Viewing profile - Juniper Azurine

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Juniper Azurine
Apr 9th
Gender Identity:
Demifemale (she/they)
Faunus (Lizard; Horns)
Character Picture: ... height=594
Personal Emblem Image: ... a7e91a.jpg
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
Dark turquoise
Physical Description:
June has a lanky, boxy build with a more androgynous look to her, given her rectangular torso and small chest. They’re built more for agility and speed than heavy hitting, without much visible muscle. She’s average height, but her body proportions give the impression of being taller, especially due to her somewhat gangly stature. Their skin is noticeably pale, almost sickly so, and marred with an array of scars all over their torso and legs—including a branding of some type of insignia on their left side—though few to none on their face and other easily visible areas. Their hair is a dark teal, and cut haphazardly in jagged layers that was clearly done by herself with an instrument not designed to cut hair; she typically wears her hair half up, secured with a large black ribbon, with long, thick bangs framing her face, that defeat the purpose of putting her hair up in the first place. Her narrow, gaunt face sports features that are somewhat oddly proportioned, with wide yet heavily lidded red eyes compared to a slight, pointed nose and thin, perpetually chapped lips. She has a smattering of dark freckles across her cheeks. The most noticeable aspects of her appearance are the small, reptilian horns growing from her forehead, and her cybernetic parts; her left foot, right hand, and most of her left arm are metal, all sleek, high grade Atlas tech, which they painted a dark, gunmetal grey. Any time she’s asked about what happened to her limbs, she gives a different, wildly improbable answer.
Outfit Description:
June’s combat attire focuses on blacks and grays with a splash of blue for color. Her top is a ribbed, dark teal tank top, over which they wear a black, asymmetrically cut cap sleeve hoodie, cut diagonally across their torso with the longer side ending in two long tails, and the shorter end stopping just below the lower portion of the sleeve. Across the exposed side of the hoodie are two strips of fabric that wrap loosely around their torso; the hoodie is also adorned with a very large hood attached to a high collar that all pools together in an almost scarf-like fashion around her neck. Moving down, June sports a pair of black denim shorts adorned with buckles along the bottom hem. Attached to her black belt is a cape-like garment of equal color made from a thicker cargo material, that reaches halfway down her shins in front, but only to her knees in the back. The cap also comes with two long, belt-like accessories reaching vertically down the outer edges. She has tall socks that match in color—the same teal as her shirt—but not in length, with the right reaching above her knee and the left just below it. Her shoes consist of black knee high boots with a neon blue spiderweb pattern across the heels. Her emblem, a heart shaped web, is embroidered in light teal on the bottom left corner of her cape.
Personality Description:
June, to be blunt, is not a nice person. Despite their reptilian faunus heritage, they have often been compared to a cat; not a sleek, fluffy house cat, but a stray, feral cat that got lured out of the dumpster with shrimp on a string. She’s distrusting, standoffish, and unsociable, and cares little about making any sort of good impression towards people. She speaks her mind in a harshly unfiltered, yet incredibly sardonic way, and has no problem making it blatantly clear how much she would rather be absolutely anywhere else than wherever she currently is at any given moment. They have a very apathetic, disinterested approach to life, caring for little and expressing less. They play their cards close to their chest when it comes to letting people in, and prefers to spin cryptic tales in place of genuine answers about themself. They’re incredibly hypocritical in that regard, as they highly value honesty to the point that lying to her is seen as an irredeemable slight, yet she herself is very rarely honest, especially in anything regarding her personal life. Their hairpin trigger temper doesn’t make them aggressive, per say, but she is more likely to view social interactions as negative and lash out verbally in response, having no trouble turning harsh towards anyone she registers as hostile; she’s bitter about most things, and likes making sure everyone knows it. They have a notable distaste for authority, which may manifest as an unwillingness to follow orders, or general disrespectfulness such as talking back to teachers or attempting to derail lectures just because she’s in a bad mood.

It should be noted that Juniper is plural, until a proper EP is made, more information on this can be found here: ... sp=sharing
Backstory Highlights:
The Azurine family is one of notable dignity in Atlesian high society, with old money and a longstanding tradition of producing well respected huntsmen and huntresses. Though the family had wealth and recognition, they weren’t entirely happy. Her parents’ marriage was done more for social gain, resulting in a stiff, cold, formal marriage that tainted the entire house. With on top of the fact that June was an only child, and homeschooled her entire life via a range of private tutors and personal trainers, June’s childhood was very sheltered, and often lonely. June’s father had followed the family tradition of becoming a huntsman, and June was expected to do the same, being raised from birth to be a huntress with little room for any other career path. While she was taught by other personal combat trainers, her father, a professional huntsman himself who also taught at Atlas’s huntsman academy, also played a large role in her combat training, and his methods of training were often unforgiving. His own parents had tarnished the family name when his father married a faunus woman from Mantle—a trait that was then passed down to both him and June—so he allowed for nothing short of perfection from June, wanting her to make up for the wounded reputation. His methods of training were effective, yes, but often harsh, with unreasonably high expectations and little room for error. Her father's harsh methods of training resulted in significant injury to June at a young age, when her father paired her up against a Grimm she was far too young to be facing. She lost two appendages directly in this encounter, and the other had to be removed some time later due to complications with the injury. Her father's harsh training greatly impacted June's relationship with her father, leading to very troubled and unstable relationship that contributed to her leaving Atlas and moving to Vale when she was 15. She had already known for a while that she would pick Beacon over Atlas’s military academy, she didn’t want to study where her father worked, so as soon as she was given the chance she moved out, getting an apartment in Vale and enrolling in Beacon as planned as soon as she was old enough to.
June has been homeschooled her whole life by private tutors, the best Atlas has to offer; this includes not only academics, but also combat training to follow the family's huntsman tradition, as well as a number of other extracurricular activities. Alongside the private tutors and personal trainers, June's father, who is a professional huntsman, also played a large role in her combat training.
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
June’s semblance is nothing fancy. She can turn her aura into web/net type constructs that she typically shoots from her hands to aim, but don’t inherently need to come from her hands. The nets stick to whatever they land on, but only along the edges of the net. She can also shoot single strands of aura in a rope like construction to grab or whip things. The benefit of shooting her nets from her hands is that, since both her hands are cybernetic, she can insert dust cartridges into her hands, and easily channel her aura through that first to give her nets different dust properties, such as being coated in electricity or fire, or drawing things into them with a gravitational pull. June typically uses her nets in conjunction with her weapon in trident form, by trapping her opponent with a net then attacking with her mid range weapon. 1 square foot of net takes up 1% of her aura, so the larger a net she uses, the proportional amount of aura she will need to use to create it. The nets, seeing as they’re constructed from aura, can take as many hits as it would take to deplete the percentage of aura used; e.g a net made with 5% of her aura could take as much damage as is needed to deplete 5% of a person’s aura.
Weapon Name:
Weapon Description:
Atlantis is a versatile weapon meant to provide options for close, mid-range, and ranged attacks. It’s default form is the same as its ranged form, being a cyberpunk-esc rifle that can utilize both dust and regular bullets. The barrel of the rifle is enclosed between two blades, like a two pronged sword. For mid-ranged combat, the blades along the side of the rifle can widen apart, making room for a third blade to sprout from the center, while the shoulder stock of the rifle extends on a telescoped metal pole to form a trident. Dust effects can still be shot from the weapon in this form, but regular bullets cannot be used. For a close range form, the bottom blade of the rifle can detach into a slightly curved short sword, while a single section of the trident’s segmented handle appears from the back of the rifle, to turn the rest of the weapon into another short sword, the two swords are dual wielded, with the smaller of the two held in the user’s offhand.
Other Gear:
Her arm:
Most of June’s left arm is cybernetic, which, to June, just means room for fun tech. The palm of June’s left hand has a blaster or barrel of sorts, typically covered by a lens shutter-like cover when not in use, that connects to the same dust imports that June uses when giving her semblance dust effects. This allows June to shoot blasts of dust from her palm, though she can only use fire and lightning with this feature, and the blasts aren’t very big, being best for close combat.
Fighting Style:
June’s fighting style primarily focuses on melee and mid-ranged attacks, especially with her semblance being best for close encounters, however she is also able to fight from a distance, or hand to hand. She was raised to be a huntress, so her fighting style was made to be good for any situation. While she is capable of fighting hand to hand, June doesn’t posses a lot of brute strength, and thus their typical style relies more on weaponry.
Combat and strategy:
June comes from a long line of huntsmen and huntresses, and was quite literally raised to be a huntress. For this reason, she's had extensive combat training from a very early age, and is proficient in a multitude of combat styles.

Strong intuition:
June is incredibly clever and intuitive, being highly perceptive of even the smallest of details, and thus able to read people and work through situations very quickly. However, they don't often use this skill to their advantage, as they simply doesn't care enough to try.

Strong work ethic:
June may complain and talk back to anyone trying to tell her what to do, and ignore orders to do things her own way, but at the end of the day she will make sure to get the job done, done to the best of her ability.

Though June prefers to work alone, seeing as she doesn't like most people, they are fully capable of working well with a team should they so choose to.
Issues with authority:
As previously mentioned, June has some issues with following orders, and authority in general. This may manifest as an unwillingness to do as she's told, either by pushing back against orders, blatantly doing the opposite of what she was told, or, as is often the case in combat situations, getting the job done but doing it her own way rather than the way she was directed to.

Though June is entirely capable of working well with a team, and has has plenty of experience doing so, she much prefers to work alone due to her asocial nature, and thus will often to everything she can to not have to work with other people.

Short tempered:
June isn't violent, but she is rude, and small slights can easily set her off. Paired with the fact that June just doesn't like most people—and thus has little reason to play nice—June's tendency towards verbal aggression makes her more enemies than it does friends, and she isn't the nicest person to work with.

June's semblance is really only good for restraining opponents. Outside of that, her webs don't have a lot of use in combat, they're aren't very offensive or defensive.
- blue raspberry candy
- sharpie doodles
- cigarettes
- lollipops
- cold weather
- baggy clothes
- the color blue
- collecting fun lighters
- her father
- authority
- the color yellow
- pda
- having her picture taken
- overly flashy weapons
- extroverts
- water
Fun Facts:
June has an unfortunate history with being stalked, to the point that, for a time, she would find notes and gifts in her own bedroom (this is also partially what influenced her to move to Vale).

To cope with the paranoia and anxiety and everything that came from being stalked so intensely, June has an officially licensed psychiatric service dog named Nox, who does lots of helpful tasks such as checking rooms before June enters them, or alerting her when someone is approaching her from behind. More information about Nox will be listed in an EP if one is ever made.
Alternate Characters:
Citrine Locke
Hyacinth Bordeaux

Contact Juniper Azurine

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𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔢,
𝔞𝔱 𝔪𝔶 𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡 𝔟𝔢𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔪

the multicolored text/dialogue is me keeping track of stuff, you can just ignore it if you want
the closest thing June has to an ep right now is linked in the personality section of her bio