Viewing profile - Pericles Herodotus Ozymandias

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Pericles Herodotus Ozymandias
Kyaneos (Pen Name)
October 22
Gender Identity:
Faunus: Lion's Strength
Character Picture: ... sp=sharing
Personal Emblem Image: ... sp=sharing
240 Lb
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
Aura Color:
Constellation Blue
Physical Description:
He is mixed race of Mistralian and Vacish, with broad shoulders and black curly hair that forms a pseudo lion's mane around his head, though this is not his actual Faunus trait. He has angular features that exacerbate his typical stony expression, borne from concentration in what he is hyper-focusing on at the moment. His arms and legs are adorned with various training scars, though nothing to overt. He is muscular, yet not in anyway that would suggest the aid of certain products, but rather of dedication, fortunate genetics, and being a lion Faunus, though he will claim that there was no fortune about it.
Outfit Description:
Things that are handcrafted and practical, though still elegant. Things such as cloaks, tunics, and other more traditional Mistralian garbs are his usual pick. Though he does have a secret adoration for early modern Valean waistcoats and ties.
Personality Description:
Pericles is an individual who reminisces on a past that he never actually knew. He idealizes the civilizations of ancient Vacuo and Mistral, which he believes were marvels of culture and societal structure, only brought down by treachery and dishonor. As such, he believes that there are many lessons in the ancient world that will help the modern world one day reach the greatness of its forebears.Honor and knowledge are valued the most in his mind, as he hopes to reshape the world to retain its former glory and in doing so, finally best the Grimm that have claimed so many great and fascinating cultures.Through these ironclad beliefs, he has become quite stubborn and prideful in his motives and ways of action, only ever altering his ideals and ideas in the face of the wisdom of one who he views as an elder.Friendship in his eyes, should at its core be indistinguishable from family. Pericles believes that one should seek out the aid comrades with great pride in their duty to their friends, family, and cause. Simultaneously, they ought to grant assistance to all those who have honored them and show honor to others.
He believes that the greatest tragedy of existence is true death, when no one remembers the deeds that you did for the wider world. In his mind, the only pursuit more noble than recording the great deeds on individuals, is carrying those deeds out themselves.
Backstory Highlights:
Raised in Argus and Mistral City on the combined heritage of Vacuoan royal advisors on his father’s side and Mistrali kings and emperors on his mother’s, Pericles grew to long for the days of long past civilizations. Training at Sanctum Academy, Pericles sought to learn as much as he could of poetry, history, and political struggles so that he could win battles fought both on the battlefield and behind the closed doors of the corrupt leaders of Mistral. He now heads to Beacon Academy with the hope of putting some distance between himself and Mistral for the rest of his training, lest the newer political elites of Mistral (Crime Families) seek to make him disappear before he can reclaim his rightful position over his homeland. For this reason he has become quite paranoid and observant of others who he deems to be 'players' in the game of politics.
Due to his heritage his family has a fair portion of wealth and in exchange for their past political power and he has therefore developed a familiarity with disposable income, yet he has not taken this for granted. He values every Lien that he spends almost solely on training and equipment beyond necessary living expenses. The only superfluous expense he is used to is for the purchase of old tomes and poetry. As he has grown up and trained, Pericles has often struggled with his urge to throw himself fully into Huntsman training and abandoning it altogether in order to instead become a full-time poet, anthropologist, and philosopher. Especially since his parents own and run the largest museum in Mistral, The Alcmaeonid Antiquity Museum (Also known as the Kerameikos Museum), which focuses on the cross-cultural impact that ancient Mistral and Vacuo had on one another. The museum is located in Mistral city, Mistral, and Pericles was raised in the nearby suburbs.
His parents care for him deeply, though they find themselves quite absorbed with work and each other to be there that often for Pericles. Their formal royal status is now almost entirely ceremonial, but there are those who still recognize the authority of imperial family.
Student and Freelance History Tutor
Pericles found his education in a combination of both public and private learning environments. While he received the lion's share of his knowledge from his time in regular schooling and eventually Sanctum Academy, he received secondary tutoring on the additional subjects he requested to be learned in, through a mix of private tutors and his own parents.
Semblance Name:
Pharoahs Endevour
Semblance Description:
Allows Pericles to harvest and reform sediments (sand, small minerals, clay, gravel, silt, dirt/mud) into structures for himself and his allies within a radius of 50m. These structures shall not be any more complex than the combination of simple 3D shapes of rectangular prisms, inclined planes, and cylinders. These structures are ranked in strength in the order of [Sand=Silt < Minerals=Gravel < Dirt=Clay], where each material has a cost coefficient applied based on its tier [Tier 1: x1 ; Tier 2: x1.5; Tier 3: x2]. As each one forms into its respective sedimentary version: Sand will harden into sandstone, dirt into limestone, clay into shale, pebbles into conglomerate, etc.

The cost of construction on his Aura increases with every cubic meter of material harnessed.
Weapon Name:
King of Kings
Weapon Description:
King of Kings: Dual 4 ft Khopeshes that fuse into two different forms. If the hilts are brought together with the blades facing the same direction, then they will extend to help form a 300 lb draw-weight Egyptian recurve bow with an attached hook winch. On the other hand, if the blades are facing opposite directions, then the hilts will extend even further to create a dual-ended sword-stave.

Pericles also keeps hold of Gravity Dust and Wind Dust tipped arrows for creating gravity wells/repulsors, and wind gusts respectively.
Other Gear:
Lion’s Pride: Brass-plated leather lamellar armor and greaves, over-top a white upper body tunic and black pants, framed by an Egyptian-blue chlamys and Blue-white Corinthian helmet.

Chariot of Sky: Mycenaean style fortified chariot, with a mixture of blue and brass coloring. It has no actual horses and instead hovers 2ft above the ground and is powered by Gravity Dust. It has a top speed of 30mph, and is reduced to 20mph with more than 3 people, while being capable of holding a maximum of 4. Further, it can mechashift down into a Mycenaean shield for cover in combat.
Fighting Style:
Pericles prefers to spend the time before any battle in order to make a plan of approach, and he can sometimes be stubborn when it comes to anyone suggesting a battle-plan other than an approach. He likes to charge forward on his chariot, firing arrows down upon his target, covering his approach in arrow-fire. If he is in a team, he prefers to lead it, and if he's leading it then he is leading it from the front-lines as he charges down his targets with overwhelming force in an attempt to create panic and disorder among enemy lines. That is not to be said that this is all done with reckless abandon, as while he prefers to be on the approach, he is open to a more subtle and stealthy approach to combat.
A highly skilled shot, Pericles can aim with masterful precision and accuracy to a range of 4oo yds. While not fast on his feet, his arms move with great swiftness as he wields his khopeshes with great mastery and strength. Further, he is incredibly strong due to a combination of lion faunus heritage and training, which allows him to wield his sword stave with ease and charge forward with all his weight as he brandishes his shield in front of himself. Having studied a great deal of history, he is an apt leader of large groups of warriors, but can struggle to translate that into a smaller unit of fighters.
While capable of fighting at speed, agile movement itself is not his strong suit. Weighed down both by heavy equipment and his own mass, Pericles will struggle to fend off opponents who specialize in quick darting in and out attacks, or flanking movements, as while he is capable of reaching great speeds in comparison to a civilian, it takes time for him to build up the momentum, and as such, turning is also a great difficulty.
Further, Pericles’ pride can sometimes get in the way of him taking orders from others, if he deems them to be unwise or otherwise not someone suited in his eyes to be a leader or advisor.
History, camaraderie, training, structure, anthropology, archeology, lyre playing, singing, poetry, and cooking.
Impulsiveness, treachery, anarchy, ignorance, and... Pollen (He's allergic).
Fun Facts:
-Despite his love for ancient Mistralian and ancient Vacish culture, Pericles finds himself heavily enticed and enthused by early modern Valean fashion trends such as riding cloaks, waistcoats, and ties.
-Growing up, he acted as the local freelance tutor for history, philosophy, and language arts.
-He actually hates tea
-He is meant to symbolize the cross-culturalism of Greece and Egypt.
-Follower of the Maiden’s Temple, most specifically the Winter Maiden.
-Ozymandias is the Greek name for Ramses the II
-Pericles’ name is actually symbolic of his cross-culturalism, with Pericles (Greek) on the left, Ozymandias (Egyptian) on the right, and Herodotus (A Greek and Egyptian historian) sat between them.
Recent Events:
Pericles has recently arrived in Vale and is doing his best to get used to a Kingdom that he knows of only in name and in reference to its involvement with the Kingdoms of Vacuo and Mistral. While both of his parents had visited the Kingdom prior to his birth, he has never stepped out of Mistral and now finds himself quite lost and admittedly somewhat frightened by the large and imposing nature of the concrete jungle that is the city of Vale.

Pericles has also redoubled his talks with the Mistralian Council not part of crime families. He is currently making efforts to strengthen his influence and forge agreements with those in power in his home Kingdom.
Alternate Characters:
None yet so far.

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Those who learn from history are destined to re-achieve it!

Pericles enunciates in #0080FF