Viewing profile - Grise Heldar

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Grise Heldar
Gender Identity:
78 kilos
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
A tall, always armor-claded woman with long grey hair and eyes, and an often cold and hard-to-read expression.
Outfit Description:
Usually a tough armor, with leather clothes underneath to ensure flexibility at the joints. When she's not wearing it, usually bland clothes, but she dislike taking her armor off
Personality Description:
Grise is a weird and hard to comprehend young woman. Very first degree, she struggles with expression, humor and irony, and somewhat lacks empathy. She also dislike crowds, loud noises and lacks flexibility.
Furthermore, she holds the strange belief that Grimms are necessary for the balance of the world, as without them Humans and Faunus population would be left unchecked, which mistakenly leads people to believe her to be on the Grimm's side, when fighting them is her only true passion in life. Though thanks to her teammates, she's getting better at socializing.
Backstory Highlights:
She dislikes talking about her past, but by hanging with her long enough and getting her to trust you, she could admit to you that the reason why she became a Huntress was because she felt it was the only thing she was good at. Or to be more precise, the only thing where she is gifted. And you might deduce from this that the actual reason why she doesn't want Grimms to disappear is because if they did, she would loose the only thing she believes she is good at... But that's something you'll never hear her admit.
Originally a student in Mistral, but was sent to Beacon as an exchange student
Was part of Mistral before coming to Beacon
Semblance Name:
Blessed touch
Semblance Description:
A simple Semblance for a simple goal, Grise's Semblance make her touch painful to Grimms, and even deadly with prolonged exposure. She can infuse her Semblance to her clothes and weapons, making her a true slayer of the black creatures.
Her aura gets drained if she keeps it activated for too long, so she usually activates it in quick burst when she's about to hit, though she can unconsciously activate it when stressed or surprised. Upon activation, her body and infused possessions shines of a grey-silvery shade, not enough to blind anyone, but it may still be used as an emergency flashlight.
Weapon Name:
Nyctophobia [and side knife]
Weapon Description:
Her weapon is an actual Iron Maiden with a handle, that she swings around like a giant metallic club. The spikes inside can be propelled like harpoons, and are tied to the weapon by iron cables. Several buzzsaws are also hidden in it, dragging the caught Grimm inside to finish it, had it somehow survived the harpoons.
There's also a small knife hidden in it as a side weapon.
The name means 'Fear of the Dark', and is absolutely a reference to the band Iron Maiden
Fighting Style:
Simple : smash and crush. Be it at close quarters or range, Grise's great physical strength and potent weapon makes her a true beast to fight, an actual tower of steel. One of her favourite tactic is to shoot a harpoon, and then use the iron cables tying said harpoon to her weapon as a devastating whip
While Jack's damage output can reach greater heights in a pinch, Grise is usually the one that deals the most of it since she doesn't need any kind of buff or to suffer any recoils to be threatening. As such, she's usually the front line while the other three acts as support.
Outside of battle, she is extremely honest, and absolutely refuses to lie in any circumstances
While she excels at close and mid range, long-range can be a problem for her. She's also pretty slow, due to her enormous weapon.
As said earlier, she never lies, but is also somewhat gullible. Though once she's caught you lying to her, she never trusts you again
Likes : Teammates, chatting, training, fighting Grimms, tea, sweets, calm music, darkness and books.
Dislikes : too many people, being misunderstood, wasting her time, loud noises, changes, not sticking to the program.
Fun Facts:
Probably autistic
Alternate Characters:
Team GNJR : Grise is the G and also the leader of the team, for whatever reason

Contact Grise Heldar

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