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Orpheus Umbra
“The Masked Menace”, “Orfee” (by Esmerelda)
November 11th
Gender Identity:
Faunus (Spider Eyes)
6’0” (183 cm)
190 lbs (86 kg)
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Orpheus is a tall, athletically built man with bronze skin slightly darker than Esmerelda, his twin sister. He styles his thick, wavy black hair in a short side swept undercut. His angular facial features would normally make him a very attractive man, were it not for an unsettling set of six black spider eyes on his forehead. He does, however, possess a pair of human eyes, hazel in color and piercing in gaze. The six spider eyes on his forehead are primarily used to detect motion and light levels, but have poor visual acuity compared to human vision. On the flipside, Orpheus’s eyes grant him superior low-light vision compared to the average Faunus. The downside of the superior night vision is that Orpheus can be sensitive to bright light, leading to him preferring darker places. Both his human and spider eyes can see in the ultraviolet spectrum of light as well as possessing a sensitivity to green wavelengths on the visible spectrum, which allows him to see more shades of green than the average human.
Outfit Description:
Orpheus can typically be seen wearing a plain white t-shirt underneath a black leather jacket. He also wears blue jeans with a studded belt looped at his waist. As for shoes, Orpheus wears black high top sneakers with green trim. However, the most distinct piece of Orpheus’s outfit has to be his black and green mask. This mask was specially designed to provide Orpheus protection from bright light and to avoid unsettling any people around him with his spider eyes. In front of both sets of eyes, the mask is made of reinforced, polarized glass allowing it to darken when exposed to bright light. The lenses in front of Orpheus’s spider eyes seamlessly blend in with the rest of the mask, and all the lenses in front of Orpheus’s eyes are designed to prevent any blue light from escaping from the inside of the mask. The remaining parts of the mask are made from carbon fiber, allowing the mask to be lightweight and durable. A set of six green magatama forming a circle, the tips of which flare outward, can be seen on the forehead of the mask. This symbol is simultaneously a maker’s mark and a sign of good fortune.
Personality Description:
While his twin sister Esmerelda is aggressive, unpredictable, and loud-mouthed, Orpheus is quite the opposite. He is careful, methodical, and soft-spoken. Orpheus likes to plan things out ahead of time, preferring to be overprepared than underprepared. Unlike Esmerelda who is deeply passionate, Orpheus holds a deep, cold cynicism in his heart towards most people, seeing the world through jade colored glasses. Despite this, Orpheus has a very protective and sensitive side to those who are close to him, with Esmerelda jokingly calling his means of displaying affection as “harsh criticism”.

Despite being the younger twin, Orpheus displays a greater level of maturity than Esmerelda, and wisdom beyond his years. He also makes a point to keep himself in good shape, both physically and mentally. Always striving for improvement, Orpheus has taken to reading as a hobby (the speed of which is greatly expedited by his Semblance). Besides reading and exercising, Orpheus enjoys other activities such as chess, sudoku, and trading card games. Despite his wide array and deep understanding of various subjects and areas of study, Orpheus remains humble and often downplays his intellect.
Backstory Highlights:
Born in Menagerie to Lucien and Leila Umbra, Orpheus was the younger of two fraternal twins, the other being Esmerelda. Both children had to endure a rather unstable, unpredictable home life as Lucien made the mistake of mixing his home life with his criminal operations. Countless times, the children had to be ushered into a different room as Lucien met with informants to exchange information. As a result, Orpheus sequestered himself in his room, reading whatever books or playing with whatever toys the boy had. Initially, Esmerelda didn’t get along well with Orpheus, and often mocked him for having spider eyes. Many informants who saw the boy also passed judgement on how unsettling his spider eyes looked, resulting in a deep-rooted insecurity about his own Faunus trait that remains to this day.

Things changed dramatically when Lucien Umbra was assassinated in his own home not long after the kids had become ten years old. Both Esmerelda and Orpheus were traumatized by the death of their father, but handled it in different ways. Whereas Esmerelda was consumed by a drive for vengeance, Orpheus simply wanted to understand why this happened in the first place. Just like Esmerelda, Orpheus manifested his Semblance during this terrible and traumatic event. Although Leila assumed leadership of the Dark Omen, she was unable to handle the stress of the position, which was exacerbated by the recent death of her husband. Things continued to decline until Leila had a mental breakdown, leaving her unable to care for Esmerelda and Orpheus. Although they were left in the hands of a trusted family friend, they were very negligent in their care of the children. As a result, both children made the decision to run away from home. At this point, anything was better than their new “home”, they thought.

Orpheus and Esmerelda’s early to mid adolescent years were a bit of a blur. Constantly on the run and just trying to get by, the children fell in with various criminal mentors in hopes that they can eliminate rival syndicates in Menagerie. Eventually, the children were able to dissolve most of the rival syndicates with the help of their mentors. Leila Umbra ended up passing away when Esmerelda and Orpheus turned sixteen. As per tradition, the oldest male child inherits the leadership of the Dark Omen. Esmerelda, however, struck a deal with Orpheus. She would allow him to lead the Dark Omen in Menagerie, but she wanted to lead a branch in another area. Orpheus agreed, expanding the Dark Omen into Vale with Esmerelda at the proverbial helm.
Crime Boss (Dark Omen)
Orpheus was homeschooled by his parents until he ran away from home with Esmerelda. Alongside the knowledge of various mentors, Orpheus became an avid reader, accumulating a wide but also deep knowledge of various subjects.
Semblance Name:
Knowledge of the Ages
Semblance Description:
Knowledge of the Ages is a psychometric Semblance that allows Orpheus to innately understand the history of objects or people. In order to utilize Knowledge of the Ages, Orpheus has to expend an amount of Aura which varies depending on the age and size of the object or person. For example, it takes Orpheus significantly more Aura to use his Semblance on an average-sized eighty year old person compared to that of a five year old book.

When used on objects, Orpheus learns a specific set of properties about the object within the span of a few seconds such as its history, name (if it was named), weight, materials used to construct it, names of people who have touched or owned the object, and innate knowledge of how to use the object. Some incredible applications of Knowledge of the Ages is that Orpheus can achieve mastery over any weapon without prior training, understand the contents of a book, or learn how to solve a puzzle box for instance. Active, continuous use of Knowledge of the Ages manifests itself as glowing bright blue light that emanates from all of Orpheus’s eyes.

Knowledge of the Ages becomes a bit more complicated to use against people. Assuming the person is consenting, Orpheus can learn the memories, emotional state, skills, Semblance (if any), and combat ability that the person possesses in one minute with physical contact, or two minutes without physical contact. In an instance without physical contact, Orpheus needs to be able to see the target to discern any information from them with his Semblance. People who do not consent to Orpheus using Knowledge of the Ages on them can resist through willpower and Aura (if they have it unlocked). Orpheus can also use Knowledge of the Ages against targets unaware of his presence, except this process takes three minutes and the target must remain within Orpheus’s line of sight. Should a target escape Orpheus’s line of sight, he only gains partial or scattered information proportional to the amount of time he has seen them for. Combat applications of Knowledge of the Ages are technically possible, but Orpheus avoids it unless absolutely necessary. The process of using Knowledge of the Ages against a person in combat with Orpheus takes five minutes. Due to the quick and deadly nature of combat, five minutes can seem like an eternity, thus rendering Knowledge of the Ages impractical in combat situations. Additionally, illusions or images of the person are not valid targets for Knowledge of the Ages. However, reflections in mirrors are an exception so long as the target is physically present.
Weapon Name:
Weapon Image: ... rint-files
Weapon Description:
Supposedly the old weapon of a late Huntsman, this revolver-type gunblade would be an equally effective wall-hanger or conversation piece with its elegant construction. The long, double edged blade and cylinder at the base of the blade are made of a polished steel. The blade is accented with gold in several places, with the hand guard, trigger and trigger guard also consisting of the same metal. The handle is made of a dark mahogany wood, with gold accents at the pommel.
Other Gear:
- False identification papers
- Concussion grenades
- His scroll, with roughly 1 TB of torrented books
- Eye drops (his spider eyes don’t have eyelids, and the inability to blink his spider eyes means they need extra moisture at times)
- Trading card decks
Fighting Style:
Despite his athletic, muscular build, Orpheus excels in stealth, ambush, and hit-and-run tactics. He would rather get the drop on an enemy than engage them on fair terms. Orpheus prefers to engage an enemy he has studied previously, ensuring there are no surprises upon first contact with the enemy. In direct combat, Orpheus takes a conservative approach with his opponent, aiming to drag out combat as long as possible to not only exhaust them but also to utilize Knowledge of the Ages against them.
- Intelligent and knowledgeable
- Patient
- Great delegator
- Very stealthy
- Cynical of people
- Averse to direct combat
- Perfectionistic
- Fantasy and science fiction books
- History
- Psychology
- Writing
- Trading card games, chess, and sudoku
- Overcast days
- Exercising
- Romance books
- People
- Sunny days
- His own spider eyes
Alternate Characters:
Forrest Waldstein
Grayson Albus Luminum
Professor Simab Zibaq
Esmerelda Umbra
Silvanus Waldstein

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The best way to predict the future is to study the past, or prognosticate.

Orpheus regales histories in #008FFF or #00CC00