Viewing profile - Hyacinth Bordeaux

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Hyacinth Bordeaux
Jan 3rd
Gender Identity:
Faunus (Snow Leopard; Tail)
Character Picture:
Personal Emblem Image:
Eye Color:
Lime green
Aura Color:
Neon purple
Physical Description:
Cinth sports a shallow hourglass figure, with visibly toned muscle, especially with her arms and shoulders, as she wields a very heavy weapon and it shows. Her face is angular, but her features are soft and highly feminine. Her pale skin contrasts greatly with her dyed black hair—streaked with the same bright purple and green seen on her mask—that hangs unevenly at roughly shoulder length. Her faunus heritage manifests as a long snow leopard tail. Seeing as snow leopard tails are quite long in proportion to their bodies, Cinth’s tail is also quite long, being 53 inches long. Alluding to her faunus heritage, Cinth has a scattering of birth marks along her shoulders and thighs reminiscent of a leopard print. Cinth has several tattoos. The larger two of her tattoos are both tech-like circles, one located on her right hip, extending up her torso and a little down her thigh, and the other located on her left shoulder. As well, she has the word “darling” written under her left breast and an xoxo under her right eye. One of Cinth’s most notable physical features, as long as her mask is off, is the large lightning-style scar that starts at her left eye and spreads across the left side of her face—the attack she suffered burst her eye, leaving her with a mechanical eye that, alongside replacing the natural nightvision she possesses as a faunus, can also see in thermal vision.
Outfit Description:
Cinth’s typical attire is quite eccentric. Her top consists of a long, black and green strip of fabric with a head hole in the center than she wraps around her body twice, with the higher X being high enough that the middle of her purple bra can be seen beneath it. Her jeans are a stitched from several different shades of gray fabric and decorated with a menagerie of fishnet-backed holes, silver rings stitched into the fabric, and buckles. A slit runs the full lengths of the same leg, held together with laced up black ribbon. Her only notable accessories are her Anchors, of course, her mask. Cinth’s mask is a crescent moon shape, covering one half of her face in a hard, matte black material decorated with neon purple and green outlines. Around her right bicep is a wide black ribbon.
Personality Description:
Still in the process of shedding her old showgirl persona and finding her true self, Cinth is a walking contradiction. She’s just as fast to be petty and judgemental as she is to be friendly and polite, trying to be a nicer person but unable to completely let go of the highly competitive, passive aggressive environment she once dominated. While Cinth has very strong, firm beliefs about right and wrong, she is often unassertive in her beliefs, especially when she has something to gain from staying silent. Cinth is incredibly extroverted—she had to be with her life style—and thrives off attention, craving it like a lifeline. Yet even with her need for attention, Cinth can be incredibly self conscious and insecure, which is partially why she is so quick to judge others, as she’s desperately trying to silence her own insecurities by finding ways she’s better than other people. Her decision to engage in huntressing comes less from an overt desire to aid others, and more from a purely convenient match of skillsets, however she does recognize that atoning for her past wrongdoings will require her to aid others as much as she can, and she is glad she possesses the skills to do so.
Backstory Highlights:
Cinth’s story starts on the streets of Kuchinashi, as just another young street urchin in the throng. The bastard child of a prostitute and an unknown male client, Cinth ended up on the streets after the untimely death of her mother due to an illness. Cinth was too young to remember much about her mother, if at all. In her mind, the first family she had was a gaggle of other street kids ranging from ages six to eleven, Cinth first met them when she was nine. The oldest and leader of the group, Bonnie Bordeaux, had taken it upon herself to name every person who joined their group. Cinth already had a first name, but no last name. Thus, she, like everyone else who came to join their group without a last name, was given the last name Bordeaux.

Cinth spent five years with Bonnie and her crew, learning how to survive, and, more importantly, how to perform. All the children had to help contribute to the income of any money and food they could get, so Cinth’s old methods of begging and pickpocketing wouldn’t be enough, she needed something that could get her more money. She joined up with a couple other kids who specialized in street performing, as she found that to be the most entertaining. It was there that she first learned to play guitar, and discovered her love for performing. By the age of thirteen, Cinth had started playing small gigs in cafes and bars alongside her regular street corner busking.

It was such an even that brought her to the next chapter of her life. At the age of fourteen, Cinth was playing in a bar when she was approached by a man named Volcan Tirich. He had seen a few of her performances, and wanted to offer her a job performing in a club he owned in Mistral. While Cinth was sad to leave her friends, her first real family, behind, the job would pay extraordinarily well, and she didn’t have much choice in the matter either. Thus, Cinth took the job with the promise to send her friends some of the money she made, and moved all the way to Mistral.

The job turned out to be a lot more than just performing. The club, the Tooth and Claw, was a mix between a lounge club and a strip club, with the refinity and class of a high end lounge paired with the eye candy of a strip club. Cinth was more than a live performance, she was a showgirl, and she wasn’t the only one. Tirich’s showgirls were all young, pretty girls, donned in little more than body glitter and feathers, all expected to appeal to the customers, entertain them, go between tables and collect tips in between musical sets.

For two years, Cinth was merely just another showgirl, competing with everyone else to make the most tips, to impress Tirich the most. And in the end, Cinth won. Volcan had already thought she was special, with her musical talent on parr with prodigies and her face more than a sight for sore eyes, and the effort she put towards her performances—and the performances themselves—only solidified that. Cinth wound up as Volcan’s favorite, and, by the time she was 16, their relationship had developed into something more than professional.

Being Volcan’s girlfriend gave Cinth even more benefits than just being his favorite showgirl. It also came with the realization that the Tooth and Claw was part of something bigger. The Tooth and Claw was a business juncture for vigilante types, mercenaries, huntsmen rejects. There they could meet with clients to dispose of Grimm for higher prices than were usually paid to Huntsmen, or with methods that would be frowned upon by proper Huntsmen. In other words, they could get the job done, but they weren’t going to be nice about it. Cinth found the concept to be fascinating, and, using all the benefits that being Volcan’s girlfriend got her, managed to sway several of the Tooth and Claw regulars to teach her combat. She soon found that combat brought her just as much joy as performing did, and thew herself into it to make up for her lowered amount of performance times. Volcan didn’t approve of Cinth engaging in combat at first, but after she threatened to leave entirely, he eventually surrendered and let her join up with a crew of mercenaries than came by regularly looking for contracts.

It was with this crew that Cinth learned to fight, with the focus being on how to fight against and take down Grimm, seeing as that was what the mercenaries were used to. They also aided her in unlocking her aura, thought the discovery of her semblance came later on, during one of the few performances she was still doing. For the next two years, Cinth focused on learning combat, straying farther from the life of a showgirl and more into the life of a Grimm hunter. It was during an attempted mission that Cinth took a rough hit to the face, scarring that half of her face and costing her her eye.

The next major change of Cinth’s life starts with a falling out with Volcan. Over time Cinth grew to realize he actually wasn’t the great of a person, and what he was doing wasn’t for the best. Their disagreements resulted in her leaving following a nasty break up. She ended up moving all the way to Vale just to escape his attempts at winning her back. All alone in Vale, with nothing to give but her skills in music and combat, Cinth had to make a choice. She had two paths she could choose from, and, as much as she hated to admit it, she knew which one would be safer from Volcan. She knew he would expect her to go back to music, so she chose her other option. If she was going to go into combat, she better get the best education she could. Using the last of the money she’d earned while working at the Tooth and Claw, Cinth commissioned a weapon fit for a huntsman. She spent several months training on her own with the weapon, getting a feel for it, making it an extension of her body. Come the new school year, Cinth enrolled in the local huntsman academy, not knowing it’s reputation. She just barely scraped passed the entrance exam, though she is not aware of this. All she knows is that she passed, and now has the opportunity to start a new chapter of life, hopefully far away from Mistral and Volcan.
Student, musician
Cinth has no previous formal education, though she was taught combat by a group of professionals, including ex-Huntsmen.
Semblance Name:
Semblance Description:
A musician at heart, Cinth’s semblance involves the infusion of music with aura to give her physical boosts. In short, Cinth can alter her strength and speed in accordance with the bpm of a song. The baseline is 80bpm; at 80bpm her strength and speed are at their normal levels. From there, an increase in 1 bpm means a proportional increase in strength and speed, increasing by 1 pound and 1mph respectively per bpm.

However, being able to alter strength and speed seemingly so easily comes with a price, or several. For one, her heart rate and metabolism increase proportionally in order to keep up with her the body’s increased abilities. This can make her tire out quite quickly, and she will be left exhausted and starving if the bpm is too high or the effects last for too long. As of currently, her comfortable maximum bpm is 200bpm. If she really pushes herself, she can reach a hard maximum of 250bpm, however she can’t hold that state for longer than a single song.

As well, songs with a bpm lower than 80 have a negative effect. Unlike with increasing bpm, her strength and speed don’t decrease directly proportionally with the decrease of bpm, simply due to the fact that you can’t have “negative strength” or “negative speed.” Instead, strength and speed decrease proportionally with the bpm until the bpm reaches 50. From there, the effects plateau, she will find moving to be quite difficult if not impossible, and will be very sluggish and exhausted due to the slow rate of her heartbeat. Such as effect could potentially be beneficial if she was, say, trapped in a cave and trying to avoid starvation, due to her slowed metabolism, but would be incredibly detrimental in a fight if a slow song came on while her semblance was activated.

A further complication with her semblance is a side effect called track sickness. Track sickness occurs when her semblance is active during a change in song, with the effects increasing the more drastic the difference in bpm is between the songs. The sudden change in bpm, and thus sudden change in her body’s physical capabilities, can leave Cinth feeling dizzy, disoriented, and nauseous, depending on how different the bpm of each song is. The duration of the track sickness varies depending on how intense it is, taking anywhere from 3 seconds to 30 to settle down. In a similar vein is the fact that, even without track sickness it still takes a few seconds for Cinth to get used to the bpm of the song and have the effects kick in, so she can’t put a song on and get immediate results.

If a song has an inconsistent bpm, such as starting slow and getting faster, then Cinth's speed and strength will be inconsistent in accordance with the changing bpm.
Weapon Name:
Aria Major
Weapon Image:
Weapon Description:
In its base form, Aria Major is a combination of a large, double bladed, grunge punk battle axe and a Harlem X electric guitar, with the ability to transform into a rifle and a chainsaw, as well as utilize Dust, with a bladed grappling hook built into the headstock. Aria Major is no delicate weapon, being built to handle Grimm, when fully engaged the weapon stands at five and a half feet tall, with the head being easily large than Cinth’s torso. Due to Cinth needing to be able to play music on the fly to work with her semblance, the inner workings of Aria Major contain not only the components for an electric guitar, but also a tube amp and a three track loop station, allowing Cinth to record and properly play back any riffs she plays for her semblance. All the electronic components of Aria Major, alongside the chainsaw, are powered by a small combustion engine, which vents out the back via a fan system, as well as an exhaust pipe.

Inserting Dust crystals into the amp jack coats the strings in Dust, such that when playing chords waves of that type of Dust will be produced. By playing a riff before a chord, Cinth can charge up the Dust attacks to produce a larger wave. Up to two types of Dust can be used at a time like this. Another method of Dust use involves the aforementioned exhaust pipe, this allows Dust effects to be shot from the exhaust pipe. Typically only fire, lightning, and wind are used with this effect, as other Dust types risk clogging or damaging the exhaust pipe. The third minor usage of Dust is only activated when Cinth plugs her scroll into a small port on the face of Aria Major. With this effect, hard light Dust will begin pulsing around the edges of the blades like a sound wave in time with the music being played off Cinth’s scroll. In general, the body and headstock are infused with gravity Dust, so that Aria Major will float when activated, allowing Cinth to play without having to deal with a strap; she can throw her weapon and call it back to her, as the Dust is paired to the Dust in her Anchors. This feature also enables Cinth to use Aria Major like a hover board.
Other Gear:
Cinth’s Anchors consist of black gloves, black leather bracers that connect to straps around her knuckles and thumb to secure them, and five interlocked metal bracelets per arm shaped like vertebrae; the metal bracelets are infused with gravity dust. These anchors are paired with the gravity dust in Aria Major, keeping the weapon from floating away aimlessly as it would if it were untethered, as well as allowing Cinth to call her weapon to her from a distance.

Cinth’s headset is a pair of black and purple headphones with a folding mic and glowing purple cat ears on top. The headset pairs wirelessly to Cinth’s scroll, and when her scroll is plugged into Aria Major, any sound produced by Aria Major will play through her headset. The headset comes with a hard light HUD that displays Cinth’s scroll screen, making it easier for Cinth to keep track of her aura levels, send and receive calls, and keep track of what songs are playing.
Fighting Style:
Cinth’s fighting style is offense-heavy, and primarily melee, with the attitude that offense is the best defense. The majority of her combat training was done with the purpose of fighting Grimm, so her style relies mainly on large, heavy attacks, and is all weapons based, with little to no focus on hand to hand. She has some versatility in her style with being able to switch between heavy attacks and faster, lighter attacks, as she needed to be prepared to face all sorts of Grimm, as well as needing to both incapacitate or exterminate depending on her goal. While her style is mainly melee-centric, Cinth does have the options for mid ranged attacks via Dust or her grappling hook, or ranged attacks with her rifle, or by throwing and recalling Aria Major, however those are used less often, and mainly if Cinth needs to take a step back from the action and take a breather.
Over time, Cinth has learned how to easily negotiate deals and compromises; she knows what to say to get people to agree with her, and can talk her way into or out of just about any situation. She knows how to get people to do what she wants, and can negotiate situations to maximize how much she gains and minimize how much she has to give, getting more than it looks like she’s getting.

Through her time with Volcan, Cinth has built a widespread network of informants that she can call upon. Clients of the his, usually, but occasionally ex-associates, mercenaries hired to help them fight Grimm, or even old enemies. Either way, Cinth knows people all over the globe, and can use her leverage as Volcan’s girlfriend to her advantage. In other words, Cinth often “knows a guy” who may have useful information for assignments or tasks.

Versatile in combat:
Cinth’s combat style is primarily melee heavy, but Aria Major’s transformations allow for different ranges of fighting, and Cinth is able to fight with a variety of styles because of this. As well, the various mechanisms of Aria Major give her fighting style more adaptability in combat, from stealth missions to going in guns blazing, Aria Major’s numerous features allow for a flexible approach to assignments and encounters.

Works well under pressure:
Especially in the later period of her time with Volcan, when she was working more Grimm, Cinth got used to working in high stress environments with short deadlines. She’s gotten used to working well under pressure because of this, and can keep her cool even in high stakes, risky encounters.

Used to fighting with a team:
All of Cinth’s encounters with Grimm were with a team of other fighters, thus she is used to fighting with other people, and will be able to work well in a huntsman team. She can take charge and lead if need be, or will happily follow someone else’s orders. She’s not the best at strategy, but will always be willing to pitch in her ideas if no one else has anything.
Used to fighting Grimm:
Almost all of Cinth’s combat experience comes from fighting Grimm. This is fine in a real encounter, but can present a problem during things such as tournaments or casual sparring matches, as she will often treat even a casual match as a fight to the death, going overboard in ways that come across as unsportsman like. This can make it easier for bad blood to brew between her and other people, or make her seem more violent than she actually is.

Cinth may have strong beliefs, but she doesn’t voice them often, especially when she can gain something out of staying silent. She will view the benefits as worth the discomfort of her situation, and would rather tolerate something she views as wrong than defend her beliefs and risk losing her benefits.

Her tail:
A physical weakness of Cinth’s is her tail. She has quite a long tail, and it’s easy, especially in combat, for it to get in the way or get caught in something. It’s easy to target with a weapon, and easy for an opponent to grab and tug on.

Weapon dependency:
As previously stated, Cinth's fighting style is geared towards Grimm, meaning that she relies heavily on her weapon, and has very little experience with unarmed hand to hand combat. Even when using her semblance, Cinth isn't very effective in combat without her weapon.
- Music
- Combat
- Aria Major
- The color purple
- Glitter and makeup
- Fall weather
- Sour candy
- Boys and girls
- Silence
- Mistral
- Volcan
- Being treated or seen as just a pretty face
- Heat
- Large dogs
Fun Facts:
Alongside simply touching and toying with her tail, Cinth imitates the typical snow leopard behaviour of holding her tail in her mouth. She doesn’t chew on it or bite it, exactly, she just holds the end lightly. This is a subconscious actions that usually occurs whenever she’s anxious or particularly bored, as the action can be both comforting and entertaining.
Alternate Characters:
Citrine Locke

Contact Hyacinth Bordeaux

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