Viewing profile - Kinto Boreas

Kinto Boreas
Sep 18
Gender Identity:
Eye Color:
Ice Blue
Aura Color:
Dark Grey
Physical Description:
Kinto is of average build in all aspects, not to strong nor to lean and in all around good shape.

He's bald by choice, keeps his face free of any facial hair same as the rest of his body.
If he were to let himself grow hair it would be blond and curly.
Outfit Description:
He has no set outfit for everyday life.
Instead, he employs a variety of disguises, for all of whom he has fake passports, when appearing in public.
A fresh set of clothes, a new wig, fake facial hair and colored contact lenses are donned each day, making it extremely hard to discern him by appearance considering he changes it on a daily basis.

Kinto's Outfit when on the job consists of a heavily modified atlesian military armor, keeping the usual colors and style yet covering his body entirely with armor, which is also noticeably thicker as it was fitted with a highly shock absorbent and slash proofing material.

The visor is notably bigger as well, holding a built-in computer, that allow Kinto to see in all kinds of different modes, links him to his ship and the onboard battle data bank, gives him aim assist and constantly scans his surroundings for incoming threats all of which is displayed on the HUD built into his visor.

The helmet also features a retractable mouthpiece.
It records Kinto's voice to use Gadget Gallery but can also change Kinto's voice, allowing him to mask it or increase it in volume.
The mouthpiece also filters the air Kinto breathes making him resistant to toxic substances in the air and allows him to stay in difficult to breathe in enviorments longer as it also functions as a rebreather.

His armors left wrist holds a display, which lets him control his suit, use the installed devices and lets him interface with other electronic devices.
It also functions as a scroll.
Personality Description:
Kinto is a well-adjusted individual, keeping a cool and logical mind about him even in stressful situations.
Being generally polite and empathetic towards most others, he's even good nature and willing to go out of his way to help others.

Yet, when it comes to the so-called protectors of remnant, the huntsmen and those that support them, his blood boils.
Kinto hates the system that takes children with a possibly bright future and tells them how special they are, what heroes they'll be, raises them to be great and powerful.
Only to send them off to die, squandering their life and potential.
Therefor Kinto hates the professors, principals and other huntsmen academy supporters, wanting to tear them all down and to pieces, replace this insane and wasteful system with one built on unity, rules and discipline, a huntsman military.

This hatred does not extend to huntsmen in training. Kinto sees the path of becoming a hunter a waste for many of the bright children walking it, and will do his best to sow doubt among them, make them choose a better, more fruitful path.

In fights, Kinto will show no mercy when it comes to exploiting weaknesses regardless of who he is fighting, all is fair in love and war after all. Though, he will never aim to kill anyone that is not part of the groups he hates.
He will still remain calm and polite, even going so far as to compliment opponents that earn his respect.
Backstory Highlights:
Kinto was born and raised among the ranks of Atlas lower class, still up in the cloud city yet not a true noble.
Life was safe, but hard for Kinto as a child, his family running a small but profitable company manufacturing custom-made weapons for the many hunters and huntresses among the ranks of the nobility, often being of extremely ornate, expensive and impractical design, at least that's what Kinto thought.

Kinto spent most of his time as a child helping around the shop, making few friends, not that he had issues getting along with people, he just rarely ever found anyone like-minded, so Kinto spent a lot of time alone.
Until one was a job like any other, but the noble in question, pompous prick he is, was being extra thorough, something that was more than boring his poor daughter, who this weapon was being made for, instead of paying attention to the weapon being made for her, she was looking around the shop and as such ran into Kinto, who took it upon himself to show her around, glad to see the sparkle in her eyes ignite as she got a look behind the scenes, something she thought was more exciting that just hearing about it.

Soon enough, Kinto and Emilia had become fast friends, the young noble would stick around the shop and once Kinto's dad had found some fitting overalls for her, help around the shop, getting into crafting weapons at around the same time as Kinto.
While she, finally got him to enjoy himself, see the fun side of Atlas and make friends, using her home's training grounds, they were also all too eager to try out the many weapons they had worked on together. Life was good and it was getting better.
Both of them had been admitted to Atlas Huntsman academy.
Training was though, but they were managing, expect... Kinto was falling behind, he had not even come close to unlocking a semblance, while Emilia had soared to the rank of star pupil Kinto was struggling hard, something the academy put an end to as Kinto wasn't allowed to advance to year two.
While Kinto was bitter, he was not going to give up on his dream to serve his country and its people, so he joined the military, his genius being quickly recognized Kinto was enlisted in the engineering corps.
Where, one he had finished his training, reunited with Emilia, she was now a fully fledged huntsman and he rookie soldier, but they both worked hand in hand, Emilia would trust no other than Kinto to maintain her gear and have her back on the field.

A few years passed on, Kinto had gained some renown, as the fastest wrench in the corps, able to get an atlesian knight up and running in a matter of moments even after its main processor had been damaged and while under attack.
Yet, this paled in comparison to Emilia, she had become the commander of the unit, a fierce and steadfast force ready to lead all her soldiers into battle.

Kinto, was happy for his friend, yet he also thought that it was a little unfair, especially as he had the stuff to be commander too, he was cunning and smart, most of Emilia's battle plans were also partially his brainchild, he was basically second in command in all but, the title belonged to someone else, Torben, an upstart hunter Emilia had taken under her wing, he had been given the role the second he joined, not due to merit but due to status.
Kinto couldn't shake his jealousy, but told himself it was fine, he was needed elsewhere.

But, things got worse, they got so much worse.
When medals were given, Kinto wasn't mentioned, when raises were given Kinto was almost forgotten, Kinto was denied his promotion.
Yet, Emilia kept loyal, kept Kinto going and their unit together, he was still her number one and over the years they may have formed a bit of a closer bond, one, that was thoroughly explored post mission.

Yet, things took a turn for the worse when one day Emilia did not show up for maintenance.
Kinto had lost plenty of friends, but Emilia's demise hurt, especially with how callousness Emilia's demise was treated, she was celebrated, then replaced and worst of all, he read the report, his own plans would have worked, the tactics he had proposed to her would have saved his lovers' life, but the ones of the stuck up superiors had been enforced.
Kinto took command, for a small while, he was soon quickly replaced again by another huntsman.

He quit the corps, becoming lead engineer and scientist of the weapons development of the military, finally getting the promotion he had been looking for, but it felt hollow, as it only came when he was no longer sharing the spotlight.
He kept in touch with the unit making time for his friends even while putting his all into improving atlad tech.
Yet, he was barely recognized even when his inventions turned the tide of battle.

It all came to a boiling point when Torben, a man he didn't even like that much, had the same story happen to him as Emilia a few years prior.
He finally snapped, Kinto went on a mad rant, storming the generals office and demanding changes, how the treatment of huntsmen was unfair to both them and the people around them.
But, his worries fell on deaf ears.
He'd make the changes he wanted to see on his own.

Kinto retired from the military.
But, not before taking a few things with him, stealing an air ship full of supplies and his own inventions.

He would right these wrongs, he would make sure that the Academies would cease to be, these special snowflake hunters were poisoning a perfect system and stripping those with merit from their reward, while being tossed away into the mouth of the beast by the very people that gave them these positions, it was a cancer Kinto would heal, and he'd be a hero for it!

But not in atlas, the military still existed here, capable men and women, while unappreciated, where keeping the country safe.
Other places in the world weren't so lucky, he'd first his luck in the country of Vale, send a signal by toppling Beacon, the brightest light of this corrupt system.

Soon, Kinto was set, he had gained favor with a few people interested in his skills for a steady source of income while he worked on his true goal, his network of surveillance drones were set up around the city, and he had modified the airship he had stolen into his mobile base, a hidden away fortress in the sky for the vigilante to take refuge in.
He was ready, now for his first target?
Kinto is an ex-soldier and ex military engineer for the atlesian military, later on becoming chief engineer and head researcher on weapons development for a short while.

He is an expert in all manner of machinery, programming, electronics, physics and chemistry.
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
Kinto does not possess a semblance, but his Aura is trained to an incredible level after years and years of pushing himself to attain a semblance, putting him on par with most experienced huntsman veterans in that regard.
Weapon Name:
Annihilation Atelier and Gadget Gallery
Weapon Description:
Annihilation Atelier is made up of three parts: an energy/dust tank on Kinto's back, the blade connected to the tank by a reinforced cable and the scabbard holding the blade.

The weapon functions in multiple modes.

First being to simply draw the blade, a simple long sword that if activated can generate a hardlight dust edge for increased cutting power or to shoot the hardlight dust as a slashing projectile.

Second, upon drawing the blade the scabbard will come off as well, turning the long sword into a massive broadsword.
Losing the projectile throwing capability for the ability to instead project a hardlight dust barrier in 180° in front of where ever the side of the blade is facing.
The tip can be burrowed into the ground for extra stability to block stronger attacks.

Mode 3 has the broadswords blade folds down and stands on the ground, effectively turning into mobile cover.
The handle flips to reveal a machine gun hidden inside, able to shoot hardlight projectiles like a normal MG would bullets.
The mode keeps the shield projecting capability, allowing for Kinto to easily lockdown choke points or fight safely at a distance.

Mode 4 has the blade and handle recombine into a high caliber "shotgun", which does not actually fire pellets, but a highly concentrated shockwave of dust and electric energy, capable of going through targets, until it hits a solid wall or fizzles out after about 120ft.

Mode 5, combines all three components into one, the blade being fitted by the high capacity cable of the dust tank, to make a rail gun like barrel.
The projectile, shot by this mode, will penetrate squishy targets and explode against anything it cannot pierce.
The unwieldy and slow nature of this weapon, as well as the ethical aspect, makes this weapon unviable against human targets.
Kinto instead reserves its use against large Grimm and Vehicles.

Gadget Gallery is a set of tools and utility items installed in all parts of Kinto's armor, configured by an interface on Kinto's left wrist and activated by voice commands, received by the retractable visor of his helmet, all 9 parts can only be activated by Kinto thanks to voice recognition software.

Gadget 0:
The interface on Kinto's left lower arm controls not only the fumctions of his armor but also acts as a remote for the guide, scroll and hologram projector, being able to replicate 3D remdered enviorments.
While mostly used to share information it can also be used for deception.

Gadget 1:
Kinto's gloves and boots project claw like blades from his fingers and feet.
Allowing both for use in combat and to climb difficult surfaces.
The claws on his hand are strong and precise enough to cut reinforced glass for easy access into secure areas.

Gadget 2 A, B, C and D:
Allows Kinto to switch his visor between 4 modes of sight.
A being normal.
B: being night vision.
C: being infrared vision.
D: Being tremor sight, allowing Kinto to see sound in combination with Gadget 3.

Gadget 3:
inspired by many of the faunus, Kinto has added special listening devices that he can in or decrease in sensitivity, allowing him to hear ultrasonic frequencies or block out the loudest explosion.
They're located at the top of his helmet, appearing as two flat bumps that can rotate for selective hearing.

Gadget 4:
Kinto electrocutes the outer layer of his suit, he uses this as a quick get off me tool or to amplify his melee attacks, he's insulated against this of course.
Kinto can overcharge this function to release a shockwave of electricity and even combine it with gravity dust to make the shockwave knock opponents back.

Gadget 5:
Via a combination of gravity dust in his suit and fire dust thrusters in his palms and soles, Kinto has limited capability of flight, it's not very fast but provides Kinto with a versatile form of movement that allows for quick bursts of movement and fast changes in direction.
Kinto can overclock the thrusters at the cost of more energy drain to allow for much faster flight or to use them as flamethrowers, or even a blowtorch.

Gadget 6:
A defensive application, Kinto can adjust his armor, perfectly interlocking the armor plates allowing no gaps in his defense, while also coating his body in a shield of hardlight dust generated by Annihilation Atelier.
The nature of this mode seals access to most other gadgets besides his visor, as they would otherwise present exploitable weak points.
Kinto can also increase his own weight using gravity dust to negate knockback.

Gadget 7:
Using hardlight dust in combination with his modular suit Kinto can cause his suit to refract light in a way that makes him basically invisible to the naked eye, a faint outline is all that can be seen.
This mode drains massive amounts of power however so he can't use it for extended periods of time.
It also won't work on anything that isn't Gadget Gallery or Annihilation Atelier, unless the item in question fits in his pocket.
Special cushion pads in his boots also make Kinto's steps almost completely silent.

Gadget 8:
Kinto's left shoulder is fitted with a grenade launcher, able to utilize the aim assist of his visor this gadget can perform precise hits, with any type of shell you can think of, while leaving Kinto's hands free.
The grenade launcher has 6 grenades loaded in its magazine which is hidden in Kinto's armor, as such the grenade launcher disappears in the armor when reloading.

Gadget 9:
Kinto's right glove's fingertips can flip open to reveal a multitude of tools, ranging from a wrench, a lock pick to a USB stick holding a virus and more. These tools are interchange so Kinto can carry what ever he needs for the job.
One of the more frequently used tools is a syringe filled to the brim with a paralytic poison.

Gadget 10:
A steel wire grappling hook hidden in the armors right wrist.
It can grab objects with a steel claw and either pull lighter items to Kinto or Kinto toward anything heavier.
Other Gear:
Kinto usually carries small standard issue atlas fire arms, mostly being pistols and SMG, so he can wield them alongside his main weapon.

He does also carry a silenced sniper rifle from time to time.

Kinto also carries many types of grenades.
From the usual fragmentation charges, elemental grenades or even smoke and sleeping gas grenades, fitted for Gadget 8, the grenade launcher on his shoulder.
Fighting Style:
Kinto will never engage in a fight he's not sure if he can win, as such he will analyze his target before engaging, gather all he can use his drones and favors and if possible develop a countermeasure against them.
Only then will he engage an opponent equal to his own power.

Kinto's preferred range is the one his opponent is worst at, he himself has an arsenal and skill set capable of fighting at any range and with any method thanks to his years of military service.

Kinto prefers to win quick and easy, not afraid to employ dirty tactics and if possible draw as little attention to himself as possible.

If driven into a difficult spot or engaging a strong opponent, Kinto will forgo chivalry and manners, reverting to his soldier training and simply fight.
Dead silence, no movements or breath wasted, and no thought spent on anything other than to achieve his goal.
Transforming the previously gentlemanly vigilante into a pure fighting machine.
Kinto is an all around genius, while he does take pride in this fact, his calm and collected mindset won't blind him with pride.

Kinto will never underestimate an opponent, any threat, no matter how small, is still a threat and should be taken seriously.

He is a tireless worker, both in mind and body.

Polite and professional, Kinto, thanks to his late lover Emilia, has become a true gentleman and as such as no issue making friends in all circles.
Zealous hatred, Kinto can get carried away and hyper focused on his goal when presented with the opportunity to achieve it.

He's not one to back down easy, sometimes hyperfocused on his goal or a single target can persuade him to make bad decisions or overextend.

Kinto while well-trained does pale in comparison to some of the more physically capable huntsmen, having to compensate his average strength and agility with his tech.
Cats, Kinto keeps a few strays in and around his ship.

Coffee, even the tireless worker, needs a boost once or twice.

Tea, helps him calm his mind.

Tactics, Military, Strategy and Discipline.

Order and Quiet.
Chaos and Untidiness.

The Huntsman Academies and their staff.
Fun Facts:
Kinto is ambidextrous.

Annihilation Atelier was Emilia's idea, Kinto finished the first prototype back in Atlas and wanted to give it to her for her birthday...or another occasion.
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Contact Kinto Boreas

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Kinto schemes in #E5E4E2