Viewing profile - Nata Rainwalts

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Nata Rainwalts
White Tiger
Mar 26th
Gender Identity:
Faunus: Tiger ears
Anima / Vale
Character Picture:
136 lbs
Eye Color:
Cyan Blue
Aura Color:
Physical Description:
A pale complexity to match with her snowy white hair; kept short and tidy to avoid getting in the way, and bright blue eyes, Nata's albinism was pretty apparent at a first glance. However, her body stature can be deceptive, From the outside, she might seem lithe and skinny, the cat Faunus is very athletic, somewhat muscular underneath the layers.
Outfit Description:
Nata's casual wear is often worn when she's also out in the field or in battle, with a few adjustments. Plain T-shirt that matches her eyes; cargo pants or jeans that are not too tight and black steel toe boots; all combined into quite a practical set. During combat, she would don her combat vest: A durable black vest that holds a few vials of dust for a plethora of situations and a holding sheath on the back for her favorite weapon of choice.

At Beacon, Nata opted to wear the men's uniform, with the dress code often flung out of the window. The red necktie is often worn loosely around the collar, sometimes even missing entirely; Jacket rarely ever buttoned up correctly; The white shirt underneath is often untucked.
Personality Description:
Brash and brutish would be the best way to describe how Nata are often like. "Act first and think things through while acting" is the motto that the cat Faunus lived by. Oftentimes in heated stand-offs, Nata would be the one to throw the first punch. No stranger to street fights, the young lady is quite a foul-mouthed individual. She got quite a colorful vocabulary with insults very often hurled and hissed from her mouth in fights, regardless of opponents.

Also no stranger to confrontations, one thing Nata is not is a pushover. Resilience might as well be her middle name, as the young Faunus will stand her ground regardless of her standing, sometimes much to her detriment. This resilience also follows her in combat, as it's often the driving force that keeps Nata fighting even after suffering enough damage that would normally put someone else out.

Behind all the brutishness and hardheadedness, Nata has a quite compassionate side that she isn't afraid to show. If someone's in trouble, she's very eager to lend a hand, also expecting the favor to go both ways. She's quite easy to trust others, but that trust is also rather fragile.

Contrasting with her delinquency, Nata shows great respect toward individuals with great leader skills, one who would take the initiatives on a task rather than someone who is put up to take the charge.
Backstory Highlights:
Nata was born in a quiet fishing village located toward the eastern coast of Anima. But when she was a kid, her family moved to Vale for a brighter future. Her dad was an honest dock worker, always busy with work and exhausted when he got home. Her mother was a teacher at an elementary school, the same school she attended. Because of this, the kids at school often teased Nata for being a "teacher's pet". Most of the time, the white Faunus played it off as though it was nothing, but deep down Nata hated it, and that hate would brew more and more each passing time, until one day when her patient cracked… and so did the nose of the unfortunate kid that’s made fun of her that day. Her transgression against the kids that had been calling her names continued, despite time after time getting herself in trouble for it. If she couldn’t get to the kids during school time, the beatdown would happen after school. Eventually, she built herself a nickname: White Tiger.

That name continued to strike fear into the students of her schools when she grew older. No one dared making any remarks or even spoken up about her when she’s around, and Nata practically had free range of the school to do whatever she felt like. Even teachers and faculties wouldn’t dare to speak up, less they get their office trash, belongings destroyed and no one would dare point a finger.

Her reputation even got out into the street when a group of delinquents tried to coerce her to join their gang. Nata instead spit at their shoes as a reply, and although they tried to teach her a lesson about respect, Nata proved herself to be quite a formidable opponent. No amount of beating could truly bring her down. With each time they tried, the white cat Faunus would simply crawl back up and jump back into the brawl. If she got knocked out during the scuffle, then the next day she would be the one instigating, laying the hammer down on each individual before they could even react. Eventually, these delinquents found where Nata lived and threatened her family. They broke into the house and trashed everything. Seeing her mother losing sleep over stress, her father failing at work because he couldn’t get enough rest, Nata was pissed. Jumping and beating her was one thing, this one crossed the line.

One night, sneaking out with a large metal bat that her family had bought for home defense after the incident, the White Tiger went to the hideout where she knew these delinquents love to hang around and confront the entire group. There was fire burning in her eyes, and that night, a brutal one sided war erupted. Something had awoken in Nata. That night, she had never felt so empowered before. Each blow she struck against these bullies felt like thunder as each hit sent bodies flying until there was no one else standing but her alone.

Words of the fight spreaded around, all talking about a white Tiger Faunus who fought so fiercely she drove an entire gang out of their territory and now ran the place. Nata found it rather amusing, feeling somewhat vindicated that her reputation grew so large, until the White Tiger herself had to face the wrath of an angry mother. The chew out she faced rivals that of her beatdown on the delinquent gang. For the first time, Nata had to admit that there is an authoritative figure scary enough to make her submit.

The next few years were rather uneventful. Despite suffering the legendary scolding of her lifetime, Nata never left her home without the steel bat. She heard that a new group had moved in to replace the one she’d beaten up so badly. This one however, learned the lesson and left Nata alone, lest they face the Tiger’s wrath. Mom and Dad had practically given up on scolding her about her delinquency behaviors. However, on her 18th birthday, Nata was surprised with a special letter. Her mother had been signing her up to prestigious hunter Academies all across Remnants, and she had been accepted to Beacon. At first, there were worries about how Nata would receive the news, but her parents were elated to see such a positive response from their hard headed daughter.

The following weeks, her parents began preparing for her sendoffs. Dad took a few days off to take Nata shopping, picking out a few nice sets of clothes for Nata to wear. Mom had a custom made weapon fitted to Nata’s liking, and with a bit of personal touch, Nata took a spraying can to make the weapon really fit with her personality. Once everything was set, the cat Faunus said her final goodbyes and headed off. For once, she’s excited for more challenges ahead.
Everything Nata has learned thus far, she'd learned from the streets.
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
A trickier semblance than most, Nata's semblance is her ability to continue taking damage. As if she's affected by a constant surge of adrenaline, her semblance makes her immune to most physical pain, negative effects and fatigue, allowing the white Faunus to keep fighting even after suffering multiple injuries that would have put someone else down. The longer Nata stays in battle, the more feverous she would be while others get worn down through tiredness.

However, Nata is not completely invincible. While not feeling the effect of fatigue or the injuries she racks up in battle, Nata's body is still taking the damage. Thus, overexertion is a dangerous killer, and even when her aura shield is cracked and her body is in great harm, she wouldn't feel a thing until the battle has winded down and all the effects hit her at once.
Weapon Name:
Bonk Stick
Weapon Image: ... eel-01.jpg
Weapon Description:
Simple, effective, easy to use, Nata's weapon of choice is the same steel baseball bat that she had chosen to be her weapon of choice in her time dominating the streets, with a few modification. It is a 32 inches long steel baseball bat, made to be more condense and heavier to use, packed with destructive power to combat Grimm monsters.

When the situation calls for it, the bat has a special kill mode that can be activate with a twist from the base of the handle. When turn, two sharp spikes spring out on each side from the shaft of the weapon, turning the already deadly bat into an even deadlier warpick.

Nata's personal touch: Along the body of the black steel baseball bat, Nata has drawn the word "Bonk" on it, adding a little humor to this force of destruction.
Fighting Style:
Nata's fighting style consists of the tiger Faunus brandishing her weapons, sometimes even going bare handed and leap into the fray headfirst. Nata will constantly press on the advantage, leaving the opponent little room to response. The few times that she leaves herself wide open for a counter, it would be hard to capitalize as the girl is constantly in attacking mode. If the enemy wanted to counter, they themselves leave them vulnerable for strike, and Nata would surely take it whether if it's a miss or hit.

Fighting unarmed, the white Faunus love tackling enemy down onto the ground and lay down a brutal beating on her foes when she's on top. Her punches are fierce and strong, often aim for the face and vital area. On top of that, Nata isn't one that's above dirty fighting. Given the chance, she would surely go for a 5 on 2 to get her opponent down to the ground where she can get on top, or shooting a punch or two to the back of the leg to trip her opponent's balance.

In each of her fighting style, Nata show almost no reaction to the wounds and injuries she took during the fight.
Over the times, Nata has developed a "give no care" attitude toward any adversaries. A brave and unflinching soul, Nata is not afraid of any type of situation. Once she had set her mind onto a task, there will be no hesitation when the gal is diving head first into it.

Resilience is the greatest attribute Nata has to offer. The tiger Faunus never knew how to quit, and often when there is no solution to a problem, Nata would make her own solution, sometimes for the worse. Times after times, Nata managed to get back up and return to the fight even when she's completely battered, only willing to go out when all her lights are out.

Being dutiful is something Nata strives to become. No task is ever left half baked, and once she had made a promise with anyone, she's keeping it until the end.

Behind all the tough act is a pretty kind hearted soul. She often shows a lot of compassions to those who got pushed over by bullies stronger than them. In her perspectives, seeing those kind of people reminded her of herself when she was young , constantly asking herself the question: "What if she couldn't fought back." If they can't fight for themselves, she could fight for them, but there's going to be a price.
Her demeanors are often rather lousy and rude toward most people. To say that she isn't a people person would be sugar coating. Particularly, Nata sees authoritative figures as weak, relying on some kind of ranking just to one up others, control seeking losers.

Going side to side with her "act first" life motto, Nata often lacks the critical thinking skills to weight her options and pick out the best plan for the situation. Once she's in the thick of it, fist swinging, that's when her thinking start.

Nata might as well be a magnet of troubles, as when she often dive headfirst into the fray, she also often finds herself neck deep in bad situations that could be avoided, whether biting off more than she can chew or getting into verbal confrontations with bystanders,...

For one that gets into a lot of fight, Nata often find herself lacking in her capabilities to deal with enemy from a distance away. Her weapon offers no range options, and her Semblance only allows her to take the hit from enemy afar away, she often needs to hide from those ranged enemies or goes through extra hoops and loops to get close to them.
+ Music (Jazz and Rock)
+ Relaxing
+ Energy drink
+ Sweet Pastries (+++ Cheese Cakes)
+ Instant Noodles
+ Video games
+ Working out
+ Hanging out with friends
+ Being independant
+ Mom and Dad <3
- Authoritative Figures
- Egotists
- Name calling
- Sour food
- Doing homework
- Laundry duty
- Those that talk too much.
- Getting sick
- People that's untrustworthy.
Fun Facts:
-Due to how Nata's semblance work, it might seems like Nata possess an unnaturally high alcohol tolerance. However, in truth, Nata's semblance simply allow her to ignore the negative effects of alcohol. She can still pass out drinking too much alcohol, and hang overs are almost a guarantee.

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