Viewing profile - Rosé Carmine

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Rosé Carmine
The Crimson Immortal
March 13th
Gender Identity:
Character Picture:
5" 4'
93 lbs
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Deep Red
Physical Description:
Rosé is on the shorter side of average height. Her build is slight, further exasperated by her prostheses making it difficult to 'bulk up'.
Her skin is rather pale, doesn't tan particularly well and shows changes in colour of skin like blushing quite well.
Her red hair is typically cut short, though sometimes she might grow it out a little. Her right eye is covered by an eye patch, covering up an injury she received a long time ago, it's appearance milky. Her remaining eye is Crimson in colour; clear and sharp, giving others the sense of being 'seen through'. She wears a black stud earring in her left ear.
Both of her arms have been replaced with crimson prostheses which go all the way up to her shoulders. Her legs are similar, with her left leg going all the way to her hip and the right ending just above her right knee.
She isn't particularly busty, sometimes mistaken for a man, though usually only once.
Her face has a resting unfriendly light scowl.
An overall appearance that could be described as 'tomboy'.
Outfit Description:
All of Rosé's outfits leave her arms and legs exposed, 'showing off' her prostheses to the world.
Around her shoulders is a red jacket, worn like a cape, the inside having a fleece texture. A white shirt with short sleeves which reveal the extent of her arm prostheses. Denim short shorts are Rose's go to 'leg' wear, once again showing off the extent of her leg prostheses. Foot wear is typically a pair of loose laced brown combat boots, with what could be described as 'good stomping soles' on them.
Personality Description:
Rosé is a withdrawn individual, slow to open up to others due to her long lived life and having watched others grow older without her.

She can be quite reckless, stating a need to feel 'alive' and in fact it is during fights that she truly comes to life, willing to trade jabs with her opponent whilst trying to crush them with her massive blade.

Once someone has gotten Rosé to open up a little, she can become very friendly, if a little over protective of those she calls friends; becoming loyal to those people, sometimes to a fault and being unable to see some of her friends worst traits.

Rosé can be very cynical, once again owed to her long life; though if shown enough convincing evidence, she will change her views on things.
Backstory Highlights:
Rosé is old... though she isn't sure just how old she is. She knows that she is at least 360-ish years old based on events that would become recorded in history books.

Her earliest memories are now little more than a fading dream, only major events having any real clarity. She can remember the loving warm embrace of her mother's arms, the comforting weight of Yasper purring upon her chest, her first kiss, the deaths of those she held dear.

Rosé would join the home town militia to defend against Grimm, where she would learn the basics of fighting. Rosé's semblance would go unnoticed for several years, though as her friends gained wrinkles it didn't go unnoticed that she didn't. At first put down to genetics, then luck and then finally narrowed down to her semblance. Rosé would come to call her semblance a curse rather than a gift.

Rosé would eventually leave her home town after enduring seeing those she grew up with growing older whilst she remained ageless. Rosé travelled for a few decades, going from town to town, not staying for long though she would join in on defending against Grimm attacks.

She would finally return to her home town, only to find overgrown ruins left from a Grimm attack a few years prior. Her already fragile mental state broke; Rosé would go on a rampage in the local area exterminating Grimm. It would take several weeks, and the loss of her right eye, for Rosé to come back to her senses and return to the ruins. The next year was then spent cleaning up her home town, and creating a memorial; which Rosé would visit multiple times over the decades since.

Rosé has spent a couple of centuries traveling the world, up to cold snowy Atlas, across to wind-carved Mistral, back to sandy desert Vacuo and around the mountainous region of Vale, occasionally getting involved with major events, though never as a major actor. Surprisingly she wouldn't lose most of her limbs until the Great War, by which point prostheses were common enough to replace missing limbs.
Wandering Immortal
Rosé initially picked up her combat skills from her years in her home town militia, though most of her combat skills would be learnt out in the field over the centuries of wandering Remnant alongside others, learning from and eventually teaching others how to fight Grimm.

Rosé would attend the opening of Beacon Academy, though she wouldn't join to become a huntress or a Professor, citing her experience as the reason why.
Semblance Name:
Eternal Heart
Semblance Description:
Rosé's semblance is relatively simple, it grants her pseudo immortality and as such she is ageless. She can still suffer injuries as evidenced by her prostheses and scarred eye and she can still be slain by an attack. Illness is also something she isn't immune to, though her immune system is very healthy thanks to her pseudo immortality keeping her body in it's prime.

She can in theory die from old age, but it would require her aura to be drained for long periods of time for her body to age.
Weapon Name:
Klinge des Königs
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
Klinge des Königs is a quite frankly oversized two handed broad blade with red accents. It stands at 4 feet tall, blade tip to end of handle and a foot and a half across the blade.
Klinge des Königs is clearly a well cared for weapon for considerable age. It has no ability to transform into a ranged option.

In the base of the hilt of Klinge des Königs is a slot to insert a vial of dust, allowing Rosé to imbue Klinge des Königs with various effects depending on the dust used. Though only one type of dust can be used at a time, prompting Rosé to have to swap vials to change effects.
Other Gear:
A carry case for her violin.
A violin.
A powerful revolver, begrudgingly accepted to use as a ranged option.
Fighting Style:
Rosé swings Klinge des Königs around by one hand, applying destructive force with remarkable precision. She prefers to try and force her opponent into a defensive posture through high levels of aggression.

She transitions between one-handing and two-handing Klinge des Königs, freeing up one of her hands to use alongside Klinge des Königs.

Rosé also makes use of her hands and feet, utilising punches, kicks, elbows and knees to land blows on her opponent, meaning that even if Klinge des Königs is removed from her person, Rosé is still capable of inflicting pain.

She'll even make use of her combat shoes, kicking them off at her opponents as a distraction, hence the loose lacing done on them.
Strong, self independence from centuries of self reliance.
A powerful drive to defend others from Grimm.
Rosé is a lot stronger than she appears, mostly due to her prostheses.
Strong, self independence from centuries of self reliance.
A powerful drive to defend others from Grimm.
Rosé is unwilling to open up to others as a result of her circumstances.
Rosé enjoys playing bowed string instruments.
Well played music.
Sparring/training with others.
Pushy people.
Those who claim to know more than they do.
Poorly played music.
Sparring/training with others.
Fun Facts:
Rosé plays several different bowed string instruments, violins to double bass; though she prefers playing a cello by plucking the strings. She'll sometimes play in public, mostly with the smaller instruments, not for money but to add some music to the air.
Recent Events:
Rosé has just returned to Vale after a long time spent traveling around the world, teaching at various combat schools and occasionally at one of the three academies outside of the Kingdom of Vale.
Alternate Characters:
August Valerian

Contact Rosé Carmine

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Rosé speaks in #BF0000