Viewing profile - August Valerian

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August Valerian
June 19th
Gender Identity:
Faunus. Fox Ears.
Character Picture:
6' 2"
175 lbs
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Pale yellow
Physical Description:
August is a tall lanky individual, he is very slim.

August has styled orange bed hair, his fox ears having the same colour with black tips. His eyes are amber in colour and have a sense of amusement in then. His mouth is almost always upturned in a smirk.
Outfit Description:
August usually wears a white shirt with the top couple of buttons undone and a black/dark grey jacket over the top with the front left open. Skin tight jeans are his go to trousers with white plimsoll shoes and short socks.
Personality Description:
August is brash, happy-go-lucky, loud and arrogant to cover his low confidence, he is truly 'fake it till you make it' in motion.

August is a selfish individual, caring little for the victims of his thefts. He does draw the line at murder, if someone is willing to murder, what else are they willing to do? And so August tries to avoid working with individuals who take lives.

He enjoys antagonising people, although he has some respect for hunters. Students training to become hunters are fair game though!
Backstory Highlights:
August doesn't know his place of birth, nor who his parents are. He grew up traveling town to town on the back of a cart with others. He quickly discovered that making mischief was a good way to earn the attention of the adults who would otherwise ignore him. August would one day try to steal from a Hunter, their weapon specifically. the Hunter caught him in the act, but rather than punish him, the Hunter instead trained August, hoping to guide him away from a life of crime.

This continued for several months, one day the Hunter didn't return from a mission. August waited for several weeks, trying to ignore everyone telling him that the Hunter had returned home without him. Eventually August gave up waiting, embittered towards the absent Hunter and would turn the skills he had been taught towards a life of self satisfaction.

Years would pass in this manner, August giving the Hunter little thought, until he came across some old correspondence. In it, he learned that the Hunter had, in fact, not returned because they had gone home like he had been lead to believe but instead had died during the course of their mission. August spent several weeks in turmoil before deciding that he would leave and head to the Kingdom of Vale, hoping to carry on the Hunter's hope for him by going to Beacon Academy.

Once August arrived however, his weak confidence, having been weakened further by the realisation that he had been lied to for years, failed him. He instead returned to his life of petty crime and theft, quietly being haunted by the Academy.
Small-time Criminal/Thief
Mostly learned from his time traveling from town to town. Although his fighting skills were taught to him by a Hunter, who helped August unlock to Aura and Semblance.
Semblance Name:
Covert Strongbox
Semblance Description:
August can store and retrieve small items into and out of a 'pocket'. Items inside the 'pocket' do not cost any Aura, only the act of storing or retrieving an item costs Aura. A quirk of the 'pocket' is the apparent lack of passage of time for items inside, meaning a hot item will remain hot, a live grenade will not go off until retrieved to name a few things.

He has a reach of 10 feet from his outstretched hand, able to effect items he can see and place items into spaces to can see as well. A pane of glass is no impediment but pitch black darkness restricts him to only being able to affect items in his hands or place items into his hands. His Semblance is incapable of imparting momentum to items, so he cannot throw items, though he can place items in open air and let them drop. A restriction is that he is incapable of storing humans, faunus, animals and grimm, though severed limbs and dead bodies are things he could store. Storing items takes slightly longer than retrieving an item, there is about a half second to store an item, whereas retrieving an item can take a fraction of a second (we're talking about 1/10th of a second here.).

In terms of costs, small handheld items don't cost much Aura to retrieve or store, although repeated retrieving and storing (Each action within several seconds of another) of small items can drain his Aura rapidly. Larger items, up to the size of a adult human, cost more the larger the item, with the largest items August can only store and retrieve them a couple time per day, completely draining his Aura to do so. Should August completely drain his Aura, he can no longer store or retrieve items from his 'pocket' and all currently contained items will drop, as close as possible, near August's right hand.
Weapon Name:
Perfectly Imperfect
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
A pair of reddish-pink tonfas with built in shotguns. The shotguns have various dust ammunition for utility, such as Fire dust for producing fireballs, Ice dust for encasing limbs in ice.

The shotguns don't possess enough force to be used as a mobility aid, although with the use of Gravity dust he can achieve rapid changes in direction and even extend long jumps and high jumps with careful timing.

August never received the training and skills that Hunters receive, as such his weapons are relatively simple and are incapable of transforming.
Other Gear:
A wide variety of grenades, flashbangs and smoke grenades, some of which have been pre-armed and held in waiting inside his 'pocket'.
A distraction fox wind up toy -->
Various vials of different dust for use with Perfectly Imperfect.
Fighting Style:
August doesn't believe in a fair fight seeking to gain what advantages he can over his opponent, be that with his equipment, the environment or other. His is fast and aggressive, getting up close and personal to try and make up for he weaker fighting skills, though he will attempt to retreat and escape the moment he realises that he can't win the fight.
August is quick to rebound from dark moods.
August is weaker than most hunters in a straight fight. Fair fights are for losers!
A good cup of coffee.
Antagonising people.
A bad cup of coffee.
Being lumped in with murders/killers.
Fun Facts:
Nicknames that August has given to others:
Kinto - B.Bee
Castor - Kay
Rouge - Scarlet
Recent Events:
He has only arrived in Vale recently, although a string of petty crimes and thefts have been reported around the same time August showed up. How curious?

He has started encountering some interesting people around Vale.
He struck up a deal with a mysterious Vigilante called Kinto.
He has raided a hotel vault with a criminal student called Castor.
He turned himself into 3rd year student Rouge.

Contact August Valerian

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August speaks in #FFBF00