Viewing profile - Silvanus Waldstein

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Silvanus Waldstein
The Great Uniter
May (day unknown)
Gender Identity:
6’10” (208 cm)
300 lbs (136 kg)
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Silvanus is a hulking behemoth of a man, extremely tall and rippling with muscle despite his advanced age. His presence is certainly felt before it is seen or heard. His once radiant blonde hair now mostly flecked with silver due to aging along with his large beard, and his formerly youthful face has wrinkled and softened his features. His hair is shoulder length, but usually tied back and accented by small braids at the sides. His eyes have more or less remained as sharp and piercing as ever, save for the perpetual dourness that pervades them. His resting face is awfully stern, hardened through years of turmoil. Many years of perfecting his martial skills has left many scars on his body and face.
Outfit Description:
Silvanus usually wears plain and rustic gray robes with leather moccasins when performing his duties as Elder of Oakhearth. In combat, Silvanus opts for his old suit of plate armor, which appears nearly as old as him. Truly this makes him appear as a man plucked from Old Remnant. The armor has seen better days, as evidenced by its rusting, battle damage, and overall wear and tear. The armor also has a type of animal cloak which acts as a cape for Silvanus.
Personality Description:
Stern and uncompromising, Silvanus is as stubborn as a mountain. He only trusts those close to him, as earning his trust requires years to achieve. Even around his closest friends and family, Silvanus can appear cold and aloof. Though he is capable of showing compassion, such displays are few and far between. His years in service to the Kingdom of Vale during the Great War hardened him severely. Despite his stubbornness and coldness, Silvanus is very diligent and hardworking. His years in the Great War also provided him with impeccable leadership skills. Silvanus is known to hold a grudge for decades.

Silvanus is a reclusive man, opting to listen before speaking. Especially in his later years, every action he takes or word he chooses is deliberate and measured. As a result, Silvanus can come off as callous or blunt. Despite his flaws, Silvanus remains steadfast, and his willpower is able to see anything through to its end. An intelligent man, Silvanus enjoys mental stimulation, reading, and puzzles in his free time. He also enjoys playing wargames, fitting a man of his station. Silvanus also has an independent streak, and is loath to ask for help with anything. He believes in physical strength above all, since without it, you cannot protect anyone, let alone yourself.
Backstory Highlights:
Although records of his birth do not exist, Silvanus Waldstein was born approximately 120 years ago in Oakhearth. His first memories involved training as a boy to one day become a soldier. At the time, Oakhearth was only a small and rural homesteading town, as the Grimm effectively kept the population of Oakhearth in check. When Silvanus reached eighteen years old, he volunteered for the Oakhearth militia as he felt a duty to protect the people of Oakhearth. As a man in the town militia, Silvanus was noted to only be a man of average abilities until he was conscripted to fight in the Great War.

Silvanus was originally stationed in Mistral before being transferred to Vacuo as part of a relief force. During the Mistrali Campaign, Silvanus gained incredible prestige as a result of his duty and exploits. He ended up earning many promotions, eventually becoming a renowned leader in the Valean Army. Then when he was stationed to fight in Vacuo, Silvanus found himself caught up in the bloodiest battle of the Great War. He remembers watching his own battalion get slaughtered as a result of a strategic blunder before he unlocked his Semblance. The shock of such a display of newfound power drove away the enemy forces. Eventually, Mistral and Mantle sued for peace, ending the hostilities of the Great War.

Silvanus returned to Oakhearth, which had been severely damaged from Grimm attacks in his absence. Using his newfound Semblance, Silvanus was able to repel the Grimm and prevent future attacks by manifesting a massive oak tree in the center of town. Such a structure remains in Oakhearth to this day. Once the Grimm had been dealt with, Silvanus assumed leadership of the crumbling town, ordering the repairing of buildings and infrastructure. Silvanus also passed governmental reforms, modernizing the backward political structure of Oakhearth. Silvanus then called a meeting to determine if he should continue leading Oakhearth. The people voted unanimously to keep Silvanus in power.

While serving as Elder of Oakhearth, he got married and started a family with a woman by the name of Holly Underwood. This cemented the Waldstein family as a symbol of strength and perseverance to the people of Oakhearth. Though things took a turn for the worse when he ended up outliving his wife. Distraught by the loss of his wife, Silvanus grew cold and distant, something that still remains to this day. Much later when his great grandson Forrest lost his father and his mother grew ill, he took the boy under his wing in an attempt to make him a strong and honorable warrior. The pair butted heads quite often, but things were mended after the death of Hazel, Forrest’s mother. Despite his disdain for Huntsman Academies, he agreed to send Forrest to Beacon Academy, realizing that some distance would be best for both of them.
Oakhearth Elder
All of Silvanus’s knowledge is self-taught or derived from books.
Semblance Name:
Rhythm of the Wild
Semblance Description:
Rhythm of the Wild has the ability to enhance life within its area. Similar to Forrest’s Sylvan Anthem, Silvanus can conjure any type of plant life within 100 feet (30 meters) of him. However, any plant life conjured by Silvanus is permanent, unless he undoes the changes. Additionally, the plant life conjured by Silvanus has enhanced durability and strength. Plants conjured by Rhythm of the Wild are notably more fire resistant than normal plants, but will inevitably catch fire after some time. Creations of his own will, Grimm are abhorred by anything created by Rhythm of the Wild, effectively repelling any Grimm within 1 mile.

Rhythm of the Wild also has a passive effect on anyone deemed an ally by Silvanus. If any allies do not have the capabilities to utilize Aura, Rhythm of the Wild gives them an extra protective shield of sorts that mimics the properties of a newly unlocked Aura. If any allies do already have Aura, it noticeably amplifies its defensive capabilities. This passive effect has a radius of 50 feet (15 meters) originating from Silvanus himself. The passive effect also slightly speeds up the recovery of injuries and illnesses, but is incapable of affecting terminal conditions. Another passive effect is on Silvanus himself, which has extended his lifespan beyond normal means.
Weapon Name:
Weapon Description:
Fragarach is a massive Zweihander which is about as long as Silvanus is tall. Its bronze blade and immaculate craftsmanship makes it just as suitable for decoration as it is for combat. Like Forrest’s Grashalm, it can be enhanced with Dust crystals to produce various effects. When transformed, Fragarach takes the form of a sniper rifle. In both forms, an engraving in an Old Remnant dialect is present along the blade and barrel: “In all Quarrels, may my Enemy relent. For I am thy Final Judgement.”
Other Gear:
- Medals and honors from his service in the Great War
- Whittling tools
- Board games that simulate warfare
- A necklace with the Waldstein family crest engraved in it
- A wide variety of books
Fighting Style:
Silvanus prefers a melee approach to combat, and is physically suited to do so. Although age has slowed him a bit, his strength is truly an incredible sight to behold. Every swing and step is deliberate, every choice is meant to maximize efficiency, and every action is not wasteful. Silvanus is equally adept at offense and defense, though he is renowned for his ability to parry and counterattack. Silvanus maintains a sense of honor in friendly duels, but against Grimm and other enemies, Silvanus can and will fight dirty.
- Methodical
- Intelligent
- Deliberate
- Patient
- Blunt
- Stubborn
- Aloof
- Untrusting
- Wargames
- The Waldstein Family
- Oakhearth
- Strength
- Dishonesty
- Grimm
- Weakness
Alternate Characters:
Forrest Waldstein
Grayson Albus Luminum
Professor Simab Zibaq
Esmerelda Umbra

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We are going to have peace, even if we have to fight for it.

Silvanus bellows in FFFFFF or 804000