Viewing profile - Kiera Ambers

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Kiera Ambers
August 2nd
Gender Identity:
Cis female, She/her
Faunus (Goldfish)
Character Picture: ... 8da3b5ea6&
Eye Color:
Baby blue
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Kiera's skin is pale, and she has shoulder-length blonde-brown hair. She has one side of her hair done up into a braid, and the back is tied into a ponytail.
Her skin is littered with scars and scuffs from her early training sessions and spills, the most notable of which being a notch in her tail and a missing half of her ring finger on her right hand.
Thanks to her faunus heritage, she has both a tricolored fish tail and lateral line organs running across either side of her body, marked by similarly colored scales - to the untrained eye, they would simply appear as such.
Her lateral line organs serve as a sort of 'sixth sense', helping her detect nearby movement and vibration, as well as increasing her spacial awareness and coordination. It also allows her to be able to seek out nearby targets through vibrations.
Outfit Description:
Loose-fitting and comfortable, largely prefers thin breathable fabrics. Current outfit consists of a brown gingham-patterned scarf, blue and white striped (combat!!!!!) skirt, black tights, blue and white arm and leg warmers, and boots.

Her school uniform is usually worn normally, though with the same arm and leg warmers as her leisure outfits.
Personality Description:
Infinitely extroverted and happy-go-lucky, Kiera grabs onto what she wants others to have and will never let go. Enamored by the idea of "wish granting" - doing whatever favors she can for others - she follows whatever path she can in pursuit of being able to give those she cares about what they deserve and will not give up. Somewhat airheaded, but emotionally intelligent enough. Can end up missing some pretty obvious social cues win her pursuit of making people happier, but it's never ended up super badly.

Her cheery nature and devotion to helping everybody means her own feelings often get neglected, however. She's very guarded about any 'bad' sides of her personality, hiding them as deep as possible (literally - her diary is in the most obscure corner of her dorm room). Has pretty complex feelings about some darker periods of her life - namely, being so othered from her faunus heritage and the unintentional harm that came to her and her education from that. Hates the idea of being so far behind that it would be impossible for her to catch up and be useful, and reaching a standstill in life like she did as a young teen.
Backstory Highlights:
Born to a fling between faunus and human, Kiera was reared in a small town somewhere just inland of Argus. Her mother - no doubt a goldfish faunus similar to her, not that Kiera cares to pry anymore - was out of the picture before you could blink an eye. She doesn't understand the cause of her mother's departure, nor does she mourn over it; sometimes, that was just how the cookie crumbles.

Her father would be the first to admit he didn't know how to raise a faunus child. He was at a loss a lot of the time with her habits, and would probably not have gotten through it if not for the tremendous help he had raising her from much of their community. Their population had been on a downward trend for a long time, with more opprotunities found in the nearby city, so she was one of the few children in her age group - which, luckily, meant all the more attention for those devoted enough (or poor enough) to stay. Thankfully, the older faunus in their town especially were willing to lend a hand with her. Even if he wasn't perfect, he tried to learn what he could to raise and give her what Kiera needed and wanted, and these values branded themselves on her.
Their small town was rather poor, and for the first leg of her life the faunus girl often saw people go without - their town lacked proper defenses against grimm much of the time, many families lacked. And while nothing catastrophic ever hit their little pocket of the world, the feeling of forboding always seemed to settle over the shoulders of its' residents, particularly the adults.

One of the most important figures in her life besides her father was family friend and travelling huntress Faye Briar, who was a native to their home and had grown up alongside her father. She still had ties strong enough there to visit often, and those ties strengthened as Kiera grew older and began following her like a shadow. The huntress never really expected to begin helping in raising a child, let alone one not her own - but as time went on, the line between her being a friend and her being family began to blur. Despite what they didn't have, Kira never paid much mind to what was missing from her life - her imperfect, patchwork family was hers, and with that she may as well be rich. Speaking of Faye, she often took the time to gift Kiera and her friends with items that had made her think of them along her travels - and the first time this happened, and she saw they way her peers faces lit up at the sight of their presents, a switch seemed to flip in her head.
From that day forward, she would never seem to miss a single chance to pass her glee along. Go ahead to recess, everyone, she would take care of flipping all the chairs onto the desks. Consider the old lady next door's walkway shoveled the moment it snowed (which was a lot). If that scary bug in the corner was a Grimm, consider her a huntress!


Seeing the way Faye traveled across the world (not really, mostly just Anima, but it might as well be the world to a kid) planted a little seed of an idea in her head. They helped people, right? A lot? Even if their main thing was slaying Grimm, that was helping people, and before she knew it the idea that becoming a huntress would be the best way to "grant people's wishes" was lodged in her head. She was practically vibrating with excitement as she presented the idea to her father and Faye the next time she was in town.

Immediate no from them both. Kiera didn't exactly have a track record being huntress material. Partially because of her young age (thirteen, to be exact), but mostly because of her resoundingly clumsy nature. It had been pretty concerning in her early years (yes, she was constantly bundled up and having to navigate the thick snow, but how clumsy could that make a kid?), but with time they had begun to accept it as just a trait of hers... one that would probably make her and becoming a huntress incompatible. But, as her determination often was, she was unrelenting. Call her a shadow before, now she was basically Faye's tail during the time she was in town. During the months she was gone, she was practially down her father's throat with the ways she would be able to help people, c'mon Pops, can't I do good things for the world?...

A long, long year of this passed before they finally broke. FINE. Obviously she wasn't going to quit, and Faye could see how that determination could be funneled into good huntress practices. Probably. Thus began training, and -- have you ever heard the saying, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results"? That was how Kiera was for the first months of training. Her reaction time was slow, she was obviously clumsy, alongside a laundry list of things that Faye fully expected to see get better in time. They did, kind of, but at a definite snail's pace. Much, much slower than her mentor expected. Faye put off unlocking the girl's aura; she needed to learn how to defend herself without it, first, because dropping herself into battles like this expecting it to carry her would probably get her killed.

Well, maybe she'd just take to something else. Her ability to retain the knowledge she absolutely needed to be a huntress, like basic weapon safety and weapon types and fighting styles were there, but things like history and similar curriculars were lost on her. Smithing ended up surprisingly okay until an event later on, even if her early pieces were messy. A little too messy with a lack of improvement, though, just like most of her other areas. Still, Kiera kept her head up and kept at her lessons every day with a boundless energy that Faye really wasn't sure how she kept up with. It would continue like this for half a year.

All of her training misshaps seemed to culminate in a particularly gory day during a smithing lesson where she managed to miss the piece she was working on with a hammer completely and land it against the end of her ring finger. The silence before the freak out both of her parents ( :) ) would have that day was infinitely louder than any pain she experienced. Though, maybe that was just the adrenaline talking.


It would be three months of them refusing to let her do any further lessons before landing on the idea that maybe they needed a... reset. Faye was pretty sure telling her to quit at this point would crush the kid into little tiny pieces, and part of aforementioned smithing accident was absolutely on the huntress for not unlocking her aura sooner, so maybe showing her the lives of hunters and huntresses outside their home would be good for her? Especially if they were ones closer to her age, in training. And the Vytal festival was coming up, so...

Many, many promises to be totally behaved and an unlocked aura later, they arrived in Vale for a two-week stay. Seeing all the city had to offer, the hunters and huntresses-to-be, Beacon Academy... it all seemed to change Kiera's brain chemistry permanently, and whether or not it was for the better was subjective. She had brought all the money she had scrounged up from her various favors and chores (not a lot to spend it on back home) and had just enough to spend on an outfit more appropriate for the climate of Vale - all one could really wear in such cold were thick fleeces and downy coats.

Seeing the first few rounds of the event excited her enough that she dragged the huntress into a training session the first moment she could, and the morning after, and the day after that. During these next training sessions a difference would become blatantly apparent: Kiera stood fast, copying her mentor's movements and dodging attacks almost the way a student with her training should have been, and their spar was close - for a girl so terminally behind in her training despite all efforts, this was pretty shocking. Despite Faye's relentless questioning, Kiera couldn't explain her sudden spike in skill; it just all felt different. She could feel her surroundings, Faye's movements and attacks, her body so much more. It was like the lights had turned on for the first time, and she could see! Explaining it in a way her mentor could understand escaped her.

Thus, began a cycle - they would return home, and Kiera's abilities in battle would tank. They'd leave to someplace south in Mistral, or west to Vale, and her plateau in training would break. It was certainly perplexing, and her father and mentor fought against the initial impulse to place the blame on laziness: a girl who was lazy wouldn't toss herself headfirst into spars for hours. Maybe she just didn't deal well with the cold, but plenty of experienced fighters had come out of places like Atlas and Argus. The idea of it being related to her faunus type definitely crossed their minds, but with neither of them being faunus or knowing many other fish faunus they couldn't just assume...

Either way, the fact that her training wouldn't be able to continue here was readily apparent. Her father knew that one day she'd have to leave, and actively pushed her to chase future opprotunities outside of their home (there was a reason their town's population had been declining so sharply), but he'd never imagined it would come so fast. But, he realized he had run into something his daughter needed that he just... couldn't fulfill. Their home couldn't fulfill.

They worked out the arrangements, and with plenty of tears from her father and sad smiles out of Kiera, they took a seam-ripper to their patchwork family and departed for better pastures.

The next few years the faunus girl's training flourished - she would assist in constructing her first proper weapon, Wishbone (without losing any half-digits this time) and made strides towards becoming a student of her target academy, Beacon. For the first time in her life she was average, and she'd never admit any of this, but that was relieving. Maybe she was a little (a lot) behind in her studies, but that wasn't because of something she couldn't control! Mostly. She was a little (a lot) stupid. But that still felt better than whatever had been going on with her. Besides, she found ways of studying that almost worked for her and wasn't just her mentor drilling piece after piece of info into her head (no matter who you were, you could remember even things you weren't interested in after enough of that): dictating related readings to those who were willing to listen, usually the children of whatever town they found themselves in who thought her huntress-in-training stuff was SO cool.

Not that she never got distracted. She'd often get requests from younger kids to read out their own books, which she couldn't deny.

"You know," says the faunus, after a long reading session in the local square. "One of those kids was making me read a book about fish. Is it 'cause i'm a fish? Anyway, y'know theyve kinda got six senses?"
"We have our sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste, but they've kinda got more. They have this weird, uh, line thing on the side of their bodies, and it helps them swim around and stuff and know when things are coming toward 'em, and if you chop it they stop schooling and stuff. It makes sense to me, cause imagine if you could fly everywhere all the time and there was no ground, like, how would you know which way is up an--"

Cue the absolute worst 'click' moment for her mentor ever. Kiera didn't understand why Faye interrupted her tangent to whack her head against the nearest wall until she explains. Things finally make a little sense, they replace most of her remaining winter clothing, and send them to her father to hand down to the kids back home.


Maybe she's not the best student or huntress, but she's the best she can be. And that has to be enough, because it's never not been.

Beacon Academy First Year
Trained and studied from the ages of 14 to her enrollment with huntress Faye Briar, and spent age 15 onwards traveling with her around Anima. Has never been in a serious conflict or Grimm battle under her mentor's watchful eye, but has learned enough skills over the years to pass her entrance exams.
Semblance Name:
Pay It Forward
Semblance Description:
[She has not realized yet that this is her semblance.]

Based on the emotional value an act of service has for the person she preforms it for, she gains a temporary boost of a certain ability out of a small pool - strength, speed, intellect, and aura amplification are a few of the options, whatever serves the person she's helping best. Depending on how far beyond her usual capabilities the thing she uses this strength for is, though, it depletes her aura more rapidly - doing something taxing enough has the possibility of breaking her aura the instant she's finished with it (think moving something incredibly heavy, travelling a long enough distance in a short enough amount of time, or boosting someone's aura enough to heal some bad, but not life-threatening wounds.)
Weapon Name:
Weapon Image: ... c0872a869d
Weapon Description:
Wishbone, at first glance, is a multicolored patterned fishing rod with a sturdy, steel-wire line and sharp wishbone-shaped hook at the end, along with a blade at its' tip to be used like a bayonet. Pushing the spinning handle inward, however, unfolds the back end of the rod into a a gun that shoots with the spin of its' reel.
Its' polka-dotted end is more pliable than the rest of it, allowing for it to maintain similar tension as a normal fishing rod.
Other Gear:
Often carries a brown case strapped to her back that stores her weapon.
Fighting Style:
Noticeably takes a side-stance while fighting, and relies very heavily on her 'sixth sense' and ability to sense her opponents' movements without looking at them to her advantage, often using Wishbone's hook to trip them up and get them in close quarters with her so she can attack with the blade at her weapon's tip. She's not as well of a fighter from a distance, her overreliance on getting her opponent close to her meaning she doesn't have as much skill as she should with the gun that it folds out. Also has a habit of trying to use Wishbone's line to attack around corners. Getting better at that?
Selfless. Need an inch, and she'll give a mile.

Is incredibly coordinated in the right conditions thanks to her lateral line.

Knows how to spot a sad person. Can probably sniff out and lock onto the location of a person having a bad day from the other side of the city, CAN AND WILL be their friend and solve their problem. This is a threat.

A bit hard to surprise - like, physically. With her ability to sense vibrations she can usually tell when someone's on their way towards her at least a few moments before they show themselves.

Doesn't really know when to quit.
Has a very hard time with coordination in cold places, primarily due to the fact that cold-climate clothes are so much thicker and prevent her lateral line from working. She trained quite a bit at home to try and compensate for it, but she can only do so much when it feels like she's missing one of her senses.

Not exactly book, or common sense-smart. Knows weapon safety like the back of her hand, but a lot of the minutia of school curriculum is lost on her.

Not the best shot from a distance.

Bad at telling when people are annoyed.

She has not figured out that she even has a semblance yet. Her general common sense combined with its' usually-subtle effects means it hasn't clicked that what she's experiencing isn't normal.

Has a hard time being honest about her difficult feelings. Would much rather ignore them for the good.

Doesn't really know when to quit.
Crowds! Schooling instincts mean she most in her element around other people, and the more the better.

Helping people! It really goes without saying that it is her lifeblood. Most of her free time is spent on something that will eventually help another person, at least in her mind.

Talking with people is and will always be one of her favorite passtimes. Probably on a quest to know the name of every student in Beacon.
Relentless pessimism. Yes we will all die and most likely be forgotten by the annals of history so what's the point. No she doesn't care <3

Thick clothing. Now that she's gotten used to her 'sixth' sense over the past few years it's even harder to be without it.

Would never be honest about it, but plateauing in life. Being stuck somewhere she doesn't like and being unable to change that would drive her absolutely nuts.
Fun Facts:
Her character playlist can be found here! -> [ ... AojbQmK_BA ]

Voiceclaim is

Totally knows how to knit and sends the resulting articles home.

Surprisingly fashionable and has an interest in cutesy clothes.

Wishbone's hook is shaped like that mainly because she completely screwed it up while building it but also thought it was cool.

Wishbone is also a gun because she thought it would be cool.

Doesn't like to call Faye her mom - moms have a bit of a bad track record in her mind - but the huntress is absolutely her second parent.

Would like to go to Menagerie someday and learn more about faunus culture.

Doesn't know, but probably has half siblings through her mom out there... somewhere.

Always, constantly hungry. One of the unexpected faunus traits her father had to deal with was her insatiable appetite for everything that would fit in her mouth as a child. Also a faunus trait.

Wags her tail.

Bad sense of direction. Also still needs to use her hands to tell right from left.

Since losing her finger, has become primarily left-handed.

Has had a tendency since childhood to sleepwalk and fall asleep standing up. Also also a faunus trait.

Is truly winning the idgaf war.
Alternate Characters:
none. yet :)

Contact Kiera Ambers

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listen to kiera's playlist!
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