Viewing profile - Nova Starr

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Nova Starr
Nov 24th
Gender Identity:
Character Picture:
5'6" (167 cm)
110 lbs (50~ kg)
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
She has a thin, somewhat athletic-looking build, though her muscles and abs are lacking in definition. Her skin is a warm, olive complexion with a few freckles on her cheeks. Her face is heart-shaped, with high cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin. Nova's eyes are a bright, clear blue that seem to sparkle like stars in the night sky. She has long, wavy purple hair that falls to her waist and is usually styled in loose curls. She has a small scar above her left eyebrow, received during a training exercise in her first days at Beacon Academy.
Outfit Description:
Nova wears a form-fitting black crop top with a silver star emblem on the front, held in place by thin, silver straps that cross over her back. Over the crop top, Nova wears a black leather jacket with silver zippers and a high collar. The jacket has silver star-shaped studs on the shoulders, a silver star emblem on the back, and cuts off just above the waist.

Nova also wears black shorts that end just above her knees and sparkly black tights. The shorts have silver piping along the edges, and a silver star emblem on the front. She wears black combat boots that reach just below her knees, with silver buckles and laces.

To carry her spear, Nova wears a black leather harness that crosses over her chest and back. When not in use, the spear can be collapsed and attached to the back of the harness. Nova also wears a small silver pendant around her neck which is shaped like a star; a gift from her grandmother when she was young.
Personality Description:
Nova is a dreamer at heart, with a boundless imagination and a deep love of stargazing. She often spends hours lying on her back, looking up at the night sky and imagining all the possibilities that lie beyond. Her fascination with the stars fuels her creativity, inspiring her to become a Huntress and roam the world in awe of the wonders it contains.

Nova has a calm and confident demeanor that inspires trust in those around her. This can come across as being distant to others as if her mind's floating elsewhere, but she doesn't mean to come across as such and is often attentive. She is quick to form strong bonds with those around her and is always willing to lend a helping hand, being fiercely loyal to those she cares about.

However, Nova can also be stubborn and headstrong at times, especially when it comes to defending her beliefs and values. She has a strong sense of justice and isn't afraid to speak her mind when she feels that something is unjust or unfair. This can sometimes lead to conflict with others, though Nova is always willing to stand up for what she believes in, even if it invokes the ire of an aggressor.
Backstory Highlights:
Nova Starr was born into a family of Huntsmen and Huntresses, with most of her relatives having a long, battered history of fighting the creatures of Grimm. From a young age, she had a love for the stars, often staying up late to watch the constellations and imagining herself soaring through the cosmos. This love of the great beyond brought with it a fascination for the world around her, and especially for the sights that one might see outside of the kingdoms.

Nova's parents, who were both highly skilled warriors, recognized their daughter's affinity for the beyond at an early age. Asking what she might like to do when she gets older, the answer was quite unsurprising; becoming a Huntress would help her explore the world and satiate her fascination with it. From then on, they taught her everything they knew about fighting, but emphasized the importance of compassion and empathy, lessons which Nova would take to heart.

When Nova was eight years old, she met her childhood best friend, Quasar, a Faunus who lived on a farm some way outside of the city. The two quickly became inseparable, spending countless hours playing and exploring together. Quasar's family welcomed Nova with open arms, and the farm became a second home to her. It was there that Nova discovered her love for animals, and she would often help with chores and care for the livestock.

As Nova grew older, her parents began to take on more dangerous missions, leaving her in the care of family members and - occasionally - Quasar's family. While she missed her parents terribly, she also used the time to hone her fighting skills and experiment with new techniques, especially during her time on the farm; with the freedom of the great outdoors acting as a perfect training ground, she thrived in the wild.

Every couple of years or so, as was the toll for a family of Huntsman and Huntresses, Nova would have to attend a funeral for one of her own. An unfortunate consequence of her lineage, Nova would deal with it as well as any child could; by distracting themselves. Stargazing, she often traced the constellations with her finger, imagining that, perhaps, each fallen member of her family had become another beautiful star in the sky.

Nowadays, whenever she looks up at night, she never feels alone. The story of her family floating around in the stars is one that she tells herself to cope with her loss, and it's one that never fails to make her smile.

Now a student at Beacon Academy, Nova is ready to take the next big step on her journey through the cosmos.
Nova's parents taught her much of what she knows, though she honed her fighting skills alongside her best friend Quasar. Additionally, as with most budding Huntsman and Huntresses, she attended combat school and is now attending Beacon Academy.
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
Nova's semblance allows her to create spheres of aura that shine brilliantly, especially at night. The spheres last for a few moments before their glow dims and eventually disperse to nothingness.

The spheres are solid and remain suspended in the air where they're summoned. Once a sphere has been interacted with, it begins to deteriorate quickly and burns out in a matter of seconds. Though the spheres float in place, they aren't infallible, and do react to whatever touches them depending upon its weight.

For example, if a Human/Faunus tries to hold onto a sphere, it may dip slightly but remain suspended in the air. If something heavier tries to latch onto it - a Beowolf, let's say - the sphere would be pulled much further down and the creature's descent would be slowed dramatically in the process.

When a sphere is manifested, it takes a small portion of her aura, and she can only summon three or four back-to-back before fatigue begins to set in. If she takes her time and spreads out the summoning of spheres, the toll is much more manageable, thus her semblance is better suited to extended fights where time is less of the essence.
Weapon Name:
Weapon Description:
Nova's weapon is a spear that can transform into a grappling hook. The spear's pole is made of a durable and lightweight metal, with intricate engravings that resemble constellations. The spear's blade is a crescent shape, sharp enough to cut through most materials. The blade is attached to the pole with a retractable mechanism, which allows Nova to transform it into a grappling hook.

When transformed, the spear's blade splits in half, revealing two sharp prongs that can be used to latch onto surfaces. The pole of the spear retracts, revealing a series of gears and mechanisms that allow Nova to control the grappling hook. The grappling hook can be launched with great speed and accuracy, and can be retracted just as quickly.
Fighting Style:
Nova leans on her agility, speed, and precision in battle. She prefers to keep her distance from her opponents and use her spear's reach to her advantage. Nova uses her grappling hook to maneuver around the battlefield quickly, striking her enemies from various angles.

When Nova needs to get up close and personal, she switches to a more aggressive fighting style, using quick strikes and powerful thrusts with her spear. She is also skilled in grappling and throwing techniques, allowing her to disarm or immobilize her opponents. Nova uses her semblance to create fixed grappling points on the battlefield which she can use to maneuver quickly.
Skilled at using her spear/grappling hook weapon to quickly move around the battlefield and engage enemies from unexpected angles.

Strong sense of situational awareness, allowing her to quickly identify threats and opportunities.

Good strategic mind, able to think on her feet and adapt her plans as necessary.

Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, able to hold her own in close-range combat if needed.

Natural leader, able to inspire and coordinate her allies.
Tends to get emotionally attached to people and can be distracted by their safety during combat.

Overly self-critical and can sometimes second-guess her own decisions.

Can be impulsive and rush into situations without fully assessing the risks.

Not as strong in long-range combat, as her spear/grappling hook weapon is designed for close to mid-range engagement.

Can struggle with patience and can get frustrated if things don't go according to plan.

Not very good at hiding her emotions, which can make her easier to read for opponents.

Fragile and relies on her speed to avoid taking too many hits.
Nova loves to look up at the stars and constellations for inspiration and relaxation.

She has a strong sense of justice and loves to help those in need.

Being out in nature, surrounded by trees and wildlife, always brings a sense of peace to Nova.

She enjoys reading books about history, science, and mythology.

She has a talent for cooking and enjoys trying out new recipes.
Nova hates the idea of people fighting and dying unnecessarily.

She can't handle anything too spicy and tends to avoid it.

She dislikes people who are full of themselves and act superior to others.

She is always looking for something new and exciting to do, and dislikes being stuck doing nothing.

Confusion as to what type of weapon Astrum is. Should it be referred to as anything other than a spear, she shall deliver an impromptu lecture on the differences between spears and other polearms.
Fun Facts:
Nova has a pet hamster named Comet.
Recent Events:
Thus far, Nova has been keeping her head down at Beacon Academy, not wanting to make too much of a fuss.

Contact Nova Starr

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Dialogue - #A65EF0
Misc. (thoughts, etc.) - #36B2FD