Viewing profile - Claire Buíocán

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Claire Buíocán
The Requiter
November 9
Gender Identity:
6' (183cm)
175lb (79kg)
Eye Color:
Aura Color:
translucent - see Semblance
Physical Description:
Tall, beautiful, and athletic, Claire carries herself with the poise of a woman who knows something you don't. She typically wears her walnut brown hair in a tight pineapple braid.

Her soft features are belied by a torso replete with hard cords of muscle
Outfit Description:
Claire generally wears deep-cut tops that accentuate her figure and complement her bronze skin paired with a simple skirt and cloak. Her preferred color palette consists of greens, purples, deep reds, and whites.
Personality Description:
Claire's every action is driven by a singular motivation: equal treatment of all, for all, by all.

Slow to trust and slower still to befriend, the hardline stance and unshakeable exterior that she presents to the world falls away the moment she isn't being observed by those she opposes. To the masses, she is kind, meek, gentle, and generous.

She enjoys literature, irony, and cinnamon, and can often be found relaxing on an empty rooftop with a half-empty bottle of the local hooch.
Backstory Highlights:
Claire was eight years old when she realized she wasn’t crazy.

All her life, she’d heard the voices. Her parents - her beautiful, wonderful parents - had thought that their daughter was the best thing to ever happen to them, and fervently believed that she would be able to do whatever she wanted to do when she grew up. Claire believed it, too.

And then they died. Bandits are the literal worst.

Forced into the sands of Vacuo, seven-year-old Claire suddenly encountered people who DIDN'T think the world of her. The insults kept coming and coming - did no one have anything nice to say to her?

So she ran. She ran and she kept running until she made it to the city. No one knew her there, and no one had time to spare thinking much about her either. It was then that she realized that she was hearing the voices, but the people around her weren’t speaking the words - they were THINKING them.

Claire could read their thoughts, but not all of their thoughts. She soon realized that she could hear any thought that was about her, either directly or indirectly.

Getting good deals from merchants was easy when you could tell that they were cheating you. Calling them out about it in the presence of other customers was a surefire way to get a good price and make an enemy - but when you could hear your enemies coming to get you, having enemies was never a problem.

As she grew, she began to use what she heard more actively to change the world around her to be more fair - after all, if she knew when she was being cheated, why shouldn’t she know when others were being cheated? In a few short years, she was twelve, and the bazaar nearest the gate that faced the sprawling maze of tents that she called home had become a haven of fair dealing in a sea of otherwise unscrupulous merchants in the port city of Celerita.

Then she went to a market on the other side of the city and something happened. She saw a merchant trying to cheat a customer, and she knew he was doing it. She was too far away to see or hear what was going on, but she knew. So she ran over and yelled at him that he shouldn’t cheat his customers. From the look on his face, it was clear he hadn’t been expecting to be caught. From the look on the customer’s face, it was clear that she recognized Claire as matching the description of the girl that rumor said had made the other bazaar clean by virtue of uncanny knowledge.

On that day, Claire Esmerelda Buíocán realized what her Semblance did.

Armed with that knowledge, she set out on a personal mission: to make Remnant just again.

Over the next two decades, she traveled throughout first Vacuo and then the rest of Remnant, doing three things: telling her story, preaching her philosophy, and establishing her legend.

Today, she maintains her status and equipment by being the leader of an underground paramilitary/charity group called The Restitution. Members donate time, talent, and treasure to a local repository, and that stockpile is dispensed as needed by simple agreement of those present when the need arises. Property, cash, material resources, even personnel are considered communal resources for the use of the group, not the individual. Local organizers have Claire's contact information (listed only as The Requiter), but she is rarely contacted: the persistent mythos of the organization is that its founder is always aware of what resources they have access to and will know if those resources are used irresponsibly: her Semblance makes this true.

The Restitution acts simultaneously as a charity, an employment agency, a private security force, and a tradesman's guild. Its global presence and absolute insistence on fair dealings make it a frequent one-stop shop for merchants whose deliveries fell through, traveling Huntsman who need temporary access to a specific item or skillset, and even providers of event security for things like concerts and festivals, but also frequently place it at odds with local black market organizers. This rarely breaks out into open combat for two reasons: the organization is a legally registered charity with all four Kingdoms, and many mafia factions take care of the communities in which they are located, meaning that Claire has personally brokered peace agreements with local dons to ensure smooth operation without turf wars. Aside from Claire's unquestioned leadership, the decentralized nature of the organization makes it difficult for anyone to connect the Restitution to any of their more overt moves on the upper crust of society.
The School of Hard Knocks
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
The only thing about Claire that she never talks about, her Semblance is her most tightly-guarded secret: only one other person even knows what it's called, much less what it does.

Claire passively hears any and all thoughts about her that come from either anyone she's laid eyes on before or anyone within 1000 feet of her. If she spends Aura, any one of those thoughts can become manifest reality.

The cost and duration of the reality-bending effect is dependent on how fervently the thought is held in the mind, the complexity of the manifested ability, and the number of times she's manifested that particular power before (each use decreases the cost, down to a minimum threshold based on the power's complexity).

Her most commonly manifested powers are "her Aura is invisible" (this costs essentially nothing, though her natural Aura color is black), "you won't see her unless she wants you to" (this only costs Aura if her natural stealth skills are insufficient), and "the Founder sees all that occurs within the walls of the Restitution" (due to the persistent understanding of the singular rule of the organization, this function of her Semblance will never cost her any Aura to maintain).

Over time, Claire has leveraged her meticulously-curated cult of personality and near-mythical status among the oppressed undergrounds of the Kingdoms to mature a full suite of abilities that are essentially always on standby through sheer force of numbers:

- extreme durability (cost scales with damage negated)
- extreme speed (cost scales with distance traveled)
- surpassing strength (cost scales with exertion)
- the power to bend projectiles (cost scales with scope)
- the ability to read the intentions of others (cost scales based on body language and degree of hostile intent)
- momentary intangibility (cost scales with objects phased through)
- various elemental affinities
- a near-limitless Aura reserve (the temporary increase to her maximum Aura means that she won't use any of her actual reserves while the power is active)
- lethally-sharp teeth

Additionally, she has learned to plant the suggestion of what her Semblance MIGHT do in the heads of her adversaries, leading to them creating new powers for her to use mid-fight.

Claire has trained her use of her Semblance extensively, so while she might be inexpert at using her temporary powers, there is little room for improvement with her true ability.
Weapon Name:
Weapon Description:
A thick braided silk rope with a modular tip that can be changed at will from an array of implements that Claire keeps in the bandolier sewn into the back of her clothes under her cloak.

The Changeling can take the form of a kusarigama, meteor hammer, rope dart, flying talon, nine-tailed cat, etc.

The difficulty of using such a complicated and myriad weapon lends itself well to creating the mystique required to build the legend that made her what she is today.
Other Gear:
Claire is rarely seen without "The Book": a large, leather-bound tome whose contents differ depending on who you ask: it either contains the common law of Remnant, a list of safe houses, a list of those who have evaded justice, or a ledger of favors owed to her.

A major part of her mythos is her generous nature, so she always carries large quantities of cash to distribute to those in genuine need.
Fighting Style:
Like the legends that surround her, Claire's fighting style is effervescent and unpredictable. Her extreme skill with her weapon affords her the ability to attack from anywhere, and her Semblance allows her to utilize exotic abilities seamlessly.

While her Semblance is rarely unused in combat, when it isn't Claire's default style is to use the kusarigama head as a grapple for rapid traversal and to bind foes, while a handheld meteor hammer and a flurry of kicks dispatch Grimm with ease.
Claire's biggest strength is that no one knows what her Semblance actually does. The many (seemingly-contradictory) accounts of her Semblance doing a wide variety of things has led some authority figures to speculate that her Semblance is a build-a-power on-demand with varying costs according to some eldritch logic (which, ironically, means that it is sometimes exactly that).

Her other strengths include her extreme skill with her weapon and her ability to go anywhere and be welcome with the less fortunate population.
Claire’s biggest weakness is her inflexible worldview. She is slow to trust and slower still to form meaningful attachments.
+ competent, active peacekeeping forces
+ people who stand up for what they believe in
+ people who keep their word
+ comfortable shoes
+ seeing the greedy brought to ruin
- corrupt bureaucrats
- any clothing she can't kick someone in the head while wearing
- bandits
- complacency of the masses
- racists
Alternate Characters:
Kailyn Keison
Lauren Voltaire
Sean McCabe
Chain Dupp
Leonard Uaine
Azoireda Ikteris
Ethan Sagol
Saoirse Luíseach
Hamish Ebony
Raymond Drizton
Ziva Kaplan
Nell Kotsiopoulos
Professor Silas Aronheim

Contact Claire Buíocán

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Claire moralizes in bolded 000000.
Claire's Semblance speaks to her in 757575.

You can find EPs for all my characters here.