Viewing profile - Nocte Fabri

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Nocte Fabri
Feb 3rd
Gender Identity:
Faunus (Wolf Ears)
Character Picture:
Personal Emblem Image:
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Gunmetal Grey - 818589
Physical Description:

Even at just a glance, it is clear that Nocte has honed herself for the art of combat. Tall, with a toned and athletic figure, she strikes a balance between strength and agility, leaving her an imposing prospect for any opponent foolish enough to tangle with her. Said figure is only emphasised by how she holds herself. Never one to slouch, she holds about her an air of decorum and refinement, though with it comes imposition and authority. Even if one were to ignore all of this, there would still be the scornful look that seems to permanently adorn her features.

Framed by locks of pitch-dark hair - when it isn't tied back and kept out of her way - are features so sharp and narrow that a man could be pierced just a look from her honey-gold eyes. Her mouth follows suit, with thin lips that barely seem to twitch, let alone offer any kind of smile. Further below are the signs of training - callouses and toughened skin, apparently unaffected by her Aura's healing effect, or not seen as important enough to address. In effectively every aspect, she seems more machine than person, focussed entirely on her duty, having tuned her body precisely for that purpose.
Outfit Description:
Normally, when not in uniform, Nocte can be found wearing outfits that could usually be described as business casual. Dress shirts, dark jeans, and smart shoes made from leather comprise the bulk of her wardrobe, with a great many of those tending towards darker hues.

In the field, this is eschewed in favour of a lighter, more practical outfit. Jackets, tops, and trousers - sometimes shorts, if the weather calls for them - woven from an extremely tough fibre are worn instead, allowing her to stay light on her feet when not deploying Hailstorm.

When attending formal events, Nocte exclusively wears suits. She has, on more than one occasion, gone on record saying that she would sooner swallow a box of needles than wear a dress, no matter the style.
Personality Description:
At first glance, Nocte appears to be little more than your stereotypical ice queen. Her stoic personality leaves her nigh-incapable of displaying even the slightest changes in emotion, let alone any strong feelings, outwardly. Moreover, the scowl she wears seems nigh-perpetual - few have seen her without it, and those few are related to her. The looks aren't just for show, however. A woman who does her best not to speak idly, she is known to be quite terse and blunt when she does elect to interject. Few would be blamed for not thinking her the most personable of people.

However, beneath all the layers of ice and scorn, is someone that cares far more than she lets on. Despite the disdain she displays towards her fellow man, Nocte is possessed of a strong sense of justice, to the point where she will run herself ragged to see that it is done. She dismisses it as doing her job as a Hunter, but those close to her know better. And, in quiet moments, when she thinks nobody is looking, her facade relaxes. Only a little, but enough that it can be seen. The smell of freshly-ground luxury coffee beans, the crispness of a new book, the sound of a melodic piano piece... As rife with money as her upbringing was, it is the simple things that bring her the most joy.

In summary, while Nocte may seem to be a standoffish and scornful individual, there’s depth and softness to her that few see - and fewer still she trusts enough to show it to.
Backstory Highlights:
Born the first child of Vulpe Fabri, great things were expected of Nocte. She was, after all, the heiress of one Remnant's most prominent weapons manufacturers - the Fabri Arms Company. Each heir to the company had been a prodigy in their childhood, and all throughout their life, had crafted weapons of the finest quality. No less was expected of Nocte herself, even before she was able to speak. In fact, with the advances in manufacturing technology, digitisation, and Dust refinement that the modern era brought, even more was expected of her than of her father, or his before him.

Her family's hopes were not in vain. From the very moment that she could walk, a tool of some sort was in her hand, wielding them on whatever she could toddle over to. Whenever she was taught a new craft or technique, she would dedicate her body and soul to it, working through day and night until she was confident enough with it to carry out the requisite steps in her sleep. Nocte seemed to be a prime candidate for a position at the head of the company - or rather, she would have, were it not for her brother.

Born not long after her, Lucius was more than just her equal, when it came to their chosen craft. Where Nocte would work until she collapsed to achieve satisfaction in a task, Lucius never seemed to struggle once. Whether it was smithing, machining, or designing, the boy - even from a very young age - had an affinity for it that exceeded even Nocte's own. And, despite his talent, he never once allowed himself to rest on his laurels. Remaining kind and humble throughout, he would always do his best to keep learning new skills, and refining the ones he had.

Despite the clear gap in their skill, the two were as thick as thieves. He, as the better craftsman, would always be on hand to help his sister with her projects, whether it was with advice or an extra pair of hands. She, on the other hand, would spend hours with him on the range. As she was far better shot and athlete than him, he valued her input immensely, to the point where some of their elders' advice was blown off in favour of steering a project towards her instead.

Despite this closeness, their father's clear favouritism strained their relationship to no end. Vulpe tried to hide it, of course, but acting was not among his skillset. Arguments between the siblings were not uncommon, and as resentment began to build up over the years, it finally came to a head in a physical confrontation. The fight was brief, of course. Nocte had always been Lucius' clear superior in combat - but this proved to be her undoing as well. When the dust settled, and the anger faded, she saw what she'd done to her brother, and immediately, her frustration turned to regret.

Lucius' hand would make a full recovery - but it would take months, if not a year, before that happened. And his craft would no doubt suffer for it. In all but the eyes of Lucius himself, blame fell squarely upon Nocte. She was quick to accept it, and quicker still to turn away from following in the footsteps of her predecessors. She vowed instead to put her skills to better use, and become a Huntress. She vowed to wield her strength and skill in defence of the realm, while also hoping to better understand a wide array of weaponry than what the company already offered. To most, it was presented as a noble goal, and she was lauded for her efforts - but the family knew the truth.

It was shame.

Seen as a vicious, unstable brute by those close enough to the family to know the truth of the incident, she had ousted herself in lieu of facing them. To be looked down upon by them, after she had already been dismissed in favour of a true prodigy, was shameful to her. But what truly hurt her was the thought of what her brother thought of her. They had been as close as siblings could be, and she had not only hurt him, but in a way that had impeded his passion. She had to go - and people wanted her out. Where better to go, than somewhere that her prowess might be put to better use?

Though she still maintains some contact with her family, if only to let them know that she's still alive, and has access to their resources, she is far from the golden child. She remains unsure of when - or even if - she can return, but until that day, her frustration is turned upon the Grimm... and herself.
Beacon Academy Student (First Year)
Nocte was inducted at one of Vale's finest combat schools, and even outside of them, received training from some of the finest craftsmen and Hunters that money could buy.
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
Chainstrike allows the user to create extensible, prehensile chains, made out of their Aura. Able to extend up to 10 metres, each chain is as strong as steel, though using more Aura to create them can increase this greatly. Each chain created through the use of this Semblance can be controlled independently, and is capable of simple actions - things such as whipping, coiling, and poking targets.

As strong as the chains can be made, however, the cost to make them stronger past the point of steel increases exponentially. While it’s technically possible, the cost is so great that it is impractical in anything but emergency situations. It should also be noted that breaking any part of the chain causes the entire thing to be broken, draining more Aura on top of the cost to summon it.
While the chains can be controlled independently, this is as much a disadvantage as it is an advantage. Conscious thought must be made to make it move - they are not like extra limbs, where muscle memory kicks in. Moreover, only simple actions like those described above are possible. Ones that require precise movements or fine motor control, such as typing or imitating martial arts, are beyond their capabilities.
Weapon Name:
Weapon Description:
Unkindness is a combination of a downsized light machine gun, and a deadly warhammer. Capable of firing enough rounds to reduce most Grimm to ribbons in seconds, and crushing anything strong enough to survive that onslaught, it is a force to be reckoned with.

In order to shift between both forms, the barrel retracts into the gun’s main body, and the stock folds down, becoming thinner and longer to become the hammer’s haft. The process isn’t as quick as most other combination weapons, but is deemed necessary as a safety measure, in order to allow the barrel time to cool down.

While Unkindness’ ability to handle powerful calibres and achieve a high rate of fire make it an extremely potent weapon, its longer reload time can create a window of opportunity for swift opponents, while also making it prohibitively difficult to switch ammo types on the fly. Moreover, its bulk makes it difficult to wield in tight spaces, whether as a melee weapon or a gun.
Other Gear:
A semi-automatic handgun, manufactured by the Fabri Arms Company. Considered a highly reliable, uncomplicated, and surprisingly powerful pistol, it more than warrants the hefty price tag that comes with it. Given its weight, sleekness, and size, it makes for a dependable sidearm.

A simple metal blade that can be superheated through inserting Fire Dust. Forged by Nocte herself, it is designed to be used when there isn't room to swing her warhammer, and an LMG would prove impractical.
Fighting Style:
While perhaps not to the degree that someone with smaller and lighter weapons may be, she Nocte is surprisingly agile and precise with both a war hammer and LMG. She is quickly able to identify the parts of larger opponents that would yield to the repeated trauma of a hail of bullets and hammer blows, while smaller foes will find themselves on the receiving end of "covering fire."

Despite her skill, weight and bulk are nevertheless inherent in her weapon of choice. Her sword and pistol remedy this somewhat, but she is far less skilled with them than she is with Unkindness. Quick and opportunistic foes could very well prove to be her undoing.
• Marksmanship: Nocte has spent many an hour at the range, and can put lead on targets like nobody's business.

• Weapon Crafting/Maintenance: Taught by some of the craft's foremost figures, she can take apart, clean and put back together a pistol before you blink.

• Detail-Oriented: Whether it's in combat or in the workshop, Nocte can pick apart something and discern even the most minute of details.

• Resilient: No matter the situation, Nocte remains stoic and impassive, able to maintain her composure against even the most dire of odds.

• Attentive: Nocte dismisses no details out of hand. She knows the value that information - even the most seemingly-inconspicuous of details - can hold.
• Long-Range Combat: Though familiar with the workings of long-range rifle and launchers, she is not nearly as proficient with them as she is with mid- and close-range weaponry.

• Hand-to-Hand: Nocte's focus is primarily on weaponry. Though she has some familiarity with fighting bare-handed, it is only because it was part of her school's curriculum.

• Perfectionist: To Nocte, "good enough" is never good enough. She must excel at her task, or she will not be satisfied with her performance.

• Inexpressive: It is difficult to tell how Nocte is feeling, at the best of times. This can make it exceedingly difficult for people to get a read on, and thus socialise, with her.

• Blunt: Though she may not always mean to do it maliciously, Nocte will often state things without making any attempt to soften the blow. She can restrain herself from doing so, but it requires constant, conscious, effort.
• Coffee
• Sports (watching/playing)
• Crafts
• Period Dramas
• Smart Clothing
• Overly-Sweet Drinks
• Repetitive Tasks
• Chocolate
• Science Fiction
• Dresses
Fun Facts:
Under a psuedonym, Nocte has written numerous scathing critiques of various period dramas she's watched. Though her opinions tend to be quite divisive, they are always well-written.

While still in combat school, Nocte showed promise as a part of the football team. Her coach maintains that she could have gone pro, had she not joined Beacon.
Alternate Characters:
Asterion Khryseos

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