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Alexander Kate
Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:51 pm
Age: 17
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Aura Color: Black with glows of grey
Occupation: Student of Beacon Academy
Semblance Name: The Lone Shifter
Weapon Name: The Devil s Advocate

28... 29... 30... 31...

Some time has passed since his defeat. It pushed him to start a hard work on his physical strength, including eating the right food, though in the Academy some "diets" are limited – that's an Academy, not a grocery store. Anyway, he has the progress since then. Emotions still keep him going.

32... 33... 34... 35.

Third repetition of push-ups is over. He needs to rest and eat some eggs. Good time for thinking about the plans... He got some ideas for what he needs for equipment: some armor would be good, even lighter one. Huntsmen aren't using these much for mobility, in the most cases, which is... Questionable, from Alex's perspective, but not misunderstandable. Shock-absorption is definitely needed. Grenades for crowd control. Melee weapons... Adrenaline shots? For an extreme situations – yes...

Shurik started to writing down all thoughts he had on his scroll, while eating by other hand. Some of the capsuled dust crystals were laying randomly on the table. The silence fell, except the scroll's clicks. Until...

He doesn't receive any article update notifications on his scroll... Except...
LINKED ARTICLE: Atlas's huntsman missing.

"It has been revealed today that unknown association was acting around Vale Kingdom, highly possibly involved in some of the incidents of huntsmen missing. The police is investigating
The sound of a desk slam was like a bang. Shurik didn't fully read the text. But he knew, he knew very well: with the news like this, he is not gonna rest, until this "association" is caught.
the case, assuming the link with Monarch Security."
Other information was secondary after that. After all this time... He got some clues to follow. He has someone to punish. But he doesn't have enough clues to go. Checking all information back and forth on the internet? Sounds like a plan on that evening... He needs to go to the CCTS tower, then.
Shurik talks with a little #FFBF00
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