Viewing profile - Aka Kuroi

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Aka Kuroi
December 25th.
Gender Identity:
Character Picture:
Personal Emblem Image:
226cm (7’5”).
88kg (195lbs).
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
Aka is often described—out of earshot—as a freak of nature. She stands at two hundred and six centimeters tall (converted to seven feet and five inches) with abnormally long arms and legs. Her skin tone lacks pigment to such a degree that she could blend in seamlessly within a snowy landscape. Contrasting the color of her skin, Aka has very long, very inky black hair with wild bangs that run down the length of her sharp youthful face. She has large, upturned eyes that naturally settle into a deep crimson glare.

Her physique is extremely lean and lithe, even wiry, yet she still possesses enough mass to be strong and explosive despite her lanky frame.

While symmetrical, her face can be seen as rather uncanny due to how large her eyes are, coupled with the fact that she possesses a tendency to stare at others. Her smile doesn’t do her any favors either, since she lifts the corners of her mouth much too high and can’t help but furrow her brow as she does, making her appear deranged to those who have the misfortune of looking upon her visage.

Her physical pieces create a whole appearance that is overall rather off-putting or disturbing.
Outfit Description:
When not in her modified school uniform, Aka can be seen wearing what looks to be a worn blackish qipao with two slits made along the sides of her legs. Along with this, she wears long, faded tabi socks that nearly reach her knees with faded zouri sandals to protect her soles. Tied around her waistline is a thick red shimenawa rope and a black obi belt, acting as a sort of sash to store her weapon whenever she is not resting it on her shoulder.

Coming from an extremely indigent background, and not seeing the importance of keeping her own appearance tidy, she does not own any other outfits.
Personality Description:
Aka is a very troubled and dangerous adolescent. Naturally violent and blunt, she acts very much like a brute. She is merciless in her actions, and sees no problem fatally injuring others to achieve her ambition. In fact, she thoroughly enjoys proving her combat superiority over another person, becoming ecstatic in moments of success. Her drive to become better than others has led her to develop an unhealthy ego, which clouds her vision and distorts her way of thinking at times. This ego can also get her into trouble with authority figures or people she dislikes, as she will simply not listen to them or taunt or berate them verbally.

She can appear shy—as she naturally dislikes crowds and large gatherings of people, but her aversion to people isn’t derived from a sort of fear of public derision or embarrassment. Rather, Aka is afraid that others might take her by surprise. As such, she tries to keep a keen eye on anyone within her arm’s reach. Adding to this, physical contact with others makes her rather uneasy; unless she is the one initiating said contact, then it is okay.

Aka, as stated previously, is dangerous. She understands from experience that others will not accept or tolerate her ideals and truth. As such, she often will not speak her mind on any subject if it will jeopardize her ability to attend Beacon. Saying this, she also dislikes lying, so if confronted with a potentially compromising question, she will either give a half-truth or not say anything at all.

Although she is violent toward others she deems worthy of testing, Aka can show great kindness to people whom she considers not a threat. She does not enjoy unjust cruelty toward those who do not deserve it. She possesses an initial difficulty bringing herself to acknowledge another’s struggles, but when she does finally allow herself to care for another, she will not forget a single thing about them. Though easily annoyed by doubts and challenges, Aka can be patient with others if they give her reason to be.

Aka is kind to others if they are kind to her.

Though entirely committed to her ambition, she does enjoy acting silly from time to time, but she often does not exhibit carefreeness in the presence of strangers. Scaring others, or making them feel uneasy is an unhealthy joy of hers that she tries to reel in as best she can. If sure of her own safety, Aka also likes to watch or participate in the pranks or schemes of other people, enjoying their enthusiasm and creativity.

Her hobbies show that, although demented, she is still a mischievous child at heart.
Backstory Highlights:
For as long as Aka can remember, she’s always had a sword in her hand. She doesn't know how old she was when she had her first thought or memory, but what she does remember is holding onto a thick wooden blade, with her tiny pale fingers barely being able to wrap around its hilt. She also remembers the sight of someone with a stern yet gentle gaze smiling softly at her as she raised the bokken over her head and swung without it dropping out of her grasp.

This person, who stood tall like the surrounding trees and mountains, was her father.

Aka was raised in the mountains of southern Mistral, far away from any civilized city or town. She lived in a small home, with her father serving as her only guardian. She was taught to read, write, eat, and speak properly by her father, who began teaching her these things after she swung that sword. Her father not only instructed her in manners but also in swordsmanship. Day after day, he would take her outside to a groove and make her swing her sword thousands of times before she was allowed to rest. It was painful at first, yet Aka soon found herself growing used to the pain with each passing day. Soon, she was able to swing her sword in any direction, whenever she wanted, however many times she wanted to, without even the smallest sting of pain.

Her father noticed this and began instructing her on the various forms of his own sword style, firmly instructing her through repeated exercises and duels. Though these duels would leave her with bruises, bloody noses, and broken bones, Aka felt happy to spend time with her father and would become elated whenever he told her to get into a dueling stance. These duels were some of the happiest moments of her life, as she was able to learn more about the man who raised her after said duels. Her father talked endlessly about his own skill, how they were both descendants of an ancient bloodline of distinguished swordsmen, and that she would follow in his footsteps. He often called himself “Peerless,” and when she asked him what that meant, he responded, “something that uncompromisingly stands above all else.” He used a lot of big words, so she didn’t understand the sentence completely, but she became enamored with the concept nonetheless. If her father was truly peerless, then it was only right for her to become peerless as well.

Through repetition and earnest effort, Aka quickly adopted the basics of her father’s style of swordsmanship, surprising the man by knocking him on his rear during one particular spar.

This shocked her father, who was flooded with conflicting emotions. The day after, her father immediately halted their swordsmanship training and began teaching Aka about Aura. He explained that Aura was the will of a person's soul, and that if one could master control over their aura, they could will themselves to accomplish any task. To demonstrate, he shattered a boulder with nothing but a single strike of his palm. He instructed his daughter on what she was going to be doing from now on:

She would find a way to unlock her Aura by herself.
She would practice controlling her Aura without wavering.
She would not leave the mountains for any reason.
She would not return home until the adjacent boulder was shattered completely.

Aka had never disobeyed her father’s command, yet she felt devastated at the fact she wasn’t allowed to return home. She asked her father before he left if he would visit her. He turned back and gave her a look she’d never seen before, one filled with emotions she couldn’t describe. “I shall,” he replied as he smiled in an odd manner, as if he were straining the corners of his mouth.

Months passed, and Aka experienced her ninth winter alone.

Thick sheets of snow fell from the sky and buried the earth in a cold mass. Aka wasn’t dressed properly to endure such a heavy winter storm, even with the fur of the animals she’s skinned. Her aching body compelled her to leave the mountain in search of warmth. She found it in a nearby village, huddling herself beneath hay in a small stable. When she awoke, she was promptly shot by a startled farmer who mistook her for a large animal. Startled, yet not injured by the bullet due to her newly acquired Aura, Aka snatched a nearby broomstick and smashed it over the man’s head, immediately knocking him unconscious. This was her very first “duel” with another human being.

Shaken by the experience, Aka fled the stable and escaped back to the mountains. Over the course of a few months, she would return to the village every so often to seek shelter from the cold. Many of the villagers treated her with derision due to her ghastly appearance, with local children calling her a ‘Grimm’s child’ and occasionally throwing stones at her. She retaliated against them, of course, but her actions only strengthened the villager’s general dislike. Soon, she began to dislike them in turn.

Nearly a year had passed since her father left.

Aka had finally gained the control she needed, channeling her aura into her bokken and shattering the boulder completely. At her accomplishment, she was overjoyed. Not only did she grow stronger than ever before, but now she would finally be able to return to her father. In her excitement, the young girl returned home with a bright smile, only to discover hell. When she saw her father again for the first time in months, he looked somewhat different. Instead of the stern yet soft gaze she knew him for, the man looked down at her with a glare; his unshaven face and shaggy long hair showed that he wasn’t caring for himself. “So you’ve come after me as well?” Her father growled as he grabbed his blade from the wall. Aka had never seen her father in such a state before, looking at her as if he were both angry and…terrified. Her father accused her of wanting to cut him down, baffling her as she took a step forward.

That was a mistake.

In an instant, her father drew his blade and sliced off her bangs, passing through her aura with such ease and precision that he hadn’t actually cut into her skin. But his message was clear. “You carry my own blood; that means you’ll become a threat to me one day.” Trembling, Aka slowly backed away from her father. “Should I kill you now?”

Aka ran as fast as she could, past the trees, the rocks, and the forest that once served as her home. She found a cave and wept for days. Her father hated her when all she wanted was to be like him. “Peerless.”

She desperately clung onto the concept as she decided her next course of action. Feeling intense sadness and the heavy seed of hatred that had planted itself deep in her heart, Aka crawled out of her cave, holding her bokken so tightly that blood dripped from her hands. If her father so deeply valued being “peerless”, then she would take that from him.

From then on, Aka began prowling for opponents. She knew in her mind that challenging her father immediately would spell her downfall; as such, she searched for someone else to establish her own skill. That someone else came in the form of a wandering mercenary that had sauntered into town and began boasting at a local bar. “Who is the strongest person in this village?” He cried as he lauded his own prowess. Aka saw this as the perfect opportunity. “I am!” She shouted from behind as she smashed her bokken into the back of the man’s head, shattering his aura immediately as he stumbled to the ground. She followed up immediately by bashing his skull in with a rock until it was nothing but paste.

At the age of twelve, she had killed her first man.

Her actions that day further cemented the villagers' hatred and fear, and though they lacked the means to drive her away or call for any authorities (the village being so remote that it would take a full month to reach civilization again), they could shun her as best they could. Aka spiraled further into herself and began wandering farther and farther away from her birthplace, challenging anyone she found with a weapon. Bandits, mercenaries, and even freelance hunters—all of them would eventually fall before her due to a combination of her sheer size and will, each duel bringing her closer and closer to her ideal.

It was in the beginning of her fifteenth winter that she gathered the resolve to face her father. She slowly trodded back to the place she once called home, her mind overridden with misplaced thoughts. Had she misjudged her own confidence? She fervently denied such a thought. Whatever the case, she entered her house and was greeted by the sight of her disheveled father, who appeared ready with a roaring blade in his hand. He had been expecting her.

His eyes felt like hot coals, the sheerness of his emotions burning a hole through her resolve. He spoke like a madman, his words making little sense at all. It was as if he were seeing someone else in her stead. He approached, she readied her weapon, and she had already lost.

As her father’s blade hurriedly fell within inches of her arm and face, Aka cursed herself for not striking when she had the chance.

The next few minutes were nothing but a blur.

Aka found herself standing on trembling legs, her body screaming with fatigue and strain as she struggled to stand. In front of her lay her father, hollering in agony and clutching the oozing stump of what was once his arm. Emotions flooded her very being; the bloody sight of her father had affected her in a way she couldn’t have ever dreamed of. Snatching away the roaring blade from the man she once called father, Aka ran. She galloped past the mountains and the trees and the village, past the creek and the rocks and plains, far and away from anywhere she’d ever been.

She didn’t know how far she ran before she collapsed, but when Aka woke up the next day surrounded by an oceanic crowd of humans, she had been thoroughly spooked. Pushing and weaving her way into an alleyway, Aka quickly found her bearings.

No, that was a lie; she had merely calmed down. What was she supposed to do now? Had she achieved what she wanted? She had bested her father; the method of such success mattered little to the undeniable outcome. However, something within her chest told her that it hadn’t been enough. She craved the ideal of being “peerless”, yet had she actually achieved such a level of self? Was her father truly “peerless”, or did he merely convince himself of his own inflated worth?

She asked herself so very many questions, and came up with so few answers.

Aka shook her head. What was she supposed to do now? She wished to achieve her ideal; how could she accomplish this? The only answer that came to her mind was to challenge those deemed the strongest. She begrudgingly asked around where and who the strongest in the world was. Unfortunately, she was usually met with odd stares or ignored entirely, which pissed her off to no end. After assaulting a man in a back alley, she finally found her answer. Hunters and huntresses, those who participate in a never-ending battle against the Grimm.

They were the people she needed to seek.
Beacon Academy, First Year Student.
Six years of swordsmanship instruction alongside a year of basic aura management.

Five years of practical experience dealing mostly with human opponents.
Semblance Name:
Climax Crisis
Semblance Description:
Climax Crisis appears as a circular, translucent shield on any singular limb of Aka’s choosing. This “shield” absorbs the kinetic energy of anything it comes into contact with, halting the movement of the object and converting the absorbed kinetic energy into power that Aka can then use for whatever purpose. As an example, she can counter an opponent’s attack by absorbing the power of their strike and then striking back with the combined force of the opponent’s attack and her own. Conversely, she may use the converted energy to power her legs and quickly leap away from any attackers. The versatility of this semblance is entirely up to Aka and how she decides to use the energy she absorbs.

Speaking of energy, Aka cannot store it within herself; she may only redirect it. What this means is that when Aka absorbs kinetic energy, she must immediately use said energy lest she damage her aura accidentally. The damage caused by allowing said energy to remain in her body depends on the amount she absorbs.

Another downside to her semblance is its relatively limited duration. The shield only appears for two seconds and immediately vanishes after said limit elapses. This means that Aka has to time her semblance properly in order to fight in an efficient manner. Climax Crisis may also only appear on one of Aka’s limbs at a time and cannot be transferred from one limb to another without completely dispelling the shield. Repeated use of Climax Crisis can drain her aura rather quickly, so it's imperative that Aka time her semblance accurately.
Weapon Name:
End Never End
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
End Never End is an extremely long nōdachi, measuring three hundred and forty-seven centimeters from the handle cap to the blade’s point (eleven feet and four inches). The handle is exactly forty-three centimeters long (one foot and four inches), and the blade itself is three hundred and four centimeters long (nine feet and eleven inches).

The weapon is coated by a powerful alternating current that keeps the blade vibrating constantly at a very high frequency. Essentially functioning much like a buzzsaw, the blade is capable of cutting through objects and flesh with relative ease. Unfortunately, much like a buzzsaw, it emits a very loud, very sharp, very piercing noise whenever unsheathed, as the blade is consistently vibrating and cannot be stopped unless it completely shatters. Thankfully, its scabbard was meticulously designed to house the impractical weapon.

End Never End’s scabbard is designed to contain its volatile blade and, as such, is very durable both inside and out. The scabbard envelops the blade in a soundproof casing and keeps the blade in place by utilizing gravity dust so that it does not actually touch its walls. The scabbard itself is quite bulky, and only adding to its sheer mass is the exhaust port built into the mouthpiece. This allows the wielder to insert dust capsules into the scabbard when the weapon is sheathed in order to imbue the blade with the dust’s properties for a short time. This exhaust port also acts like a generator of sorts, charging the blade with vibrations whilst it's in it's sheath.
Other Gear:
- A spotted rock that fits perfectly in the palm of her hand.
- …She truly has very little possessions.
Fighting Style:
Aka combines a solid foundation of basic swordplay with unyielding aggression that culminates in a symphony of destruction as she dominates her opponents both physically and mentally. Heavily relying on her natural athleticism during combat, Aka is always on the move, either looking for or forcefully creating an optimal avenue of attack. Her strikes—with or without her blade—are both unbelievably heavy and precise, able to crush bones and rend flesh if she feels the need to do either or both at the same time. Despite her lengthy frame and massive weapon, Aka is not by any means slow. In fact, she excels at cutting distance and bursting forward or in any direction very suddenly, able to control her own momentum with ease. Additionally, due to her large size, Aka is able to bulldoze physically weaker opponents by either shoving them around or keeping them in place with an unbelievably vice-like grip. Her unnaturally lengthy reach only further cements this style of dominance, as she constantly bullies her opponents into moving where she wants them to be and attacking them while they haven’t a chance of even countering. This extreme dominance is only amplified by her ability to channel aura through her body and weapon, further increasing her agility and might for short bursts.

Her general methods of attack depend heavily on whether or not she decides to use End Never End with or without its sheath. With the sheath on, Aka prioritizes wide-swinging attacks that utilize the sheath’s massive size to batter and crush opponents. Additionally, she can easily bat away an opponent’s smaller weapon or even hide behind the sheath and use it as an impromptu shield against bullets. This method of combat is more methodical and generally safer for her opponents; as such, this is the only style she’ll use against fellow classmates. Without the sheath, Aka throws caution to the wind, and her approach to combat becomes unreasonably aggressive. Utilizing the superior cutting power of End Never End, she will attack both her opponent and their weapon in an attempt to completely eviscerate them. This method of combat is Aka’s natural style and is rather lethal, and as such, she will not display such a style when attending Beacon. She doesn't trust herself to not get carried away.

She’s not above targeting sweet spots or biting.
• Social:
- Straightforward: Aka is often direct in conversation and makes clear what she wants at a given time.
- Passionate: Whether it be combat or some other thing that somehow managed to catch her interest, Aka can become engrossed to an almost childish degree and will dedicate her time and effort into accomplishing or partaking in said thing.
- Kind: when she chooses to be. Aka can display great acts of kindness to others when she chooses to actually consider their feelings and wants, though this admittedly takes some effort on her part.
- Introspective: Aka is always quietly reevaluating herself and her thoughts and actions, making sure that she’s on the right path at any given moment. She’ll ask herself difficult questions and ponder about them constantly.

• Physical:
- Mighty: F=ma. Aka’s body is naturally built to be very sturdy, and she’s nurtured her natural talents over the years to develop a strength that would not fail her. Aka’s strikes—with or without her weapon—are all rather powerful. She’s able to lift objects far above her own body weight, and with her powerful legs, she’s able to leap, jump, and run great distances.
- Agile: Though large, Aka is anything but slow. Due to how her body is structured and through repeated efforts to improve her mind-muscle connection, Aka can move however she wants, whenever she wants, with little delay or discomfort. She can halt her own momentum with very little effort and change directions whenever she pleases, even while attacking.
- Aura Adept: Aka utilizes her own aura to great effect to boost her combat efficiency. She can channel aura into End Never End and either send out a shockwave of force or unleash slashes of aura that increase her weapon’s range. Aka may also imbue parts of her body with aura for a sudden boost of strength, though admittedly she hasn’t entirely mastered this particular skill.
• Social:
- Pig-Headed: Aka is unreasonably stubborn about her views and ideals. While she is slow to come to a definite conclusion about subjects or people, when she does eventually make up her mind on what she feels or believes, it will take an enormous amount of effort and self-reflection to change her mind. The type to learn from experience.
- Ignorant: Her lack of knowledge extends to many aspects of her life, such as combat. Aka hasn’t a clue how to utilize dust during combat, blissfully unaware of the dust mechanism within her own weapon. Regarding her semblance, she doesn’t even know what it is or how to activate it. Even her ambition is affected by this, as she does not understand how to truly achieve such a goal. Because of this, she’s left floundering.
- Ragingly Insecure: Aka thinks constantly about her ambition, as it is the most important thing in her life. Due to this, she will react quite badly to doubts from others, potentially even resulting in violence against the offender if the words cut deep.
- Abrasive: This girl is a brute through and through. If someone or something is actively irritating her in any way, she’ll often react aggressively or even violently until the problem is solved.
- Ruthless: Aka does not understand the value of other people’s lives and sees most others as obstacles rather than beings that share the same flesh and blood as her. She does understand that such a lack of empathy can be off-putting to others, though.

• Physical:
- Overtrained: While physically imposing and undeniably strong, Aka is not exactly fighting in peak condition. Living as a vagabond during her adolescent years meant that she did not eat everyday, and she would continue to duel regardless of her condition. This lifestyle of strain coupled with her genetics led Aka to develop into the wiry frame she possesses today. Unfortunately, she is prone to tiring easier than her peers, having difficulty maintaining her relentless pace in combat during lengthy encounters.
- Rushed Development: Aka’s swordplay lessons were cut short, literally. As such, she does not know advanced techniques and will struggle against other swordsmen who identify this and take advantage. She’s developed other skills to bridge the gap in combat, but if a truly skilled swordsman were to overcome these challenges, Aka would become a very easy target.
- Dust: She really doesn’t know how to use dust in combat at all. Opponents who primarily use dust are also a challenge for her, since she often needs to think outside the box to properly deal with them.
- Dueling: Not only is it the crux of her ambition, it is also very enjoyable for her. Therapeutic even.
- Physical Activity: She’s a very active girl in general.
- Singing: An enjoyable way to pass the time when traveling. While she possesses a rather operatic voice, she doesn’t know the lyrics to any songs. Expect a lot of “la”s, “de”s, and “da”s from her.
- Compliments: It’s rare for her to receive praise from others. The words people usually say are something along the lines of “GET AWAY” or "MONSTER"—things of that nature.
Bitter foods: It’s more about familiarity than preference.
- Pretty sights: Aka enjoys looking at things she considers "pretty". Sunbeams reflecting atop a lake surface, vibrant flowers earnestly blooming in a field, or sometimes even just a person walking through the school's hallway. Cute animals are included in this list, of course; just don’t leave her in a room with one when she’s hungry.
- Goofing Off: It’s a hobby of hers she rarely partakes in anymore, due to her ambition. However, there will always be a hidden side to her that enjoys simply playing.
- Losing: Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. She would rather die than lose. But then again, dying means losing…She would rather kill than lose.
- Needlessly Complicated Problems: She’ll often just resort to violence if the problem persists longer than she has the patience for.
- Authority: The idea of being commanded or lectured by someone physically weaker than herself infuriates her to no end.
- Indecisive Cowards: Indecision leads to decadence, and cowardice leads to failure; both are unforgivable in her eyes.
- The Elderly: She is disgusted by their inability.
- Crowds: Too many people, too many opportunities to stab her in the back.
- Liars: Aka despises people who lie to her. She views the act of lying as either cowardly or malicious in nature.
Fun Facts:
- Due to her general understanding of how other people react to her ideals, when presented with the mandatory psychiatric evaluation, Aka wasted no time lying on almost every question.

- In order to bypass the age requirement, Aka lied about her age during the application process. She is officially registered as seventeen years old.

- Despite growing up in an environment that did not foster creativity, Aka possesses a very active and vivid imagination. She’s even capable of rotating an apple in her head while ignoring her teachers.

- "Aka Kuroi" is not her real name. It is a name she chose for herself after the first incident with her father to further distance herself from him.

- End Never End was not Aka's weapon originally. She stole the weapon from her father after slicing his arm off.

- Had to apply for an ID and register a birth certificate before entering Beacon. The process of acquiring both infuriated her to no end.
Recent Events:
- Hasn’t been placed on a team as of yet.
- Hasn’t adjusted to Beacon Academy or student life yet.
- Constantly pestering upperclassmen to duel with her.
- The school nurse is starting to suspect her as the cause of her overworking overtime.

Contact Aka Kuroi

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