Viewing profile - Sean Thru

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Sean Thru
Spook, Straight Lace
Gender Identity:
Personal Emblem Image:
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Light Grey
Physical Description:
Sean is of tall and slender build, he is physically fit yet has very little mass to his frame as his shoulders are slim and only ever so slightly wider than his hips, giving him a very lanky look.

While that may be the case, Sean is highly trained and much stronger than his somewhat lithe frame would have others assume.

His hair is blonde, naturally a darker shade, which Sean bleaches to become very pale.
He keeps it short and tidy, not doing much else to style it, as he prefers a well-kept but bland look.
Outfit Description:
Sean always dresses in order of the occasion, so while on school grounds Sean will wear the school uniform, keeping it very tidy.

Keeping with a uniform in his free time as well, Sean usually defaults to wear what looks similar to an atlas academy uniform.
A gray Vest over a white shirt and white dress pants, with his shoes varying, but usually defaulting to black sneakers.

Sean has no direct combat outfit, as all it takes for him to be ready is to equip his weapons and the light armor he wears, being simple knee and elbow protectors along with Rip Cord, his weapon, doubling as armor.
Personality Description:
Formal, strict and to the point, Sean rarely ever wastes his time with small talk or other such activities, he's a busy man and at the academy to learn, so that is what he will do.
Sean is a workaholic trough and trough, his free time is spent either with training or studying, even if there are no tests, as such he will usually excel at any given task.
Sean prides himself on his accomplishments and will never back down from a challenge or task he deems important.

While he detests most rich people and their wasteful, superficial behavior, he is not above using his own wealth to further his goals, as he will utilize any advantage he can have to get his way.

In what few social interactions he has, Sean is always friendly, cordial and calm, happy to give advice and help out.

Yet, this is a facade, Sean is very observant and judgmental, taking note of anything that could be seen as a weakness or something to use against others or for himself.

It's unlikely that he will actually do so as long as this person earns his respect, powerful, hardworking or smart students will have no issue finding Sean's support, him being very interested in building positive relationships, simply for his own benefit, rarely ever will Sean make a true friend. Yet those that stand in his way or earn his ire by their behavior or actions will have their weaknesses exploited, may that be by snide comments or during fights.

Faunus will be judged especially hard, while Sean is not outright racist he is biased in his perception of them due to his upbringing and as such will have his eyes on them.

Teachers have no such worry, Sean will do his darnedest to appeal to them, as he's aware that he's dependent on them, as such Sean will always do his best around and for them.

Sean is a shut in, seeing social interaction more as a chore than anything else, and rarely ever sharing anything about himself.

While he will never admit it, Sean loves Vale, and he wishes he could learn to view the world and other people in a less analytical and cold way like he had learned in Atlas.

The one hobby Sean has that he uses to express himself is music, he's a multi talent, being able to play the piano, violin and bass having them learned them as the son of a rich family.
Yet his true passion and secret passion are the drums, being loud and just letting out all the stress from his day is truly a blessing.
Backstory Highlights:
Sean Thru Talyn, born to Tras Arent and Chris Talyn, both inheritors of their families companies, now merging together into Arelyn Corp, a supplier of clothing and miscellaneous support gear for all of Atlas.

As the future heir to Arelyn Corp, Sean was raised enjoying the highest level of comfort in Atlas, the world was served to him on a silver platter, and he never had to worry about a thing in his youth, but when Sean got older he grew to hate it, the bragging of his many friends and family members of their riches, the senseless wastefulness and blatantly cruelty but worst of all his own weakness.
Living his easy life, he had never had to face a challenge before, so when it was his time to join the academy, he failed, the expectations of his family now weighing down on him heavier than ever. Sean wanted to crumble and give up, but he didn't let himself, he pushed on and grew stronger, he felt true pride for the first time in his life, and it was intoxicating!
Sean made it through atlas Academy with a rough start, but trough talent and determination pushed on his goal to become a soldier of atlas.
Yet, he was rejected, a true blow to his pride, one Sean yet took in stride.
With his families' approval, Sean left for Beacon, becoming a huntsman also sounded like a worthy goal.

Sean's full name is Sean Thru Talyn, yet he arranged it so that his student file does not mention his family name, as Sean wanted to keep his family relations secret during his stay in Vale, getting hounded due to his status as a rich atlesian did not sound appealing.
Third Year Beacon Student
Homeschooled by Atlas finest, attended Atlas Academy for about a year and a half before leaving, spent two years at Beacon now in the process of his third year.
Semblance Name:
Common Veneer
Semblance Description:
Sean's semblance is best likened to those moments where you are preoccupied with something and get spooked by someone not even trying to sneak up on you.
Sean's semblance gives him that trait, at the cost of aura, the drain of which is low but increases the more people are in his line of sight.

A more thorough explanation to his semblance is that it manipulates the perception of others, Sean does not become invisible to the naked eye, he becomes like the mouse cursor you can't find without moving it, a person that simply vanishes in a crowd or other things one would simply glance over without them being pointed out.

As such, unless someone was prior made aware of his presence and is afterward directly looking for him, Sean becomes hard to spot for most people as they simply glance him over.

This effect does not work if someone knows of Sean and if they focus on him, that focus could be something simple like rage after he's attacked them.
Sean will have to either calm them down or hope for someone else to distract them.

While this semblance is of course better suited for stealth, it can be used in direct combat.
By distracting his opponent with things like flash/smoke -grenades he can create a temporary loss in focus on him and use it to reposition or strike without being noticed.

His semblance does not make him immune to surveillance, so he will trigger alarms and other such things as normal.
Video footage of him however still carries the effect of his semblance if he has it active during the time of recording.
Weapon Name:
Rip Cord
Weapon Description:
Rip Cord was provided to Sean by his parent's company, however Sean heavily modified it to make it his own.
Rip Cord is a wrist mounted cable launcher, that holds a hook claw, attached to a coil of steel wire held in a separate device at Sean's lower arm, this holster also doubling as armor, the wire is 1.5 centimeters thick, highly flexible yet durable and can extend to a full length of 90 feet.
The wire is pulled back inside by a dust fueled system inside the holster which may be small but while reinforced by Aura is quite strong, enough to pull 300lbs by itself.
The launcher also comes with a shoulder guard and pauldron of the same design, giving Sean's left arm full white armor and perfect control of Rip Cord.

Rip Cord can be fired with adjustable power and in three modes:
Claw, hook and whip.

The claw functions as one would expect, when shot out it will grasp what ever it hits first.
When shot at maximum power, it can even dig into solid concrete.
At low power, Sean will often use it to grab far away objects without damaging them too much.

In hook mode, Rip Cord functions as a normal grappling hook, able to latch to ledges, railing etc. or serve as an easy way to make loops.

In whip form, Rip Cord's tip folds inward, becoming a single lacerating blade.

Regardless of form, Sean can overcharge the electricity dust inside Rip Cord and send a strong electric shock through the wire, he himself is insulated against it, at maximum output the shock can outright kill targets if applied directly to the head, but Sean mostly uses it to stun targets at lower to medium output.
Other Gear:
Besides Rip Cord, Sean employs a bunch of firearms, none of which have any special properties besides Sean commonly using silencers on his firearms.
Additionally, Sean often wields an army knife that can heat up its blade using fire dust, so he can cut through Rip Cord in case of his weapon getting tangled up.

Sean rarely uses dust outside of Rip Cord and his knife, the only exception being Hard Light Dust to create platforms or walls for various purposes.
Fighting Style:
With his semblance allowing for easy approaches, him being highly skilled and with the strength to back it up, Sean is a true menace when it comes to sneak attacks, being able to perform fast and precise takedowns on person and Grimm alike.
Rip Cord often enough being used as a Garrote Wire for this purpose.

While a surprise attack is his preferred way of engaging, Sean is also capable of head on brawls, being well versed in a defensive fighting style focused on opening up opponents for his weapons to finish them, this only goes for weaker opponents, however.
Direct confrontations with someone equal or greater in strength with him is something Sean would like to avoid.

Against stronger opponents, Sean will play keep away with his Rip Cord, letting him keep distance by moving away or forcing his opponent to stay away unless they want to get slashed and/or zapped by the whip.

If a fight is truly unfavorable, Sean can also fall back, by simply taking higher ground and relying on his marksman skills or causing a distraction and fleeing thanks to his semblance.
Sean is an incredibly smart and cunning individual, a well learned young man with notes on everyone he met has no issues adapting to any social situation.
In most cases, Sean knows just what to say to get his way.

Sean rarely ever gets tired, being a workaholic, he's always prepared and ready to tackle the day and most things Remnant could throw at him.

To the few true friends Sean has he is an incredible asset, being there with advice, as well as the drive and smarts to help them out.

Sean is a well versed student in the art of war and excellent tactician, he knows what fights to take and how to approach them.

His ability to assess risks combined with his semblance usually lets him start most fights in his favor.

He is a fighter with very weaknesses, something he knows how to take full advantage off by using his arsenal.
Making friends is a real chore for Sean, making him a bit of a lone wolf, someone that rarely ever relies on others Sean has somewhat forgotten to simply accept help and will push on by himself, to a self-destructive extent even.

Sean's intelligence may be his greatest strength but is also a major weakness, as he will try and predict his opponents he will disregard options he considers "illogical" and not plan for them.

While Sean is versatile and capable of dispatching single foes, his arsenal lacks any "boom" sturdier opponents or groups of them that can outlast him or faster ones that can dodge him will give Sean trouble.
Alternate Characters:
Al Ciendra, Ela Motley, Lin Motley

Contact Sean Thru

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Sean converses in #808F99