Viewing profile - Professor Fiona L Caligo

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Professor Fiona L Caligo
Hoots, Night Eye
Gender Identity:
Owl Faunus
Character Picture:
Eye Color:
Dark Grey
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Fiona is of average height and a slim build, but still has a decent amount of muscle, despite her professor work she keeps fit and acrobatic, her back is actually very strong thanks to her wings giving her plenty of training.

Fiona's fauanus trait resemble wings and eyes of a stygian owl, the wings are about 4 meters across, giving her a wingspan of 8 meters.
She can use them to fly soundlessly

With her eyes, Fiona can see almost perfectly within darkness.
If artificial light is shone on her eyes, they gleam red.
Outfit Description:
Besides the outfit shown above, Fiona also has a leather flight suit for her combat outfit, it's special fitted for her and rather tight for the sake of staying completely soundless.
She wears a bomber jacket on top, to keep warm and store many of her more deadly implements.
Fiona's pilot goggles serve to dampen bright light and hide the reflective property of her eyes.

All of Fiona's clothes have been modified by her to fit her wings, having large holes cut into their back to fit her wings.

During free time, she prefers to wear dresses or tops that leave her back free.
Personality Description:
Fiona is a friendly and kind-hearted person who always has an open ear for others worries.

Despite how she may often seem sluggish, Fiona is extremely perceptive and will rarely let anything slip under her radar.

While only being a few years older than some of the upperclassmen, Fiona still adopts a somewhat motherly personality when teaching.

Fiona operates under the motto work smart not hard and often has a strict and thought out plan she follows to minimize effort.

Due to her Faunus trait, Fiona is nocturnal.
During the day, she's very sluggish and usually has to rely on outside help or substances to keep awake.
She usually picks up energy during the later afternoon and evening.
When not at work, she fully embraces her nocturnal nature.

Due to her wings being unable to fly when wet, Fiona hates rain and water in general.
Backstory Highlights:
Fiona Lilac Caligo, Daughter of Harald and Maredine Caligo, always had dreams of becoming a huntress, but was never allowed to live her dream.
Her parents being both Doctors, her father an atlas ex-military doctor and her mother a local doctor of Vale, now running a clinic for 30 years, she herself was destined, or rather forced to become one by the exception of her parents.
Not that she minded; for as long as she remembers, Fiona always loved helping others.
Sharing her kindness and seeing others smile thanks to it always granted her great fulfillment.

So, even if she was pushed to do so, by her parents, Fiona gave it her all, to become a doctor.
Starting early by taking biology courses early, interning in her parent's clinic, studying medicine in her free time, and finally beginning her career by enrolling in university with her parents' support, even her nocturnalism didn't impede her.

It was all going well.
Yet, when the sirens rang and the clinic Fiona was currently studying at was attacked by a gang of bandits trying to raid the place for drugs and dust used to treat patients and threatened the chief doctor in the operating room they were in, Fiona felt something in her guide her, using the bright operating light to blind the attacker and using her wings to push him to the ground, where she disabled the assailant with the approximate dose of anesthetic.
Fiona continued to defend the operating room.,Instead of going out and hunting the rest of the defenders, she decided to protect who she could, allowing the doctors present to finish the operation on time and saving the dying patient.

The sound decision-making was recognized by the huntsman that was called in to clear the raid.
After the situation was cleared, Fiona was recommended to Beacon, something her parents were proud of yet reluctant to see their daughter waste her bright future as a doctor.
A decision needed to be made: continue as a Doctor or become a huntress, as one she could protect many more people.

Yet, Fiona chose neither.
With her parent's support and pulling a few strings as Fiona enrolled in Signal, she completed her time at the academy with flying colors while still keeping up with her medicine studies, between huntsmen and her medical education Fiona had barely any free time, which was mostly just spent resting, something that got worse when she enrolled in Beacon, her nocturnalism being largely suppressed as Fiona even forced herself to change her sleeping cycle.

Medical studies were taxing her mentally while fighting Grimm or other students was taxing her physically, Fiona earned herself the title the Grimm Sleeper, as she was often in a foul mood due to constant stress and bad sleeping.
Yet, despite the pleas of her worried parents she pushed herself further, her semblance evolved and so did her understanding of medicine, Fiona using her own semblance to keep herself going for longer periods.
Despite the relief that offered, things were still tough and she was ready to give up at plenty of opportunities, yet, her teammates were always ready to help her and keep her going, not wanting Fiona's dream to go to waste, they'd do little things like wake her up on time, bring her breakfast in bed, help her with studies and do as much training as FIona could fit in, a true bond, much like family blossomed in Team FLSH.

A grueling 5 years later, Fiona had to make one final decision, which graduation ceremony to appear to.
Once again, she chose neither.
Deciding for the first time in years to just rest, spending the evening with her team alone in their dorm as they so often did during their study sessions.

Fiona continued to work as a huntress later, with her team FLSH, working as their combat medic.
FLSH was active for plenty of years, a true dream team, they meted out many Grimm incursions and helped the people of the countries as they traveled abroad, yet, nothing lasts forever.

After the team disbanded, simply due to a difference in interest, the two foreign members wanting to return home to Menagerie and Vacou, respectively and Fiona herself simply missing the comfort of her own home and the routine she was used to from before.

Fiona returned to her studies, and considering how she earned her doctorate in medicine, it was comparatively easy to earn the title of Professor of Combat Medicine, as finally being able to put her full attention to one thing miraculously made things MUCH easier.
After which, she once again enrolled at Beacon, yet now as a member of Staff.
Which, while bringing its own challenges, has been a blissful experience so far...if only the students were less reckless.

Who was she kidding?
She still loved fussing over her patients.
Professor of Security and Combat Medicine
Fiona is a practiced surgeon, from broken bones to bullet wounds, she knows how to fix it all.
Her semblance lending itself well to such undertaking.

She teaches Medicine, basic first aid and more advanced procedures that could save a life in the battlefield.
But also general security, the dos and don'ts of huntsman work, environmental hazards, where to camp and how to handle one's own gear.

As well as working as the school nurse and guidance counselor, having taken a side course in Physiotherapy, as being a teacher was boring her.
Semblance Name:
Lux and Void
Semblance Description:
FIona's semblance lets her control and bend light and darkness to her will.
Her control expands to about a hundred meters minimum even while doing other activities, her control is good enough to passively envelop herself in a mild shroud of darkness to protect her sensitive eyes.
If she spends more of her focus on her semblance, Fiona could control any light or darkness within sight.

Her main ways of using her semblance is to create areas of darkness by turning light in the area into a weaker wavelength or simply into a wavelength invisible to the eye.
She's fine-tuned this effect to blind everyone else, even most other faunus, only faunus with advanced night vision like her can see in these areas she creates.
To keep this advantage, she can even disable additional light sources by having them get swallowed by pockets of darkness, so trying to counter her by bringing another light source is largely futile.
Her control of darkness is precise enough to create fields of darkness around singular individuals and keep them blind.

She can do the complete opposite too, creating blinding flashes of light that make flash bangs look like LED's, despite the use of flash bangs being a bang, Fiona has little issues maintaining this level of brightness for a prolonged period of time.

Taking more focus, Fiona can focus light into a singular point to create lasers, these vary in power, the lowest level just being able to burn targets, at maximum output they can melt through metal with a single swipe.

Fiona can also use these laser in weaker frequency to cauterize wounds, though she needs to touch the affected wound as it requires a lot of precision.

With her years of practice, Fiona has also been able to manipulate her semblance to emit frequencies of light that amplify and speed up the healing properties of a person's Aura by exposing them to her light, though this only works for those that spent time training their aura, as without training it's simply too weak for her semblance to have any meaningful effect as this actively drains the aura of the person she's using it on.
The amplified healing can heal wounds in a few moments and even prevents the wound from scarring and even heal fractured bones in a few minutes, but broken bones would be too much of a strain on a person's aura, so they are better off left healing by themselves.

Fiona can bend surrounding light sources to fuel the effects of her semblance, which drains them and darkens the surrounding area, but if there are no other light sources she can also create light by sacrificing her aura to fuel her semblance.
Either option still drains Aura, the former just uses much more.
Weapon Name:
Weapon Description:
Fiona's weapon of choice is Circadian.
At first sight, Circadian is a simple wooden staff, but has a metal core within, she likes to use the staff to point things out on a chalk board.
With the simple press of a button, a long blade extends from one end of the weapon, forming a Halberd.
Circadian also has a second mode in which the staff telescopically folds into itself forming a hilt and the metal core and axe head combine to form a greatsword.

Regardless of mode, The butt-end of the weapon is hollow, filled with many lenses as well as a strong laser pointer, once again useful for lectures.
The real use of this is however for Fiona to amplify the laser with her semblance and using the lenses inside her weapon turn it into a deadly laser beam at effectively no cost to her aura.
The lenses can be cycled like a revolver magazine to allow Fiona to imbue her weapons shots with dust and even combine dust types.

If Hardlight dust is used while in Halberd form, a hardlight blade forms around the axe head, transforming it into a gigantic axe blade with a width of 10ft.
The blade is much sharper and superheated but has a short lifetime, as maintaining it can cause the weapon to overheat.
The hardlight blade can also be unleashed as a large slashing projectile or in a wide cutting arc.

Other dust types interact with the butt-end/hilt of the weapon in the following ways:

Lightning Dust turns the beam into a short ranged beam of lightning that homes in on targets.

Fire Dust gives the laser extra searing power and turns the single shot into a prolonged laser beam, able to melt steel.

Combustion Dust makes the target of the laser explode after a short delay, extra lethal if the initial shot pierces the target

Ice Dust makes the staff shoot out a cloud of ice particles in a large cone, only a few milliseconds later the actual laser is shot out, refracting against the many ice particles creating what is essentially a laser shotgun.
Other Gear:
Fiona always has the most basic medical supplies on hand, and trail mix, as raisins and nuts are an excellent source of nutrients when someone has to recover from blood loss.

A few extra lenses for Circadian, so her staff is always ready to go.
Fighting Style:
Fiona is an adept fighter; depending on what the situation calls for, she can usually adjust on the fly, quite literally, as her wings allow for amazing agility. While not as fast as most flight-based semblances, they have the added benefit of being completely soundless.

She usually does prefer the quiet approach, with her soundless flight and under the cover of darkness, or using her semblance to approach her target unseen.
Her semblance usually also lets her control the battlefield into an advantageous situation for her if prior conditions aren't met.

Once in position, she's perfectly fine letting Circadian do the talking, the weapon being just as adaptable as its user with the adjustable dust lenses and having long, mid and short range attack modes.
Fiona is a kind and insightful person, she can usually find a way to get along with even the most troubled students or individuals.

She is very patient and stress resilient, in normal social situations it's almost impossible for Fiona to lose her cool.
While, always worried about her patients or students, she is a trained professional and will act accordingly in any situation.

Fiona is also very adept at multitasking, with her history of focusing on two professions at the same time granting her an uncanny ability to focus on two or three things at the same time, even using her wings to an extent for everyday tasks.

Fiona is easily able to identify most common injuries and ailments at a glance and devise a treatment method quickly.
Fiona is very overprotective and will readily put herself in harms way to protect others, even those that may not need protection as much as she thinks, in general she's prone to underestimating her peers due to this.

Fiona, despite having went to huntress school and having ran a team is not a very good combatant when compared to her peers, even as a huntress, Fiona is a healer first.
Coffee, Energy drinks, anything that contains caffeine really.

Her jobs, working in general.

That one little store in Vale that sells Faunus care products, which sells shampoo bottles made for wings.
Summer, too much sunlight and the days are too long.

Cramped spaces, crowds and tunnels, tunnels are the WORST!
Fun Facts:
Fiona likes puns.
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Alternate Characters:

Contact Professor Fiona L Caligo

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Fiona rambles in #BEB6A3