Viewing profile - Phlox Fessenden

Phlox Fessenden
Moody Ears
October 12th
Gender Identity:
Faunus (Vampire Bat ears and fangs)
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Phlox has an ectomorph body type, which is characterized by his long and lean limbs in comparison to the rest of his body. His slender abdomen and chest contribute to his lean physique. He has a striking appearance with his creamy, almost ghostly pale skin, which further highlights his sharp features. His jet-black hair cascades down in a mullet curtain, framing his face. His hooded eyes have noticeable dark circles, and his round face is accentuated by average lips. His snub nose and angular, sharp jawline complete his distinctive look, with fangs slightly longer than the average canine. His light brown bat ears protrude from the top of his head.
Outfit Description:
He wears a striking dark gray leather trenchcoat with a high fold-down collar. The coat is adorned with silver cross-shaped clasps that end at his knees. The inside of the coat is a beautiful lavender color and has small storage compartments for keeping spare ammunition and dust crystals. A holster on the back holds Requiem, his trusted weapon. Underneath the trenchcoat, he wears a black and dark violet turtleneck, something that Phlox keeps hidden. He also has a utility belt at his waist, presenting a runway of pockets, clips, and leather holsters designed for quick access and loaded with ammunition. One side of the belt has dust crystals, while chakrams attach to the other. He also wears deep charcoal pants made of impact-absorbing fibers, which allow him to move with ease and protect him from any possible impact. He also wears darkened leather combat boots . Phlox also wears a sleek, carbon fiber face mask that covers his nose and mouth, with a reflective visor that can be adjusted for visibility.
Personality Description:
Phlox is a person who tends to get impatient when things aren't moving fast enough for him and gets annoyed by delays, whether it's completing a task or defeating an enemy. He struggles to relax if he's not actively working on his goals, often feeling restless and agitated during downtime. Due to his tragic past, he sees the world and its inhabitants as harsh and unforgiving, always ready to destroy any hope or happiness he may find, but he still holds onto a glimmer of optimism deep down. Phlox also has social awkwardness due to his deep-seated trust issues, which makes it difficult for him to form meaningful connections with others, Additionally, he often feels overwhelmed in social situations and prefers to be alone, using this time to work on various projects and hobbies. Despite of these, he has an analytical and curious mind, inherited from his parents, who were gifted and inclined towards science. This often leads him to get lost in his studies or not pay attention to his immediate surroundings, as he is constantly tinkering to discover how things work, often exploring various projects and hobbies. Despite facing challenges, Phlox has an undying determination that fuels his relentless pursuit of achieving a task or goal.
Backstory Highlights:
Ever since he was a young child, Phlox has been fascinated by the natural, scientific, and mechanical world around him. Raised by engineer and physicist faunus parents, he was exposed to a wide range of knowledge and encouraged to explore his interests, usually through hands-on experiments and projects. Unfortunately, he and his parents faced discrimination and prejudice due to their faunus heritage, which only worsened as they were exceptional in their work, sparking rage and envy among the brilliant, human minds. This hostility slowly builds up over time, starting with making projects harder to get approved and opportunities limited despite glowing performance reviews. Then it got worse, as 'accidents' seemed to happen to the scientists, setting back what could be society-changing work, and the threats came next death. This went on for years, until a fateful evening when Phlox was 12, when he was quickly awoken by his parents, trembling with fear, telling him they needed to leave immediately to escape the escalating violence against them. Without hesitation, they packed what little they could carry and fled into the night, but a car 'accidentally' rammed into their car, leaving Phlox's parents critically injured, with the wreck in danger of going up in flames. Knowing their fates, his mother secretly hands him a map to a safe house before she and her husband climb out of the wreck, making a final plea for Phlox to run and save himself as they make a last stand against the very colleagues they had worked with. With tears streaming down his face, Phlox grabbed the map and ran into the darkness, not looking back as he heard the sirens approaching in the distance. Following the map after taking hold of himself, he arrived at a secluded chalet temple nestled deep in the icy Atlas ranges. There he's met by Professor Fawn, a retired deer faunus physicist, who told him she was his parents' contingency should calamity strike their family. She guides the overwhelmed, emotionally numb boy into her home, promising him refuge. In the months that follow, still wrestling inner demons from survivor remorse, Phlox slowly acclimates to Professor Fawn's tutorship as she nurtures his academic talents privately, but something is bubbling inside of him, and he finds out what it is during occasional visits to nearby frontier villages as he began recognizing in the weary miners and destitute families the same heavy persecution his parents faced for daring to innovate. It was vengeance. He felt vengeance against the oppressive forces that had taken everything from him, and he knew he had to channel it into something productive to truly honour his parents' memory, but not to stay on the sidelines, no, to try and make a difference in the world. With his newfound determination, he starts to train himself in the forms of combat, as well as being tutored by a retired huntsman. And one day, he will be ready to confront the corrupt powers that have taken everything from them.
First year student, Junior Librarian
Self taught/Mentorship under a retired Huntsman
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
Phlox has the ability to manipulate the range, frequency, and intensity of any sound waves from any existing source within a 5-meter radius , allowing him to create powerful sonic attacks by concentrating sound into sonic pulses or amplifying or deafening sound waves for strategic advantage in combat situations. Phlox uses his semblance to disorient and incapacitate his opponents, giving him the upper hand in battle. With the audio recorder, Phlox can use various audio pieces to create illusions that can make enemies hear things that aren't there. With great focus, he can use Reverb change the sound of one object to mimic another, allowing him to create illusions or confusion among his enemies during battle. Lastly, Reverb can utilize infrasound to cause nausea and disorientation, givng his opponent. Each one of these techniques costs a varying range of Aura, depending on difficulty.
Weapon Name:
Reqium Avengement
Weapon Description:
Reqium Avengement is a unique cello that boasts an average-length design, but is made from an incredibly sturdy alloy of rare woods and metals. This alloy, coupled with its robust design, makes it a formidable weapon for blunt force attacks. The cello's exterior is adorned with intricate engravings that tell tales of victory and battle scenes. Dr. Fawn's father created the original design, but both she and Phlox have upgraded it over time as he was in training. When it transforms into a crossbow, it can launch chakrams, each the size of a dinner plate. These chakrams are equipped with various dust crystals that provide unique elemental effects, giving the weapon versatility in different combat situations.In addition to its crossbow form, Reqium's Avengement can also transform into an axe. The crossbow limbs transform into blade edges, making it a formidable weapon for close combat. It can also collaspe, using multiple folding mechanisms, into a slightly larger guitar.
Other Gear:
-A wrist-mounted sling hidden under the trenchcoat sleeve
-Sonic grenades
-Audio recording/playback device
-Smaller chakrams
-Hologram decoys
-Smoke bombs
Fighting Style:
Phlox has an interesting fighting style, preferring to use a combination of speed, stealth, and deception. By utilizing his wrist-mounted sling to launch dust shots and using most of his other gear, Phlox aims to confuse, disorient, and cripple his opponent before striking with precision. Additionally, he aims to disarm his opponent by using his smaller chakras to target their weapons or limbs, further weakening them before delivering devastating blows with Requiem Avengement and the crossbow chakrams for precise shots. He also utilizes Reverb to deafen his steps and movements, as he uses smoke bombs to limit visibility, practically disappearing like a ghost and reappearing in the blink of an eye. He also uses his agility and Reverb defensibly and evasively, dodging and blocking attacks and countering with swift and calculated strikes, always keeping his opponent off balance. This combination of stealth, precision, and agility makes him a formidable opponent in combat, able to outmaneuver and outsmart his adversaries with ease and efficiency.
He's a tactican at heart, always thinking several steps ahead and adapting his strategy on the fly to exploit any weaknesses in his opponent's defenses. His ability to blend into the shadows and strike from unexpected angles gives him a distinct advantage in battle, making him a truly dangerous adversary on the battlefield. His curious mind d is always analyzing and strategizing, constantly seeking new ways to gain the upper hand in any situation. This makes him a highly unpredictable and versatile fighter, capable of adjusting his tactics on the fly to overcome any challenge that comes his way.
Ironically, it is loud sounds that serve as his biggest weakness s, as they disrupt his focus and give him headaches, though this can be solved using Reverb to direct any sound louder that 70 decibels from his ears. His pessimistic nature can also sometimes hinder his ability to see the potential for victory in difficult situations, leading him to underestimate his own abilities. Adittionally, his social awkwardness can make it challenging for him to form alliances or work effectively with others, often causing him to rely solely on his own skills and strategies in combat.
-Analouge Horror
-His alone time
-Creating gear
-Being in the spotlight
-Atlasian military
-Small talk
-His gear failing
Fun Facts:
-He likes to hang upside down from the top bunk in his dorm room to read or take naps.
-Makes a high-pitched squeak of excitement whenever he successfully executes a complex maneuver in combat, which gets muffled under the mask.
-Sings loudly in the shower, mostly power ballads from cheesy 80s movies.
-Ironically, is bad at playing the cello
-Has an uncanny love for analouge horror videos, often spending hours analyzing and critiquing them to himself.
-Enjoys spending his alone time tinkering with and perfecting his gear, constantly seeking ways to improve his performance in combat.

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I'm not a pessimist; I'm a realist. And reality is often pessimistic

Talks in #8000BF