Restricted ? Interesting... (public)

A peaceful place for learning. Stay out of the restricted section, and quiet in the library!
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Nero Zine
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*Nero was hanging around the library. Though she enjoyed the tranquillity and quietness that was caracteristic of the place, and never said no to a good book, she was more interested in the 'Restricted' sign barring the entrance of a specific part of the library. She was, after all, the kind of person that, the more you forbid her to do something, the more she wants to do it. So she was doing circles around the section, throwing a look around, verifying that the peoples were still there, then trying to discern the title of said Restricted books, with no success.*
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Alexander Kate
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Shurik was going around, reading some materials about Grimms, sometimes watching at people in library. He was noSounds was absent, altough some girl curiosity was loud enough to draw his attention. She walking around, trying to... Get to the restricted books. Now that is interesting. Maybe there is more valuable information, then in the non-restricted books? Closing current book with silence, Shurik began to move to unknown girl.

- Hanging around, just to hold the Forbidden Fruit, eh? - said the man quietly, sometimes looking at the books, then on the girl.

- I'm not judging. What is your name? - he was talking with no hurry, looking with a curiosity, but calmly, almost coldly.
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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*Her tail straigthened up in surprise, as she spun around to face the boy.*
"How'd you sneak on... Whatever. I'm Nero, proncounced with an L but written with an R. Was just curious as to why it's forbidden... I mean it's just some books, what could be so dangerous ?"
*She was talking rapidly, probably pretty stressed.*
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Alexander Kate
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- Hm, do your name have Spanish roots? Anyway, call me Shurik. - while listening to Nero, shooter looked at the shelves with restricted materials. He is also noticing that girl is a little nervous, also has... A tale. Not the big matter, but good to know.

- Sometimes books can have a dangerous information, for a Huntsman and Huntresses, or for a politics, perhaps. Information is very powerful tool, Nero. But it's not bad if we will just read some of it, but not use it. But for now people are here. So I suppose we need to be here a little later. Maybe even at night, or while class is going. What do you say? - Shurik is looking with little mischievous grin, looking around, in case of someone looking or eavesdrops on them...
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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Weapon Name: Caduceus

*Her nervousness dropped, replaced with a grin at the meeting of a fellow rule-breaker.*
"At night would be great, I think. I'm a faunus, see ? So I can see in the dark. Would be useful. It's already pretty late, so nightfall will come soon. I hope you're good at sneaking.... Nevermind, you already proved that. I would be game."
*Now that she was calmer, she was speaking with confidence, and a voice a little bit deeper than you would've expected coming from a girl.*
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Alexander Kate
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- This should work out nicely. At 2 AM, then, girl. - restricted information is always a tempting thing. No one was hearing them, so the safety must been established. After some seconds of silence, Shurik then says:
- So... Besides being the faunus, do you have any other useful skills, if I can ask? - he is stands a little further from restricted area, so there will be less potential suspicions.
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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Weapon Name: Caduceus

*She raised an eybrow.*
"You know my name, why do you call me that ? And yeah, I do. I have some gravity dust lying around, I could make us float for a few moments. And what about you ?"
*She crosses her arms with spunk. Clearly, that girl has an attitude.*
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Alexander Kate
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Hearing the question, he is grins a little more.

Ay, nothing special. Gravity dust will be useful though. And I... I don't have any special abilities, except expert shooting, tactical erudition, very good memory, intelligence... Yeah. - with short chuckle, he looking at the shelves in last time.

- Now we can go, shall we?
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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Weapon Name: Caduceus

*She grins.*
"Nothing too special indeed. We should be free to sneak in about two hours, I'd say. Can you lockpick ? It's prolly gonna be locked by the time we come again."
*As they walk together she casually puts her arm around his shoulder.*
"So what's your story ? How'd you end up as a Hunter here ?"
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Alexander Kate
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- Lockpicking is a easy task. I'm more concerned about other security measures, like a security stuff. But their patrol routes shouldn't be difficult to learn, if they're even exist. - while thinking about possibilities, he feels other's weight on his shoulder. He's backs away a little, so Nero's arm would make less pressure.

- Huntsman, I must correct. So, it's just family business, someway. My grandfather have been a Huntsman, my father too, and so on. Nothing special. And you?

He is able to lie, hiding it behind cold eyes.
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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"Oh, nothing special either. Just want to be a great Faunus Huntress to... I dunno, 'cause it's fun ?"
*She lied too, but the way she precised 'Faunus' Huntress seemed sincere. Still, with one hand, she reached into her pocket, and took out a cigarette.*
"Too much to hope you've got some fire ?"
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Alexander Kate
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No one is Huntress "for fun". Huntsman is no hobby, and it must be realized at the temple exam. Shurik thinking: or she is naive, or she is telling a lie. But he did it as well. The guy is quietly watches how she extends her arm... For smoke.

- Maybe so. I have only firepower with electricity dust. But I don't recommend to make an experiment with the such specific "lighter" of mine. By the way, are you assigned in any team?
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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"As a matter of fact, I am. We're called team GNJR, I'll let you guess why. There's Grise, you'll recognize her, she's tall and grey and not fun, my brother, he looks a lot like me, and Rick, who looks very pretentious and rich and blond, but he's actually only two of those."
*As they were walking, she put her cigarette in her mouth, then out of her jacket something that extended into a small staff. It had two sculpted snakes encircling a blue gem. Nero's eyes lit up quickly, and the gem became red. Then she lightly tapped her cig with the staff, and it started to smoke.*
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Alexander Kate
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Team GNJR. He can know more through the Academy list in his scroll, but right now it's unnecessary.

- I'm still aren't assigned in any. Beacon Academy seems to relax with teams a little, or too many newbies came recently. - nodding by his shoulders, his attention is drawn by Nero's device.

Alex looks at her stuff with interest. This thing can change the a dust or Nero is somehow changed that into the fire dust. A Semblance?
- You have the interesting weapon... - before continuing, he waved by hand around his face, so he wouldn't inhale the smoke with Nero. - How did you do that?
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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Weapon Name: Caduceus

*She exhaled slowly, trying but failing to do some ring smoke.*
"That's my Semblance. Pretty useful when my bro and his lighter's not here. And yeah, thanks. I know you're not really supposed to carry your weapon around, but I feel weird without it. Back in Haven we were allowed to keep it it on us at anytime, and now I'm too used to it."
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Alexander Kate
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- I suppose in Haven you were ready if something was going off. And you are older than me, if you were in other Academy. And your Semblance can change dust elemental, as I see. You can mess up someone's wepaon if they are using dust, ha! - Shurik smiles, thinking about other's Semblance ways to work. But it's hard to forget that his weapon also uses electricity dust – he needs to be a bit more careful with Nero.

- I don't have Semblance. More precisely, I didn't discover it yet. Hope it will not be Semblance, that requires strength...
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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*She almost corrected him, but stopped herself. No need to explain everything about her Semblance after all.*
"I suppose I could, yeah. So, I take it you're not a brawler then ? More of the assassin type ? Might be a problem if we run a tournament. Heh."
*She smirked at him.*
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Alexander Kate
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- I suppose so. But I'll manage. Not everyone should be bulky for a victory, eh? Some weapon can be deadlier than a big blade. - he was talking more quietly on the last sentence.

- "I should been say about the dust color change as false statement, so she could say something more. Maybe i would have get more information from that, than my guess." - Shuruk thought. He need to keep this in mind.

- Do you mind asking me what was you doing in Haven before Beacon?
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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"Waddaya think ? Training. Going on some missions. We've got a pretty good track record, you know. It's weird, because when we're apart we... Well, we have our strong and weak points. But together, we're unstoppable !"
*She flexed as she said the last sentance, and though the result wasn't very impressive, the energy and mood couldn't be denied.*
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Alexander Kate
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- You are compensating each other, it's a widespread thing in teams. I would see what you can do together. But you are not brawler either, I can suggest that you are ranger type because of how your weapon looks. Am I right? - he looked again at the staff with interest and tiny grin, looking like he was expecting that his guesses will be true.

He noted, that he can also read about the team from open sources. There's got to be some notes of their performances from Haven: tournaments, festivals, e.t.c.
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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"Yeah, I'm working on my close range abilities, but I'm much more comfortable at range. Plus it's much less dangerous. And you ? No teammate to compensate your weaknesses ?"
*She smirked back, pretty insolently.*
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Alexander Kate
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- I don't need a teammates, that can compensate something. One and only weakness is my dependence on the gun, but I still have a non-illusional chance of the winning. - Shurik was saying that with a bit of annoyance in his voice, like he is being mocked by Nero's words. - If I will have a teammates, I hope they wouldn't hanging around my targets on sight... That's it. I have a couple of files with information about the newbies in this academy. Some of them are very intriguing, but I may not tell about them for now. Intrigue is intrigue. - with slight chuckle, he switched to think about others students.

- So, until 2 AM, then?
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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*She noted that he was :
1. Vulnerable to being mocked
2. Range fighter like her
3. Not good at close quarter.*
"Yep, see you then. And tell me if you've managed to found any students that seems fun to hang with."
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Alexander Kate
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- Yeah, right.

Shurik goes to his room. That's should've been dorms, but since he's got no team at all, this is just... A room. Almost empty and quiet, with no people around. It was calming, but at the same time it was straining. Anyway, he can read some new files on the students of the Beacon, and also know more about Nero's team.

While being there, he managed to clean his revolver in time and read info on scroll. Sun is gone already, 1:55 AM. It's time to move in cover of the night to the library. Lock picks can be pretty easily made from paperclips, though they are not reliable. He needs to buy some lock pick tools for future... Investigations.

Going out of the room, Shurik was looking out cautiously, like a paranoiac. Then, proceeds to the library door, immediately extending arms with formed paperclips, switching his sight from the lock to the halls, noticing. Every. Movement.
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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*And yet he did not notice the form that was hanging from the ceiling. It was the snake girl, using her staff with a black gem this time, to make herself float for a while, waiting for him to appear. Of course, with her ability to see in the darkness, she immediately saw him, and then dropped to the floor silently, before whispering.*
"Hi again ! Been waiting for a while. I was so impatient I arrived ten minutes earlier."
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Alexander Kate
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Scared from the near silhouette, Alex almost swung his elbow in Nero's direction, but stopped in time. With short sigh, he whispered as well:

- Huh... Yeah, give me a one more second... - the guy is fumbled a little by paperclips. The lock clicked, as the door was opened. - Here, quick. - when they will there, Shurik will close the door to the Library.

They can get to the restricted sector now...
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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*She entered with a wide smile, her heart pounding from the rush of entering a forbidden zone to access just as forbidden knowledge. Who knows, maybe this could give her an edge in becoming an even greater Huntress ! She scanned the dark area with her faunus eyes, and saw nothing.*
"You'll be ok in the dark ?"
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Alexander Kate
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- I will get used to it. - he said shortly, walking cautiously in the library. His sight adapted a bit to the dark, do it was less problematic to see for him.

Based on his memory, he finds the restricted sector, looking at the full shelves of books. Interesting, they didn't took away all of this at this point...

- After ya. - Shurik whispered, letting Nero take something from here.
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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Nero Zine
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Weapon Name: Caduceus

*She slithered in, silent like a shadow, before starting to check the books titles.*
"What do we have here.... 'Theories of the Moon's destruction'... 'How to create Dust.....' 'Legendary Grimms' seems interesting."

*She grabbed that one, before starting to search for something else.*
"You want a special subject ? Aura, weapons...."
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Alexander Kate
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Weapon Name: The Devil s Advocate

What is interesting is the fact of open access to that sector. Suspiciously open. Shurik started to think it's some kind of trap, but for who? But most importantly, why? Either way, it doesn't seem they caught... Yet.

- I'm a fan of the weapons, so that may be nice. - as he heard the names of the books, in Shurik's head immediately appeared some "blueprints": electric grenades, wind stun grenades, hidden firearms... He thought about widening his arsenal since he's got no aura, but he can come up with something from the book... It's actually a nice idea – having more weapons, than just singular one.
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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