Viewing profile - Professor Silas Aronheim

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Professor Silas Aronheim
Jun 29
Gender Identity:
Eye Color:
Stormcloud Gray
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Tall, broad-shouldered, and muscular, from behind Silas looks like he'd be a front-line brawler - a fact made all the more amusing by his nerdish demeanor and smooth-timbred voice.

He hides his slightly angular features behind a neat goatee and his muscles behind layers of draped fabric that break up his body line. Messy brown hair manages to stay out of his dark gray eyes through the miracle of Aura (or strategically-placed bobby pins, take your pick).
Outfit Description:
Silas' day wear consists of flowing scholar's robes in bright colors, a hooded cloak in darker hues, and a very flashy pair of knee-high gray leather boots. (Hey, they're super comfortable, okay?)

His combat outfit is much the same, though the color palette switches to be entirely composed of different shades of gray and dark blue - the best colors for blending into the shadows unseen.

No matter the outfit, Silas' clothes are lined with incredibly intricate patterns of Dust weaving stitched into every fold of his robes, both as a fashion statement and combat accessory.

The most striking part of his attire are his sapphire earrings, which he is never seen without. A gift from his former teammate, Silas wears them both as a reminder of his adventuring days and as a communication tool through his old team leader Narion's Semblance.
Personality Description:
Silas is always thinking of a joke that others wouldn't understand, evident in his perpetual half-smirk and twinkling eyes.

Easygoing and patient, Silas was aiming to be a teacher before he ever went to combat school. His ability to adapt to the times makes him easily approachable to his students - given that the subject matter of his classes tends to be dense and difficult, this is especially important to him: in his eyes, it's the mark of a good educator that students feel comfortable asking for help both in and out of the classroom.
Backstory Highlights:
Silas always knew he was different. From a young age it was apparent that saw things others could not, and his parents sent him to an exclusive boarding school in Mistral to figure out why. One of the teachers there was a retired Huntress who quickly realized that Silas' Semblance had always been unlocked, but without his own Aura being available to him he was unable to control it. She took it upon herself to train him in the use of Aura, and Silas studied diligently.

When it came time for him to choose a profession, Silas' parents were ecstatic when he chose 'teacher'. They were less enthused when he specified 'retired Huntsman and teacher', but sent him to combat school all the same. Silas attended Shade Academy in Vacuo and graduated as a part of team NNJA, an elite team made up of the four students whose abilities lent themselves the most to the removal of high-value targets

For the next decade, Silas and his team roamed the world, taking out the kind of Grimm that rookie Hunters have no business going anywhere near with an unprecedented 0% civilian casualty ratio.

Eventually, the team decided to part ways: Narion wanted to pursue his smithing more seriously, and Nathan and Jessica (who had married years ago) wanted to start a family. Silas took the opportunity to go to a civilian school and learn how to teach. HIs former Aura instructor from his early days of schooling now taught at Beacon Academy, and sent him a letter after he graduated asking to see him. When he got to her office, she handed him her letter of recommendation to the faculty that he replace her as Professor of Mathematics and Physics. With a cheeky smile, she explained that she was retiring and the job was now his.
Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Beacon
Silas graduated from Shade Academy and has been a Huntsman for twenty years. He also has a graduate degree in Secondary Education from a civilian university.
Semblance Name:
Hyperdimension - Plutarch
Semblance Description:
Silas can perceive, interact with, and travel through a set of three alternate spatial dimensions that he jokingly refers to as the Shadow Realm. As far as he's aware, no one else can natively interact with the Shadow Realm, though some perception Semblances can perceive objects in it.

Permanent physical constructions in Remnant are mirrored into the Shadow Realm, though their boundaries are significantly less restrictive: while in the Shadow Realm, Silas can move through walls as though they weren't there and fly with speed equivalent to a casual jog. Any physical object he is carrying when he steps into or out of the Shadow Realm also crosses the boundary with him for a minimal Aura cost. Any creature connected to his Aura when he crosses the boundary is also brought with him unless they have Aura active and choose to resist the effect.

Taking advantage of these properties, Silas' office is far, FAR more cluttered than it looks, as there are stacks of papers on virtually every surface in the Shadow Realm.

Extensive testing with his teammates during his school years has yielded the following data on the Shadow Realm:

- sunlight and moonlight do exist, but carry no wavelengths outside the visible spectrum
- objects in the Shadow Realm can stay there indefinitely with no adverse effects: paper doesn't yellow, food doesn't spoil, hot things stay hot, and cold things stay cold
- apart from Silas himself, anything that wasn't capable of flight outside the Shadow Realm doesn't gain the ability to fly while inside
- while anything with an Aura can move through walls in the Shadow Realm for a minimal Aura cost per second spent inside the boundary, Grimm cannot
- anything in the Shadow Realm cannot leave it without Silas bringing it out
- anyone in the Shadow Realm can still see, smell, and hear anything on Remnant with the same degree of efficacy that they could outside

Due to these factors, Silas is the ideal Huntsman to send after particularly dangerous Grimm, as he can simply banish them to the Shadow Realm and ignore their existence until the other Grimm are gone, or fight them one-on-one without fear of interference from a third party.
Weapon Name:
Firmament_s Edge
Weapon Description:
The true form of Firmament's Edge is something known only to his former team, his old weapons instructor, and his fellow Professors. As far as anyone else is aware, it is an impossibly sharp invisible blade of variable length. With a casual gesture, he can be seen to cut any Grimm into neat pieces.

In reality, the weapon is actually a swarm of nanoblades that are all controlled through his Aura and spend nearly all their time in the Shadow Realm. In combat, they flicker in and out of the Shadow Realm, often appearing inside the body of his target, making Grimm easy pickings for him.

Due to the nature of Aura, however, he is unable to shift the blades back into Remnant while inside another person's active Aura, making the blades merely incredibly sharp, fast-moving projectiles when fighting other people. While anyone who can't fight that sort of weapon would not graduate from an Academy, the sheer number of attacks he can levy using his weapon is enough to overwhelm all but the most stalwart opponents in short order.
Other Gear:
Silas carries a staggering number of single-use consumable items that are specialized for use in a variety of scenarios, including everything from elemental resistance potions to flashbangs to sets of dice (both loaded and fair).
Fighting Style:
Silas has taken the fact that his weapon and Semblance give him a distinct advantage in hit-and-run tactics to its logical conclusion. Never standing still, he is constantly darting into and out of the shadows (and into and out of the Shadows) while Firmament's Edge slices anything that gets too close into ribbons. Essentially impossible to pin down due to his ability so simply stop existing in the same plane as his enemies, Silas uses his Semblance for scouting and assassination-style tactics while operating in the field.

He is also fond of leaving clouds of nanoblades floating randomly in midair across the battlefield, flashing them out of the Shadow Realm just long enough to cause havoc before pulling them back into the other dimension to reposition them, leaving some to wonder whether his Semblance is actually some kind of shadow-based magic - a misconception he encourages.
Silas has mastered the art of skirmish tactics: hit-and-run attacks, dodging and weaving through crowds of enemies, navigating cities; you name it, if it's even tangentially related to fighting on the move, he's made it his mission to perfect it, both to aid and be aided by his Semblance better.

Having actually studied the art of teaching rather than coming to the profession due to natural aptitude (which he also has), Silas is highly skilled at changing up his lesson plans on the fly if his students aren't grokking the material.
Silas is not well-practiced in fighting other people, especially in a straight fight, and would be at a serious disadvantage against a well-trained melee combatant were it not for his ability so simply leave combat whenever he wants.
+ sunlight filtering through forest canopies or stained glass windows
+ art
+ the moon
+ herbal teas
+ math puns
+ students who apply extra effort in areas where they are deficient
- coffee
- the beach
- tardiness
- people who treat their pets like their literal children
- the concept of a fair fight
- students who coast on their talent in the things they excel in
Alternate Characters:
Kailyn Keison
Lauren Voltaire
Sean McCabe
Chain Dupp
Leonard Uaine
Azoireda Ikteris
Claire Buíocán
Ethan Sagol
Saoirse Luíseach
Hamish Ebony
Raymond Drizton
Ziva Kaplan
Nell Kotsiopoulos

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