6BBEC
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Forrest Waldstein
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It seemed that Forrest's plea to ease the tension within the group yielded mixed results. While Nero seemed to be easily swayed to let this go, Kyo on the other hand just seemed to get annoyed. She remarked on reacting quick to danger, having to engage in the occasional street fight, and mentioned outlying villages that had been attacked by Grimm. That last part in particular struck Forrest a bit close to home. While yes, Oakhearth was an outlying settlement that had a history of Grimm attacks, perhaps Oakhearth was one of the more fortunate villages. With a volunteer militia force and an Elder whose Semblance can repel Grimm, Forrest knew that some people didn't have the same luxury of relative safety where they grew up. The only thing he could do that could at least somewhat appease Kyo was to take a step back and check his privilege.

"R-right..." Forrest remarked apologetically as he rested one of his hands on the back of his neck, recognizing that perhaps he didn't have the right to speak freely on that note. Forrest nodded in agreement, answering both Kyo's question and Lin's statement about knowing Ela. Out of the corner of his eye, he did catch the inadvertent glance from Nero when she remarked about "some rich asshole's family tree".

What's that supposed to mean? Forrest thought, a small part of him wanting to figure out if that was a just a crude and blatantly incorrect assumption about his family. However, his aversion to conflict won out over the desire for truth. Perhaps the word 'tree' just reminded her of him, he hoped. Letting that comment go, Forrest would keep an eye out for more off color remarks should they arise.

Sign language, huh... Maybe I should look into learning that, not that I dislike the robot voice from the device... he mused upon hearing Lin's explanation, impressed that she built it from only 5 Lien worth of scrap.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP
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Kyo Morinaga
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Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

Kyo's eyes slid over to Nero as she remarked on Lin's Semblance. Even as Forrest pondered in confusion over the look Nero gave him, the green-haired girl's eyes went sublimely flat.

"Tree. Forest. Plant semblance. I geddit," she said, in tones as dry as Vacuo at high noon in the middle of August.

Kyo's head flicked to the side as though she were trying to physically dislodge that pun from her brain-matter. Then the unamused look dropped off her face as if it had never been—maybe she really had dislodged the pun?—and she turned an easy grin toward Lin.

"Wind n' gravity, huh," she said. She tapped the handgun at her left thigh with a finger. "Well, you got a good set o' Dust-types there. I use a fair bit o' Gravity-dust with my weapon, as a matter o' fact. Maybe we can workshop a few team-up tactics, sometime."

Her expression turned thoughtful.

"The way you describe that, it sounds like your Semblance developed from good ol' fashioned body-graftin'..." she said thoughtfully. "That said, fuel-efficient tho' it be, take care not t' use it too much... Dust is a limited resource, and I know a lotta faunus who sweat and occasionally bleed so people like us have a constant supply."

Kyo snorted, shaking her head and looking sidelong at Nero.

"My mom bein' the human, she worked a bit higher up in the company than the mines. I was pretty well-known 'cause o' that. The faunus didn't like me any more'n the humans did. Less, in some cases..."

Kyo's hand was tapping on the holstered handgun-half of her weapon, and she was frowning thoughtfully now. Her tail had come uncoiled from her waist without a thought as the group spoke, and now swayed lazily in the air behind her. In other words, she had relaxed again.

"The text-to-speech gizmo's cool," Kyo said, shifting subjects abruptly and turning her green eyes back to Lin. "But you'll needta work out somethin' that doesn't require ya t' stop 'n type, if you wanna communicate with others in a combat situation. Or have ya worked on that already?"
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

Discord Username: The One True Nobody!
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Nero Zine
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Weapon Name: Caduceus

*A bit ashamed of the pun, Nero tried to change the subject.*
"You can eat dust ? How does it taste for you ?
Maybe I should introduce you to my bro, and then you can go on dust-eating trips together. He only likes the 'spicy' ones, though. Also, I do know sign language, but, huh... The Faunus version, the one that uses ear-wiggling or tail waving, so I don't think it'll work. That kinda sucks, though.... We should make up a sign language for everyone.
Though I guess we could say the same for, like, language in general. Anyway."

*She hovered back and jumped down, as her staff stopped floating, her cig done with. The ginger girl headed towards a nearby trash can, after rubbing the tip of the lung-destroying stick on the sole of her docks, just to ensure it was properly lit off.*
"Speaking of dust, I'm doing a little side-job for dust exchange.
If you really need wind or gravity or whatev's and only have like fire on your hand, brings them to me and I can convert them.
I'll ask for a small fee though, but nothing too much. Maybe a coffee in Vale so we can chat while I work."
*She remained silent for just a moment, before adding.*
"Oh, but harder stuff like Lava or Hard Light is gonna cost extra, yeah ? Since it'll take me much more time and effort."
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Lin Motley
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Semblance Name: Dust Eater Weightless Wind
Weapon Name: Brisk and Brawn

Lin was looking at Forest, did he have nothing of substance to add?
She was a little disappointed, the whole point of joining this conversation was to learn about him.

But, the other two were nice, Nero asked the question that came to everyone's mind at first, when they heard about her semblance.
"Lick a rock and you'll know how dust tastes, also, to clarify, we don't have inhumanly strong jaws dust just...gets absorbed when we put it in our mouths and then get stored in our runes. Speaking off, we use dust more efficiently, what ever bodygrafting went into our semblance paid off, since some testing with Professor Copperfield revealed that our semblances make us use dust 5 times as effectively, we use less of it for a stronger effect, so..."[/color]
Lin sighed a little, as she looked at the Lizard faunus with a look of slight discomfort as she typed.
"So, let's hope a few less faunus have to mine some for me."

Speaking of typing, Lin lowered her text to speech device a little as Kyo asked her about her combat ability, so far she only had team assignments with Ela and Professor Copperfield, both of which speak sign, but even then it was hard for her teammates to constantly turn their heads to look at her, the device was still the best choice.
"I'm working on a solution, for now it's just the backline for me, I'm best at sniping and holding down a position anyway, melee combat is not my thing."
Lin said, before turning back to Nero.
"No, thanks, unlike you three I've been living here for more than a few months, I know where to get my dust and exchange it too, maybe I'll show you a few good shops before you get busted for running an unlicensed Dust trade, in a school."
Lin shook her head with a smirk as she floated a little closer to Nero, now upside down, as she had gotten bored with the railing.

"But, that's enough about me, I know about Oakward over there but what about you two, what's your semblance?"
Lin signs in A6BBEC
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Forrest Waldstein
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Forrest, upon Kyo's explanation, immediately felt like facepalming. How could he have not gotten that? Moving on nonetheless without slamming his hand into his head, Forrest figured he eventually had to add to the conversation. It wouldn't do him good to just sit there listening to everyone else, especially since Lin appeared to be a bit disappointed.

"Copperfield is definitely a helpful professor. He goes the extra mile to ensure we know our stuff when it comes to Dust." he began, trying to turn the conversation away from the uncomfortable turn that it took.

"Yeah, I can't exactly argue with that. They've been cracking down on unlicensed Dust trades lately, so you should probably get your Dust from official sources." Forrest said, turning to Nero.

Oakward, huh? thought Forrest in slight irritation as Lin asked her question about Semblances.

"You sound a bit too dismissive of something you haven't seen at its fullest." he replied, hiding the small bit of irritation that Lin had roused from within him.
Nature remembers all. Always make sure you give something back to the world when you take from it.

The sylvan theater hears Forrest in #00FF00 or #008000

Forrest's EP
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Kyo Morinaga
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Semblance Name: Aura Infiltration and Metamorphic Mimicry
Weapon Name: Ultraviolet Ultimatum

"There's a faunus version o' sign language?" Kyo mumbled. "First I've heard o' that..."

Then again, because of her parentage, the local faunus had never been very inclusive-feeling toward her... doubly so during her stupid years. So maybe they thought she'd teach humans how to understand it, or something. Ah, well.

Kyo lapsed into thought when Lin said she was still working on a solution to the problem of communication during combat. In fact, her brain-stuff was already bubbling with half-formed ideas; Lin could do stuff with wind and gravity dust, so was there a way to manipulate some kind of button-control device with that? And if Lin's communication gizmo could be connected to a radio, and her team-mates equipped with ear-pieces, she could set up a number of pre-arranged messages to be used in different situations during a battle, and...

It was Forrest's comment about Lin being dismissive of his Semblance that roused her from her trance.

"Oh, he's right," she said distractedly. "Don't knock somethin' as potentially versatile as plants-on-command. I can see there bein' any number o' different applications for that, 'specially as his control gets better with trainin'..."

Kyo glanced around, looking a little lost; she had only halfway-sort-of been paying attention. But it wasn't difficult to recall things that she heard spoken around her, even when she wasn't fully paying attention: a talent that Kyo frequently abused to space out in the classroom. Many a teacher had been thrown off over the years when they'd called on her out of spite, thinking she was zoning out or napping... only to get a correct answer to their question after a few moments' pause.

"I think Nero just told us what her Semblance is, actually, though it sounds like ya both misunderstood," she said once she registered Lin's question, pointing to the faunus with a crooked grin. "Convertin' Dust from one type to another, was it? Interestin' Semblance, that, and I might make use of that service myself given how much Dust-ammo I burn through... I don't think there's any law against havin' a conversion done."

She paused, then, and sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"...As I said before y'got here, though, I ain't discovered my Semblance yet." A grumpy look came over her face. "Makes me think it's somethin' super-situational. Sure as shootin' I've been through enough tense crap recently that I'd've awakened it before this, otherwise. But that's fine. I can fight well enough without it, and it's better t' not get too usedta relyin' on a Semblance anyway."
"Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back."
— Mason Cooley

Discord Username: The One True Nobody!
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Nero Zine
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Weapon Name: Caduceus

*She was about to explain the misunderstanding when Kyo stopped her in her tracks.*
"Yep, that's it. You know, it was Mr Copperfield who gave me the idea to use it to gain a bit of money. Plus, I also have an arrangement with the local Dust shop... They give me some easy-to-find Dust, and I bring them Hard Light Dust a few days later. So they're willing to overlook what I'm doing...."
*She smiled and shrugged.*
"And there's no law preventing me from turning Fire Dust into Ice one and reselling it, I checked. So, our team gets a bit of funding that way...."
*She turned back her attention towards Kyo.*
"Oh, you don't know your Semblance ? I mean, some are just weird. How do you even figure that you can, I dunno, eat fire ? Maybe there's someone who could eat you, though. Perhaps a dude with a Semblance to find other's Semblance ? I'm sure there could be someone like that."
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Lin Motley
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Semblance Name: Dust Eater Weightless Wind
Weapon Name: Brisk and Brawn

Lin rolled her eyes a little as Kyo and Forest got on her case about dismissing Forest's semblance, but, it at least got a reaction from Forest and she knew what gears were grinding in his head; he actually did have somewhat of a backbone, which made Lin smile.

"I'm not dismissing it because I'm underestimating you, I'm dismissing it because I'm bored of it; I know what you can do, tree boy. I've seen your fights in the tournament so far, and your bark definitely has some bite. Heck, I've rewatched the replays a few times now, but that way I also have seen most of what you can do, meaning I know you stand no chance once you're gonna fight Ela in the tournament."

She had to throw in that last little tease, another test of Forest's character: would he concede knowing that Ela is stronger than him, or would he at least try and stand his ground?

Nero's semblance did get Lin to raise her eyebrow, though she still was not sold on her whole gig, just because Copperfield allowed something didn't mean it was legal by law.

She'd keep her hands away from Nero's exchange deal for now, handy semblance or not.

She turned her attention to the grumpy Lizard faunus, who seemed bummed about not awakening her semblance yet, which was understandable.

Lin could somewhat identify with the issue, Ela had her semblances for as long as Lin could remember, as did her Dad and even though it wasn't anything special her mom did too, Lin was the only odd one out for years, until she joined Signal where she finally awakened the runes, Ela, Dad and of course Professor Copperfield then helped her to figure out what Dust types she could use, since then she has been floating a long as smooth as can be.

Maybe Kyo just needed some guidance like she did?

She didn't know about Kyo's familial status and considering the rough and tumble nature of the faunus she'd rather not ask, so only one option really remained.

"Nero just mentioned him, but ask Professor Copperfield he's the Dust and Semblance expert in our school. If anyone has some insight regarding what your power could be, it's him, also, while relying on them is not a good idea, never dismiss the idea. If you think you're already good at fighting think of how much stronger you could be if you awaken yours."

Lin shot Kyo a smirk as she leaned back in the air.

The same line of thinking had been what kept her going; while she probably wasn't as competent of a fighter as her, she had her own arsenal and always kept in the back of her mind how devastating she could be if she got a semblance that meshed well with her fondness for weapons, and man did she luck out, no more carry weight ever.

"Regardless, if you could pick a semblance, what would you think would fit well with you?"
Lin signs in A6BBEC
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